class reset_slice(Method):
    Reset the specified slice      

    @param cred credential string specifying the rights of the caller
    @param xrn human readable name of slice to instantiate (hrn or urn)
    @return 1 is successful, faults otherwise  

    interfaces = ['aggregate', 'slicemgr', 'component']
    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
        Parameter(str, "Human readable name of slice to instantiate (hrn or urn)"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Human readable name of the original caller"),
              Parameter(None, "Origin hrn not specified"))

    returns = Parameter(int, "1 if successful")
    def call(self, cred, xrn, origin_hrn=None):
        hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
        self.api.auth.check(cred, 'resetslice', hrn)
        self.api.manager.reset_slice (self.api, xrn)
        return 1 
Beispiel #2
class List(Method):
    List the records in an authority. 

    @param cred credential string specifying the rights of the caller
    @param hrn human readable name of authority to list (hrn or urn)
    @return list of record dictionaries         
    interfaces = ['registry']
    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "Human readable name (hrn or urn)"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),

    # xxx used to be [SfaRecord]
    returns = [Parameter(dict, "registry record")]
    def call(self, xrn, creds, options={}):
        hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'list')

        #log the call
        origin_hrn = Credential(string=valid_creds[0]).get_gid_caller().get_hrn()"interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s"%(self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrn,
        return self.api.manager.List(self.api, xrn, options=options) 
Beispiel #3
class RedeemTicket(Method):

    @param cred credential string specifying the rights of the caller
    @param ticket 
    @return 1 is successful, faults otherwise  

    interfaces = ['component']

    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "Ticket  string representation of SFA ticket"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),

    returns = [Parameter(int, "1 if successful")]

    def call(self, ticket, creds):
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(cred, 'redeemticket')

        # send the call to the right manager
        self.api.manager.redeem_ticket(self.api, ticket)
        return 1
class ListSlices(Method):
    List the slices instantiated at this interface       

    @param cred credential string specifying the rights of the caller
    @return 1 is successful, faults otherwise  

    interfaces = ['aggregate', 'slicemgr', 'component']

    accepts = [
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),
        Parameter(dict, "options"),

    returns = Parameter(list, "List of slice names")

    def call(self, creds, options):
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'listslices')

        #log the call
        origin_hrn = Credential(
            string=valid_creds[0]).get_gid_caller().get_hrn()"interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s" %
                             (self.api.interface, origin_hrn,

        return self.api.manager.ListSlices(self.api, creds, options)
Beispiel #5
class get_trusted_certs(Method):
    @param cred credential string specifying the rights of the caller
    @return list of gid strings  

    interfaces = ['registry', 'aggregate', 'slicemgr']

    accepts = [
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(None, "Credential not specified"))

    returns = Parameter(type([str]), "List of GID strings")

    def call(self, cred=None):
        # If cred is not specified just return the gid for this interface.
        # This is true when when a peer is attempting to initiate federation
        # with this interface
        self.api.logger.debug("get_trusted_certs: %r" % cred)
        if not cred:
            gid_strings = []
            for gid in self.api.auth.trusted_cert_list:
                if gid.get_hrn() == self.api.config.SFA_INTERFACE_HRN:
            return gid_strings

        # authenticate the cred
        self.api.auth.check(cred, 'gettrustedcerts')
        gid_strings = [gid.save_to_string(save_parents=True) for \
                                gid in self.api.auth.trusted_cert_list]

        return gid_strings
class GetVersion(Method):
    Returns this GENI Aggregate Manager's Version Information
    @return version
    interfaces = ['registry','aggregate', 'slicemgr', 'component']
    accepts = [
        Parameter(dict, "Options")
    returns = Parameter(dict, "Version information")

    # API v2 specifies options is optional, so..
    def call(self, options={}):"interface: %s\tmethod-name: %s" % (self.api.interface,
        return self.api.manager.GetVersion(self.api, options)
Beispiel #7
class ResolveGENI(Method):
    Lookup a URN and return information about the corresponding object.
    @param urn

    interfaces = ['registry']
    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "URN"),
        Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials"),
    returns = Parameter(bool, "Success or Failure")

    def call(self, xrn):
        return self.api.manager.Resolve(self.api, xrn, '')
class Shutdown(Stop):
    Perform an emergency shut down of a sliver. This operation is intended for administrative use. 
    The sliver is shut down but remains available for further forensics.

