def slope_error_hist(thickness_cropped, fitted, pixelSize, delta=1, sourcedistance=1.0, saveFigFlag=True, str4title=''): errorThickness = thickness_cropped - fitted plt.figure(figsize=(15, 8)) plt.subplot(121) slope_error_h = np.diff(errorThickness, axis=0) / pixelSize[0] * delta argNotNAN = np.isfinite(slope_error_h) factor_seh, unit_seh = wpu.choose_unit(slope_error_h[argNotNAN]) sigma_seh = np.std(slope_error_h[argNotNAN].flatten()) plt.hist(slope_error_h[argNotNAN].flatten() * factor_seh, 100, histtype='stepfilled') plt.xlabel(r'Slope Error [$ ' + unit_seh + ' rad$ ]') plt.title('Horizontal, SDV = ' + '{:.2f}'.format(sigma_seh * factor_seh) + ' $' + unit_seh + ' rad$') plt.subplot(122) slope_error_v = np.diff(errorThickness, axis=1) / pixelSize[1] * delta argNotNAN = np.isfinite(slope_error_v) factor_sev, unit_sev = wpu.choose_unit(slope_error_v[argNotNAN]) sigma_sev = np.std(slope_error_v[argNotNAN].flatten()) plt.hist(slope_error_v[argNotNAN].flatten() * factor_sev, 100, histtype='stepfilled') plt.xlabel(r'Slope Error [$ ' + unit_sev + ' rad$ ]') plt.title('Vertical, SDV = ' + '{:.2f}'.format(sigma_sev * factor_sev) + ' $' + unit_sev + ' rad$') if delta != 1: str4title += ' WF slope error' else: str4title += ' Thickness slope error' plt.suptitle(str4title, fontsize=18, weight='bold') if saveFigFlag: wpu.save_figs_with_idx(fname2save, extension='png') wpu.log_this('Slope Error Hor SDV = ' + '{:.3f}'.format(sigma_seh * factor_seh) + unit_seh + ' rad') wpu.log_this('Slope Error Ver SDV = ' + '{:.3f}'.format(sigma_sev * factor_sev) + unit_sev + ' rad') return sigma_seh, sigma_sev
(period_harm_Vert, _) = wgi.exp_harm_period(img, [period_harm_Vert, period_harm_Horz], harmonic_ij=['1', '0'], searchRegion=40, isFFT=False, verbose=True) (_, period_harm_Horz) = wgi.exp_harm_period(img, [period_harm_Vert, period_harm_Horz], harmonic_ij=['0', '1'], searchRegion=40, isFFT=False, verbose=True) wpu.log_this('Input files: ' + samplefileName.rsplit('_', 1)[0] + '*.tif', preffname=fname2save) wpu.log_this('\nNumber of files : ' + str(nfiles)) wpu.log_this('Stride : ' + str(strideFile)) wpu.log_this('Z distances is ' + zvec_from) if zvec_from == 'Calculated': wpu.log_this('Step zscan [mm] : {:.4g}'.format(step_z_scan * 1e3)) wpu.log_this('Start point zscan [mm] : {:.4g}'.format(startDist * 1e3)) wpu.log_this('Pixel Size [um] : {:.4g}'.format(pixelSize * 1e6)) wpu.log_this('Grating Period [um] : {:.4g}'.format(gratingPeriod * 1e6)) wpu.log_this('Grating Pattern : ' + pattern) wpu.log_this('Crop idxs : ' + str(idx4crop)) wpu.log_this('Dark idxs : ' + str(idx4cropDark)) wpu.log_this('Vertical Source Distance: ' + str(sourceDistanceV))
# %% initial pars (fname, str4title, nominalRadius, diameter4fit_list, lensGeometry) = _load_experimental_pars(sys.argv) fname2save = fname.split('.')[0].split('/')[-1] + '_fit' data_dir = fname.rsplit('/', 1)[0] print(fname) print(data_dir) os.chdir(data_dir) os.makedirs('residuals', exist_ok=True) os.chdir('residuals') wpu.log_this(preffname=fname.split('.')[0].split('/')[-1] + '_fit', inifname=inifname) # %% Load Input File if fname.split('.')[-1] == 'sdf': thickness, pixelSize, headerdic = wpu.load_sdf_file(fname) xx, yy = wpu.realcoordmatrix(thickness.shape[1], pixelSize[1], thickness.shape[0], pixelSize[0]) elif fname.split('.')