Beispiel #1
    def test_subprocess(self):
        if IOLoop.configured_class().__name__.endswith("LayeredTwistedIOLoop"):
            # This test fails non-deterministically with LayeredTwistedIOLoop.
            # (the read_until('\n') returns '\n' instead of 'hello\n')
            # This probably indicates a problem with either TornadoReactor
            # or TwistedIOLoop, but I haven't been able to track it down
            # and for now this is just causing spurious travis-ci failures.
            raise unittest.SkipTest("Subprocess tests not compatible with " "LayeredTwistedIOLoop")
        subproc = Subprocess(
            [sys.executable, "-u", "-i"],
        self.addCleanup(lambda: os.kill(, signal.SIGTERM))
        subproc.stdout.read_until(b">>> ", self.stop)
        subproc.stdout.read_until(b"\n", self.stop)
        data = self.wait()
        self.assertEqual(data, b"hello\n")

        subproc.stdout.read_until(b">>> ", self.stop)
        subproc.stdin.write(b"raise SystemExit\n")
        data = self.wait()
        self.assertEqual(data, b"")
Beispiel #2
def save_signal_handlers():
    saved = {}
    for sig in [signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGCHLD]:
        saved[sig] = signal.getsignal(sig)
    if "twisted" in repr(saved):
        if not issubclass(IOLoop.configured_class(), TwistedIOLoop):
            # when the global ioloop is twisted, we expect the signal
            # handlers to be installed.  Otherwise, it means we're not
            # cleaning up after twisted properly.
            raise Exception("twisted signal handlers already installed")
    return saved
    def setUp(self):
        if IOLoop.configured_class().__name__ in ('TwistedIOLoop',
            # TwistedIOLoop only supports the global reactor, so we can't have
            # separate IOLoops for client and server threads.
            # AsyncIOMainLoop doesn't work with the default policy
            # (although it could with some tweaks to this test and a
            # policy that created loops for non-main threads).
            raise unittest.SkipTest(
                'Sync HTTPClient not compatible with TwistedIOLoop or '
        self.server_ioloop = IOLoop()

        sock, self.port = bind_unused_port()
        app = Application([('/', HelloWorldHandler)])
        self.server = HTTPServer(app, io_loop=self.server_ioloop)

        self.server_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.server_ioloop.start)

        self.http_client = HTTPClient()
Beispiel #4
if have_twisted:
    # Import and run as much of twisted's test suite as possible.
    # This is unfortunately rather dependent on implementation details,
    # but there doesn't appear to be a clean all-in-one conformance test
    # suite for reactors.
    # This is a list of all test suites using the ReactorBuilder
    # available in Twisted 11.0.0 and 11.1.0 (and a blacklist of
    # specific test methods to be disabled).
    twisted_tests = {
        'twisted.internet.test.test_core.ObjectModelIntegrationTest': [],
        'twisted.internet.test.test_core.SystemEventTestsBuilder': [
            'test_iterate',  # deliberately not supported
            'test_runAfterCrash',  # fails because TwistedIOLoop uses the global reactor
        ] if issubclass(IOLoop.configured_class(), TwistedIOLoop) else [
            'test_iterate',  # deliberately not supported
        'twisted.internet.test.test_fdset.ReactorFDSetTestsBuilder': [
            "test_lostFileDescriptor",  # incompatible with epoll and kqueue
        'twisted.internet.test.test_process.ProcessTestsBuilder': [
            # Only work as root.  Twisted's "skip" functionality works
            # with py27+, but not unittest2 on py26.
        # Process tests appear to work on OSX 10.7, but not 10.6
        #'twisted.internet.test.test_process.PTYProcessTestsBuilder': [
        #    'test_systemCallUninterruptedByChildExit',
        #    ],
Beispiel #5
def skip_if_twisted():
    if IOLoop.configured_class().__name__.endswith(("TwistedIOLoop", "AsyncIOMainLoop")):
        raise unittest.SkipTest("Process tests not compatible with " "TwistedIOLoop or AsyncIOMainLoop")