    @param slice_urn (string) URN of slice to renew
    @param credentials ([string]) of credentials    
    interfaces = ['aggregate', 'slicemgr']
    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "Slice URN"),
        Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials"),
    returns = Parameter(bool, "Success or Failure")

    def call(self, slice_xrn, creds):

        return, slice_xrn, creds)
class CreateGid(Method):
    Create a signed credential for the s object with the registry. In addition to being stored in the
    SFA database, the appropriate records will also be created in the
    PLC databases
    @param xrn urn or hrn of certificate owner
    @param cert caller's certificate
    @param cred credential string
    @return gid string representation

    interfaces = ['registry']

    accepts = [
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),
        Parameter(str, "URN or HRN of certificate owner"),
        Parameter(str, "Certificate string"),

    returns = Parameter(int, "String representation of gid object")

    def call(self, creds, xrn, cert=None):
        # TODO: is there a better right to check for or is 'update good enough?
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'update')

        # verify permissions
        hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)

        #log the call
        origin_hrn = Credential(

        # log
        origin_hrn = Credential(
            "interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s" %
            (self.api.interface, origin_hrn, xrn,

        return self.api.manager.CreateGid(self.api, xrn, cert)
Beispiel #10
class GetGids(Method):
    Get a list of record information (hrn, gid and type) for 
    the specified hrns.

    @param cred credential string 
    @param cert certificate string 

    interfaces = ['registry']

    accepts = [
            Parameter(str, "Human readable name (hrn or xrn)"),
                      "List of Human readable names (hrn or xrn)")),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),

    returns = [Parameter(dict, "Dictionary of gids keyed on hrn")]

    def call(self, xrns, creds):
        # validate the credential
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'getgids')
        # xxxpylintxxx origin_hrn is unused..
        origin_hrn = Credential(

        # resolve the record
        records = self.api.manager.Resolve(self.api, xrns, details=False)
        if not records:
            raise RecordNotFound(xrns)

        allowed_fields = ['hrn', 'type', 'gid']
        for record in records:
            for key in record.keys():
                if key not in allowed_fields:
                    del (record[key])
        return records
class RenewSliver(Method):
    Renews the resources in a sliver, extending the lifetime of the slice.    
    @param slice_urn (string) URN of slice to renew
    @param credentials ([string]) of credentials
    @param expiration_time (string) requested time of expiration
    interfaces = ['aggregate', 'slicemgr']
    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "Slice URN"),
        Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials"),
        Parameter(str, "Expiration time in RFC 3339 format"),
        Parameter(dict, "Options"),
    returns = Parameter(bool, "Success or Failure")

    def call(self, slice_xrn, creds, expiration_time, options):

        (hrn, type) = urn_to_hrn(slice_xrn)
            "interface: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tcaller-creds: %s\tmethod-name: %s"
            % (self.api.interface, hrn, creds,

        # Find the valid credentials
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'renewsliver', hrn)

        # Validate that the time does not go beyond the credential's expiration time
        requested_time = utcparse(expiration_time)
        max_renew_days = int(self.api.config.SFA_MAX_SLICE_RENEW)
        if requested_time > Credential(string=valid_creds[0]).get_expiration():
            raise InsufficientRights(
                'Renewsliver: Credential expires before requested expiration time'
        if requested_time > datetime.datetime.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta(
            raise Exception('Cannot renew > %s days from now' % max_renew_days)
        return self.api.manager.RenewSliver(self.api, slice_xrn, valid_creds,
                                            expiration_time, options)
Beispiel #12
class Register(Method):
    Register an object with the registry. In addition to being stored in the
    SFA database, the appropriate records will also be created in the
    PLC databases
    @param cred credential string
    @param record_dict dictionary containing record fields
    @return gid string representation

    interfaces = ['registry']

    accepts = [
        Parameter(dict, "Record dictionary containing record fields"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),

    returns = Parameter(int, "String representation of gid object")

    def call(self, record, creds):
        # validate cred
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'register')

