Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, endpoint, bind_type, transport):
        self.transport = transport
        self.transport_name = transport.transport_name
        self.log = transport.log
        self.message_stash = self.transport.message_stash
        self.deliver_sm_processor = self.transport.deliver_sm_processor
        self.dr_processor = self.transport.dr_processor
        self.sequence_generator = RedisSequence(transport.redis)

        # Throttling setup.
        self.throttled = False
        self._throttled_pdus = []
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = None

        self.tps_counter = 0
        self.tps_limit = self.get_config().mt_tps
        if self.tps_limit > 0:
            self.mt_tps_lc = LoopingCall(self.reset_mt_tps)
            self.mt_tps_lc = None

        # Connection setup.
        factory = EsmeProtocolFactory(self, bind_type)
        ReconnectingClientService.__init__(self, endpoint, factory)
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self, clock, redis, config):
        self.log = WrappingLogger(system=config.get('worker_name'))
        self.clock = clock
        self.redis = redis
        self._config = config
        self._static_config = SmppTransceiverTransport.CONFIG_CLASS(
            self._config, static=True)

        config = self.get_config()
        self.dr_processor = config.delivery_report_processor(
            self, config.delivery_report_processor_config)
        self.deliver_sm_processor = config.deliver_short_message_processor(
            self, config.deliver_short_message_processor_config)
        self.sequence_generator = RedisSequence(self.redis)
        self.message_stash = SmppMessageDataStash(self.redis, config)

        self.paused = True
Beispiel #3
    def __init__(self, endpoint, bind_type, transport):
        self.transport = transport
        self.transport_name = transport.transport_name
        self.log = transport.log
        self.message_stash = self.transport.message_stash
        self.deliver_sm_processor = self.transport.deliver_sm_processor
        self.dr_processor = self.transport.dr_processor
        self.sequence_generator = RedisSequence(transport.redis)

        # Throttling setup.
        self.throttled = False
        self._throttled_pdus = []
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = None

        self.tps_counter = 0
        self.tps_limit = self.get_config().mt_tps
        if self.tps_limit > 0:
            self.mt_tps_lc = LoopingCall(self.reset_mt_tps)
            self.mt_tps_lc = None

        # Connection setup.
        factory = EsmeProtocolFactory(self, bind_type)
        ReconnectingClientService.__init__(self, endpoint, factory)
Beispiel #4
class SmppService(ReconnectingClientService):

    throttle_statuses = ('ESME_RTHROTTLED', 'ESME_RMSGQFUL')

    def __init__(self, endpoint, bind_type, transport):
        self.transport = transport
        self.transport_name = transport.transport_name
        self.log = transport.log
        self.message_stash = self.transport.message_stash
        self.deliver_sm_processor = self.transport.deliver_sm_processor
        self.dr_processor = self.transport.dr_processor
        self.sequence_generator = RedisSequence(transport.redis)

        # Throttling setup.
        self.throttled = False
        self._throttled_pdus = []
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = None

        self.tps_counter = 0
        self.tps_limit = self.get_config().mt_tps
        if self.tps_limit > 0:
            self.mt_tps_lc = LoopingCall(self.reset_mt_tps)
            self.mt_tps_lc = None

        # Connection setup.
        factory = EsmeProtocolFactory(self, bind_type)
        ReconnectingClientService.__init__(self, endpoint, factory)

    def get_protocol(self):
        return self._protocol

    def get_bind_state(self):
        if self._protocol is None:
            return EsmeProtocol.CLOSED_STATE
        return self._protocol.state

    def is_bound(self):
        if self._protocol is not None:
            return self._protocol.is_bound()
        return False

    def startService(self):
        if self.mt_tps_lc is not None:
            self.mt_tps_lc.clock = self.clock
            self.mt_tps_lc.start(1, now=True)
        return ReconnectingClientService.startService(self)

    def stopService(self):
        if self.mt_tps_lc and self.mt_tps_lc.running:
        d = succeed(None)
        if self._protocol is not None:
            d.addCallback(lambda _: self._protocol.disconnect())
        d.addCallback(lambda _: ReconnectingClientService.stopService(self))
        return d

    def get_config(self):
        return self.transport.get_static_config()

    def reset_mt_tps(self):
        if self.throttled and self.need_mt_throttling():
            if not self.is_bound():
                # We don't have a bound SMPP connection, so try again later.
                    "Can't stop throttling while unbound, trying later.")
            yield self.stop_throttling()

    def reset_mt_throttle_counter(self):
        self.tps_counter = 0

    def incr_mt_throttle_counter(self):
        self.tps_counter += 1

    def need_mt_throttling(self):
        return self.tps_counter >= self.tps_limit

    def check_mt_throttling(self):
        if self.get_config().mt_tps > 0:
            if self.need_mt_throttling():
                # We can't yield here, because we need the current message to
                # finish sending before it will return.

