def setDefaults(self): = "ERROR" self.shape = "box" self.boxsize = vs.Vector(0, 0, 0) self.boxcenter = vs.Vector(0, 0, 0) self.margin = 0.04 self.bounce = 0.25 self.friction = 0.9 self.mass = 1 self.lindamp = 0.05 self.rotdamp = 0.1
def SetTransformAtTime(dag, time, transform): pos = vs.Vector() quat = vs.Quaternion() vs.MatrixPosition(transform, pos) vs.MatrixQuaternion(transform, quat) SetValueAtTime(dag.FindTransformControl().GetPositionChannel(), time, pos) SetValueAtTime(dag.FindTransformControl().GetOrientationChannel(), time, quat)
def TransformToPosQuat(transform): pos = vs.Vector() quat = vs.Quaternion() vs.MatrixPosition(transform, pos) vs.MatrixQuaternion(transform, quat) return pos, quat
def ComputeVectorBetweenBones(boneA, boneB, scaleFactor): vPosA = vs.Vector(0, 0, 0) boneA.GetAbsPosition(vPosA) vPosB = vs.Vector(0, 0, 0) boneB.GetAbsPosition(vPosB) vDir = vs.Vector(0, 0, 0) vs.mathlib.VectorSubtract(vPosB, vPosA, vDir) vDir.NormalizeInPlace() vScaledDir = vs.Vector(0, 0, 0) vs.mathlib.VectorScale(vDir, scaleFactor, vScaledDir) return vScaledDir
def TransformToPosEuler(transform): pos = vs.Vector() quat = vs.Quaternion() vs.MatrixPosition(transform, pos) vs.MatrixQuaternion(transform, quat) euler = vs.RadianEuler() vs.QuaternionAngles(quat, euler) return pos, euler
def listToVector(tup): return vs.Vector(tup[0], tup[1], tup[2])
def testFusionIMU(self): acc = vs.Vector(0, 0, 1) gyr = vs.Vector(0, 0, 0) fusionIMU = vs.FusionIMU() q = fusionIMU.init(acc, 0) qTarget = vs.Quat(1., 0, 0, 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) angle = math.pi / 3 acc = vs.Vector(0, math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)) q = fusionIMU.init(acc, 0) qTarget = vs.Quat(math.cos(angle / 2.), math.sin(angle / 2.), 0, 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) acc = vs.Vector(0, -math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)) q = fusionIMU.init(acc, 0) qTarget = vs.Quat(math.cos(angle / 2.), -math.sin(angle / 2.), 0, 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) acc = vs.Vector(math.sin(angle), 0, math.cos(angle)) q = fusionIMU.init(acc, 0) qTarget = vs.Quat(math.cos(angle / 2.), 0, -math.sin(angle / 2.), 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) acc = vs.Vector(-math.sin(angle), 0, math.cos(angle)) q = fusionIMU.init(acc, 0) qTarget = vs.Quat(math.cos(angle / 2.), 0, math.sin(angle / 2.), 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) # use accelerometer only fusionIMU.setFusionFactor(1) # discard gyroscope during fusion acc = vs.Vector(0, 0, 1) q = fusionIMU.init(acc, 1000000) qTarget = vs.Quat(1, 0, 0, 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) acc = vs.Vector(0, math.sin(angle), math.cos(angle)) gyr = vs.Vector(1, 1, 1) q = fusionIMU.update(gyr, acc, 2000000) qTarget = vs.Quat(math.cos(angle / 2.), math.sin(angle / 2.), 0, 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) # use gyroscope only fusionIMU.setFusionFactor(0) # discard accelerometer during fusion acc = vs.Vector(0, 0, 1) q = fusionIMU.init(acc, 1000000) qTarget = vs.Quat(1, 0, 0, 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget) acc = vs.Vector(0, 0, 1) gyr = vs.Vector(angle, 0, 0) q = fusionIMU.update(gyr, acc, 1033333) # integrate only during 1/30 of a second qTarget = vs.Quat(math.cos(angle / (2. * 30.)), math.sin(angle / (2. * 30.)), 0, 0) self.checkAlmostEqualQuaternions(q, qTarget)