        # verify permissions
        hrn = record.get('hrn', '')

        #log the call
        origin_hrn = Credential(
            "interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s" %
            (self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrn,

        return self.api.manager.Register(self.api, record)
Beispiel #13
class Update(Method):
    Update an object in the registry. Currently, this only updates the
    PLC information associated with the record. The SFA fields (name, type,
    GID) are fixed.
    @param cred credential string specifying rights of the caller
    @param record a record dictionary to be updated

    @return 1 if successful, faults otherwise 

    interfaces = ['registry']

    accepts = [
        Parameter(dict, "Record dictionary to be updated"),
        Parameter(str, "Credential string"),

    returns = Parameter(int, "1 if successful")

    def call(self, record_dict, creds):
        # validate the cred
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, "update")

        # verify permissions
        hrn = record_dict.get('hrn', '')

        # log
        origin_hrn = Credential(
            "interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s" %
            (self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrn,

        return self.api.manager.Update(self.api, record_dict)
Beispiel #14
class GetTicket(Method):
    Retrieve a ticket. This operation is currently implemented on PLC
    only (see SFA, engineering decisions); it is not implemented on
    The ticket is filled in with information from the PLC database. This
    information includes resources, and attributes such as user keys and
    @param cred credential string
    @param name name of the slice to retrieve a ticket for (hrn or urn)
    @param rspec resource specification dictionary
    @return the string representation of a ticket object

    interfaces = ['aggregate', 'slicemgr']
    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "Human readable name of slice to retrive a ticket for (hrn or urn)"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),
        Parameter(str, "Resource specification (rspec)"),
        Parameter(type([]), "List of user information"),
        Parameter(dict, "Options")  

    returns = Parameter(str, "String representation of a ticket object")
    def call(self, xrn, creds, rspec, users, options):
        hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)
        # Find the valid credentials
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'getticket', hrn)
        origin_hrn = Credential(string=valid_creds[0]).get_gid_caller().get_hrn() 

        #log the call"interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s"%(self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrn,

        # filter rspec through vt_manager.communication.sfa.ables
        if self.api.interface in ['aggregate']:
            chain_name = 'OUTGOING'
        elif self.api.interface in ['slicemgr']:
            chain_name = 'FORWARD-OUTGOING'
        rspec = run_vt_manager.communication.sfa.ables(chain_name, hrn, origin_hrn, rspec)
        # remove nodes that are not available at this interface from the rspec
        return self.api.manager.GetTicket(self.api, xrn, creds, rspec, users, options)
Beispiel #15
class Resolve(Method):
    Resolve a record.

    @param cred credential string authorizing the caller
    @param hrn human readable name to resolve (hrn or urn) 
    @return a list of record dictionaries or empty list     

    interfaces = ['registry']

    # should we not accept an optional 'details' argument ?
    accepts = [
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Human readable name (hrn or urn)"),
              Parameter(list, "List of Human readable names ([hrn])")),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(list, "List of credentials)")),
        Parameter(dict, "options"),

    # xxx used to be [SfaRecord]
    returns = [Parameter(dict, "registry record")]

    def call(self, xrns, creds, options={}):
        # use details=False by default, only when explicitly specified do we want
        # to mess with the testbed details
        if 'details' in options: details = options['details']
        else: details = False
        type = None
        if not isinstance(xrns, types.ListType):
            type = Xrn(xrns).get_type()
            xrns = [xrns]
        hrns = [urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0] for xrn in xrns]
        #find valid credentials
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'resolve')

        #log the call
        origin_hrn = Credential(
            "interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s" %
            (self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrns,

        # send the call to the right manager
        return self.api.manager.Resolve(self.api, xrns, type, details=details)
class GetCredential(Method):
    Retrive a credential for an object
    If cred == None then the behavior reverts to GetSelfCredential

    @param hrn human readable name of object (hrn or urn)
    @param cred credential object specifying rights of the caller
    @param type type of object (user | slice | node | authority )

    @return the string representation of a credential object  

    interfaces = ['registry']

    accepts = [
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),
        Parameter(str, "Human readable name (hrn or urn)"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Record type"),
              Parameter(None, "Type not specified")),

    returns = Parameter(str, "String representation of a credential object")

    def call(self, creds, xrn, type):

        if type:
            hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0]
            hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)