    def _append_throttle_retry(self, seq_no):
        if seq_no not in self._throttled_pdus:

    def check_stop_throttling(self, delay=None):
        if self._unthrottle_delayedCall is not None:
            # We already have one of these scheduled.
        if delay is None:
            delay = self.get_config().throttle_delay
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = self.clock.callLater(
            delay, self._check_stop_throttling)

    def check_stop_throttling_cb(self, ignored_result, delay=None):

    def _check_stop_throttling(self):
        Check if we should stop throttling, and stop throttling if we should.

        At a high level, we try each throttled message in our list until all of
        them have been accepted by the SMSC, at which point we stop throttling.

        In more detail:

        We recursively process our list of throttled message_ids until either
        we have none left (at which point we stop throttling) or we find one we
        can successfully look up in our cache.

        When we find a message we can retry, we retry it and return. We remain
        throttled until the SMSC responds. If we're still throttled, the
        message_id gets appended to our list and another check is scheduled for
        later. If we're no longer throttled, this method gets called again

        When there are no more throttled message_ids in our list, we stop
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = None

        if not self.is_bound():
            # We don't have a bound SMPP connection, so try again later.
            self.log.msg("Can't check throttling while unbound, trying later.")

        if not self._throttled_pdus:
            # We have no throttled messages waiting, so stop throttling.
            self.log.msg("No more throttled messages to retry.")
            yield self.stop_throttling()

        seq_no = self._throttled_pdus.pop(0)
        pdu_data = yield self.message_stash.get_cached_pdu(seq_no)
        yield self.retry_throttled_pdu(pdu_data, seq_no)

    def retry_throttled_pdu(self, pdu_data, seq_no):
        if pdu_data is None:
            # We can't find this pdu, so log it and start again.
                "Could not retrieve throttled pdu: %s" % (seq_no,))
            # Try handle this message again and leave the rest to our
            # submit_sm_resp handlers.
            self.log.msg("Retrying throttled pdu for message: %s" % (
            # This is a new PDU, so it needs a new sequence number.
            new_seq_no = yield
            pdu_data.pdu.obj['header']['sequence_number'] = new_seq_no
            yield self._protocol.send_submit_sm(
                pdu_data.vumi_message_id, pdu_data.pdu)
            yield self.message_stash.delete_cached_pdu(seq_no)

    def start_throttling(self):
        if self.throttled:
        self.log.msg("Throttling outbound messages.")
        self.throttled = True
        yield self.transport.pause_connectors()
        yield self.transport.on_throttled()

    def stop_throttling(self):
        if not self.throttled:
        self.log.msg("No longer throttling outbound messages.")
        self.throttled = False
        yield self.transport.on_throttled_end()

    def on_smpp_bind(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_bind()

    def on_smpp_binding(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_binding()

    def on_smpp_unbinding(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_unbinding()

    def on_smpp_bind_timeout(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_bind_timeout()

    def on_connection_lost(self, reason):
        yield self.transport.pause_connectors()
        yield self.transport.on_connection_lost(reason)

    def handle_submit_sm_resp(self, message_id, smpp_id, pdu_status, seq_no):
        if pdu_status in self.throttle_statuses:
            return self.handle_submit_sm_throttled(seq_no)
        func = self.transport.handle_submit_sm_failure
        if pdu_status == 'ESME_ROK':
            func = self.transport.handle_submit_sm_success
        ms = self.message_stash
        d = func(message_id, smpp_id, pdu_status)
        d.addCallback(lambda _: ms.delete_cached_pdu(seq_no))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: ms.delete_sequence_number_message_id(seq_no))
        return d.addCallback(self.check_stop_throttling_cb, 0)

    def handle_submit_sm_throttled(self, message_id):
        d = self.start_throttling()
        return d.addCallback(self.check_stop_throttling_cb)

    def submit_sm(self, *args, **kw):
        See :meth:`EsmeProtocol.submit_sm`.
        protocol = self.get_protocol()
        if protocol is None:
            raise EsmeProtocolError('submit_sm called while not connected.')
        return protocol.submit_sm(*args, **kw)

    def submit_sm_long(self, vumi_message_id, destination_addr, long_message,
        Send a `submit_sm` command with the message encoded in the
        ``message_payload`` optional parameter.

