Beispiel #1
from weather.weather_info_wunderground import hourlyForecast

apiKey = "6d48850a7f579fe7"

weather = hourlyForecast("Saint Louis", "MO", apiKey)
months = ["NONE", "Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]

for hour in weather:
    time = hour["time"]

    # print(type(time.month))
    hourString = "{:02d} ".format( + months[time.month] + ", " + "{:02d}{:02d}".format(time.hour, time.minute)

    hourString += " -- " + hour["temp"] + u'\N{DEGREE SIGN}' + " F" + " -- " + hour["condition"]
Beispiel #2
    def __init__(self):

        FPS = 30
        # Split the screen up into these virtual rows and columns. Use these
        # to determine where to position each element. This lets the elements
        # automatically resize on different sized monitors
        numColumns = 30
        numRows = 20

        columns = []
        rows = []

        for i in range(numColumns):
            columns.append(int(screen.get_width() / numColumns * i))

        for i in range(numRows):
            rows.append(int(screen.get_height() / numRows * i))

        columnWidth = columns[1] - columns[0]
        rowWidth = rows[1] - rows[0]

        timePanelX1 = columns[1]
        timePanelY1 = rows[1]
        timePanelX2 = columns[13]
        timePanelY2 = rows[6]

        weatherPanelX1 = columns[1]
        weatherPanelY1 = rows[7]
        weatherPanelX2 = columns[9]
        weatherPanelY2 = rows[19]
        gameScorePanelX1 = columns[14]
        gameScorePanelY1 = rows[1]
        gameScorePanelX2 = columns[29]
        gameScorePanelY2 = rows[6]

        gamePreviewPanelX1 = gameScorePanelX1
        gamePreviewPanelY1 = gameScorePanelY1
        gamePreviewPanelX2 = gameScorePanelX2
        gamePreviewPanelY2 = gameScorePanelY2

        boxScorePanelX1 = columns[10]
        boxScorePanelY1 = rows[7] 
        boxScorePanelX2 = columns[29]
        boxScorePanelY2 = rows[13]
        firstPitchCountdownPanelX1 = boxScorePanelX1
        firstPitchCountdownPanelY1 = boxScorePanelY1
        firstPitchCountdownPanelX2 = boxScorePanelX2
        firstPitchCountdownPanelY2 = boxScorePanelY2
        timePanel = TimePanel(timePanelX2 - timePanelX1, timePanelY2 - timePanelY1)
        weatherPanel = WeatherPanel(weatherPanelX2 - weatherPanelX1, weatherPanelY2 - weatherPanelY1)
        gameScorePanel = GameScorePanel(gameScorePanelX2 - gameScorePanelX1, gameScorePanelY2 - gameScorePanelY1)
        gamePreviewPanel = GamePreviewPanel(gamePreviewPanelX2 - gamePreviewPanelX1, gamePreviewPanelY2 - gamePreviewPanelY1)
        boxScorePanel = BoxScorePanel(boxScorePanelX2 - boxScorePanelX1, boxScorePanelY2 - boxScorePanelY1)
        firstPitchCountdownPanel = FirstPitchCountdownPanel(firstPitchCountdownPanelX2 - firstPitchCountdownPanelX1, firstPitchCountdownPanelY2 - firstPitchCountdownPanelY1)
        # Store the time of when we last requested these things. This
        # is used to make our requests at a reasonable rate.
        weatherQueryMade = False         # (This hour)
        lastGameQueryTime = 0
        lastDivisionQueryTime = 0

        weatherQueryMinuteMark    = 40   # Query at XX:40

        # Add a few seconds to some of the cooldowns to try to prevent
        # all the queries from happening in the same second and
        # lowering the framerate (since queries are synchronous)
        gameNonLiveQueryCooldown    = 302  # Once per 5 minutes
        gameAlmostLiveQueryCooldown = 60   # Once per minute
        gameLiveQueryCooldown       = 20   # Once per 20 seconds
        divisionQueryCooldown       = 907  # Once per 15 minutes
        movie ='moving_background.mpg')
        movie_screen = pg.Surface(movie.get_size()).convert()
        clock = pg.time.Clock()
        appLive = True
        firstLoop = True
        now =
        previousTime = now
        while appLive:
            # Get current date and wall clock time
            now =

            # Get program execution time (separate from wall time... not
            # affected by leapyear, timezones, etc.)
            executionTime = time.time()

