Beispiel #1
def get_solver_node(input_json, master_name):
    Gets the node(s) that can solve a request, the node(s) that has all the necessary information to answer it.
    Only called when the request type is 'master_distributed' and the node_type is master.

    :param input_json: API request parameters and description
    :param master_name: name of the master node
    :return: node name and whether the result is list or not
    select_node = {'fields':['node_name']}
    if 'agent_id' in input_json['arguments']:
        # the request is for multiple agents
        if isinstance(input_json['arguments']['agent_id'], list):
            agents = Agent.get_agents_overview(select=select_node, limit=None, filters={'id':input_json['arguments']['agent_id']},
                                                  sort={'fields':['node_name'], 'order':'desc'})['items']
            node_name = {k:list(map(itemgetter('id'), g)) for k,g in groupby(agents, key=itemgetter('node_name'))}

            # add non existing ids in the master's dictionary entry
            non_existent_ids = list(set(input_json['arguments']['agent_id']) - set(map(itemgetter('id'), agents)))
            if non_existent_ids:
                if master_name in node_name:
                    node_name[master_name] = non_existent_ids

            return node_name, True
        # if the request is only for one agent
            # Get the node where the agent 'agent_id' is reporting
            node_name = Agent.get_agent(input_json['arguments']['agent_id'], select=select_node)['node_name']
            return node_name, False

    elif 'node_id' in input_json['arguments']:
        node_id = input_json['arguments']['node_id']
        del input_json['arguments']['node_id']
        return node_id, False

    else: # agents, syscheck, rootcheck and syscollector
        # API calls that affect all agents. For example, PUT/agents/restart, DELETE/rootcheck, etc...
        agents = Agent.get_agents_overview(select=select_node, limit=None, sort={'fields': ['node_name'], 'order': 'desc'})['items']
        node_name = {k:[] for k, _ in groupby(agents, key=itemgetter('node_name'))}
        return node_name, True