[-1] == 'pickle': thickness, xx, yy = load_pickle_surf(fname, False) thickness *= 1e-6 # thickness *= -1.0 # minus1 here xx *= 1e-6
def dpc_profile_analysis(fnameH, fnameV, phenergy, grazing_angle=0.0, projectionFromDiv=1.0, nprofiles=1, remove2ndOrder=False, filter_width=0): wavelength = wpu.hc / phenergy if fnameH is not None: diffPhaseH, virtual_pixelsize, _ = wpu.load_sdf_file(fnameH) if fnameV is not None: diffPhaseV, virtual_pixelsize, _ = wpu.load_sdf_file(fnameV) if fnameH is None: diffPhaseH = diffPhaseV * np.nan if fnameV is None: diffPhaseV = diffPhaseH * np.nan saveFileSuf = fnameH.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/profiles/' +\ fnameH.rsplit('/', 1)[1] saveFileSuf = saveFileSuf.rsplit('_X')[0] + '_profiles' else: saveFileSuf = fnameV.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/profiles/' +\ fnameV.rsplit('/', 1)[1] saveFileSuf = saveFileSuf.rsplit('_Y')[0] + '_profiles' if not os.path.exists(saveFileSuf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]): os.makedirs(saveFileSuf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]) (dataH, dataV, labels_H, labels_V, fit_coefs) = _n_profiles_H_V(diffPhaseH, diffPhaseV, virtual_pixelsize, 'DPC [rad/m]', titleH='WF DPC Horz', titleV='WF DPC Vert', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf, nprofiles=nprofiles, remove2ndOrder=remove2ndOrder, filter_width=filter_width) fit_coefsH = np.array(fit_coefs[0]) fit_coefsV = np.array(fit_coefs[1]) print(fit_coefsH) print(fit_coefsV) if __name__ == '__main__': wpu.log_this(preffname=saveFileSuf, inifname=inifname) if fnameH is not None: radii_fit_H = (2 * np.pi / wavelength / fit_coefsH[:][0]) wpu.print_blue('MESSAGE: Radius H from fit profiles: ') print(radii_fit_H) wpu.log_this('radius fit Hor = ' + str(radii_fit_H)) integratedH = integrate_DPC_cumsum( dataH, wavelength, #grazing_angle=grazing_angle, xlabel='x', labels=labels_H, titleStr='Horizontal, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_X') curv_H = curv_from_height( integratedH, virtual_pixelsize[0], #grazing_angle=grazing_angle, #projectionFromDiv=projectionFromDiv, xlabel='x', labels=labels_H, titleStr='Horizontal, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_X') if fnameV is not None: radii_fit_V = (2 * np.pi / wavelength / fit_coefsV[:][0]) wpu.print_blue('MESSAGE: Radius V from fit profiles: ') print(radii_fit_V) wpu.log_this('radius fit Vert = ' + str(radii_fit_V)) integratedV = integrate_DPC_cumsum(dataV, wavelength, grazing_angle=grazing_angle, projectionFromDiv=projectionFromDiv, xlabel='y', labels=labels_V, titleStr='Vertical, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_Y') curv_V = curv_from_height(integratedV, virtual_pixelsize[1], grazing_angle=grazing_angle, projectionFromDiv=projectionFromDiv, xlabel='y', labels=labels_V, titleStr='Vertical, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_Y')
def dpc_profile_analysis(fnameH, fnameV, phenergy, grazing_angle=0.0, projectionFromDiv=1.0, nprofiles=1, remove1stOrderDPC=False, remove2ndOrder=False, filter_width=0): wavelength = wpu.hc/phenergy if fnameH is not None: diffPhaseH, virtual_pixelsize, _ = wpu.load_sdf_file(fnameH) if fnameV is not None: diffPhaseV, virtual_pixelsize, _ = wpu.load_sdf_file(fnameV) if fnameH is None: diffPhaseH = diffPhaseV*np.nan if fnameV is None: diffPhaseV = diffPhaseH*np.nan saveFileSuf = fnameH.