def update_feels_like(self):
     parsed_json = weather.fetchWeather('conditions')
     NOW_URL = "" + parsed_json['current_observation']['icon'] + ".svg"
     NOW_Feel = float(parsed_json['current_observation']['feelslike_f'])
     now = Now.get()
     now.Now_URL = NOW_URL
     now.Now_Feel = NOW_Feel
     logging.getLogger("thread-feels").info(" Updated feels like info.")
 def update_feels_forecast(self):
     parsed_json = weather.fetchWeather('forecast')
     NOW_Feel_High = float(parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday'][0]['high']["fahrenheit"])
     NOW_Feel_Low = float(parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']['forecastday'][0]['low']["fahrenheit"])
     now = Now.get()
     now.Now_Feel_High = NOW_Feel_High
     now.NOW_Feel_Low = NOW_Feel_Low
     logging.getLogger("thread-feels").info(" Updated high-low data.")
Beispiel #3
    def update_feels_like(self):
        parsed_json = weather.fetchWeather('conditions')

        NOW_URL = "" + parsed_json[
            'current_observation']['icon'] + ".svg"
        NOW_Feel = float(parsed_json['current_observation']['feelslike_f'])

        now = Now.get()
        now.Now_URL = NOW_URL
        now.Now_Feel = NOW_Feel
        logging.getLogger("thread-feels").info(" Updated feels like info.")
Beispiel #4
    def update_feels_forecast(self):
        parsed_json = weather.fetchWeather('forecast')

        NOW_Feel_High = float(parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']
        NOW_Feel_Low = float(parsed_json['forecast']['simpleforecast']

        now = Now.get()

        now.Now_Feel_High = NOW_Feel_High
        now.NOW_Feel_Low = NOW_Feel_Low
        logging.getLogger("thread-feels").info(" Updated high-low data.")
def home():
    city = request.args.get("city")
    if request.args.get('btn') == "查询":
            result = retrieve_data(city)
            return render_template('weather.html', result=result)
        except TypeError:
                location, weather, temper, day = fetchWeather(city)
                insert_data(location, weather, temper, day)
                result = '''
地点: {},
天气: {},
温度: {},
更新时间: {}/n'''.format(location, weather, temper, day)
                return render_template('weather.html', result=result)

            except KeyError:
                result = "Invalid command. Type 'help' to check the available commands."
                return render_template('404.html', result=result)

    elif request.args.get('btn') == "帮助":
        return render_template('help.html')

    elif request.args.get('btn') == "历史":
        history = get_history()
        return render_template('history.html', result=history)

    elif request.args.get('btn') == "更新":
            location, weather = city.split(' ')
            weather_list = ["晴", "小雨", "大雨", "阴天", "大雪", "中雪", "小雪"]
            if weather in weather_list:
                update(location, weather)
                return render_template('update.html')
                result = "请正确输入信息,例如:[北京 多云]"
                return render_template('404.html', result=result)
        except ValueError:
            result = "Invalid command. Type 'help' to check the available commands."
            return render_template('404.html', result=result)