        Same parameters apply as for ``submit_sm`` with the exception
        that the ``short_message`` keyword argument is disallowed
        because it conflicts with the ``long_message`` field.

        :returns: list of 1 sequence number, int.
        :rtype: list

        if 'short_message' in pdu_params:
            raise EsmeProtocolError(
                'short_message not allowed when sending a long message'
                'in the message_payload')

        optional_parameters = pdu_params.pop('optional_parameters', {}).copy()
            'message_payload': (
                ''.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in long_message))
        return self.submit_sm(
            vumi_message_id, destination_addr, short_message='', sm_length=0,
            optional_parameters=optional_parameters, **pdu_params)

    def _fits_in_one_message(self, message):
        if len(message) <= GSM_MAX_SMS_BYTES:
            return True

        # NOTE: We already have byte strings here, so we assume that printable
        #       ASCII characters are all the same as single-width GSM 03.38
        #       characters.
        if len(message) <= GSM_MAX_SMS_7BIT_CHARS:
            # TODO: We need better character handling and counting stuff.
            return all(0x20 <= ord(ch) <= 0x7f for ch in message)

        return False

    def csm_split_message(self, message):
        Chop the message into 130 byte chunks to leave 10 bytes for the
        user data header the SMSC is presumably going to add for us. This is
        a guess based mostly on optimism and the hope that we'll never have
        to deal with this stuff in production.

        NOTE: If we have utf-8 encoded data, we might break in the
              middle of a multibyte character. This should be ok since
              the message is only decoded after re-assembly of all
              individual segments.

        :param str message:
            The message to split
        :returns: list of strings
        :rtype: list

        if self._fits_in_one_message(message):
            return [message]

        payload_length = GSM_MAX_SMS_BYTES - 10
        split_msg = []
        while message:
            message = message[payload_length:]
        return split_msg

    def submit_csm_sar(
            self, vumi_message_id, destination_addr,
            reference_rollover=0x10000, **pdu_params):
        Submit a concatenated SMS to the SMSC using the optional
        SAR parameter names in the various PDUS.

        :returns: List of sequence numbers (int) for each of the segments.
        :rtype: list

        split_msg = self.csm_split_message(pdu_params.pop('short_message'))

        if len(split_msg) == 1:
            # There is only one part, so send it without SAR stuff.
            sequence_numbers = yield self.submit_sm(
                vumi_message_id, destination_addr, short_message=split_msg[0],

        optional_parameters = pdu_params.pop('optional_parameters', {}).copy()
        ref_num = yield
        sequence_numbers = []
        yield self.message_stash.init_multipart_info(
            vumi_message_id, len(split_msg))
        for i, msg in enumerate(split_msg):
            pdu_params = pdu_params.copy()
                # Reference number must be between 00 & the configure value
                'sar_msg_ref_num': (ref_num % reference_rollover),
                'sar_total_segments': len(split_msg),
                'sar_segment_seqnum': i + 1,
            sequence_number = yield self.submit_sm(
                vumi_message_id, destination_addr, short_message=msg,
                optional_parameters=optional_parameters, **pdu_params)

    def submit_csm_udh(self, vumi_message_id, destination_addr, **pdu_params):
        Submit a concatenated SMS to the SMSC using user data headers (UDH)
        in the message content.

        Same parameters apply as for ``submit_sm`` with the exception
        that the ``esm_class`` keyword argument is disallowed
        because the SMPP spec mandates a value that is to be set for UDH.

