Beispiel #1
    def process(self, request, body, header=None):
        Process a SOAP request.
        for child in body.getchildren():
            # Since there is no SOAPAction header, and these requests are not
            # made to different endpoints, the only way to handle these is to
            # switch on the root element's name. Yuck.
            localname = split_qualified(child.tag)[1]
            meth = getattr(self, 'process_' + localname, self.process_unknown)
            return meth(child, header, localname)

        raise SoapFault(u'soapenv:Client', u'No actionable items')
Beispiel #2
 def process_unknown(self, root, header, name):
     Process unknown notification deliverables.
     raise SoapFault(u'soapenv:Server', u'No handler for %s' % (name,))