Beispiel #1
def testEventScheduler(base_fixture, qtbot, target_mockup_fixture, monkeypatch):

    with freeze_time(datetime(2020, 12, 24, 22, 59, 45), tick=True) as frozen:
        settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
        #settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_END, 0)
        settings.set(SOUND_ENABLED, True)
        comp_ctrl = ComponentController(settings)
        comps = comp_ctrl.components
        wmu = WeatherMainUi(comp_ctrl, settings)
        from pytestqt.plugin import _qapp_instance
        config.qt_app = _qapp_instance
        #monkeypatch.setattr('', frozen)
        ev = EventHandler(comps, settings)
        t = get_time_of_day()

        current_date_time =
        assert t
        ev.gui_background_update_sig = wmu.change_background_sig
        while not ev._scheduler:
        comps.motion_detection_sensor._motion_detected = 1

        comps.motion_detection_sensor._motion_detected = 0
Beispiel #2
def testNightModeEnter(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(MOTION_SENSOR_ENABLED, True)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_BEGIN, 23)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_END, 5)
    settings.set(BRIGHTNESS, 70)

    energy_saver = None
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    disp = comps.display
    # day
    with freeze_time("2019-01-01 22:59:59"):
        energy_saver = ESaver(comps, settings)
        assert not energy_saver._update_thread is None
        assert not energy_saver.night_mode_active
        assert disp.get_brightness() == 70
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 1)
        assert disp.get_brightness() == STANDBY_BRIGHTNESS
        assert not energy_saver.night_mode_active

    with freeze_time("2019-01-01 23:00:01"):
        time.sleep(2 * energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 1)
        assert energy_saver.night_mode_active
        assert disp.get_brightness() == NIGHT_MODE_BRIGHTNESS

    with freeze_time("2019-01-02 04:59:01"):
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 1)
        assert energy_saver.night_mode_active
        assert disp.get_brightness() == NIGHT_MODE_BRIGHTNESS

Beispiel #3
def testComponentRegistryDefaultSensors(base_fixture):

    # disable every hw sensor
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(DHT_22_PIN, 0)
    # settings.set() = 0

    cr = ComponentRegistry(settings)
def main(settings_path: Optional[Path] = None):
    Main function, calling setup, loading components and safe shutdown.
    :param settings_path: Only used for testing to load a settings file.

    # Create user config dir
    if not config.user_config_dir.exists():

    # System is first, is_target_system is the most basic check
    runtime_system = RuntimeSystem()
    if not runtime_system.is_target_system:

    # All other classes depend on settings
    if not settings_path:
        settings_path = config.user_config_dir
    settings = Settings(ini_folder=settings_path)

    handle_cmd_args(settings)  # cmd args set Debug level for logger

    # to be able to remote debug as much as possible, this call is being done early

        output_path=config.user_config_dir)  # singleton, no assigment needed

    comp_ctrl = ComponentController(settings)
    config.comp_ctrl = comp_ctrl
    #if config.DEBUG_LEVEL > 0: # disable startup sound
    #    comp_ctrl.components.tts.say_internal("startup", [WAQD_VERSION])
    display_type = settings.get(DISPLAY_TYPE)

    if display_type in [DISP_TYPE_RPI, DISP_TYPE_WAVESHARE_5_LCD]:
        config.qt_app = qt_app_setup(settings)
        # main_ui must be held in this context, otherwise the gc will destroy the gui
        loading_sequence(comp_ctrl, settings)
        except:  # pylint:disable=bare-except
            trace_back = traceback.format_exc()
            Logger().error("Application crashed: \n%s", trace_back)
    elif display_type == DISP_TYPE_WAVESHARE_EPAPER_2_9:
    elif display_type == DISP_TYPE_HEADLESS:

    # unload modules - wait for every thread to quit
    if runtime_system.is_target_system:
        Logger().info("Prepare to exit...")
        if comp_ctrl:
            while not comp_ctrl.all_unloaded:
Beispiel #5
def testParser(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(SOUND_ENABLED, True)
    events = parse_event_file(base_fixture.testdata_path / "events" / "events.json")
    assert events
    assert events[0].name == "Daily Greeting"
    assert events[1].name == "Wakeup"
    temp_file = tempfile.gettempdir() + "/eventsTest.json"
    write_events_file(temp_file, events)
    with open(temp_file) as fp:
        events_read = json.load(fp)
    assert events_read.get("events")[0].get("name") == "Daily Greeting"
    assert events_read.get("events")[1].get("name") == "Wakeup"
Beispiel #6
def testDefaultComponentCreation(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    # test, that all components can be instantiated
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(MOTION_SENSOR_ENABLED, True)
    settings.set(DHT_22_PIN, 15)
    settings.set(BME_280_ENABLED, True)