        result = "Invalid command. Type 'help' to check the available commands."
        return render_template('404.html', result=result)
Beispiel #6
def work_card(msg):
    wel_content = u"""欢迎关注vuurwerke!
	1. 回复'1'或者'打卡', 记录今天的上班时间
	2. 回复'2'或者'下班', 记录今天的下班时间
	3. 回复'3'查看今天的打卡记录
	4. 回复'joke'查看今天的糗事百科
	5. 回复'weather'查看今天天气
	6. 回复'stock CTRP'查看股票信息(仅支持美股)
	7. 回复'hot'查看百度热词榜
	.. 'h'|'help', 随时查看帮助
    # 设置返回数据模板
    # 纯文本格式
    #textTpl = """<xml>
    #    <ToUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></ToUserName>
    #    <FromUserName><![CDATA[%s]]></FromUserName>
    #    <CreateTime>%s</CreateTime>
    #    <MsgType><![CDATA[text]]></MsgType>
    #    <Content><![CDATA[%s]]></Content>
    #    <FuncFlag>0</FuncFlag>
    #    </xml>"""
    textTpl = """<xml>
    # 图文格式
    pictextTpl = """<xml>
            </xml> """
    # 判断MsgType内容,如果是一条“subscribe”的event,表明是一个新关注用户,如果不是,就判断内容
    if msg["MsgType"] == "event":
	if msg["Event"] == "CLICK":
	    if msg["EventKey"] in [u'onwork', u'offwork', u'worklist']:
		Content = deal_with_action(msg['EventKey'], msg['FromUserName'])
		echostr = textTpl % (
		    msg['FromUserName'], msg['ToUserName'], str(int(time.time())),Content)
	    if msg["EventKey"] == "joke":
		echostr = joke.fetchJoke(msg)
	    if msg["EventKey"] == "hot":
		echostr = baiduhot.fetchBaiduHot(msg)
	    if msg["EventKey"] == "weather":
		echostr = weather.fetchWeather(msg)
	    if msg["EventKey"] == "xiache":
		echostr = xiache.fetchzhihuXiache(msg)
	    if msg["EventKey"] == "stock":
		tmpstr = "目前尚不支持点击操作,请手动输入'stock STOCK_NAME'处理"
		echostr = textTpl % (
		    msg['FromUserName'], msg['ToUserName'], str(int(time.time())),tmpstr)
	    if msg["EventKey"] == "help":
		echostr = textTpl % (
		    msg['FromUserName'], msg['ToUserName'], str(int(time.time())),wel_content)
	    echostr = textTpl % (
        	msg['FromUserName'], msg['ToUserName'], str(int(time.time())),wel_content)
        return echostr
	if msg['Content'].lower() in ['h', 'H', 'Help', 'help', u'帮助']:
            echostr = textTpl % (
        	msg['FromUserName'], msg['ToUserName'], str(int(time.time())),wel_content)
	    #return echostr
	elif msg['Content'].lower() in ['joke', 'Joke', u'笑话', u'开心']:
	    echostr = joke.fetchJoke(msg)
	    #return echostr
	elif msg['Content'].lower() in ['weather', 'Weather', u'天气']:
	    echostr = weather.fetchWeather(msg)
	elif msg['Content'].lower() in ['hot', 'baidu', u'百度', u'热点', u'新闻']:
	    echostr = baiduhot.fetchBaiduHot(msg)
	elif msg['Content'].lower() in ['xiache', 'zhihu', u'知乎', u'tucao', u'吐槽', u'瞎扯']:
	    echostr = xiache.fetchzhihuXiache(msg)
	elif msg['Content'].strip().lower().startswith('stock'):
	    echostr = stock.fetchStock(msg)
            Content = deal_with_action(msg['Content'], msg['FromUserName'])
            echostr = textTpl % (
		msg['FromUserName'], msg['ToUserName'], str(int(time.time())),Content)
            #return echostr
	return echostr
Beispiel #7
    confidence = {}
    print("taking picture now.")
    # pic = capture_pic()
    pic = "test1.jpg"

    faceId1 = upload_img(pic)
    # faceId1 = upload_img('test4.jpg')
    confidence['yang'] = compare(faceId1, yangId)
    confidence['wu'] = compare(faceId1, heId)
    confidence['he'] = compare(faceId1, wuId)
    flag = False
    for key, val in confidence.items():
        print(key, val)
        if val > 80:
            print(key + " is checked.")
            weather, temp = fetchWeather("成都")
            print("今天的天气是%s, 现在的温度是%s摄氏度." % (weather, temp))
            flag = True
    if flag == False:
        print("nobody is checked. please check again.")

def test(filename):
    classifier = cv2.CascadeClassifier("haarcascade_frontalface_alt2.xml")
    frame = cv2.imread(filename)
    grey = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)  # 转为灰度图象
    faceRects = classifier.detectMultiScale(grey,
                                            minSize=(32, 32))