def CreateReverseFoot(controlName, sideName, gameModel, animSet, shot, helperControlGroup, footControlGroup): # Cannot create foot controls without heel position, so check for that first heelAttachName = "pvt_heel_" + sideName if (gameModel.FindAttachment(heelAttachName) == 0): print "Could not create foot control " + controlName + ", model is missing heel attachment point: " + heelAttachName return None footRollDefault = 0.5 rotationAxis = vs.Vector(0, 0, 1) # Construct the name of the dag nodes of the foot and toe for the specified side footName = "rig_foot_" + sideName toeName = "rig_toe_" + sideName # Get the world space position and orientation of the foot and toe footPos = sfm.GetPosition(footName) footRot = sfm.GetRotation(footName) toePos = sfm.GetPosition(toeName) # Setup the reverse foot hierarchy such that the foot is the parent of all the foot transforms, the # reverse heel is the parent of the heel, so it can be used for rotations around the ball of the # foot that will move the heel, the heel is the parent of the foot IK handle so that it can perform # rotations around the heel and move the foot IK handle, resulting in moving all the foot bones. # root # + rig_foot_R # + rig_knee_R # + rig_reverseHeel_R # + rig_heel_R # + rig_footIK_R # Construct the reverse heel joint this will be used to rotate the heel around the toe, and as # such is positioned at the toe, but using the rotation of the foot which will be its parent, # so that it has no local rotation once parented to the foot. reverseHeelName = "rig_reverseHeel_" + sideName reverseHeelDag = sfm.CreateRigHandle(reverseHeelName, pos=toePos, rot=footRot, rotControl=False) sfmUtils.Parent(reverseHeelName, footName, vs.REPARENT_LOGS_OVERWRITE) # Construct the heel joint, this will be used to rotate the foot around the back of the heel so it # is created at the heel location (offset from the foot) and also given the rotation of its parent. heelName = "rig_heel_" + sideName vecHeelPos = gameModel.ComputeAttachmentPosition(heelAttachName) heelPos = [vecHeelPos.x, vecHeelPos.y, vecHeelPos.z] heelRot = sfm.GetRotation(reverseHeelName) heelDag = sfm.CreateRigHandle(heelName, pos=heelPos, rot=heelRot, posControl=True, rotControl=False) sfmUtils.Parent(heelName, reverseHeelName, vs.REPARENT_LOGS_OVERWRITE) # Create the ik handle which will be used as the target for the ik chain for the leg ikHandleName = "rig_footIK_" + sideName ikHandleDag = sfmUtils.CreateHandleAt(ikHandleName, footName) sfmUtils.Parent(ikHandleName, heelName, vs.REPARENT_LOGS_OVERWRITE) # Create an orient constraint which causes the toe's orientation to match the foot's orientation footRollControlName = controlName + "_" + sideName toeOrientTarget = sfm.OrientConstraint(footName, toeName, mo=True, controls=False) footRollControl, footRollValue = sfmUtils.CreateControlledValue( footRollControlName, "value", vs.AT_FLOAT, footRollDefault, animSet, shot) # Create the expressions to re-map the footroll slider value for use in the constraint and rotation operators toeOrientExprName = "expr_toeOrientEnable_" + sideName toeOrientExpr = sfmUtils.CreateExpression( toeOrientExprName, "inrange( footRoll, 0.5001, 1.0 )", animSet) toeOrientExpr.SetValue("footRoll", footRollDefault) toeRotateExprName = "expr_toeRotation_" + sideName toeRotateExpr = sfmUtils.CreateExpression( toeRotateExprName, "max( 0, (footRoll - 0.5) ) * 140", animSet) toeRotateExpr.SetValue("footRoll", footRollDefault) heelRotateExprName = "expr_heelRotation_" + sideName heelRotateExpr = sfmUtils.CreateExpression( heelRotateExprName, "max( 0, (0.5 - footRoll) ) * -100", animSet) heelRotateExpr.SetValue("footRoll", footRollDefault) # Create a connection from the footroll value to all of the expressions that require it footRollConnName = "conn_footRoll_" + sideName footRollConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection(footRollConnName, footRollValue, "value", animSet) footRollConn.AddOutput(toeOrientExpr, "footRoll") footRollConn.AddOutput(toeRotateExpr, "footRoll") footRollConn.AddOutput(heelRotateExpr, "footRoll") # Create the connection from the toe orientation enable expression to the target weight of the # toe orientation constraint, this will turn the constraint on an off based on the footRoll value toeOrientConnName = "conn_toeOrientExpr_" + sideName toeOrientConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection(toeOrientConnName, toeOrientExpr, "result", animSet) toeOrientConn.AddOutput(toeOrientTarget, "targetWeight") # Create a rotation constraint to drive the toe rotation and connect its input to the # toe rotation expression and connect its output to the reverse heel dag's orientation toeRotateConstraintName = "rotationConstraint_toe_" + sideName toeRotateConstraint = sfmUtils.CreateRotationConstraint( toeRotateConstraintName, rotationAxis, reverseHeelDag, animSet) toeRotateExprConnName = "conn_toeRotateExpr_" + sideName toeRotateExprConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection(toeRotateExprConnName, toeRotateExpr, "result", animSet) toeRotateExprConn.AddOutput(toeRotateConstraint, "rotations", 0) # Create a rotation constraint to drive the heel rotation and connect its input to the # heel rotation expression and connect its output to the heel dag's orientation heelRotateConstraintName = "rotationConstraint_heel_" + sideName heelRotateConstraint = sfmUtils.CreateRotationConstraint( heelRotateConstraintName, rotationAxis, heelDag, animSet) heelRotateExprConnName = "conn_heelRotateExpr_" + sideName heelRotateExprConn = sfmUtils.CreateConnection(heelRotateExprConnName, heelRotateExpr, "result", animSet) heelRotateExprConn.AddOutput(heelRotateConstraint, "rotations", 0) if (helperControlGroup != None): sfmUtils.AddDagControlsToGroup(helperControlGroup, reverseHeelDag, ikHandleDag, heelDag) if (footControlGroup != None): footControlGroup.AddControl(footRollControl) return ikHandleDag
def as_vsVector(self): return vs.Vector(*self)
def btToVsVector(vec): return vs.Vector(vec.x() * unitsPerMeter, vec.y() * unitsPerMeter, vec.z() * unitsPerMeter)
# Test getting the position and rotatation of a dag cubePos = animUtils.GetDagPosition(DagList(cubeDag), vs.TS_WORLD_SPACE) cubeRot = animUtils.GetDagRotation(DagList(cubeDag), vs.TS_WORLD_SPACE) print cubePos print cubeRot # Create a test dag testDag = animUtils.CreateDag("testDag", vs.vec3_origin, vs.quat_identity) print testDag # Test creating a dag list with multiple dag nodes dagList = vs.DagList(cubeDag, sphereDag, testDag) # Move the test dag animUtils.TransformDagNodes(vs.Vector(5, 5, 5), vs.quat_identity, DagList(testDag), False, vs.dmeutils.TS_WORLD_SPACE) testPos = animUtils.GetDagPosition(DagList(testDag), vs.TS_WORLD_SPACE) print testPos # Constrain the test dag, this should overwrite the position of the test dag testConstraint = animUtils.CreatePointConstraint("testConstraint", testDag, DagList(cubeDag), False, 1.0) print testConstraint testPos = animUtils.GetDagPosition(DagList(testDag), vs.TS_WORLD_SPACE) print testPos # Generate log samples for the test dag evaluating the constraint animUtils.GenerateLogSamples(testDag, None, True, True)