    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)

    disp = comps.display
    assert disp
    temp = comps.temp_sensor
    assert temp
    mot = comps.motion_detection_sensor
    assert mot
    tts = comps.tts
    assert tts
    es = comps.energy_saver
    assert es
    weather_info = comps.weather_info
    assert weather_info
    au = comps.auto_updater
    assert au
    hum = comps.humidity_sensor
    assert hum
    ps = comps.pressure_sensor
    assert ps
    co2 = comps.co2_sensor
    assert co2
    tvoc = comps.tvoc_sensor
    assert tvoc
    rt = comps.remote_temp_sensor
    assert rt
    ev = comps.event_handler
    assert ev
def testOnSoundDisabled(base_fixture, capsys):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(SOUND_ENABLED, "en")
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)

    tts = TextToSpeach(comps, settings)
    tts.say("Text1", "en")
    # we can implicitly check, if the Thread has been started by us
    assert "TTS" in tts._tts_thread.getName()
    # test that no warning was thrown
    captured = capsys.readouterr()
    assert "WARNING" not in captured.out
    assert "Sound: Cannot play sound" not in captured.out
 def __init__(self, settings: Settings):
     log_values = bool(settings.get(LOG_SENSOR_DATA))
     CO2Sensor.__init__(self, log_values)
     self._start_time =
     self._readings_stabilized = False
     self._start_update_loop(self._init_sensor, self._read_sensor)
def testOptions(base_fixture, qtbot, mocker):  # target_mockup_fixture
    Test the option gui.
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    comp_ctrl = ComponentController(settings)
    wmu = WeatherMainUi(comp_ctrl, settings)
    from pytestqt.plugin import _qapp_instance
    config.qt_app = _qapp_instance
    # OptionMainUi start a new root obj execution
    widget = OptionMainUi(wmu, comp_ctrl, settings)


    # For debug:
    #  while True:
    #     _qapp_instance.processEvents()

    assert widget.isEnabled()
    qtbot.mouseClick(widget._ui.ok_button, QtCore.Qt.LeftButton)
    assert widget.isHidden()

    # TODO add r/w asserts

    # unload the now started main ui
    while not comp_ctrl.all_unloaded:
    assert comp_ctrl.all_unloaded
    def __init__(self, settings: Settings):
        log_values = bool(settings.get(LOG_SENSOR_DATA))
        DustSensor.__init__(self, settings)
        CyclicComponent.__init__(self, None, settings)

        self._sensor_driver = None
        self._start_update_loop(self._init_sensor, self._read_sensor)
    def __init__(self, components: ComponentRegistry, settings: Settings):
        log_values = bool(settings.get(LOG_SENSOR_DATA))
        TempSensor.__init__(self, log_values)
        BarometricSensor.__init__(self, log_values)
        CyclicComponent.__init__(self, components, settings)

        self._sensor_driver = None
        self._start_update_loop(self._init_sensor, self._read_sensor)
    def __init__(self, settings: Settings):
        MEASURE_POINTS = 2
        log_values = bool(settings.get(LOG_SENSOR_DATA))
        LightSensor.__init__(self, log_values, MEASURE_POINTS)

        self._sensor_driver = None
        self._start_update_loop(self._init_sensor, self._read_sensor)
Beispiel #13
def testComponentRestartWatchdog(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    # test, that a sensor revives after stopping it
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(DHT_22_PIN, 15)