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/profiles/' +\ fnameH.rsplit('/', 1)[1] saveFileSuf = saveFileSuf.rsplit('_X')[0] + '_profiles' else: saveFileSuf = fnameV.rsplit('/', 1)[0] + '/profiles/' +\ fnameV.rsplit('/', 1)[1] saveFileSuf = saveFileSuf.rsplit('_Y')[0] + '_profiles' if not os.path.exists(saveFileSuf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]): os.makedirs(saveFileSuf.rsplit('/', 1)[0]) (dataH, dataV, labels_H, labels_V, fit_coefs) = _n_profiles_H_V(diffPhaseH, diffPhaseV, virtual_pixelsize, 'DPC [rad/m]', titleH='WF DPC Horz', titleV='WF DPC Vert', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf, nprofiles=nprofiles, remove1stOrderDPC=remove1stOrderDPC, filter_width=filter_width) fit_coefsH = np.array(fit_coefs[0]) fit_coefsV = np.array(fit_coefs[1]) print(fit_coefsH) print(fit_coefsV) if __name__ == '__main__': wpu.log_this(preffname=saveFileSuf, inifname=inifname) if fnameH is not None: radii_fit_H = (2*np.pi/wavelength/fit_coefsH[:][0]) wpu.print_blue('MESSAGE: Radius H from fit profiles: ') print(radii_fit_H) wpu.log_this('radius fit Hor = ' + str(radii_fit_H)) integratedH = integrate_DPC_cumsum(dataH, wavelength, #grazing_angle=grazing_angle, remove2ndOrder=remove2ndOrder, xlabel='x', labels=labels_H, titleStr='Horizontal, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_X') curv_H = curv_from_height(integratedH, virtual_pixelsize[0], #grazing_angle=grazing_angle, #projectionFromDiv=projectionFromDiv, xlabel='x', labels=labels_H, titleStr='Horizontal, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_X') if fnameV is not None: radii_fit_V = (2*np.pi/wavelength/fit_coefsV[:][0]) wpu.print_blue('MESSAGE: Radius V from fit profiles: ') print(radii_fit_V) wpu.log_this('radius fit Vert = ' + str(radii_fit_V)) integratedV = integrate_DPC_cumsum(dataV, wavelength, grazing_angle=grazing_angle, projectionFromDiv=projectionFromDiv, remove2ndOrder=remove2ndOrder, xlabel='y', labels=labels_V, titleStr='Vertical, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_Y') curv_V = curv_from_height(integratedV, virtual_pixelsize[1], grazing_angle=grazing_angle, projectionFromDiv=projectionFromDiv, xlabel='y', labels=labels_V, titleStr='Vertical, ', saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf + '_Y')
wgi.plot_DPC(diffPhase01, diffPhase10, virtual_pixelsize, saveFigFlag=True, saveFileSuf=saveFileSuf) plt.pause(.5) # %% remove linear component of DPC removeLinearFromDPC = easyqt.get_yes_or_no('Remove Linear ' + 'component from DPC?') plt.close(plt.gcf()) if removeLinearFromDPC: wpu.log_this('%%% COMMENT: Removed Linear Component from DPC', saveFileSuf) def _fit_lin_surface(zz, pixelsize): from numpy.polynomial import polynomial xx, yy = wpu.grid_coord(zz, pixelsize) f = zz.flatten() deg = np.array([1, 1]) vander = polynomial.polyvander2d(xx.flatten(), yy.flatten(), deg) vander = vander.reshape((-1, vander.shape[-1])) f = f.reshape((vander.shape[0],)) c = np.linalg.lstsq(vander, f)[0] print(c)
