#coding: utf-8 from web import form from models import User from operator import itemgetter CreditForm = form.Form( form.Textbox('amount', form.notnull, form.regexp(r'[+-]?([0-9]*[.])?[0-9]+', "Le montant entré n'est pas un chiffre valide"), size=5, post=" €", description="Montant :"), form.Button('Envoyer'), ) ConsumeForm = form.Form( form.Dropdown('units', [(x, x) for x in range(1, 11)], description="Nombre de consommations"), form.Button('Envoyer'), ) ConsumeInlineForm = form.Form(form.Textbox('units', size=5), ) UserForm = form.Form( form.Textbox('firstname', form.notnull, size=30, description="Prénom :"), form.Textbox('lastname', form.notnull, size=30, description="Nom :"), form.Textbox('email', form.notnull, form.regexp( r'(^[a-zA-Z0-9_.+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9-.]+$)',
def getForm(self): return form.Form( form.Textbox( "home", form.notnull, description="Home location", value=settings.get('location_home'), ), form.Textbox( "work", form.notnull, description="Work location", value=settings.get('location_work'), ), form.Textbox( "weatherloc", form.notnull, description="Weather location", value=settings.get('weather_location'), ), form.Textbox( "snooze", form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Must be a digit'), description="Snooze Length (minutes)", value=settings.getInt('snooze_length'), ), form.Textbox( "wakeup", form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Must be a digit'), description="Time (mins) before event for alarm", value=settings.getInt('wakeup_time'), ), form.Textbox( "precancel", form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Must be a digit'), description="Pre-empt cancel alarm allowed (secs)", value=settings.get('preempt_cancel'), ), form.Textbox( "waketime", form.notnull, form.regexp('[0-2][0-9][0-5][0-9]', 'Must be a 24hr time'), description="Default wakeup time", value=settings.get('default_wake'), ), form.Checkbox( "holidaymode", description="Holiday mode enabled", checked=(settings.getInt('holiday_mode') == 1), value="holiday", ), form.Checkbox( "weatheronalarm", description="Play weather after alarm", checked=(settings.getInt('weather_on_alarm') == 1), value="weatheronalarm", ), form.Checkbox( "sfx", description="SFX enabled", checked=(settings.getInt('sfx_enabled') == 1), value="sfx", ), form.Textbox( "ttspath", description="TTS path", value=settings.get('tts_path'), ), )
import web from web import form render = web.template.render('templates/') urls = ('/','index') app = web.application(urls, globals()) myform = form.Form( form.Checkbox('csv'), form.Checkbox('jdf'), form.Dropdown('files',['csv','jdf'])) class index: def GET(self): form = myform() return render.formest(form) def POST(self): form = myform() if not form.validates(): return render.formtest(form) else: return "Grrreat success! files:%s csv:%s jdf:%s" % (form['files'].value,form['csv'].get_value(),form['jdf'].checked) #return "type:form %s,%s" % ( form.get('csv').get_value(),form.get('csv').get_default_id()) if __name__ == "__main__": web.internalerror = web.debugerror app.run()
'/sf', 'search_food', '/ss', 'search_scene', '/sr', 'route', '/si', 'search_image', '/sii', 'search_image_by_image', ) render = web.template.render('templates') # your templates login = form.Form( form.Textbox('keyword'), form.Button('Search'), ) def search_where(province, kind, query): province = 'shanghai' result_dict = Search(province, kind, query) if not type(result_dict) == type(''): if 'introduction' in result_dict.keys(): result_dict['introduction'] = result_dict['introduction'].split( '\n') if 'img_list' in result_dict.keys(): result_dict['img_list'] = result_dict['img_list'].split('\n') return result_dict else: return None