    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    temp = comps.temp_sensor
    hum = comps.humidity_sensor
    assert temp

    assert not hasattr(comps._components, "DHT22")
    assert not hasattr(comps._components, "TempSensor")
    assert not hasattr(comps._components, "HumiditySensor")

    assert comps.temp_sensor
    assert comps.humidity_sensor
    assert comps._components["DHT22"]
def set_ui_language(qt_app: QtWidgets.QApplication, settings: Settings):
    """ Set the ui language. Retranslate must be called afterwards."""
    if config.translator:
    if settings.get(LANG) == LANG_ENGLISH:  # default case, ui is written in english

    if not config.translator:
        config.translator = QtCore.QTranslator(qt_app)

    tr_file = Path("NULL")
    if settings.get(LANG) == LANG_GERMAN:
        tr_file = config.base_path / "ui/qt/german.qm"
    if settings.get(LANG) == LANG_HUNGARIAN:
        tr_file = config.base_path / "ui/qt/hungarian.qm"
    if not tr_file.exists():
        logger.error("Cannot find %s translation file.", str(tr_file))

    def __init__(self, components: ComponentRegistry, settings: Settings):
        MEASURE_POINTS = 3
        log_values = bool(settings.get(LOG_SENSOR_DATA))
        CO2Sensor.__init__(self, log_values, MEASURE_POINTS)
        TvocSensor.__init__(self, log_values, MEASURE_POINTS)
        CyclicComponent.__init__(self, components)
        self._start_time =
        self._reload_forbidden = True
        self._sensor_driver: "CCS811" = None
        self._error_num = 0

        self._start_update_loop(self._init_sensor, self._read_sensor)
def get_localized_date(date_time: datetime.datetime, settings: Settings) -> str:
    Returns a formatted date of a day conforming to the actual locale.
    Contains weekday name, month and day.
    # switch locale to selected language - needs reboot on linux
    if settings.get(LANG) != LANG_ENGLISH:
        locale_name = ""
            if platform.system() == "Windows":
                if settings.get(LANG) == LANG_GERMAN:
                    locale_name = "de_DE"
                elif settings.get(LANG) == LANG_HUNGARIAN:
                    locale_name = "hu-HU"
            elif platform.system() == "Linux":
                if settings.get(LANG) == LANG_GERMAN:
                    locale_name = "de_DE.UTF8"
                elif settings.get(LANG) == LANG_HUNGARIAN:
                    locale_name = "hu_HU.UTF8"
            locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, locale_name)
        except Exception as error:
            logger.error("Cannot set language to %s: %s", settings.get(LANG), str(error))
            # "sudo apt-get install language-pack-id" is needed...
            # or sudo locale-gen
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, 'C')

    local_date = time.strftime("%a, %x", date_time.timetuple())
    # remove year - twice once with following . and once for none
    local_date = local_date.replace(str(date_time.year) + ".", "")
    local_date = local_date.replace(str(date_time.year), "")
    return local_date
 def __init__(self, pin: int, components: ComponentRegistry, settings: Settings):
     log_values = bool(settings.get(LOG_SENSOR_DATA))
     TempSensor.__init__(self, log_values)
     HumiditySensor.__init__(self, log_values)
     CyclicComponent.__init__(self, components, log_values)
     self._pin = pin
     if not self._pin:
         self._logger.error("DHT22: No pin, disabled")
         self._disabled = True
     self._sensor_driver = None
     self._error_num = 0
     self._start_update_loop(self._init_sensor, self._read_sensor)
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self, components: ComponentRegistry, settings: Settings):
        super().__init__(components, settings)
        if not settings.get(EVENTS_ENABLED):

        self.gui_background_update_sig: Optional[pyqtBoundSignal] = None
        self._config_events_file = config.user_config_dir / "events.json"
        self._events = parse_event_file(self._config_events_file)
        self._scheduler: Optional[BackgroundScheduler] = None

        self._init_thread = threading.Thread(name="StartScheduler",
Beispiel #19
def testComponentRegistry(base_fixture):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    cr = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    assert not cr._unload_in_progress

    comp = cr._create_component_instance(Component)
    cyc_comp = cr._create_component_instance(CyclicComponent)
    assert isinstance(comp, Component)
    assert isinstance(cyc_comp, CyclicComponent)

    assert "Component" in cr.get_names()
    assert "CyclicComponent" in cr.get_names()

    assert cr._components["Component"] == comp
    assert cr._components["CyclicComponent"] == cyc_comp
Beispiel #20
def testMH_Z19(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture, mocker):
    assert not RuntimeSystem().is_target_system
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    sensor = sensors.MH_Z19(settings)

    measure_points = 2
    sensor._co2_impl._values_capacity = measure_points
    assert sensor.is_alive
    assert sensor.is_ready

