Beispiel #1
def process_arg(index, arg, expected_arg_typelist, function_name, context):
    if isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, Optional):
        expected_arg_typelist = expected_arg_typelist.typ
    if not isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, tuple):
        expected_arg_typelist = (expected_arg_typelist, )
    vsub = None
    for expected_arg in expected_arg_typelist:
        if expected_arg == 'num_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Num) and get_original_if_0_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                return arg.n
        elif expected_arg == 'str_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Str) and get_original_if_0_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                bytez = b''
                for c in arg.s:
                    if ord(c) >= 256:
                        raise InvalidLiteralException(
                            "Cannot insert special character %r into byte array"
                            % c, arg)
                    bytez += bytes([ord(c)])
                return bytez
        elif expected_arg == 'name_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Subscript) and == 'bytes':
                return 'bytes[%s]' % arg.slice.value.n
        elif expected_arg == '*':
            return arg
        elif expected_arg == 'bytes':
            sub = Expr(arg, context).lll_node
            if isinstance(sub.typ, ByteArrayType):
                return sub
            # Does not work for unit-endowed types inside compound types, e.g. timestamp[2]
            parsed_expected_type = parse_type(
                ast.parse(expected_arg).body[0].value, 'memory')
            if isinstance(parsed_expected_type, BaseType):
                vsub = vsub or Expr.parse_value_expr(arg, context)
                if is_base_type(vsub.typ, expected_arg):
                    return vsub
                elif expected_arg in ('int128', 'uint256') and isinstance(vsub.typ, BaseType) and \
                     vsub.typ.is_literal and SizeLimits.in_bounds(expected_arg, vsub.value):
                    return vsub
                vsub = vsub or Expr(arg, context).lll_node
                if vsub.typ == parsed_expected_type:
                    return Expr(arg, context).lll_node
    if len(expected_arg_typelist) == 1:
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Expecting %s for argument %r of %s" %
            (expected_arg, index, function_name), arg)
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            "Expecting one of %r for argument %r of %s" %
            (expected_arg_typelist, index, function_name), arg)
Beispiel #2
    def number(self):
        orignum = get_original_if_0_prefixed(self.expr, self.context)

        if orignum is None and isinstance(self.expr.n, int):
            # Literal (mostly likely) becomes int128
            if SizeLimits.in_bounds('int128', self.expr.n) or self.expr.n < 0:
                return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('int128', unit=None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            # Literal is large enough (mostly likely) becomes uint256.
                return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('uint256', unit=None, is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))

        elif isinstance(self.expr.n, float):
            numstring, num, den = get_number_as_fraction(self.expr, self.context)
            # if not SizeLimits.in_bounds('decimal', num // den):
            # if not SizeLimits.MINDECIMAL * den <= num <= SizeLimits.MAXDECIMAL * den:
            if not (SizeLimits.MINNUM * den < num < SizeLimits.MAXNUM * den):
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Number out of range: " + numstring, self.expr)
            if DECIMAL_DIVISOR % den:
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Too many decimal places: " + numstring, self.expr)
            return LLLnode.from_list(num * DECIMAL_DIVISOR // den, typ=BaseType('decimal', unit=None), pos=getpos(self.expr))
        # Binary literal.
        elif orignum[:2] == '0b':
            str_val = orignum[2:]
            total_bits = len(orignum[2:])
            total_bits = total_bits if total_bits % 8 == 0 else total_bits + 8 - (total_bits % 8)  # ceil8 to get byte length.
            if len(orignum[2:]) != total_bits:  # Support only full formed bit definitions.
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Bit notation requires a multiple of 8 bits / 1 byte. {} bit(s) are missing.".format(total_bits - len(orignum[2:])), self.expr)
            byte_len = int(total_bits / 8)
            placeholder = self.context.new_placeholder(ByteArrayType(byte_len))
            seq = []
            seq.append(['mstore', placeholder, byte_len])
            for i in range(0, total_bits, 256):
                section = str_val[i:i + 256]
                int_val = int(section, 2) << (256 - len(section))  # bytes are right padded.
                    ['mstore', ['add', placeholder, i + 32], int_val])
            return LLLnode.from_list(['seq'] + seq + [placeholder],
                typ=ByteArrayType(byte_len), location='memory', pos=getpos(self.expr), annotation='Create ByteArray (Binary literal): %s' % str_val)
        elif len(orignum) == 42:
            if checksum_encode(orignum) != orignum:
                raise InvalidLiteralException("Address checksum mismatch. If you are sure this is the "
                                              "right address, the correct checksummed form is: " +
                                              checksum_encode(orignum), self.expr)
            return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('address', is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
        elif len(orignum) == 66:
            return LLLnode.from_list(self.expr.n, typ=BaseType('bytes32', is_literal=True), pos=getpos(self.expr))
            raise InvalidLiteralException("Cannot read 0x value with length %d. Expecting 42 (address incl 0x) or 66 (bytes32 incl 0x)"
                                          % len(orignum), self.expr)
Beispiel #3
def process_arg(index, arg, expected_arg_typelist, function_name, context):
    if isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, Optional):
        expected_arg_typelist = expected_arg_typelist.typ
    if not isinstance(expected_arg_typelist, tuple):
        expected_arg_typelist = (expected_arg_typelist, )

    vsub = None
    for expected_arg in expected_arg_typelist:
        if expected_arg == 'num_literal':
            if context.constants.is_constant_of_base_type(
                    arg, ('uint256', 'int128')):
                return context.constants.get_constant(, None).value
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Num) and get_original_if_0_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                return arg.n
        elif expected_arg == 'str_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Str) and get_original_if_0_prefixed(
                    arg, context) is None:
                bytez = b''
                for c in arg.s:
                    if ord(c) >= 256:
                        raise InvalidLiteralException(
                            f"Cannot insert special character {c} into byte array",
                    bytez += bytes([ord(c)])
                return bytez
        elif expected_arg == 'bytes_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Bytes):
                return arg.s
        elif expected_arg == 'name_literal':
            if isinstance(arg, ast.Name):
            elif isinstance(arg, ast.Subscript) and == 'bytes':
                return f'bytes[{arg.slice.value.n}]'
        elif expected_arg == '*':
            return arg
        elif expected_arg == 'bytes':
            sub = Expr(arg, context).lll_node
            if isinstance(sub.typ, ByteArrayType):
                return sub
        elif expected_arg == 'string':
            sub = Expr(arg, context).lll_node
            if isinstance(sub.typ, StringType):
                return sub
            # Does not work for unit-endowed types inside compound types, e.g. timestamp[2]
            parsed_expected_type = context.parse_type(
            if isinstance(parsed_expected_type, BaseType):
                vsub = vsub or Expr.parse_value_expr(arg, context)

                is_valid_integer = ((expected_arg in ('int128', 'uint256')
                                     and isinstance(vsub.typ, BaseType))
                                    and (vsub.typ.typ in ('int128', 'uint256')
                                         and vsub.typ.is_literal)
                                    and (SizeLimits.in_bounds(
                                        expected_arg, vsub.value)))

                if is_base_type(vsub.typ, expected_arg):
                    return vsub
                elif is_valid_integer:
                    return vsub
                vsub = vsub or Expr(arg, context).lll_node
                if vsub.typ == parsed_expected_type:
                    return Expr(arg, context).lll_node
    if len(expected_arg_typelist) == 1:
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            f"Expecting {expected_arg} for argument {index} of {function_name}",
        raise TypeMismatchException(
            f"Expecting one of {expected_arg_typelist} for argument {index} of {function_name}",