        # check creds
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, 'getcredential')

        #log the call
        origin_hrn = Credential(
            "interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s" %
            (self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrn,

        return self.api.manager.GetCredential(
            self.api, xrn, type, self.api.auth.client_gid.get_urn())
Beispiel #17
class Remove(Method):
    Remove an object from the registry. If the object represents a PLC object,
    then the PLC records will also be removed.
    @param cred credential string
    @param type record type
    @param xrn human readable name of record to remove (hrn or urn)

    @return 1 if successful, faults otherwise 

    interfaces = ['registry']

    accepts = [
                  "Human readable name of slice to instantiate (hrn or urn)"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Credential string"),
              Parameter(type([str]), "List of credentials")),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Record type"),
              Parameter(None, "Type not specified")),

    returns = Parameter(int, "1 if successful")

    def call(self, xrn, creds, type):
        xrn = Xrn(xrn, type=type)

        # validate the cred
        valid_creds = self.api.auth.checkCredentials(creds, "remove")

        #log the call
        origin_hrn = Credential(
            "interface: %s\tmethod-name: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-urn: %s" %
            (self.api.interface,, origin_hrn, xrn.get_urn()))

        return self.api.manager.Remove(self.api, xrn)
class GetSelfCredential(Method):
    Retrive a credential for an object
    @param cert certificate string 
    @param type type of object (user | slice | sa | ma | node)
    @param hrn human readable name of object (hrn or urn)

    @return the string representation of a credential object  

    interfaces = ['registry']

    accepts = [
        Parameter(str, "certificate"),
        Parameter(str, "Human readable name (hrn or urn)"),
        Mixed(Parameter(str, "Record type"),
              Parameter(None, "Type not specified")),

    returns = Parameter(str, "String representation of a credential object")

    def call(self, cert, xrn, type):
        GetSelfCredential a degenerate version of GetCredential used by a client
        to get his initial credential when de doesnt have one. This is the same as
        GetCredential(..., cred = None, ...)

        The registry ensures that the client is the principal that is named by
        (type, name) by comparing the public key in the record's  GID to the
        private key used to encrypt the client side of the HTTPS connection. Thus
        it is impossible for one principal to retrieve another principal's
        credential without having the appropriate private key.

        @param type type of object (user | slice | sa | ma | node)
        @param hrn human readable name of authority to list
        @return string representation of a credential object
        if type:
            hrn = urn_to_hrn(xrn)[0]
            hrn, type = urn_to_hrn(xrn)

        origin_hrn = Certificate(string=cert).get_subject()
            "interface: %s\tcaller-hrn: %s\ttarget-hrn: %s\tmethod-name: %s" %
            (self.api.interface, origin_hrn, hrn,

        ### authenticate the gid
        # import here so we can load this module at build-time for vt_manager.communication.sfa.wsdl
        #from import dbsession
        from import RegRecord

        # xxx-local - the current code runs Resolve, which would forward to
        # another registry if needed
        # I wonder if this is truly the intention, or shouldn't we instead
        # only look in the local db ?
        records = self.api.manager.Resolve(self.api, xrn, type, details=False)
        if not records:
            raise RecordNotFound(hrn)

        record_obj = RegRecord(dict=records[0])
        # xxx-local the local-only version would read
        #record_obj = dbsession.query(RegRecord).filter_by(hrn=hrn).first()
        #if not record_obj: raise RecordNotFound(hrn)
        gid = record_obj.get_gid_object()
        gid_str = gid.save_to_string(save_parents=True)
        self.api.auth.authenticateGid(gid_str, [cert, type, hrn])
        # authenticate the certificate against the gid in the db
        certificate = Certificate(string=cert)
        if not certificate.is_pubkey(gid.get_pubkey()):
            for (obj, name) in [
                (certificate, "CERT"),
                (gid, "GID"),
                    "ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch, %s pubkey: %s" %
                    (name, obj.get_pubkey().get_pubkey_string()))
                self.api.logger.debug("ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch, %s dump: %s" %
                                      (name, obj.dump_string()))
                if hasattr(obj, 'filename'):
                        "ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch, %s filename: %s" %
                        (name, obj.filename))
            raise ConnectionKeyGIDMismatch(gid.get_subject())

        return self.api.manager.GetCredential(self.api, xrn, type)