Beispiel #1
from flask_restplus import Resource

from webapp.api.oauth import AuthorizationRequired
from webapp.api.blueprint import api
from webapp.api.oauth import oauth
from webapp.podcasts.progress import PlaybackProgress

ns = api.namespace("episodes")

progress_parser = api.parser()
progress_parser.add_argument(name="progress", location="form", type=int)
class ProgressResource(Resource):
    """This resource represents the current user's listening progress on an episode."""
    def get(self, episodeId):
        valid, req = oauth.verify_request([])
        if not valid:
            raise AuthorizationRequired()
        user = req.user

        return {"progress": PlaybackProgress.get_progress(, episode_id=episodeId)}

    @api.doc(id="setProgress", parser=progress_parser)
    def post(self, episodeId):
        valid, req = oauth.verify_request([])
        if not valid:
            raise AuthorizationRequired()

        user = req.user
Beispiel #2
                raise AuthorizationRequired()
            user = req.user
            user = User.get_by_id(userId)

        if not user:
            abort(404, message="User not found: %s." % userId)

        # make sure the client is authorized to get the user's email.
        valid, req = oauth.verify_request(["userinfo/email"])
        if not (valid and (userId == "me" or userId ==
            return AttributeHider(user, ["primary_email"])
        return user

followParser = api.parser()
followParser.add_argument(name="otherUser", required=True, location="values")

@ns.route("/<string:userId>/following", endpoint="following")
@api.doc({"userId": "A user ID, or \"me\" without quotes, for the user associated with the provided access token."})
class FollowingResource(Resource):
    @api.doc(id="follow", security=[{"javascript":[]}, {"server":[]}], parser=followParser)
    def post(self, userId):
        if userId == "me":
            valid, req = oauth.verify_request([])
            follow = followParser.parse_args()["otherUser"].split(",")
            if not valid:
                raise AuthorizationRequired()
            user = req.user
            others = [User.get_by_id(f) for f in follow]
Beispiel #3
from flask_restplus import Resource

from webapp.api.oauth import AuthorizationRequired
from webapp.api.blueprint import api
from webapp.api.oauth import oauth
from webapp.api.graphql.schemas import schema

from debug_resources import dictify

ns = api.namespace("graphql")

graphql_parser = api.parser()
graphql_parser.add_argument(name="query", location="form", type=str)

class GraphqlResource(Resource):
    @api.doc(id="query", parser=graphql_parser)
    def post(self):
        valid, req = oauth.verify_request([])
        result = schema.execute(graphql_parser.parse_args()["query"])
        return {"data":, "errors": [dictify(e) for e in result.errors] if result.errors else None}
Beispiel #4
from flask_restplus import Resource

from webapp.api.oauth import AuthorizationRequired
from webapp.api.blueprint import api
from webapp.api.oauth import oauth
from webapp.api.graphql.schemas import schema

from debug_resources import dictify

ns = api.namespace("graphql")

graphql_parser = api.parser()
graphql_parser.add_argument(name="query", location="form", type=str)

class GraphqlResource(Resource):
    @api.doc(id="query", parser=graphql_parser)
    def post(self):
        valid, req = oauth.verify_request([])
        result = schema.execute(graphql_parser.parse_args()["query"])
        return {
            [dictify(e) for e in result.errors] if result.errors else None
Beispiel #5
from flask_restplus import Resource

from webapp.api.oauth import AuthorizationRequired
from webapp.api.blueprint import api
from webapp.api.oauth import oauth
from webapp.podcasts.progress import PlaybackProgress

ns = api.namespace("episodes")

progress_parser = api.parser()
progress_parser.add_argument(name="progress", location="form", type=int)

class ProgressResource(Resource):
    """This resource represents the current user's listening progress on an episode."""
    def get(self, episodeId):
        valid, req = oauth.verify_request([])
        if not valid:
            raise AuthorizationRequired()
        user = req.user

        return {

    @api.doc(id="setProgress", parser=progress_parser)
    def post(self, episodeId):
Beispiel #6
from flask import abort
from flask_restplus import Resource
from flask_restplus import fields
from flask_restplus import abort

from webapp.utils import AttributeHider
from webapp.api.oauth import oauth
from webapp.api.oauth import AuthorizationRequired
from webapp.api.blueprint import api
from webapp.api.representations import podcast_full_fields, podcast_fields, episode_list
from webapp.podcasts import Podcast

ns = api.namespace("podcasts")

podcast_parser = api.parser()
podcast_parser.add_argument(name="fetch", required=False, location="args")

@ns.route("/<path:podcastId>", endpoint="podcast")
        "A podcast's id (the same as its URL. If the API returns a podcast with a different URL, it means the podcast has moved.",
        "fetch": "Whether to fetch the podcast if it's not in the database.",
        "maxEpisodes": "The maximum number of episodes to return."