Beispiel #1
def cSTrecur_depth2_CF(imageInput, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params):
    [STconv1dim] = dimShape
    STconv1fcDim = (params.H - 8) * (params.W - 8) * STconv1dim
    with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur"):
        with tf.variable_scope("conv1"):
            weight1, bias1 = createVariable([9, 9, 1, STconv1dim], stddev)
        with tf.variable_scope("fc2"):
            weight2, bias2 = createVariable([STconv1fcDim, params.pDim], 0,
    for l in range(STlayerN):
        with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur{0}".format(l)):
            warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params)
            ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params)
            makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params)
            with tf.variable_scope("conv1"):
                STconv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(
                    ImWarp, weight1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1
                                              ], padding="VALID") + bias1
                STrelu1 = tf.nn.relu(STconv1)
            STrelu1vec = tf.reshape(STrelu1, [-1, STconv1fcDim])
            with tf.variable_scope("fc2"):
                STfc2 = tf.matmul(STrelu1vec, weight2) + bias2
            p = warp.compose(p, STfc2, params)
    warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params)
    ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params)
    makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(STlayerN), ImWarp, params)
    return ImWarp, p
def cSTrecur_depth4_CCFF(imageInput, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params):
    [STconv1dim, STconv2dim, STfc3dim] = dimShape
    STconv2fcDim = (params.H - 12) // 2 * (params.W - 12) // 2 * STconv2dim
    with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur"):
        with tf.variable_scope("conv1"):
            weight1, bias1 = createVariable([7, 7, 1, STconv1dim], stddev)
        with tf.variable_scope("conv2"):
            weight2, bias2 = createVariable([7, 7, STconv1dim, STconv2dim],
        with tf.variable_scope("fc3"):
            weight3, bias3 = createVariable([STconv2fcDim, STfc3dim], stddev)
        with tf.variable_scope("fc4"):
            weight4, bias4 = createVariable([STfc3dim, params.pDim], 0, True)
        ImWarp = imageInput
    k = 1
    for l in range(STlayerN):
        with tf.name_scope("cSTrecur{0}".format(l)):
            with tf.variable_scope("conv1"):
                STconv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(
                    ImWarp, weight1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1
                                              ], padding="VALID") + bias1
                STrelu1 = tf.nn.relu(STconv1)
            with tf.variable_scope("conv2"):
                STconv2 = tf.nn.conv2d(
                    STrelu1, weight2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1
                                               ], padding="VALID") + bias2
                STrelu2 = tf.nn.relu(STconv2)
                STmaxpool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(STrelu2,
                                            ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1],
                                            strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
            STmaxpool2vec = tf.reshape(STmaxpool2, [-1, STconv2fcDim])
            with tf.variable_scope("fc3"):
                STfc3 = tf.matmul(STmaxpool2vec, weight3) + bias3
                STrelu3 = tf.nn.relu(STfc3)
            with tf.variable_scope("fc4"):
                STfc4 = tf.matmul(STrelu3, weight4) + bias4
            if k == 1:
                p = STfc4
                p = warp.compose(p, STfc4, params)
            k = k + 1
            warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params)
            ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params)
            makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params)
    warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params)
    ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params)
    makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(STlayerN), ImWarp, params)
    return ImWarp, p
def genPerturbations(params):
    with tf.name_scope("genPerturbations"):
        X = np.tile(params.canon4pts[:, 0], [params.batchSize, 1])
        Y = np.tile(params.canon4pts[:, 1], [params.batchSize, 1])
        dX = tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 4]) * params.warpScale["pert"] \
             + tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 1]) * params.warpScale["trans"]
        dY = tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 4]) * params.warpScale["pert"] \
             + tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 1]) * params.warpScale["trans"]
        O = np.zeros([params.batchSize, 4], dtype=np.float32)
        I = np.ones([params.batchSize, 4], dtype=np.float32)
        # fit warp parameters to generated displacements
        if params.warpType == "affine":
            J = np.concatenate([np.stack([X, Y, I, O, O, O], axis=-1),
                                np.stack([O, O, O, X, Y, I], axis=-1)], axis=1)
            dXY = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([dX, dY], 1), -1)
            dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(J, dXY)
        elif params.warpType == "homography":
            A = tf.concat([tf.stack([X, Y, I, O, O, O, -X * (X + dX), -Y * (X + dX)], axis=-1),
                           tf.stack([O, O, O, X, Y, I, -X * (Y + dY), -Y * (Y + dY)], axis=-1)], 1)
            b = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([X + dX, Y + dY], 1), -1)
            dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(A, b)
            dpBatch -= tf.to_float(tf.reshape([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 8, 1]))
        dpBatch = tf.reduce_sum(dpBatch, reduction_indices=-1)
        dpMtrxBatch = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(dpBatch, params)
    return dpBatch
Beispiel #4
def cST_depth1_F(imageInput, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params):
    for l in range(STlayerN):
        with tf.name_scope("cST{0}".format(l)):
            warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params)
            ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params)
            makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params)
            imageWarpVec = tf.reshape(ImWarp, [-1, params.H * params.W])
            with tf.variable_scope("fc1"):
                weight, bias = createVariable(
                    [params.H * params.W, params.pDim], 0, True)
                STfc1 = tf.matmul(imageWarpVec, weight) + bias
            p = warp.compose(p, STfc1, params)
    warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, params)
    ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, params)
    makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(STlayerN), ImWarp, params)
    return ImWarp, p
def MYST_depth4_CCFF(ImWarp, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev, params):
    makeImageSummary("image", ImWarp, params)
    for l in range(STlayerN):
        with tf.name_scope("ST{0}".format(l)):
            [STconv1dim, STconv2dim] = dimShape
            STconv2fcDim = 6 * 6 * STconv2dim
            with tf.variable_scope("conv1"):
                weight, bias = createVariable([3, 3, 1, STconv1dim], stddev)
                STconv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(
                    ImWarp, weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1
                                             ], padding="VALID") + bias
                STrelu1 = tf.nn.relu(STconv1)
                STmaxpool1 = tf.nn.max_pool(STrelu1,
                                            ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1],
                                            strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
            with tf.variable_scope("conv2"):
                weight, bias = createVariable([4, 4, STconv1dim, STconv2dim],
                STconv2 = tf.nn.conv2d(
                    STmaxpool1, weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1
                                                 ], padding="VALID") + bias
                STrelu2 = tf.nn.relu(STconv2)
                STmaxpool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(STrelu2,
                                            ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1],
                                            strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
            STmaxpool2vec = tf.reshape(STmaxpool2, [-1, STconv2fcDim])
            with tf.variable_scope("fc4"):
                weight, bias = createVariable([STconv2fcDim, params.pDim], 0,
                STfc4 = tf.matmul(STmaxpool2vec, weight) + bias
            warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(STfc4, params)
            ImWarp = data.ImWarpIm(ImWarp, warpMtrx, params)
            makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, params)
Beispiel #6
def genPerturbations(opt):
	with tf.name_scope("genPerturbations"):
		X = np.tile(opt.canon4pts[:,0],[opt.batchSize,1])
		Y = np.tile(opt.canon4pts[:,1],[opt.batchSize,1])
		dX = tf.random_normal([opt.batchSize,4])*opt.warpScale["pert"] \
		dY = tf.random_normal([opt.batchSize,4])*opt.warpScale["pert"] \
		O = np.zeros([opt.batchSize,4],dtype=np.float32)
		I = np.ones([opt.batchSize,4],dtype=np.float32)
		# fit warp parameters to generated displacements
		if opt.warpType == "affine":
			J = np.concatenate([np.stack([X,Y,I,O,O,O],axis=-1),
			dXY = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat(1,[dX,dY]),-1)
			dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(J,dXY)
		elif opt.warpType == "homography":
			A = tf.concat([tf.stack([X,Y,I,O,O,O,-X*(X+dX),-Y*(X+dX)],axis=-1),
			b = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([X+dX,Y+dY],1),-1)
			dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(A,b)
			dpBatch -= tf.to_float(tf.reshape([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],[1,8,1]))
		dpBatch = tf.reduce_sum(dpBatch,reduction_indices=-1)
		dpMtrxBatch = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(dpBatch,opt)
	return dpBatch
Beispiel #7
def cSTN(opt, imageInput, p, STlayerN, dimShape, stddev):
    for l in range(STlayerN):
        with tf.name_scope("cST{0}".format(l)):
            warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, opt)
            ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, opt)
            util.makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(l), ImWarp, opt)
            [STconv1dim, STconv2dim, STfc3dim] = dimShape
            STconv2fcDim = (opt.H - 12) // 2 * (opt.W - 12) // 2 * STconv2dim
            with tf.variable_scope("conv1"):
                weight, bias = createVariable([7, 7, 1, STconv1dim], stddev)
                STconv1 = tf.nn.conv2d(
                    ImWarp, weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1
                                             ], padding="VALID") + bias
                STrelu1 = tf.nn.relu(STconv1)
            with tf.variable_scope("conv2"):
                weight, bias = createVariable([7, 7, STconv1dim, STconv2dim],
                STconv2 = tf.nn.conv2d(
                    STrelu1, weight, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1
                                              ], padding="VALID") + bias
                STrelu2 = tf.nn.relu(STconv2)
                STmaxpool2 = tf.nn.max_pool(STrelu2,
                                            ksize=[1, 2, 2, 1],
                                            strides=[1, 2, 2, 1],
            STmaxpool2vec = tf.reshape(STmaxpool2, [-1, STconv2fcDim])
            with tf.variable_scope("fc3"):
                weight, bias = createVariable([STconv2fcDim, STfc3dim], stddev)
                STfc3 = tf.matmul(STmaxpool2vec, weight) + bias
                STrelu3 = tf.nn.relu(STfc3)
            with tf.variable_scope("fc4"):
                weight, bias = createVariable([STfc3dim, opt.pDim], 0, True)
                STfc4 = tf.matmul(STrelu3, weight) + bias
            p = warp.compose(p, STfc4, opt)
    warpMtrx = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(p, opt)
    ImWarp = data.imageWarpIm(imageInput, warpMtrx, opt)
    util.makeImageSummary("imageST{0}".format(STlayerN), ImWarp, opt)
    return ImWarp, p
Beispiel #8
print("warpType: {0}".format(params.warpType))
print("batchSize: {0}".format(params.batchSize))
print("GPU device: {0}".format(args.gpu))

tfConfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
tfConfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
# build graph
with tf.device(params.GPUdevice):
    # generate training data on the fly
    imageRawBatch = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                   shape=[None, 28, 28],
    pInitBatch = data.genPerturbations(params)
    pInitMtrxBatch = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(pInitBatch, params)
    ImBatch = data.imageWarpIm(imageRawBatch,
    # build network
    if args.type == "CNN":
        outputBatch = graph.buildFullCNN(ImBatch, [3, 6, 9, 12, 48], 0.1,
    elif args.type == "STN":
        ImWarpBatch, pBatch = graphST.ST_depth4_CCFF(ImBatch, pInitBatch, 1,
                                                     [4, 8, 48], 0.01, params)
        outputBatch = graph.buildCNN(ImWarpBatch, [3], 0.03, params)
    elif args.type == "cSTN":
        ImWarpBatch, pBatch = graphST.cST_depth4_CCFF(imageRawBatch,