__all__ = [ 'commentForm', 'linkForm', 'entryForm', 'pageForm', ] username_validate = form.regexp(r".{3,15}$", u"请输入3-15位的用户名") email_validate = form.regexp(r".*@.*", u"请输入合法的Email地址") urlValidator = form.regexp(r"http://.*", u"请输入合法的URL地址") captchaValidator = form.Validator('Captcha Code', lambda x: x == web.ctx.session.captcha) commentForm = form.Form( form.Textbox('username', form.notnull, username_validate), form.Textbox('email', form.notnull, email_validate), form.Textbox('url'), form.Textbox('captcha', captchaValidator, description="Captcha Code"), form.Textarea('comment', form.notnull), form.Textbox('captcha', captchaValidator), form.Button('submit', type="submit", description=u"留言"), ) linkForm = form.Form( form.Textbox('name', form.notnull), form.Textbox('url', form.notnull, urlValidator), form.Textbox('description', form.notnull) ) entryForm = form.Form( form.Textbox('title', form.notnull), form.Textbox('content', form.notnull), form.Textbox('slug', form.notnull),
import web import os from web import form urls = ( '/upload', 'Upload', '/unzip','Unzip', '/predict','Predict', '/download','Download', '/diagrame','Diagrame', '/.*','Upload') render = web.template.render('templates/') myform = form.Form( form.Checkbox("Export CSV",value='bar'), #form.Checkbox("Export JDF") ) class Upload: def GET(self): web.header("Content-Type","text/html; charset=utf-8") return render.main_page() def POST(self): x = web.input(myfile={}) web.form.Button("save").render() web.form.Button("action", value="save", html="<b>Save Changes</b>").render() filedir = '/home/hao/server/webpy' # change this to the directory you want to store the file in. if 'myfile' in x: # to check if the file-object is created filepath=x.myfile.filename.replace('\\','/') # replaces the windows-style slashes with linux ones. filename=filepath.split('/')[-1] # splits the and chooses the last part (the filename with extension)
import web import os from videoGenerationAPI import generateSentenceVideo from web import form urls = ('/', 'index') app = web.application(urls, globals()) myform = form.Form( form.Textarea('Text', form.notnull, rows=50, cols=70, description="Text Content")) #render = web.template.render('templates') class index: #def GET(self): # form = myform() # make sure you create a copy of the form by calling it (line above) # Otherwise changes will appear globally #return render.formtest(form) def POST(self): form = myform() if not form.validates(): render = web.template.render('templates') return render.formtest(form) else:
RUNTIME_JAVA9 = "Java 9" RUNTIME_JAVAOPENJDK9 = "Java OpenJDK 9" RUNTIME_R = "R" RUNTIME_HASKELL = "Haskell" RUNTIME_PERL = "Perl" RUNTIME_LUA = "Lua" RUNTIME_SWIFT = "Swift" RUNTIME_OBJECTIVEC = "Objective-c" RUNTIME_ELIXIR = "Elixir" RUNTIME_RUST = "Rust" myform = form.Form( form.Dropdown("Runtime", [ RUNTIME_PYTHON27, RUNTIME_PYTHON35, RUNTIME_GOLANG, RUNTIME_UBUNTU, RUNTIME_CENTOS, RUNTIME_C, RUNTIME_CPP, RUNTIME_RUBY, RUNTIME_ERLANG, RUNTIME_NODE, RUNTIME_PHP, RUNTIME_JAVA9, RUNTIME_JAVAOPENJDK9, RUNTIME_R, RUNTIME_HASKELL, RUNTIME_PERL, RUNTIME_LUA, RUNTIME_SWIFT, RUNTIME_OBJECTIVEC, RUNTIME_ELIXIR, RUNTIME_RUST ]), form.Textbox("Load local file"), form.Checkbox("Edit online code"), form.Textarea("Online code")) urls = ('/', 'index') class index: ''' Return web form to trigger lambda service. ''' def GET(self): form = myform()
#! /usr/bin/env python2 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import web from web import form from search import * render = web.template.render('templates/') urls = ('/', 'index') app = web.application(urls, globals()) myform = form.Form( form.Textbox('Title: '), form.Dropdown('Type: ', ['','TOPIC', 'PERSON',]), form.Dropdown('Action: ', ['Index', 'Search']), form.Button('Execute'),) class index: def GET(self): form = myform() return render.index(form) def POST(self): form = myform() search = Search(form['Title: '].value, form['Type: '].value) if not form.validates(): return render.index(form)
db = web.database(dbn = 'mysql', port = 3306, host = '', \ user = '******', pw = password, db = 'upload_table') pubhome = os.environ.get('public_home') render = web.template.render(pubhome + '/base_code/webpy/templates/') urls = ('/', 'index') myform = form.Form( form.Textbox('项目名称*', form.notnull), form.Textbox('项目ID', form.regexp('\d+', '必须为数字'), form.Validator('必须为正整数', lambda x: int(x) > 0), value=0), form.Textbox('销售额*', form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', '必须为数字'), form.Validator('必须为正数', lambda x: float(x) > 0)), form.Textbox('出票量', form.regexp('\d+', '必须为数字'), form.Validator('必须为正整数', lambda x: int(x) > 0), value=1), form.Textbox('打款日期*', form.notnull), form.Textbox('负责BD*', form.notnull), form.Dropdown('打款方式*', ['公对公', '私对公']), form.Textbox('分销方'), form.Textbox('佣金比例', value=0)) class index: def GET(self): form = myform() # make sure you create a copy of the form by calling it (line above) # Otherwise changes will appear globally #return render.index(todos,form)