            # Loop video if it ended
            if not movie.get_busy():

            # Query game information
            gameAlmostStarted = False

            if not firstLoop and game["status"] == GameStatus.Pre:
                timeUntilGame = game["adjustedDateTime"] -
                if timeUntilGame.total_seconds() < gameNonLiveQueryCooldown:
                    gameAlmostStarted = True
            if (firstLoop) or (game["status"] == GameStatus.Live and executionTime - lastGameQueryTime >= gameLiveQueryCooldown) or (
                    gameAlmostStarted and executionTime - lastGameQueryTime >= gameAlmostLiveQueryCooldown) or (
                    executionTime - lastGameQueryTime >= gameNonLiveQueryCooldown):

                # Don't update to todays game until 4am. If it is
                # before 4am, show yesterday's game
                if now.hour < 4:
                    dateOfInterest = now - timedelta(days=1)
                    dateOfInterest = now
                game = mlb.getGameInfo(TEAM_OF_INTEREST, dateOfInterest)

                # If no game found for today, look ahead up to 10 days
                # until we find a game
                lookaheadDays = 0
                while game["status"] == GameStatus.NoGame and lookaheadDays < 10:
                    lookaheadDays += 1
                    dateOfInterest = dateOfInterest + timedelta(days=1)
                    game = mlb.getGameInfo(TEAM_OF_INTEREST, dateOfInterest)

                # Adjust game time to the current timezone
                if game["status"] == GameStatus.Pre:
                    rawDateTime = game["startTime"]["time"]
                    hoursToAdjust = timezones.index(RASPBERRY_PI_TIMEZONE) - timezones.index(game["startTime"]["timeZone"])
                    adjustedDateTime = rawDateTime + timedelta(hours=hoursToAdjust)
                    game["adjustedDateTime"] = adjustedDateTime
                if game["status"] in (GameStatus.Live, GameStatus.Post):
                    gameScoreOrPreviewPanelSurface = gameScorePanel.update()
                    boxScoreOrCountdownSurface = boxScorePanel.update()
                    gameScoreOrPreviewPanelSurface = gamePreviewPanel.update()
                    boxScoreOrCountdownSurface = firstPitchCountdownPanel.update()
                lastGameQueryTime = executionTime
            # Update day/time panel, as well as first pitch countdown
            # panel once per second
            if firstLoop or now.second != previousTime.second:
                timePanelSurface = timePanel.update()

                if game["status"] == GameStatus.Pre:
                    boxScoreOrCountdownSurface = firstPitchCountdownPanel.update()

            # Weather query not yet made this hour... but wait for the
            # minute mark to make it.
            if now.minute <= weatherQueryMinuteMark:
                weatherQueryMade = False
            # Update weather panel
            if firstLoop or (now.minute >= weatherQueryMinuteMark and not weatherQueryMade):
                weatherQueryMade = True
                weatherInfo = hourlyForecast("Saint Louis", "MO", wundergroundApiKey)
                weatherInfoToDisplay = []

                # Only display up to 12 hours, using the following rules.
                # 1. Next 3 hours are always displayed
                # 2. Only even hours are displayed (except when rule 1)
                # 3. 00:00 - 05:59 are not displayed (except when rule 1)
                for i, hour in enumerate(weatherInfo):
                    if len(weatherInfoToDisplay) == 12:

                    if i < 3:
                    elif hour["time"].hour % 2 == 0 and hour["time"].hour > 5:
                weatherPanelSurface = weatherPanel.update()
            # Stretch video to fit display. Transfer the stretched video onto
            # the screen.
            pg.transform.scale(movie_screen, screen.get_size(), screen)

            # Blit various panels on top of the video background
            screen.blit(timePanelSurface, (timePanelX1, timePanelY1))
            screen.blit(weatherPanelSurface, (weatherPanelX1, weatherPanelY1))
            screen.blit(gameScoreOrPreviewPanelSurface, (gameScorePanelX1, gameScorePanelY1))
            screen.blit(boxScoreOrCountdownSurface, (firstPitchCountdownPanelX1, firstPitchCountdownPanelY1))
            # Check for quit event or ESC key press
            for event in pg.event.get():
                if event.type == pg.QUIT or (event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE):
                    appLive = False

            previousTime = now
            firstLoop = False
            # Sleep to keep application running at 30 FPS