        :returns: List of sequence numbers (int) for each of the segments.
        :rtype: list

        if 'esm_class' in pdu_params:
            raise EsmeProtocolError(
                'Cannot specify esm_class, GSM spec sets this at 0x40 '
                'for concatenated messages using UDH.')

        pdu_params = pdu_params.copy()
        split_msg = self.csm_split_message(pdu_params.pop('short_message'))

        if len(split_msg) == 1:
            # There is only one part, so send it without UDH stuff.
            sequence_numbers = yield self.submit_sm(
                vumi_message_id, destination_addr, short_message=split_msg[0],

        ref_num = yield
        sequence_numbers = []
        yield self.message_stash.init_multipart_info(
            vumi_message_id, len(split_msg))
        for i, msg in enumerate(split_msg):
            # 0x40 is the UDHI flag indicating that this payload contains a
            # user data header.

            # NOTE: Looking at the SMPP specs I can find no requirement
            #       for this anywhere.
            pdu_params['esm_class'] = 0x40

            # See and
            # for an
            # explanation of the magic numbers below. We should probably
            # abstract this out into a class that makes it less magic and
            # opaque.
            udh = ''.join([
                '\05',  # Full UDH header length
                '\00',  # Information Element Identifier for Concatenated SMS
                '\03',  # header length
                # Reference number must be between 00 & FF
                chr(ref_num % 0xFF),
                chr(i + 1),
            short_message = udh + msg
            sequence_number = yield self.submit_sm(
                vumi_message_id, destination_addr, short_message=short_message,
Beispiel #5
 def test_rollover(self):
     sequence_generator = RedisSequence(self.redis, rollover_at=3)
     self.assertEqual((yield, 1)
     self.assertEqual((yield, 2)
     self.assertEqual((yield, 3)
     self.assertEqual((yield, 1)
Beispiel #6
 def test_get_next_sequence(self):
     sequence_generator = RedisSequence(self.redis)
     self.assertEqual((yield sequence_generator.get_next_seq()), 1)
Beispiel #7
class SmppService(ReconnectingClientService):

    throttle_statuses = ('ESME_RTHROTTLED', 'ESME_RMSGQFUL')

    def __init__(self, endpoint, bind_type, transport):
        self.transport = transport
        self.transport_name = transport.transport_name
        self.log = transport.log
        self.message_stash = self.transport.message_stash
        self.deliver_sm_processor = self.transport.deliver_sm_processor
        self.dr_processor = self.transport.dr_processor
        self.sequence_generator = RedisSequence(transport.redis)

        # Throttling setup.
        self.throttled = False
        self._throttled_pdus = []
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = None

        self.tps_counter = 0
        self.tps_limit = self.get_config().mt_tps
        if self.tps_limit > 0:
            self.mt_tps_lc = LoopingCall(self.reset_mt_tps)
            self.mt_tps_lc = None

        # Connection setup.
        factory = EsmeProtocolFactory(self, bind_type)
        ReconnectingClientService.__init__(self, endpoint, factory)

    def get_protocol(self):
        return self._protocol

    def get_bind_state(self):
        if self._protocol is None:
            return EsmeProtocol.CLOSED_STATE
        return self._protocol.state

    def is_bound(self):
        if self._protocol is not None:
            return self._protocol.is_bound()
        return False

    def startService(self):
        if self.mt_tps_lc is not None:
            self.mt_tps_lc.clock = self.clock
            self.mt_tps_lc.start(1, now=True)
        return ReconnectingClientService.startService(self)

    def stopService(self):
        if self.mt_tps_lc and self.mt_tps_lc.running:
        d = succeed(None)
        if self._protocol is not None:
            d.addCallback(lambda _: self._protocol.disconnect())
        d.addCallback(lambda _: ReconnectingClientService.stopService(self))
        return d

    def get_config(self):
        return self.transport.get_static_config()

    def reset_mt_tps(self):
        if self.throttled and self.need_mt_throttling():
            if not self.is_bound():
                # We don't have a bound SMPP connection, so try again later.
                    "Can't stop throttling while unbound, trying later.")
            yield self.stop_throttling()

    def reset_mt_throttle_counter(self):
        self.tps_counter = 0

    def incr_mt_throttle_counter(self):
        self.tps_counter += 1

    def need_mt_throttling(self):
        return self.tps_counter >= self.tps_limit

    def check_mt_throttling(self):
        if self.get_config().mt_tps > 0:
            if self.need_mt_throttling():
                # We can't yield here, because we need the current message to
                # finish sending before it will return.

    def _append_throttle_retry(self, seq_no):
        if seq_no not in self._throttled_pdus:

    def check_stop_throttling(self, delay=None):
        if self._unthrottle_delayedCall is not None:
            # We already have one of these scheduled.
        if delay is None:
            delay = self.get_config().throttle_delay
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = self.clock.callLater(
            delay, self._check_stop_throttling)

    def check_stop_throttling_cb(self, ignored_result, delay=None):

    def _check_stop_throttling(self):
        Check if we should stop throttling, and stop throttling if we should.