import web from web import form from app.models import users from app.helpers import session from app.helpers import email_templates import config from config import view vemail = form.regexp(r'.+@.+', 'Please enter a valid email address') login_form = form.Form( form.Textbox('email', form.notnull, vemail, description='Your email:'), form.Password('password', form.notnull, description='Your password:'******'submit', type='submit', value='Login'), validators=[ form.Validator( 'Incorrect email / password combination.', lambda i: users.is_correct_password(i.email, i.password)) ]) register_form = form.Form( form.Textbox('email', form.notnull, vemail, form.Validator('This email address is already taken.', lambda x: users.is_email_available(x)), description='Your email:'), form.Password('password', form.notnull, form.Validator(
urls = ('/', 'index') app = web.application(urls, globals()) db = web.database(dbn='sqlite', db='recipes.db') def execute_SQL(sql_statement): #c.execute(sql_statement) #return c.fetchall() #for each in list(result): # print each['id'] return list(db.query(sql_statement)) myform = form.Form( form.Textbox("ingredient", value=""), form.Textarea("list", description="List of ingredients", value=""), form.Dropdown('reset', ['no', 'yes'], description="Reset ingredients?"), #form.Dropdown('sort', ['A-Z','rating','calories','cost','number of ingredients'], description="Sort by"), #form.Checkbox('Reset', checked=False), form.Button("Update")) ingredients_AND_list = [] ingredients_list = [] # keep track of requested ingredients class index: def GET(self): f = myform() #recipes = execute_SQL("SELECT name, url FROM recipes where ing_1=1") # make sure you create a copy of the form by calling it (line above) # Otherwise changes will appear globally return render.main(f, [])
myform = form.Form( form.Textbox('departureCity', form.notnull, description="Departure city", class_="textEntry",\ value="Madrid", id="cajatext", post=" City where you want to start your travel. It should has an airport.", size="15"), form.Textbox('firstPossibleDepartureDate', form.notnull, description="First possible departure date", class_="textEntry",\ value="YYYY-MM-DD", id="cajatext", post=" First day on which you can start your trip.", size="15"), form.Textbox('lasttPossibleDepartureDate', form.notnull, description="Last possible departure date", class_="textEntry",\ value="YYYY-MM-DD", id="cajatext", post=" Last day on which you can start your trip: The more flexible you are, the better suggestions we can give you!!", size="15"), form.Textbox('duration', form.notnull, description="Trip duration", class_="textEntry",\ value="7", id="cajatext", post=" How many days will your trip last?", size="15"), form.Textbox('currency', form.notnull, description="Your local currency", class_="textEntry",\ value="EUR", id="cajatext", post=" EUR/GBP/USD/CNY...Which is the currency in the departure airport?", size="15"), # form.Textbox("nombre"), # form.Textbox("id1", # form.notnull, # form.regexp('\d+', 'Debe ser un dígito'), # form.Validator('Debe ser más de 5', lambda x:int(x)>5)), # form.Textbox("id2", # form.notnull, # form.regexp('\d+', 'Debe ser un dígito'), # form.Validator('Debe ser más de 5', lambda x:int(x)>5)), # form.Textarea('observacion'), # form.Checkbox('reenviar'), form.Dropdown('yourProfile', ['Equilibrated tourist','Tan-aholic','Student','Only one live','Keep me warm',"Ecotourist"],description="Your tourist profile",\ post="how would you describe your self?", size="6"), form.Textbox('budget', form.notnull, description="What is your budget?", class_="textEntry",\ value="500", id="cajatext", post=" How much money you want to spent? (EUR/GBP/USD...)", size="15"), )