                                                      pInitBatch, 1,
Beispiel #9
print("warpType: {0}".format(params.warpType))
print("batchSize: {0}".format(params.batchSize))
print("GPU device: {0}".format(args.gpu))

tfConfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
tfConfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
# build graph
with tf.device(params.GPUdevice):
    # generate training data on the fly
    imageRawBatch = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,
                                   shape=[None, 32, 32, None],
    pInitBatch = data.genPerturbations(params)  #produce raodong
    pInitMtrxBatch = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(
        pInitBatch, params)  #jiang rao dong can shu zhuan hua wei ju zhen
    ImBatch = data.imageWarpIm(
        imageRawBatch, pInitMtrxBatch, params,
        name=None)  #cong mei pi tuxiang zhuanhua wei bianhua hou de tuxiang
    # build network
    if args.type == "CNN":
        outputBatch = graph.buildFullCNN(imageRawBatch, [64, 64, 128, 300],
                                         0.1, params)
    elif args.type == "STN":
        ImWarpBatch, pBatch = graphST.ST_depth1_F(imageRawBatch, pInitBatch, 1,
                                                  [65], 0.01, params)
        outputBatch = graph.buildFullCNN(ImWarpBatch, [64, 64, 128, 300], 0.03,
    elif args.type == "cSTN":
        ImWarpBatch, pBatch = graphST.cST_depth4_CCFF(imageRawBatch,
                                                      pInitBatch, 1,
Beispiel #10
print("warpScale: (pert) {0} (trans) {1}".format(opt.warpScale["pert"],opt.warpScale["trans"]))
print("warpType: {0}".format(opt.warpType))
print("batchSize: {0}".format(opt.batchSize))
print("GPU device: {0}".format(opt.gpu))

tfConfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
tfConfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
# build graph
with tf.device(opt.GPUdevice):
	# generate training data on the fly
	imageRawBatch = tf.placeholder(tf.float32,shape=[None,28,28],name="image")
	pInitBatch = data.genPerturbations(opt)
	pInitMtrxBatch = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(pInitBatch,opt)
	ImBatch = data.imageWarpIm(imageRawBatch,pInitMtrxBatch,opt,name=None)
	# build network
	if opt.type=="CNN":
		outputBatch = graph.fullCNN(opt,ImBatch,[3,6,9,12,48],0.1)
	elif opt.type=="STN":
		ImWarpBatch,pBatch = graph.STN(opt,ImBatch,pInitBatch,1,[4,8,48],0.01)
		outputBatch = graph.CNN(opt,ImWarpBatch,[3],0.03)
	elif opt.type=="cSTN":
		ImWarpBatch,pBatch = graph.cSTN(opt,imageRawBatch,pInitBatch,1,[4,8,48],0.01)
		outputBatch = graph.CNN(opt,ImWarpBatch,[3],0.03)
	elif opt.type=="ICSTN":
		ImWarpBatch,pBatch = graph.ICSTN(opt,imageRawBatch,pInitBatch,opt.recurN,[4,8,48],0.01)
		outputBatch = graph.CNN(opt,ImWarpBatch,[3],0.03)
	# define loss/optimizer/summaries
	imageSummaries = tf.summary.merge_all()
Beispiel #11
tfConfig = tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)
tfConfig.gpu_options.allow_growth = True

X = np.tile(params.canon4pts[:, 0], [params.batchSize, 1])
Y = np.tile(params.canon4pts[:, 1], [params.batchSize, 1])
dX = tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 4]) * params.warpScale["pert"] \
             + tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 1]) * params.warpScale["trans"]
dY = tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 4]) * params.warpScale["pert"] \
             + tf.random_normal([params.batchSize, 1]) * params.warpScale["trans"]
O = np.zeros([params.batchSize, 4], dtype=np.float32)
I = np.ones([params.batchSize, 4], dtype=np.float32)
# fit warp parameters to generated displacements
if params.warpType == "affine":
    J = np.concatenate([
        np.stack([X, Y, I, O, O, O], axis=-1),
        np.stack([O, O, O, X, Y, I], axis=-1)
    dXY = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([dX, dY], 1), -1)
    dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(J, dXY)
elif params.warpType == "homography":
    A = tf.concat([
        tf.stack([X, Y, I, O, O, O, -X * (X + dX), -Y * (X + dX)], axis=-1),
        tf.stack([O, O, O, X, Y, I, -X * (Y + dY), -Y * (Y + dY)], axis=-1)
    ], 1)
    b = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([X + dX, Y + dY], 1), -1)
    dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(A, b)
    dpBatch -= tf.to_float(tf.reshape([1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0], [1, 8, 1]))
dpBatch = tf.reduce_sum(dpBatch, reduction_indices=-1)
dpMtrxBatch = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(dpBatch, params)