        At a high level, we try each throttled message in our list until all of
        them have been accepted by the SMSC, at which point we stop throttling.

        In more detail:

        We recursively process our list of throttled message_ids until either
        we have none left (at which point we stop throttling) or we find one we
        can successfully look up in our cache.

        When we find a message we can retry, we retry it and return. We remain
        throttled until the SMSC responds. If we're still throttled, the
        message_id gets appended to our list and another check is scheduled for
        later. If we're no longer throttled, this method gets called again

        When there are no more throttled message_ids in our list, we stop
        self._unthrottle_delayedCall = None

        if not self.is_bound():
            # We don't have a bound SMPP connection, so try again later.
            self.log.msg("Can't check throttling while unbound, trying later.")

        if not self._throttled_pdus:
            # We have no throttled messages waiting, so stop throttling.
            self.log.msg("No more throttled messages to retry.")
            yield self.stop_throttling()

        seq_no = self._throttled_pdus.pop(0)
        pdu_data = yield self.message_stash.get_cached_pdu(seq_no)
        yield self.retry_throttled_pdu(pdu_data, seq_no)

    def retry_throttled_pdu(self, pdu_data, seq_no):
        if pdu_data is None:
            # We can't find this pdu, so log it and start again.
            self.log.warning("Could not retrieve throttled pdu: %s" %
                             (seq_no, ))
            # Try handle this message again and leave the rest to our
            # submit_sm_resp handlers.
            self.log.msg("Retrying throttled pdu for message: %s" %
                         (pdu_data.vumi_message_id, ))
            # This is a new PDU, so it needs a new sequence number.
            new_seq_no = yield
            pdu_data.pdu.obj['header']['sequence_number'] = new_seq_no
            yield self._protocol.send_submit_sm(pdu_data.vumi_message_id,
            yield self.message_stash.delete_cached_pdu(seq_no)

    def start_throttling(self):
        if self.throttled:
        self.log.msg("Throttling outbound messages.")
        self.throttled = True
        yield self.transport.pause_connectors()
        yield self.transport.on_throttled()

    def stop_throttling(self):
        if not self.throttled:
        self.log.msg("No longer throttling outbound messages.")
        self.throttled = False
        yield self.transport.on_throttled_end()

    def on_smpp_bind(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_bind()

    def on_smpp_binding(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_binding()

    def on_smpp_unbinding(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_unbinding()

    def on_smpp_bind_timeout(self):
        yield self.transport.on_smpp_bind_timeout()

    def on_connection_lost(self, reason):
        yield self.transport.pause_connectors()
        yield self.transport.on_connection_lost(reason)

    def handle_submit_sm_resp(self, message_id, smpp_id, pdu_status, seq_no):
        if pdu_status in self.throttle_statuses:
            return self.handle_submit_sm_throttled(seq_no)
        func = self.transport.handle_submit_sm_failure
        if pdu_status == 'ESME_ROK':
            func = self.transport.handle_submit_sm_success
        ms = self.message_stash
        d = func(message_id, smpp_id, pdu_status)
        d.addCallback(lambda _: ms.delete_cached_pdu(seq_no))
        d.addCallback(lambda _: ms.delete_sequence_number_message_id(seq_no))
        return d.addCallback(self.check_stop_throttling_cb, 0)

    def handle_submit_sm_throttled(self, message_id):
        d = self.start_throttling()
        return d.addCallback(self.check_stop_throttling_cb)

    def submit_sm(self, *args, **kw):
        See :meth:`EsmeProtocol.submit_sm`.
        protocol = self.get_protocol()
        if protocol is None:
            raise EsmeProtocolError('submit_sm called while not connected.')
        return protocol.submit_sm(*args, **kw)

    def submit_sm_long(self, vumi_message_id, destination_addr, long_message,
        Send a `submit_sm` command with the message encoded in the
        ``message_payload`` optional parameter.

        Same parameters apply as for ``submit_sm`` with the exception
        that the ``short_message`` keyword argument is disallowed
        because it conflicts with the ``long_message`` field.

