Beispiel #1
    def Respond(self, line, channel=None):
        """Adds a response to this expectation.

      line: The response to add.
      channel: The output channel to respond with 'line' in.
        if channel is None:
            channel = OUTCHANNEL.STDOUT
        if channel == OUTCHANNEL.COMMAND:
            self.response.setdefault(OUTCHANNEL.COMMAND, []).append(line)
        elif channel == OUTCHANNEL.STDOUT:
            self.response.setdefault(OUTCHANNEL.STDOUT, []).append(line)
        elif channel == OUTCHANNEL.STDERR:
            self.response.setdefault(OUTCHANNEL.STDERR, []).append(line)
        elif channel == OUTCHANNEL.STATUS:
            if OUTCHANNEL.STATUS in self.response:
                raise vroom.ParseError(
                    'A system call cannot return two statuses!')
                status = int(line)
            except ValueError:
                raise vroom.ParseError('Returned status must be a number.')
            self.response[OUTCHANNEL.STATUS] = status
            assert False, 'Unrecognized output channel word.'
Beispiel #2
    def Response(self, command):
        """Returns the command that should be done in place of the true command.

    This will either be the original command or a call to respond.vroomfaker.

      command: The vim-requested command.
      The user-specified command.
        if self.expectation is not None:
            if not vroom.test.Matches(self.expectation, self.mode, command):
                return False

        # We don't want to do this on init because regexes don't repr() as nicely as
        # strings do.
        if self.expectation and self.mode == vroom.controls.MODE.REGEX:
                match_regex = re.compile(self.expectation)
            except re.error as e:
                raise vroom.ParseError(
                    "Can't match command. Invalid regex. %s'" % e)
            match_regex = re.compile(r'^.*$')

        # The actual response won't be exactly like the internal response, because
        # we've got to do some regex group binding magic.
        response = {}

        # Expand all of the responders that want to be bound to the regex.
            for line in self.response.get(channel, []):
                # We do an re.sub() regardless of whether the control was bound as
                # a regex: this forces you to escape consistently between all match
                # groups, which will help prevent your tests from breaking if you later
                # switch the command matching to regex from verbatim/glob.
                    line = match_regex.sub(line, command)
                except re.error as e:
                    # 'invalid group reference' is the expected message here.
                    # Unfortunately the python re module doesn't differentiate its
                    # exceptions well.
                    if self.mode != vroom.controls.MODE.REGEX:
                        raise vroom.ParseError(
                            'Substitution error. '
                            'Ensure that matchgroups (such as \\1) are escaped.'
                    raise vroom.ParseError('Substitution error: %s.' % e)
                response.setdefault(channel, []).append(line)

        # The return status can't be regex-bound.
        if OUTCHANNEL.STATUS in self.response:
            response[OUTCHANNEL.STATUS] = self.response[OUTCHANNEL.STATUS]

        # If we actually want to do anything, call out to the responder.
        if response:
            return '%s %s' % (self.fakecmd, pipes.quote(json.dumps(response)))
        return command
Beispiel #3
def ActionLine(line, state=None):
    """Parses a single action line of a vroom file.

  >>> ActionLine('This is a comment.')
  ('comment', 'This is a comment.', {})
  >>> ActionLine('  > iHello, world!<ESC> (2s)')
  ('input', 'iHello, world!<ESC>', {'delay': 2.0})
  >>> ActionLine('  :wqa')
  ('command', 'wqa', {'delay': None})
  >>> ActionLine('  % Hello, world!')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('text', 'Hello, world!', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  |To be continued.')
  ('continuation', 'To be continued.', {})
  >>> ActionLine('  ~ ERROR(*): (glob)')
  ('message', 'ERROR(*):', {'mode': 'glob'})
  >>> ActionLine('  ! system says (regex)')
  ('system', 'system says', {'mode': 'regex'})
  >>> ActionLine('  $ I say...')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('hijack', 'I say...', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  $ I say... (stderr)')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('hijack', 'I say...', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  @clear')
  ('directive', 'clear', {})
  >>> ActionLine('  @nope')
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  ParseError: Unrecognized directive "nope"
  >>> state = ParseState([])
  >>> ActionLine('  @macro (abc)', state)
  ('macro', None, None)
  >>> state.lineno += 1 # need to update the state lineno
  >>> ActionLine('  > iHello, world!<ESC> (2s)', state)
  ('macro', None, None)
  >>> state.lineno += 1
  >>> ActionLine('  :wqa', state)
  ('macro', None, None)
  >>> state.lineno += 1
  >>> ActionLine('  % Hello, world!', state)
  ('macro', None, None)
  >>> ActionLine('  @endmacro', state)
  ('macro', None, None)
  >>> state.lines
  >>> ActionLine('  @do (abc)', state)
  ('macro', None, None)
  >>> state.NextLine() # macro lines are added to the front of the queue
  ('  > iHello, world!<ESC> (2s)', 0)
  >>> state.NextLine()
  ('  :wqa', 1)
  >>> state.NextLine()
  ('  % Hello, world!', 2)
  >>> ActionLine('  & Output!')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('output', 'Output!', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  Simpler output!')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('output', 'Simpler output!', ...)

    line: The line (string)
    state(ParseState): An object keeping track of parse state
    (ACTION, line, controls) where line is the original line with the newline,
        action prefix ('  > ', etc.) and control block removed, and controls is
        a control dictionary.

