def _get_wagtailmenus_vals():
        current_page = request.META.get('WAGTAILMENUS_CURRENT_PAGE')
        section_root = request.META.get('WAGTAILMENUS_CURRENT_SECTION_ROOT')
        site = get_site_from_request(request, fallback_to_default=True)
        ancestor_ids = ()
        match = None

        guess_position = settings.GUESS_TREE_POSITION_FROM_PATH
        section_root_depth = settings.SECTION_ROOT_DEPTH

        if guess_position and not current_page:
            match, full_url_match = derive_page(request, site)
            if full_url_match:
                current_page = match

        if not section_root and current_page or match:
            section_root = derive_section_root(current_page or match)

        if current_page or match:
            page = current_page or match
            if page.depth >= section_root_depth:
                ancestor_ids = page.get_ancestors(inclusive=True).filter(
                    depth__gte=section_root_depth).values_list('id', flat=True)

        return {
            'current_page': current_page,
            'section_root': section_root,
            'current_page_ancestor_ids': ancestor_ids,
 def _run_test(self):
     Confirm that the Site returned by get_site_from_request() is a Wagtail Site
     request = self.client.get(self.url).wsgi_request
     site = get_site_from_request(request)
     self.assertIsInstance(site, Site)
Beispiel #3
    def _get_value_dict():
        current_page = request.META.get('WAGTAILMENUS_CURRENT_PAGE')
        section_root = request.META.get('WAGTAILMENUS_CURRENT_SECTION_ROOT')
        ancestor_ids = request.META.get(
        match = None
        site = get_site_from_request(request, fallback_to_default=True)

        guess_pos = settings.GUESS_TREE_POSITION_FROM_PATH
        sroot_depth = settings.SECTION_ROOT_DEPTH

        if guess_pos and not current_page:
            path_components = [pc for pc in request.path.split('/') if pc]
            # Keep trying to find a page using the path components until there
            # are no components left, or a page has been identified
            first_run = True
            while path_components and match is None:
                    match, args, kwargs = site.root_page.specific.route(
                        request, path_components)
                    ancestor_ids = match.get_ancestors(inclusive=True).filter(
                        depth__gte=sroot_depth).values_list('id', flat=True)
                    if first_run:
                        # A page was found matching the exact path, so it's
                        # safe to assume it's the 'current page'
                        current_page = match
                except Http404:
                    # No match found, so remove a path component and try again
                first_run = False

        if guess_pos and not section_root:
            best_match = current_page or match
            if best_match:
                if best_match.depth == sroot_depth:
                    section_root = best_match
                elif best_match.depth > sroot_depth:
                    # Attempt to identify the section root page from best_match
                    section_root = best_match.get_ancestors().filter(

        return {
            'current_page': current_page,
            'section_root': section_root,
            'current_page_ancestor_ids': ancestor_ids or (),
    def _get_value_dict():
        current_page = request.META.get('WAGTAILMENUS_CURRENT_PAGE')
        section_root = request.META.get('WAGTAILMENUS_CURRENT_SECTION_ROOT')
        ancestor_ids = request.META.get(
        match = None
        site = get_site_from_request(request, fallback_to_default=True)

        guess_pos = settings.GUESS_TREE_POSITION_FROM_PATH
        sroot_depth = settings.SECTION_ROOT_DEPTH

        if guess_pos and not current_page:
            path_components = [pc for pc in request.path.split('/') if pc]
            # Keep trying to find a page using the path components until there
            # are no components left, or a page has been identified
            first_run = True
            while path_components and match is None:
                    match, args, kwargs = site.root_page.specific.route(
                        request, path_components)
                    ancestor_ids = match.get_ancestors(inclusive=True).filter(
                        depth__gte=sroot_depth).values_list('id', flat=True)
                    if first_run:
                        # A page was found matching the exact path, so it's
                        # safe to assume it's the 'current page'
                        current_page = match
                except Http404:
                    # No match found, so remove a path component and try again
                first_run = False

        if guess_pos and not section_root:
            best_match = current_page or match
            if best_match:
                if best_match.depth == sroot_depth:
                    section_root = best_match
                elif best_match.depth > sroot_depth:
                    # Attempt to identify the section root page from best_match
                    section_root = best_match.get_ancestors().filter(

        return {
            'current_page': current_page,
            'section_root': section_root,
            'current_page_ancestor_ids': ancestor_ids or (),
Beispiel #5
 def get_contextual_vals_from_context(cls, context):
     Gathers all of the 'contextual' data needed to render a menu instance
     and returns it in a structure that can be conveniently referenced
     throughout the process of preparing the menu and menu items and
     for rendering.
     context_processor_vals = context.get('wagtailmenus_vals', {})
     return ContextualVals(
         context.get('current_level', 0) + 1,
         context.get('original_menu_tag', cls.related_templatetag_name),
         context_processor_vals.get('current_page_ancestor_ids', ()),