        :returns: list of 1 sequence number, int.
        :rtype: list

        if 'short_message' in pdu_params:
            raise EsmeProtocolError(
                'short_message not allowed when sending a long message'
                'in the message_payload')

        optional_parameters = pdu_params.pop('optional_parameters', {}).copy()
            'message_payload': (''.join('%02x' % ord(c) for c in long_message))
        return self.submit_sm(vumi_message_id,

    def _fits_in_one_message(self, message):
        if len(message) <= GSM_MAX_SMS_BYTES:
            return True

        # NOTE: We already have byte strings here, so we assume that printable
        #       ASCII characters are all the same as single-width GSM 03.38
        #       characters.
        if len(message) <= GSM_MAX_SMS_7BIT_CHARS:
            # TODO: We need better character handling and counting stuff.
            return all(0x20 <= ord(ch) <= 0x7f for ch in message)

        return False

    def csm_split_message(self, message):
        Chop the message into 130 byte chunks to leave 10 bytes for the
        user data header the SMSC is presumably going to add for us. This is
        a guess based mostly on optimism and the hope that we'll never have
        to deal with this stuff in production.

        NOTE: If we have utf-8 encoded data, we might break in the
              middle of a multibyte character. This should be ok since
              the message is only decoded after re-assembly of all
              individual segments.

        :param str message:
            The message to split
        :returns: list of strings
        :rtype: list

        if self._fits_in_one_message(message):
            return [message]

        payload_length = GSM_MAX_SMS_BYTES - 10
        split_msg = []
        while message:
            message = message[payload_length:]
        return split_msg

    def submit_csm_sar(self,
        Submit a concatenated SMS to the SMSC using the optional
        SAR parameter names in the various PDUS.

        :returns: List of sequence numbers (int) for each of the segments.
        :rtype: list

        split_msg = self.csm_split_message(pdu_params.pop('short_message'))

        if len(split_msg) == 1:
            # There is only one part, so send it without SAR stuff.
            sequence_numbers = yield self.submit_sm(vumi_message_id,

        optional_parameters = pdu_params.pop('optional_parameters', {}).copy()
        ref_num = yield
        sequence_numbers = []
        yield self.message_stash.init_multipart_info(vumi_message_id,
        for i, msg in enumerate(split_msg):
            pdu_params = pdu_params.copy()
                # Reference number must be between 00 & the configure value
                'sar_msg_ref_num': (ref_num % reference_rollover),
                i + 1,
            sequence_number = yield self.submit_sm(

    def submit_csm_udh(self, vumi_message_id, destination_addr, **pdu_params):
        Submit a concatenated SMS to the SMSC using user data headers (UDH)
        in the message content.

        Same parameters apply as for ``submit_sm`` with the exception
        that the ``esm_class`` keyword argument is disallowed
        because the SMPP spec mandates a value that is to be set for UDH.

        :returns: List of sequence numbers (int) for each of the segments.
        :rtype: list

        if 'esm_class' in pdu_params:
            raise EsmeProtocolError(
                'Cannot specify esm_class, GSM spec sets this at 0x40 '
                'for concatenated messages using UDH.')

        pdu_params = pdu_params.copy()
        split_msg = self.csm_split_message(pdu_params.pop('short_message'))

        if len(split_msg) == 1:
            # There is only one part, so send it without UDH stuff.
            sequence_numbers = yield self.submit_sm(vumi_message_id,

        ref_num = yield
        sequence_numbers = []
        yield self.message_stash.init_multipart_info(vumi_message_id,
        for i, msg in enumerate(split_msg):
            # 0x40 is the UDHI flag indicating that this payload contains a
            # user data header.

            # NOTE: Looking at the SMPP specs I can find no requirement
            #       for this anywhere.
            pdu_params['esm_class'] = 0x40

            # See and
            # for an
            # explanation of the magic numbers below. We should probably
            # abstract this out into a class that makes it less magic and
            # opaque.
            udh = ''.join([
                '\05',  # Full UDH header length
                '\00',  # Information Element Identifier for Concatenated SMS
                '\03',  # header length
                # Reference number must be between 00 & FF
                chr(ref_num % 0xFF),
                chr(i + 1),
            short_message = udh + msg
            sequence_number = yield self.submit_sm(vumi_message_id,