    # If a macro is currently being recorded, then we must lookahead for the
    # @endmacro directive or else it would be included in the macro which is not
    # what we want
    if state and state.macro_name and not line.startswith(ENDMACRO):
        state.macros[state.macro_name].append((line, state.lineno))
        return (ACTION.MACRO, None, None)

    line = line.rstrip('\n')

    # PASS is different from COMMENT in that PASS breaks up output blocks,
    # hijack continuations, etc.
    if not line:
        return (ACTION.PASS, line, {})

    if not line.startswith('  '):
        return (ACTION.COMMENT, line, {})

    # These lines do not use control blocks.
    # NOTE: We currently don't even check for control blocks on these line types,
    # preferring to trust the user. We should consider which scenario is more
    # common: People wanting a line ending in parentheses without escaping them,
    # and so using a continuation, versus people accidentally putting a control
    # block where they shouldn't and being surprised when it's ignored.
    # Data would be nice.
    for linetype, prefix in UNCONTROLLED_LINE_TYPES.items():
        if line.startswith(prefix):
            return (linetype, line[len(prefix):], {})

    # Directives must be parsed in two chunks, as some allow controls blocks and
    # some don't. This section is directives with no control blocks.
    if line.startswith(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):
        directive = line[len(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):]
        if directive == DIRECTIVE.CLEAR:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive, {})

    line, controls = vroom.controls.SplitLine(line)

    def Controls(options):
        return vroom.controls.Parse(controls or '', *options)

    # Here lie directives that have control blocks.
    if line.startswith(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):
        directive = line[len(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):]
        if directive == DIRECTIVE.END:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive, Controls(BUFFER_OPTIONS))
        elif directive == DIRECTIVE.MESSAGES:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive,
                    Controls((vroom.controls.OPTION.MESSAGE_STRICTNESS, )))
        elif directive == DIRECTIVE.SYSTEM:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive,
                    Controls((vroom.controls.OPTION.SYSTEM_STRICTNESS, )))
        elif directive == DIRECTIVE.MACRO:
            if state.macro_name:
                raise vroom.ParseError(
                    "Nested macro definitions aren't allowed")
            state.macro_name = controls
            state.macro_lineno = state.lineno
            state.macros[state.macro_name] = []
            return (ACTION.MACRO, None, None)
        elif directive == DIRECTIVE.ENDMACRO:
            if not state.macro_name:
                raise vroom.ParseError('Not defining a macro')
            state.macros[state.macro_name] = Macro(
            state.macro_name = None
            return (ACTION.MACRO, None, None)
        elif directive == DIRECTIVE.DO:
            name, kwargs = Macro.ParseCall(controls)
            if name not in state.macros:
                raise vroom.ParseError('Macro "%s" is not defined' % name)
            return (ACTION.MACRO, None, None)
        # Non-controlled directives should be parsed before SplitLineControls.
        raise vroom.ParseError('Unrecognized directive "%s"' % directive)

    for linetype, (prefix, options) in CONTROLLED_LINE_TYPES.items():
        if line.startswith(prefix):
            return (linetype, line[len(prefix):], Controls(options))

    # Special output to match empty buffer lines without trailing whitespace.
    if line == EMPTY_LINE_CHECK:
        return (ACTION.OUTPUT, '', Controls(OUTPUT_OPTIONS))

    # Default
    return (ACTION.OUTPUT, line[2:], Controls(OUTPUT_OPTIONS))
Beispiel #4
def ActionLine(line):
    """Parses a single action line of a vroom file.

  >>> ActionLine('This is a comment.')
  ('comment', 'This is a comment.', {})
  >>> ActionLine('  > iHello, world!<ESC> (2s)')
  ('input', 'iHello, world!<ESC>', {'delay': 2.0})
  >>> ActionLine('  :wqa')
  ('command', 'wqa', {'delay': None})
  >>> ActionLine('  % Hello, world!')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('text', 'Hello, world!', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  |To be continued.')
  ('continuation', 'To be continued.', {})
  >>> ActionLine('  ~ ERROR(*): (glob)')
  ('message', 'ERROR(*):', {'mode': 'glob'})
  >>> ActionLine('  ! system says (regex)')
  ('system', 'system says', {'mode': 'regex'})
  >>> ActionLine('  $ I say...')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('hijack', 'I say...', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  $ I say... (stderr)')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('hijack', 'I say...', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  @clear')
  ('directive', 'clear', {})
  >>> ActionLine('  @nope')
  Traceback (most recent call last):
  ParseError: Unrecognized directive "nope"
  >>> ActionLine('  & Output!')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('output', 'Output!', ...)
  >>> ActionLine('  Simpler output!')  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
  ('output', 'Simpler output!', ...)

