def make_video(self, video_function, **kwargs): """ Let's users use a custom function to create the video. The custom function must: - have a 'scene' keyword argument to accept a Scene() instance - have a 'videomaker' keyword argument to accept the CustomVideoMaker (self) instance - have a 'video' keyword that takes the Video argument - return the instance of Video The custom function can manipulate actors and camera in the scene and add frames to the video with 'video.addFrame()'. Once all frames are ready it has to return the video object so that the video can be closed and saved. :param video_function: custom function used to generate the video's frames see: examples/advanced/ """ self.parse_kwargs(**kwargs) curdir = os.getcwd( ) # we need to cd to the folder where the video is saved and then back here os.chdir(self.save_fld) # Create video video = Video(name=self.save_name, duration=self.duration, fps=self.fps) # run custom function video = video_function(scene=self.scene, video=video, videomaker=self) # Check output if video is None or not isinstance(video, Video): raise ValueError( "The custom video function didn't return anything " + "or it returned something other than the instance of Video " + "It must return the video object so that it can be closed properly." ) if not isinstance(video, Video): raise ValueError( f"The custom video function returned invalid objects: {video} instead of video object" ) # close video video.close()
def make_video_custom(self, videofunc): """ Let's users use a custom function to create the video. This function can do any manipulation of video frames it wants, but it MUST have 'scene' and 'video' keyword arguments. The function must also return video object. :param videofunc: function """ self._setup_videos() # open a video file and force it to last 3 seconds in total video = Video(name=self.savefile, duration=self.duration, fps=self.fps) # run custom function video = videofunc(scene=self, video=video) if video is None: raise ValueError("The custom video function didn't return anything. It must return the video object so that it can be closed properly.") # close video video.close()
def make_video(self, video_function, **kwargs): """ Let's users use a custom function to create the video. The custom function must: - have a 'scene' keyword argument to accept a Scene() instance - have a 'video' keyword argument to accept a Video() instance - return the instance of Video The custom function can manipulate actors and camera in the scene and add frames to the video with 'video.addFrame()'. Once all frames are ready it has to return the video object so that the video can be closed and saved. """ self.parse_kwargs(**kwargs) curdir = os.getcwd( ) # we need to cd to the folder where the video is saved and then back here os.chdir(self.save_fld) # Create video video = Video(name=self.save_name + self.video_format, duration=self.duration, fps=self.fps) # run custom function video = videofunc(scene=self.scene, video=video) # Check output if video is None: raise ValueError( "The custom video function didn't return anything." + "It must return the video object so that it can be closed properly." ) if not isinstance(video, Video): raise ValueError( f"The custom video function returned invalid objects: {video} instead of video object" ) # close video video.close()
def make_video(self, azimuth=0, elevation=0, roll=0): """ Creates a video using user defined parameters :param azimuth: integer, specify the rotation in degrees per frame on the relative axis. (Default value = 0) :param elevation: integer, specify the rotation in degrees per frame on the relative axis. (Default value = 0) :param roll: integer, specify the rotation in degrees per frame on the relative axis. (Default value = 0) """ self._setup_videos() # open a video file and force it to last 3 seconds in total # folder = os.path.dirname(self.savefile) # name = os.path.basename(self.savefile) # curdir = os.getcwd() # os.chdir(folder) video = Video(name=self.savefile, duration=self.duration, fps=self.fps) for i in range(self.niters): # render the scene first video.addFrame() video.close() # merge all the recorded frames os.chdir(curdir)
def make_video(self, azimuth=0, elevation=0, roll=0, **kwargs): """ Creates a video using user defined parameters :param azimuth: integer, specify the rotation in degrees per frame on the relative axis. (Default value = 0) :param elevation: integer, specify the rotation in degrees per frame on the relative axis. (Default value = 0) :param roll: integer, specify the rotation in degrees per frame on the relative axis. (Default value = 0) :param kwargs: use to change destination folder, video name, fps, duration ... check 'self.parse_kwargs' for details. """ self.parse_kwargs(**kwargs) curdir = os.getcwd( ) # we need to cd to the folder where the video is saved and then back here os.chdir(self.save_fld) print(f"Saving video in {self.save_fld}") # Create video video = Video(name=self.save_name, duration=self.duration, fps=self.fps) # Render the scene first self.scene.render(interactive=False) # Make frames for i in range(self.niters): ) # render(interactive=False, video=True) # render the scene first video.addFrame() video.close() # merge all the recorded frames # Cd bake to original dir os.chdir(curdir)
""" Make a video (needs ffmpeg) Set offscreen=True to only produce the video without any graphical window showing """ print(__doc__) from vtkplotter import Plotter, Video, datadir # declare the class instance vp = Plotter(axes=0, interactive=0, offscreen=False) vp.load(datadir + "shapes/spider.ply", texture="leather2", alpha=1) # open a video file and force it to last 3 seconds in total video = Video(name="spider.mp4", duration=3) for i in range(100): # render the scene first # rotate by 5 deg at each iteration video.addFrame() video.close() # merge all the recorded frames