return True if redirect: raise web.unauthorized() return False if redirect: raise web.seeother(u"/login") return False signin_form = form.Form( form.Password( name=u'password', description=_(u"Passphrase") + u":", value=u'' ), validators=[ form.Validator( _(u"Incorrect passphrase, please try again"), lambda x: gv.sd[u"passphrase"] == password_hash(x.password), ) ], ) def get_input(qdict, key, default=None, cast=None): """ Checks data returned from a UI web page. """ result = default if key in qdict: result = qdict[key] if cast is not None:
if 'pw' in qdict: if gv.sd['password'] == password_hash(qdict['pw'], gv.sd['salt']): return True if redirect: raise web.unauthorized() return False if redirect: raise web.seeother('/login') return False signin_form = form.Form(form.Password('password', description=_('Password') + ':'), validators=[ form.Validator( _("Incorrect password, please try again"), lambda x: gv.sd['password'] == password_hash( x.password, gv.sd['salt'])) ]) def get_input(qdict, key, default=None, cast=None): """ Checks data returned from a UI web page. """ result = default if key in qdict: result = qdict[key] if cast is not None:
class Logout(object): def GET(self): session.loggedin = False session.kill() raise web.seeother('/') # email validator vemail = form.regexp(r".*@.*", "must be a valid email address") # New user form new_user_form = form.Form(form.Textbox('username', description="Username"), form.Textbox('email', vemail, description="E-Mail"), form.Password('password', description="Password"), form.Password('password_again', description="Confirm Password"), validators=[ form.Validator( "Passwords didn't match.", lambda i: i.password == i.password_again) ]) # Create a new user page class NewUser(object): def GET(self): cur_form = new_user_form() return homepage_render.newuser("New User", cur_form, session.loggedin) def POST(self): cur_form = new_user_form() if cur_form.validates():
authentication_va = form.Validator( authentication_msg, lambda i: auth.User.get_user(i.username).authenticate(i.password)) username_field = form.Textbox('username', username_va) password_field = form.Password('password', password_va) new_pw_field = form.Password('new', password_va, descrption='new password') pw_confirmation_field = form.Password('confirm', password_va, description='confirm password') email_field = form.Textbox('email', email_va, description='e-mail') login_form = form.Form(username_field, password_field, validators=[ authentication_va, ]) register_form = form.Form(username_field, email_field, password_field, pw_confirmation_field, validators=[ confirmation_va, account_reg_va, ]) pw_reset_form = form.Form(password_field, new_pw_field, pw_confirmation_field,
return (books, None) else: return (books, next['href']) urls = ( '/', 'index', '/error', 'error', ) render = web.template.render('templates/') searchfor_form = form.Form(form.Textbox("findthis", description="Search for"), form.Button("submit", type="submit", description="Search"), validators=[form.Validator("blah", lambda x: True)]) class index: def GET(self): f = searchfor_form() return render.index(f) def POST(self): f = searchfor_form() f.validates() (books, pages) = search_for(f.d.findthis) return render.results(books, f.d.findthis, pages)
user_info = model.get_userbyemail(email) password = user_info['password'] #return password #send_mail(email, "password", "%s" %password, cc=None, bcc=None) vpass = form.regexp(r".{3,20}$", 'must be between 3 and 20 characters') vemail = form.regexp(r".*@.*", "must be a valid email address") register_form = form.Form(form.Textbox("username", description="Username"), form.Textbox("email", vemail, description="E-Mail"), form.Password("password", vpass, description="Password"), form.Password("password2", description="Repeat password"), form.Button("reg", type="submit", description="reg"), validators=[ form.Validator( "Passwords did't match", lambda i: i.password == i.password2) ]) login_form = form.Form( form.Textbox("username", description="Username"), form.Password("password", vpass, description="Password"), form.Button("login", type="submit", description="login")) forget_form = form.Form( form.Textbox("email", description="email"), form.Button("getpass", type="submit", description="getpass"))