    line: The line (string)
    (ACTION, line, controls) where line is the original line with the newline,
        action prefix ('  > ', etc.) and control block removed, and controls is
        a control dictionary.
    line = line.rstrip('\n')

    # PASS is different from COMMENT in that PASS breaks up output blocks,
    # hijack continuations, etc.
    if not line:
        return (ACTION.PASS, line, {})

    if not line.startswith('  '):
        return (ACTION.COMMENT, line, {})

    # These lines do not use control blocks.
    # NOTE: We currently don't even check for control blocks on these line types,
    # preferring to trust the user. We should consider which scenario is more
    # common: People wanting a line ending in parentheses without escaping them,
    # and so using a continuation, versus people accidentally putting a control
    # block where they shouldn't and being surprised when it's ignored.
    # Data would be nice.
    for linetype, prefix in UNCONTROLLED_LINE_TYPES.items():
        if line.startswith(prefix):
            return (linetype, line[len(prefix):], {})

    # Directives must be parsed in two chunks, as some allow controls blocks and
    # some don't. This section is directives with no control blocks.
    if line.startswith(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):
        directive = line[len(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):]
        if directive == DIRECTIVE.CLEAR:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive, {})

    line, controls = vroom.controls.SplitLine(line)

    def Controls(options):
        return vroom.controls.Parse(controls or '', *options)

    # Here lie directives that have control blocks.
    if line.startswith(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):
        directive = line[len(DIRECTIVE_PREFIX):]
        if directive == DIRECTIVE.END:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive, Controls(BUFFER_OPTIONS))
        elif directive == DIRECTIVE.MESSAGES:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive,
                    Controls((vroom.controls.OPTION.MESSAGE_STRICTNESS, )))
        elif directive == DIRECTIVE.SYSTEM:
            return (ACTION.DIRECTIVE, directive,
                    Controls((vroom.controls.OPTION.SYSTEM_STRICTNESS, )))
        # Non-controlled directives should be parsed before SplitLineControls.
        raise vroom.ParseError('Unrecognized directive "%s"' % directive)

    for linetype, (prefix, options) in CONTROLLED_LINE_TYPES.items():
        if line.startswith(prefix):
            return (linetype, line[len(prefix):], Controls(options))

    # Special output to match empty buffer lines without trailing whitespace.
    if line == EMPTY_LINE_CHECK:
        return (ACTION.OUTPUT, '', Controls(OUTPUT_OPTIONS))

    # Default
    return (ACTION.OUTPUT, line[2:], Controls(OUTPUT_OPTIONS))
Beispiel #5
def Parse(lines):
    """Parses a vroom file.

  Is actually a generator.

    lines: An iterable of lines to parse. (A file handle will do.)
    (Number, ACTION, Line, Control Dictionary) where
        Number is the original line number (which may not be the same as the
            index in the list if continuation lines were used. It's the line
            number of the last relevant continuation.)
        ACTION is the ACTION (will never be COMMENT nor CONTINUATION)
        Line is the parsed line.
        Control Dictionary is the control data.
    vroom.ParseError with the relevant line number and an error message.
    pending = None
    pass_count = 0
    state = ParseState(lines)

    while state.lines:
        line, lineno = state.NextLine()
        # ensure the state lineno always matches the real lineno(so it is restored
        # after a @do directive
        state.lineno = lineno
            (linetype, line, control) = ActionLine(line, state)
        # Add line number context to all parse errors.
        except vroom.ParseError as e:
        # Ignore comments during vroom execution.
        if linetype == ACTION.MACRO:
        if linetype == ACTION.COMMENT:
            # Comments break blank-line combos.
            pass_count = 0
        # Continuation actions are chained to the pending action.
        if linetype == ACTION.CONTINUATION:
            if pending is None:
                raise vroom.ConfigurationError('No command to continue',
            pending = (lineno, pending[1], pending[2] + line, pending[3])
        # Contiguous hijack commands are chained together by newline.
        if (pending is not None and pending[1] == ACTION.HIJACK and not control
                and linetype == ACTION.HIJACK):
            pending = (lineno, linetype, '\n'.join(
                (pending[2], line)), pending[3])
        # Flush out any pending commands now that we know there's no continuations.
        if pending:
            yield pending
            pending = None
        action = (lineno, linetype, line, control)
        # PASS lines can't be continuated.
        if linetype == ACTION.PASS:
            pass_count += 1
            if pass_count == BLANK_LINE_CLEAR_COMBO:
                yield (lineno, ACTION.DIRECTIVE, DIRECTIVE.CLEAR, {})
                yield action
            pass_count = 0
        # Hold on to this line in case it's followed by a continuation.
        pending = action
    # Flush out any actions still in the queue.
    if pending:
        yield pending
    if state.macro_name:
        e = vroom.ParseError('Unfinished macro "%s"' % state.macro_name)
        raise e