    # wait until all measurement points are filled up, so that mean value equals the constant value
    # -> takes too long, every call spawns a new python process tgis takes a few seconds
    time.sleep(sensor.UPDATE_TIME + (measure_points + 1))
    from mh_z19 import CO2
    assert sensor.get_co2() == CO2
def testComponent(base_fixture):
    # test default constructor
    TestComponent = Component()
    # check default settings
    assert not TestComponent.is_disabled
    assert not TestComponent.reload_forbidden
    assert isinstance(TestComponent._logger, logging.Logger)
    assert isinstance(TestComponent._runtime_system, RuntimeSystem)
    assert TestComponent._settings is None
    assert TestComponent._comps is None

    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    TestComponent = Component(settings=settings)
    assert TestComponent._settings == settings

    components = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    TestComponent = Component(components)
    assert TestComponent._comps == components
Beispiel #22
def testCCS811(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    from adafruit_ccs811 import TVOC, CO2
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")

    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    sensor = sensors.CCS811(comps, settings)
    measure_points = 2

    sensor._co2_impl._values_capacity = measure_points
    sensor._tvoc_impl._values_capacity = measure_points

    assert sensor.is_alive
    assert sensor.is_ready

    # wait until all measurement points are filled up, so that mean value equals the constant value
    time.sleep(sensor.UPDATE_TIME * (measure_points + 1))
    assert sensor.get_tvoc() == TVOC
    assert sensor.get_co2() == CO2
Beispiel #23
def testDHT22(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    from adafruit_dht import TEMP, HUM
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)

    sensors.DHT22.UPDATE_TIME = 1
    sensor = sensors.DHT22(pin=10, components=comps, settings=settings)
    measure_points = 2
    sensor._temp_impl._values_capacity = measure_points
    sensor._hum_impl._values_capacity = measure_points

    assert sensor.is_alive
    assert sensor.is_ready

    # wait until all measurement points are filled up, so that mean value equals the constant value
    time.sleep(sensor.UPDATE_TIME * (measure_points + 1))

    assert sensor.get_humidity() == HUM
    assert sensor.get_temperature() == TEMP
Beispiel #24
def testBMP280(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    from adafruit_bme280 import TEMP, PRESSURE
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")

    sensors.BME280.UPDATE_TIME = 1

    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    sensor = sensors.BME280(comps, settings)
    measure_points = 2
    sensor._temp_impl._values_capacity = measure_points
    sensor._pres_impl._values_capacity = measure_points

    assert sensor.is_alive
    assert sensor.is_ready

    # wait until all measurement points are filled up, so that mean value equals the constant value
    time.sleep(sensor.UPDATE_TIME * (measure_points + 1))
    assert sensor.get_pressure() == PRESSURE
    assert sensor.get_temperature() == TEMP
Beispiel #25
def testWeatherDetailView(base_fixture, qtbot):
    parent = QtWidgets.QMainWindow()
    parent.resize(800, 480)
    # initalize settings
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")

    weather = OpenWeatherMap("city_id", "abcd")  # inputs do not matter
    weather._fc_json_file = str(base_fixture.testdata_path /
    weather._cw_json_file = str(base_fixture.testdata_path /

    # get a date matching with the test data
    #current_date_time = datetime.datetime(2019, 7, 21, 15)
    with freeze_time("2019-07-21 20:00:00"):
        forecast = weather.get_5_day_forecast()
         nighttime_forecast_points] = weather.get_forecast_points()

    widget = WeatherDetailView(daytime_forecast_points[0], settings, parent)

    # while True:
    #     QtWidgets.QApplication.processEvents()

    assert widget.isVisible()
    series = widget._chart.series()
    assert len(series) == 3

    # can't test the point directly, because it depends on the timezone
    assert len(series[0].pointsVector()) == 5
    point = series[0].pointsVector()[0]
    assert point.y() == 23.32
    assert series[0].pointLabelsVisible
Beispiel #26
def testNoStandbyIfSensorIsDisabled(base_fixture):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(MOTION_SENSOR_ENABLED, False)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_BEGIN, 23)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_END, 5)
    settings.set(BRIGHTNESS, 70)

    energy_saver = None
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    disp = comps.display