def main_terminal(data_dir, zvec_from, startDist, step_z_scan, image_per_point, strideFile, pixelSize=0.65e-6, gratingPeriod=4.8e-6, pattern='Diagonal', sourceDistanceV=-1, sourceDistanceH=32, unFilterSize=1, searchRegion=20, idx4crop=[0, -1, 0, -1], darkRegionSelctionFlag=True): ''' *** all unit in [m] data_dir: data folder path zvec_from: distance type: 'Calculated' 'Tabled' startDist: started distance postion step_z_scan: step size image_per_point: images number for every distance strideFile: Stride (Use only every XX files) pixelSize: Pixel Size gratingPeriod: CB Grating Period pattern: grating pattern 'Diagonal' or 'Edge'] sourceDistanceV: Distance to Source in the VERTICAL [m] sourceDistanceH: Distance to Source in the Horizontal [m] unFilterSize: Size for Uniform Filter [Pixels] default_value 1 searchRegion: Size of Region for Searching the Peak [in Pixels] default_value=20 idx4crop: crop area [low_y, high_y, low_x, high_x ] darkRegionSelctionFlag: use dark region [0, 20, 0, 20]? ''' wpu._mpl_settings_4_nice_graphs() # ============================================================================= # %% Load Image # ============================================================================= originalDir = os.getcwd() # samplefileName = easyqt.get_file_names("Choose one of the scan files")[0] # data_dir = samplefileName.rsplit('/', 1)[0] os.chdir(data_dir) try: os.mkdir(data_dir + '/output/') except: pass fname2save = data_dir + '/output/' + 'zscan' # wpu.print_blue('MESSAGE: Loading files ' + # samplefileName.rsplit('_', 1)[0] + '*.tif') wpu.print_blue('MESSAGE: Loading files ' + data_dir + '/*.tif') # listOfDataFiles = glob.glob(samplefileName.rsplit('_', 2)[0] + '*.tif') listOfDataFiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(data_dir, '*.tif')) listOfDataFiles.sort() nfiles = len(listOfDataFiles) # zvec_from = easyqt.get_choice(message='z distances is calculated or from table?', # title='Title', # choices=['Calculated', 'Tabled']) # %% if zvec_from == 'Calculated': # startDist = easyqt.get_float('Starting distance scan [mm]', # title='Title', # default_value=20)*1e-3 # step_z_scan = easyqt.get_float('Step size scan [mm]', # title='Title', # default_value=5)*1e-3 # image_per_point = easyqt.get_int('Number of images by step', # title='Title', # default_value=1) zvec = np.linspace( startDist, startDist + step_z_scan * (nfiles / image_per_point - 1), int(nfiles / image_per_point)) zvec = zvec.repeat(image_per_point) # strideFile = easyqt.get_int('Stride (Use only every XX files)', # title='Title', # default_value=1) listOfDataFiles = listOfDataFiles[0::strideFile] zvec = zvec[0::strideFile] print(zvec) elif zvec_from == 'Tabled': zvec = np.loadtxt( easyqt.get_file_names("Table with the z distance values in mm") [0]) * 1e-3 step_z_scan = np.mean(np.diff(zvec)) if step_z_scan > 0: pass else: listOfDataFiles = listOfDataFiles[::-1] zvec = zvec[::-1] img = dxchange.read_tiff(listOfDataFiles[0]) # ============================================================================= # %% Experimental parameters # ============================================================================= # pixelSize = easyqt.get_float("Enter Pixel Size [um]", # title='Experimental Values', # default_value=.6500, decimals=5)*1e-6 # gratingPeriod = easyqt.get_float("Enter CB Grating Period [um]", # title='Experimental Values', # default_value=4.8)*1e-6 # pattern = easyqt.get_choice(message='Select CB Grating Pattern', # title='Title', # choices=['Diagonal', 'Edge']) # # choices=['Edge', 'Diagonal']) # sourceDistanceV = easyqt.get_float("Enter Distance to Source\n in the VERTICAL [m]", # title='Experimental Values', # default_value=-0.73) # sourceDistanceH = easyqt.get_float("Enter Distance to Source\n in the Horizontal [m]", # title='Experimental Values', # default_value=34.0) # unFilterSize = easyqt.get_int("Enter Size for Uniform Filter [Pixels]\n" + # " (Enter 1 to NOT use the filter)", # title='Experimental Values', # default_value=1) # searchRegion = easyqt.get_int("Enter Size of Region for Searching\n the Peak [in Pixels]", # title='Experimental Values', # default_value=20) os.chdir(originalDir) # ============================================================================= # %% Crop # ============================================================================= idx4crop = [0, -1, 0, -1] # [colorlimit, # cmap] = wpu.plot_slide_colorbar(img, # title='SELECT COLOR SCALE,\n' + # 'Raw Image, No Crop', # xlabel=r'x [$\mu m$ ]', # ylabel=r'y [$\mu m$ ]', # extent=wpu.extent_func(img, # pixelSize)*1e6) # idx4crop = wpu.graphical_roi_idx(img, verbose=True, # kargs4graph={'cmap': cmap, # 'vmin': colorlimit[0], # 'vmax': colorlimit[1]}) wpu.print_blue("MESSAGE: idx for cropping") wpu.print_blue(idx4crop) # ============================================================================= # %% Dark indexes # ============================================================================= # darkRegionSelctionFlag = easyqt.get_yes_or_no('Do you want to select ' + # 'region for dark calculation?\n' + # 'Press ESC to use [0, 20, 0, 20]') print(darkRegionSelctionFlag) if darkRegionSelctionFlag: idx4cropDark = wpu.graphical_roi_idx(img, verbose=True, kargs4graph={ 'cmap': cmap, 'vmin': colorlimit[0], 'vmax': colorlimit[1] }) else: idx4cropDark = [0, 20, 0, 20] # dark_im = dxchange.read_tiff(listOfDataFiles[0])*0.0 + avgDark img = wpu.crop_matrix_at_indexes(img, idx4crop) # ============================================================================== # %% Harmonic Periods # ============================================================================== if pattern == 'Diagonal': period_harm_Vert = np.sqrt(2) * pixelSize / gratingPeriod * img.shape[0]) period_harm_Horz = np.sqrt(2) * pixelSize / gratingPeriod * img.shape[1]) elif pattern == 'Edge': period_harm_Vert = * pixelSize / gratingPeriod * img.shape[0]) period_harm_Horz = * pixelSize / gratingPeriod * img.shape[1]) # Obtain harmonic periods from images (period_harm_Vert, _) = wgi.exp_harm_period(img, [period_harm_Vert, period_harm_Horz], harmonic_ij=['1', '0'], searchRegion=40, isFFT=False, verbose=True) (_, period_harm_Horz) = wgi.exp_harm_period( img, [period_harm_Vert, period_harm_Horz], harmonic_ij=['0', '1'], searchRegion=40, isFFT=False, verbose=True) wpu.log_this('Input folder: ' + data_dir, preffname=fname2save) wpu.log_this('\nNumber of files : ' + str(nfiles)) wpu.log_this('Stride : ' + str(strideFile)) print(zvec_from) wpu.log_this('Z distances is ' + zvec_from) if zvec_from == 'Calculated': wpu.log_this('Step zscan [mm] : {:.4g}'.format(step_z_scan * 1e3)) wpu.log_this('Start point zscan [mm] : {:.4g}'.format(startDist * 1e3)) wpu.log_this('Pixel Size [um] : {:.4g}'.format(pixelSize * 1e6)) wpu.log_this('Grating Period [um] : {:.4g}'.format(gratingPeriod * 1e6)) wpu.log_this('Grating Pattern : ' + pattern) wpu.log_this('Crop idxs : ' + str(idx4crop)) wpu.log_this('Dark idxs : ' + str(idx4cropDark)) wpu.log_this('Vertical Source Distance: ' + str(sourceDistanceV)) wpu.log_this('Horizontal Source Distance: ' + str(sourceDistanceH)) wpu.log_this('Uniform Filter Size : {:d}'.format(unFilterSize)) wpu.log_this('Search Region : {:d}'.format(searchRegion)) # ============================================================================= # %% Calculate everything # ============================================================================= # ============================================================================= # %% multiprocessing # ============================================================================= ncpus = cpu_count() wpu.print_blue("MESSAGE: %d cpu's available" % ncpus) tzero = time.time() p = Pool(ncpus - 2) indexes = range(len(listOfDataFiles)) parameters = [] for i in indexes: parameters.append([ i, listOfDataFiles, zvec, idx4cropDark, idx4crop, period_harm_Vert, sourceDistanceV, period_harm_Horz, sourceDistanceH, searchRegion, unFilterSize ]) res =, parameters) p.close() wpu.print_blue('MESSAGE: Time spent: {0:.3f} s'.format(time.time() - tzero)) ''' res = [] for i in range(len(listOfDataFiles)): res.append(_func(i)) print(res) ''' # ============================================================================= # %% Sorting the data # ============================================================================= contrastV = np.asarray([x[0] for x in res]) contrastH = np.asarray([x[1] for x in res]) p0 = np.asarray([x[2] for x in res]) pv = np.asarray([x[3] for x in res]) ph = np.asarray([x[4] for x in res]) pattern_period_Vert_z = pixelSize / (pv[:, 0] - p0[:, 0]) * img.shape[0] pattern_period_Horz_z = pixelSize / (ph[:, 1] - p0[:, 1]) * img.shape[1] # ============================================================================= # %% Save csv file # ============================================================================= outputfname = wpu.get_unique_filename(fname2save, 'csv') wpu.save_csv_file(np.c_[zvec.T, contrastV.T, contrastH.T, pattern_period_Vert_z.T, pattern_period_Horz_z.T], outputfname, headerList=[ 'z [m]', 'Vert Contrast', 'Horz Contrast', 'Vert Period [m]', 'Horz Period [m]' ]) wpu.log_this('\nOutput file: ' + outputfname) # ============================================================================= # %% Plot # ============================================================================= # contrast vs z fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) plt.plot(zvec * 1e3, contrastV * 100, '-ko', label='Vert') plt.plot(zvec * 1e3, contrastH * 100, '-ro', label='Hor') plt.xlabel(r'Distance $z$ [mm]', fontsize=14) plt.ylabel(r'Visibility $\times$ 100 [%]', fontsize=14) plt.title('Visibility vs detector distance', fontsize=14, weight='bold') plt.legend(fontsize=14, loc=0) wpu.save_figs_with_idx(fname2save) # ============================================================================= # %% Plot Harmonic position and calculate source distance # ============================================================================= from wavepytools.diag.coherence.fit_singleGratingCoherence_z_scan import fit_period_vs_z #xshi 20190719 #from fit_singleGratingCoherence_z_scan import fit_period_vs_z (sourceDistance_from_fit_V, patternPeriodFromData_V) = fit_period_vs_z(zvec, pattern_period_Vert_z, contrastV, direction='Vertical', threshold=.002, fname4graphs=fname2save) (sourceDistance_from_fit_H, patternPeriodFromData_H) = fit_period_vs_z(zvec, pattern_period_Horz_z, contrastH, direction='Horizontal', threshold=0.0005, fname4graphs=fname2save)