Beispiel #1
def main(argv):
    ciphertext = argv[1].decode("hex")
    desired_plaintext = argv[2]
    cipher_bytes = map(ord, ciphertext)
    cipher_mod = cipher_bytes[0:16] + [
        random.randint(0x80, 0xff) for i in xrange(16)
    ] + cipher_bytes[32:48]
    decr_out = []
    for n_pad in xrange(1, 17):
        for bval in xrange(0, 256):
            cipher_mod[32 - n_pad] = bval
            if vulnerable.decr(''.join(map(chr, cipher_mod))) == "SUCCESS":
                decr_out.insert(0, bval ^ n_pad)
                cipher_mod[32 - n_pad:32] = [
                    x ^ y for (x, y) in zip(decr_out, [n_pad + 1] * n_pad)
    desired_bytes = map(ord, desired_plaintext)
    cipher_bytes[32 - len(desired_bytes) - 1:31] = [
        x ^ y
        for (x,
             y) in zip(decr_out[16 - len(desired_bytes) - 1:15], desired_bytes)
    cipher_bytes[31] = decr_out[15] ^ 0x01
    with open('cipher.txt', 'w') as f:
        f.write(''.join(map(chr, cipher_bytes)))
Beispiel #2
def Main():
    #valid = False
    T = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
    c = list(C)
    DP = list(dp)
    lenDP = len(DP)
    for i in range(0, lenDP):
        original = c[31 - i]
        array = []
        index = -1
        for j in range(0, 256):
            c[31 - i] = chr(j)
            if vulnerable.decr(''.join(c)) == "SUCCESS":
        for j in range(0, len(array)):
            if array[j] != ord(original):
                index = array[j]
                #print index
        if index == -1:
            index = ord(original)
        c[31 - i] = chr(index)
        T[15 - i] = chr(ord(c[31 - i]) ^ (i + 1))
        if i != lenDP - 1:
            for j in range(0, i + 1):
                c[31 - j] = chr(ord(T[15 - j]) ^ (i + 2))
    for i in range(0, lenDP):
        c[31 - i] = chr(ord(T[15 - i]) ^ ord(DP[lenDP - i - 1]))

    #out = ''.join(c)
    #f = open("cipher.txt", "w")
Beispiel #3
def findCipher(padded_DP):
    T = [0] * 16

    ciphertext = list(original_ciphertext)
    cipher_to_return = list(original_ciphertext)

    padding_length = 1

    cipher_index = 31

    for j in range(0, len(padded_DP)
                   ):  # for each character of the 2. ciphertext block C[16:31]

        success_array = []
        cipher_index = 31 - j

        for i in range(0, 256):  # try all possible hex values 0-255

            ciphertext[cipher_index] = chr(i)

            if vulnerable.decr(''.join(ciphertext)) == "SUCCESS":
                if len(success_array) == 2:

        if len(success_array) == 2:
            for m in range(2):
                if success_array[m] != original_ciphertext[cipher_index]:
                    T[15 - j] = ord(
                    ) ^ padding_length  # T[15] = i xor 0x1, T[14] = i xor 0x2, ...
                    padding_length += 1

                    for k in range(
                            0, j + 1
                    ):  # update ciphertext values: C[31] = T[15] xor 0x2, ...
                        ciphertext[31 - k] = chr(T[15 - k] ^ padding_length)

        elif len(success_array) == 1:
            T[15 - j] = ord(
            ) ^ padding_length  # T[15] = i xor 0x1, T[14] = i xor 0x2, ...
            padding_length += 1

            for k in range(
                    0, j +
                    1):  # update ciphertext values: C[31] = T[15] xor 0x2, ...
                ciphertext[31 - k] = chr(T[15 - k] ^ padding_length)

    for i in range(0, len(padded_DP)):
        cipher_to_return[31 -
                         i] = chr(T[15 - i]
                                  ^ ord(padded_DP[len(padded_DP) - 1 - i]))