'view_cluster_dot', ) app = web.application(urls, globals()) render = web.template.render('templates/') if web.config.get('_cn_session') is None: session = web.session.Session(app, web.session.DiskStore('cn-sessions'), {'user': None}) web.config._cn_session = session else: session = web.config._cn_session register_form = form.Form( form.Textbox("username", description="Username"), form.Password("password", description="Password"), form.Button("submit", type="submit", description="Login"), validators=[ form.Validator("All fields are mandatory", lambda i: i.username == "" or i.password == "") ]) #----------------------------------------------------------------------- # FUNCTIONS #----------------------------------------------------------------------- def create_schema_mysql(db): printing = db.printing db.printing = False db.dbn = get_dbn() sql = """create table if not exists config (
from web import form from dataRegClientes import clientes from dataRegPeliculas import peliculas render = web.template.render('views', base='base') urls=( '/(.*)','index') db = web.database(dbn='mysql',db='peliculas',user='******',pw='utec') clientes = clientes() clientes.readRegClientes() peliculas = peliculas() peliculas.readRegPeliculas() myformClientes= form.Form( form.Dropdown('Cliente', clientes.getCliente()), form.Dropdown('Pelicula', peliculas.getPelicula()), form.Dropdown('Formato',["Blueray","DVD"]), form.Dropdown('Tiempo',["1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"]) ) class index: def GET(self,results): form = myformClientes() result = db.select('peliculasss') return render.index(form, result) def POST(self, results): form = myformClientes() if not form.validates(): return render.index(form) else: costo=0
from script.globalconfig import gconfig, lockertime from script.flickrquery import Download, FlickrQuery from script.eventmedia import eventinfo from script.filter import filter from script.refine import refine from script.getfeature import getfeature from script.toolkit import * render = web.template.render('templates/') urls = ('/', 'index') app = web.application(urls, globals()) myform = form.Form( form.Textbox("bax", id="search", type="text", placeholder="Type here"), ) class index: def GET(self): html = open('index.html').readlines() return ' '.join(html) def POST(self): form = myform() if not form.validates(): return render.formtest(form) else: tmp = web.input() op = tmp['query'] string = tmp['textfield']
import web from web import form urls = ('/', 'index', '/view', 'view', '/upload', 'upload') render = web.template.render('templates/', base='layout') upload_form = form.Form(form.File("myfile")) class index: def GET(self): return render.index() class view: def GET(self): return render.view() class upload: def GET(self): form = upload_form() return render.upload(form) def POST(self): x = web.input(myfile={}) filedir = 'tmp' if 'myfile' in x: fname = x.myfile.filename.split('/')[-1] fout = open(filedir + '/' + fname, 'wb')
'/formulario/', 'formulario' #nombre de la clase que crearemos despues ) def notfound(): return web.notfound("Lo sentimos no furula la pagina.") app = web.application(urls, globals()) app.notfound = notfound myform = form.Form( form.Textbox("Nombre"), form.Textbox( "Numero", form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Deben de ser digitos.'), form.Validator('Debe de ser 9 o mas digitos', lambda x: int(x) >= 9)), form.Textarea('Comentario'), form.Checkbox('Acepto los terminos.'), form.Dropdown('Espanol', ['Basico', 'Normal', 'Experto'])) class formulario: def GET(self): form = myform() return render.formtest(form) def POST(self): form = myform() if not form.validates(): return render.formtest(form) else:
plt.savefig(filename) return render = web.template.render('templates/') urls = ('/', 'index') app = web.application(urls, globals()) myform = form.Form( form.Textbox("First time frame (in seconds > 0hr)",form.notnull), form.Textbox("Final time frame (in seconds < 4hr)",form.notnull), form.Textbox("S/N minimum (> 5)", form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Must be a digit'), form.Validator('Must be => 5', lambda x:np.round(float(x))>4) ), form.Textbox("DM minimum trials (in pc cm^-3 and > 0)",form.notnull), form.Textbox("DM maximum trials (in pc cm^-3 and < 5000)",form.notnull), form.Textbox("Temporal min. decimation (in second and > 0.0)",form.notnull), form.Textbox("Temporal max. decimation (in second and < 10.0)",form.notnull)#, #form.Textbox("mjd",form.notnull) ) class index: def GET(self): form = myform() # make sure you create a copy of the form by calling it (line above) # Otherwise changes will appear globally return render.formtest(form)