    # night mode - no wakeup
    with freeze_time("2019-01-01 12:00:00"):
        # energy_saver needs to be initalized in freeze time, otherwise testing time will have an impact
        energy_saver = ESaver(comps, settings)
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 1)
        assert disp.get_brightness() == settings.get(BRIGHTNESS)

def testRepoIsReachable(base_fixture):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    online_updater = OnlineUpdater(comps, enabled=True, use_beta_channel=True)
    assert online_updater._repository # only check if object exists
def testCheckShouldUpdate(base_fixture):
    import waqd.components.updater as updater # import the module here, so we can access the loaded global var of WAQD version
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)

    online_updater = OnlineUpdater(comps, enabled=True, use_beta_channel=True)
    # Main versions to Main versions
    updater.WAQD_VERSION = "1.1.0"
    # same version -  no update
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("v1.1.0")  # use v to see if it is cut
    # lesser version - no update
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.0.0")
    # higher version
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.2.0")

    # Main Version
    # Main version to Beta version
    # beta flag enabled
    # lesser version - no update
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.0.0b19")
    # same version - but Beta -> must be older
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b2")
    # higher version
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.2.0b0")

    # beta flag disabled - no update
    online_updater._use_beta_channel = False
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.0.0b19")
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b2")

    # Beta Version
    # Beta Version to Main Version
    updater.WAQD_VERSION = "1.1.0b1"
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.0.0")
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.2.0")

    # Beta Version to Beta Version
    online_updater._use_beta_channel = True
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b0")
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b2")
    online_updater._use_beta_channel = False
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b2")

    # Beta Version to Alpha Version
    # negative test, not enabled
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a2")
    # enable - higher version should work
    updater.config.DEBUG_LEVEL = 1
    online_updater._use_beta_channel = True
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a2")
    # lower or equal should not
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a1")
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a0")

    # Alpha Version
    updater.WAQD_VERSION = "1.1.0a1"
    online_updater._use_beta_channel = True
    updater.config.DEBUG_LEVEL = 1
    # to alpha
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a2")
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a0")
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a1")
    # to beta
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b2")
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b1")
    # TODO currently will always update to beta
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b0")
    # to main
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0")
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.2.0")
    assert not online_updater._check_should_update("1.0.0")
    # disabled debug level - only update to beta or main
    updater.config.DEBUG_LEVEL = 0
    # TODO: updates from alpha to alpha
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0a2")
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0b1")
    assert online_updater._check_should_update("1.1.0")
Beispiel #29
def testWakeUpFromNightMode(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")

    settings.set(MOTION_SENSOR_ENABLED, True)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_BEGIN, 22)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_END, 5)
    settings.set(BRIGHTNESS, 70)
    settings.set(NIGHT_STANDBY_TIMEOUT, 10)

    energy_saver = None
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    disp = comps.display

    with freeze_time("2019-01-01 22:59:59"):
        energy_saver = ESaver(comps, settings)
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 1)
        assert NIGHT_MODE_BRIGHTNESS == disp.get_brightness()
        assert energy_saver.night_mode_active == True

        # set sensor high
        comps.motion_detection_sensor._motion_detected = 1
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 1)
        assert disp.get_brightness() == 70 - NIGHTMODE_WAKEUP_DELTA_BRIGHTNESS

        # set sensor low
        comps.motion_detection_sensor._motion_detected = 0
        time.sleep(10 + 1)
        assert disp.get_brightness() == NIGHT_MODE_BRIGHTNESS

Beispiel #30
def testStandbyInDayMode(base_fixture, target_mockup_fixture):
    settings = Settings(base_fixture.testdata_path / "integration")
    settings.set(MOTION_SENSOR_ENABLED, True)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_BEGIN, 22)
    settings.set(NIGHT_MODE_END, 5)
    settings.set(BRIGHTNESS, 70)
    settings.set(DAY_STANDBY_TIMEOUT, 10)

    energy_saver = None
    comps = ComponentRegistry(settings)
    disp = comps.display

    # day
    with freeze_time("2019-01-01 12:59:59"):
        energy_saver = comps.energy_saver
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 1)
        assert energy_saver.night_mode_active == False
        assert disp.get_brightness() == STANDBY_BRIGHTNESS

    # switch to wake
    comps.motion_detection_sensor._motion_detected = 1
    with freeze_time("2019-01-01 13:00:10"):
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME + 2)
        assert disp.get_brightness() == settings.get(BRIGHTNESS)
        time.sleep(10 - energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME)
        # switch to standby
        comps.motion_detection_sensor._motion_detected = 0
        time.sleep(energy_saver.UPDATE_TIME * 2)
        assert disp.get_brightness() == STANDBY_BRIGHTNESS