    return ''.join(cipher_to_return)
Beispiel #4
def calculateTBlock(ct):
    t_block = bytearray([0xff] * 16)
    ct_array = bytearray(ct)
    for t_index in range(16):
        c_index = 31 - t_index
        for i in range(256):
            test_block = createTestBlock(t_block, t_index, i)
            fake_ct = str(ct[:16] + test_block + ct[32:])
            if "SUCCESS" == vulnerable.decr(fake_ct) and i != ct[c_index]:
                t_block[15 - t_index] = i
    return t_block
Beispiel #5
def main():
    ciphertext = sys.argv[1]
    desPlain = sys.argv[2]
    state = 1
    i = 0
    val = 31
    print(ciphertext[:31] + chr(i))
    while (val > 15):
        while (i < 255):
            if (v.decr(ciphertext[:31] + chr(i)) == "SUCCESS"
                    and ciphertext[val] != chr(i)):
                state = ord(i)
            i = i + 1
        val = val - 1
Beispiel #6
def main():
    #ciphertext = v.encr(sys.argv[1])
    ciphertext = sys.argv[1]
    desPlain = sys.argv[2]
    T = [''] * 16
    i = 0
    val = 31
    k = 15
    xorVal = 1
    state = 0
    newfor = 15
    newXor = 2
    newVal = 31
    whileval = len(desPlain) + 0

    lastCipher = sys.argv[1]
    while (val > 15):
        i = 0
        if (state):
            # newXor = 2
            newfor = 15
            newVal = 31
            for x in range(0, 31 - val):
                new = list(ciphertext)
                new[newVal] = chr(T[newfor] ^ newXor)
                ciphertext = ''.join(new)
                newfor = newfor - 1
                newVal = newVal - 1
        #ciphertext[val+1] = chr( T[k+1] ^ xorVal)
            newXor = newXor + 1
        temp = ciphertext[val]
        while (i < 256):
            new = list(ciphertext)
            new[val] = chr(i)
            ciphertext = ''.join(new)
            if (v.decr(ciphertext) == "SUCCESS" and ord(temp) != i):
                # print(xorVal)
                # print(k)
                # print(temp)
                T[k] = ord(chr(i)) ^ xorVal
                xorVal = xorVal + 1
                k = k - 1
                state = 1
            elif (i == 255):
                T[k] = ord(temp) ^ xorVal
                xorVal = xorVal + 1
                k = k - 1
                state = 1
            i = i + 1
        val = val - 1

    i = 0
    retCipher = ciphertext[0:32]

    desPlain = desPlain + chr(1)
    lastVal = len(desPlain)
    ind = 32 - len(desPlain)
    tind = 0
    while (lastVal > 0):
        new = list(ciphertext)
        new[ind] = chr(T[16 - lastVal] ^ ord(desPlain[tind]))
        ciphertext = ''.join(new)
        tind = tind + 1
        ind = ind + 1
        lastVal = lastVal - 1

    result = lastCipher[0:32 - len(desPlain)] + ciphertext[
        32 - len(desPlain):32] + lastCipher[32:]

    f = open('cipher.txt', 'w')
    print >> f, result
    return result
Beispiel #7
    T = "*" * 16

    for pad_len, i in enumerate(reversed(range(DP_start_index, 16))):
        # update T[i]
        pad_len += 1
        old_byte = C2[i]
        l_new_byte = []

        temp_C2 = C2

        for j in range(i + 1, 16):
            temp_C2 = modify_string(temp_C2, j, chr(ord(T[j]) ^ pad_len))

        for byte in possible_bytes:
            if vulnerable.decr(C1 + modify_string(temp_C2, i, byte) +
                               C3) == "SUCCESS":

        if len(l_new_byte) == 1:
            new_byte = l_new_byte[0]
        elif l_new_byte[0] == old_byte:
            new_byte = l_new_byte[1]
            new_byte = l_new_byte[0]

        new_byte = chr(ord(new_byte) ^ pad_len)
        T = modify_string(T, i, new_byte)

    DP = "*" * (16 - DP_len) + DP

    for i in range(DP_start_index, 16):