render = web.template.render('templates/') urls = ('/', 'index', '/results', 'results', "/totalstuff", 'totalstuff', "/daterange", "daterange", "/fieldsearch", 'fieldsearch', "/mwsearch", "mwsearch", "/phrasesearch", "phrasesearch") app = web.application(urls, globals()) movieix = b.build_es_movies_index() fields = [ "title", "language", "country", "director", "location", "starring", "text", "categories", "time", "runtime" ] totalsize = form.Form(form.Button("Total size of index")) date_range = form.Form(form.Textbox("Lower bound of date range:"), form.Textbox("Upper bound of date range:")) field_search = form.Form(form.Dropdown(name="Fields", args=fields), form.Textbox("Text to search in field:")) multiword = form.Form(form.Textbox("Multiword search:")) phrase = form.Form(form.Textbox("Phrase search:")) field_combo = form.Form(form.Textbox("Multifield search:")) class index: def GET(self): form1 = totalsize() form2 = date_range() form3 = field_search() form4 = multiword()
urls = ('/(.*)', 'index') db = web.database( dbn='mysql', db='ei61l2qid60lviw9', user='******', pw='qpk282xn6jyssh05', host='o61qijqeuqnj9chh.cbetxkdyhwsb.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com') Clientes = Clientes() Clientes.read() Pelis = Peliculas() Pelis.read() myform = form.Form(form.Dropdown('NombreCliente', Clientes.getClientes()), form.Dropdown('Pelicula', Pelis.getPeliculas()), form.Dropdown('Formato', ["BluRay", "DVD", "VHS"]), form.Dropdown('Duracion', ["1", "2", "3", "4"])) class index: def GET(self, results): form = myform() resultado = db.select('renta') return render.index(form, resultado) def POST(self, results): form = myform() if not form.validates(): return render.index(form) else: precio = 0
import web from web import form import subprocess from functions import set_control, get_temp, update_figure render = web.template.render('templates/') urls = ('/', 'index', '/settings', 'settings') app = web.application(urls, globals()) myform = form.Form( form.Checkbox('Turn on Control'), form.Textbox('Desired BBQ Temp', form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Error: Temperature must be a digit')), form.Checkbox('Turn on Alert'), form.Textbox("Highest Allowable Temp of BBQ", form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Error: Temperature must be a digit')), #form.Validator('Must be between 150 and 500 F', lambda x:150<int(x)<500)), form.Textbox("Desired Meat Temp", form.notnull, form.regexp('\d+', 'Error: Temperature must be a digit')), #form.Validator('Must be between 150 and 500 F', lambda x:150<int(x)<500)), form.Button("Submit")) class index: def GET(self): tempout = get_temp() update_figure() return render.main_page(tempout) class settings:
'Updatelog', '/source_code', 'Sourcecode', '/logoff', 'Logoff', '/stopserver', 'Stopserver', '/result_sensor_ultrasonic', 'Result_sensor_ultrasonic', ) app = web.application(urls, globals()) loginform = form.Form( form.Textbox("USERNAME", form.notnull, form.Validator('wrong', lambda x: x == "martin")), form.Textbox("PASSWORD", form.notnull, form.Validator('wrong', lambda x: x == "12341234")), form.Checkbox('I am not a robot')) render = web.template.render('templates/') class Login: def GET(self): return render.login(loginform) def POST(self): if not loginform.validates(): return render.login(loginform) else: sensor.gpio_startup()
def _set_value(self, value): self.value = value.strip() form.Input.set_value = _set_value SignUpForm = form.Form( form.Textbox('name'), form.Textbox('rating'), form.Textbox('passwd'), validators=[ form.Validator( 'Password length too short.', lambda i: len(i.passwd) >= 4, ), form.Validator( 'Names are only letters and spaces.', lambda i: re.match(r"^[-'_ a-zA-Z0-9]+$", i.name), ), form.Validator( 'Invalid rating. (30k - 7d)', lambda i: (i.rating[-1] in 'dD' and 1 <= int(i.rating[:-1]) <= 7 or i.rating[ -1] in 'kK' and 1 <= int(i.rating[:-1]) <= 30)), ], ) LoginForm = form.Form( form.Textbox('name'), form.Textbox('passwd'), validators=[ form.Validator(