def test_CopyFileIntoVM(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     # TODO: How to check this method if status == 'POWERED ON'?
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.CopyFileIntoVM(srcFile=None, dstFile=None, overwrite=False)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.CopyFileIntoVM(srcFile=None, dstFile=None, overwrite=True)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.CopyFileIntoVM(srcFile='SOMEPATH', dstFile='SOMEPATH', overwrite=False)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.CopyFileIntoVM(srcFile='SOMEPATH', dstFile='SOMEPATH', overwrite=True)
 def test_MakeDirectoryOnVM(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     # TODO: How to check this method if status == 'POWERED ON'?
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.MakeDirectoryOnVM(dirPath=None, createSubDirs=True)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.MakeDirectoryOnVM(dirPath=None, createSubDirs=False)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.MakeDirectoryOnVM(dirPath='SOMEDIR', createSubDirs=True)
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
         sphere.MakeDirectoryOnVM(dirPath='SOMEDIR', createSubDirs=True)
 def test_ExecuteProgramOnVM(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     # TODO: How to check this method if status == 'POWERED ON'? How to check if program and if wait code blocks?
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
     with pytest.raises(Exception):
             args=r"/T:Green /C echo %aaa% & echo %bbb%",
             env=r"aaa:10, bbb:20",
 def test_GetVMSnapshotsList(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert isinstance(sphere.GetVMSnapshotsList(), list)
     assert sphere.GetVMSnapshotsList() == ['current snapshot', 'another snapshot']
 def test_DeleteVM(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.DeleteVM() is None  # Success delete operation return None by default
 def test_CloneVM(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     # TODO: How to check with 'POWERED ON' status?
     assert sphere.CloneVM(cloneName='FAKE') is None  # return None by default
 def test_VMRevertToSnapshot(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     # TODO: How to raise exception for check statusCode == -2
     assert sphere.VMRevertToSnapshot(snapshotName=None) == 0  # Success operation if current snapshot
     assert sphere.VMRevertToSnapshot(snapshotName='FAKE') == 0  # Success operation if named snapshot
 def test_VMRevertToCurrentSnapshot(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.VMRevertToCurrentSnapshot() == 0  # Success operation
 def test_SetVMIPaddressIntoTeamCityParameter(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.SetVMIPaddressIntoTeamCityParameter(paramName=None) is None  # return None by default
 def test_GetVMIPaddress(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.GetVMIPaddress() == ''
 def test_CreateVMSnapshot(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     # TODO: check statusCode == 0 and statusCode == 2. How to prevent snap.get_name() call?
     assert sphere.CreateVMSnapshot(name=None) == 1  # Fail because snapshot name not define
     assert sphere.CreateVMSnapshot(name='FAKE') == -1  # Fail because an error occured while creating snapshots
 def test_Version(self):
     assert isinstance(VSphereTools.Version(True), str), 'Input: [ True ] expected output: [ isinstance(True, str) == True]'
     assert isinstance(VSphereTools.Version(False), str), 'Input: [ False ] expected output: [ isinstance(False, str) == True]'
 def test_GetVMProperties(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.GetVMProperties() == {'ip_address': '', 'test': 123, 'testSub': {'subName': {'subSubName': 'qqq'}}}
 def test_VMStop(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     # TODO: How to check this method if status == 'POWERED ON'
     assert sphere.VMStop() == 'POWERED OFF'
 def test_VMStartWait(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.VMStart() == 'POWERED OFF'
 def test_VMStatus(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.VMStatus() == 'POWERED OFF'
 def test_init(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.vSphereServerInstance.connect() == 'CONNECTED'
     assert isinstance(sphere, VSphereTools.Sphere)
 def test_MonitoringProcessOnVM(self):
     sphere = VSphereTools.Sphere()
     assert sphere.MonitoringProcessOnVM(pID=None, remoteLogFile=None) == -1  # -1 because state is 'POWERED OFF'
     assert sphere.MonitoringProcessOnVM(pID=None, remoteLogFile='SOMEFILE') == -1
     assert sphere.MonitoringProcessOnVM(pID=123, remoteLogFile=None) == -1
     assert sphere.MonitoringProcessOnVM(pID=123, remoteLogFile='SOMEFILE') == -1