Beispiel #1
 def test_method_open(self):
     """The method=open."""
     class Filter(self.MockTool):
         method = 'open'
     assert getattr(Filter, 'output') is None
     assert getattr(Filter, 'input') is None
     Filter().open(StringIO(), 'filename')
     assert Filter.result == ([], None)
Beispiel #2
 def test_method_output(self):
     """The method=output."""
     class Filter(self.MockTool):
         method = 'output'
     assert getattr(Filter, 'input') is None
     assert getattr(Filter, 'open') is None
     Filter().output(StringIO('bla'), StringIO())
     assert Filter.result == ([], 'bla')
 def test_argv_variables(self):
     """In argv, a number of placeholders can be used. Ensure they work."""
     class Filter(self.MockTool):
         argv = [
             # The filter instance
             # Keyword and positional args to filter method
             '{kwarg}', '{0.closed}',
             # Special placeholders that are passed through
             '{input}', '{output}']
     Filter().output(StringIO('content'), StringIO(), kwarg='value')
     assert Filter.result == (
         ["Filter", 'value', 'False', '{input}', '{output}'], 'content')
Beispiel #4
    def test_getconfig_os_env_types(self):
        """Test type conversion for values read from the environment.
        m = Environment(None, None)
        f = Filter()
        get_config = f.get_config

        with os_environ_sandbox():
            os.environ['foo'] = 'one,two\,three'
            assert get_config(env='foo', type=list) == ['one', 'two,three']

            # Make sure the split is not applied to env config values
            m.config['foo'] = 'one,two\,three'
            assert get_config(setting='foo', type=list) == 'one,two\,three'
Beispiel #5
    def test_get_config(self):
        """Test the ``get_config`` helper.
        m = Environment(None, None)
        f = Filter()
        get_config = f.get_config

        # For the purposes of the following tests, we use two test
        # names which we expect to be undefined in os.env.
        NAME = 'FOO%s' % id(object())
        NAME2 = 'FOO%s' % id(NAME)
        assert NAME != NAME2
        assert not NAME in os.environ and not NAME2 in os.environ

            # Test raising of error, and test not raising it.
            assert_raises(EnvironmentError, get_config, NAME)
            assert get_config(NAME, require=False) == None

            # Start with only the environment variable set.
            os.environ[NAME] = 'bar'
            assert get_config(NAME) == 'bar'
            assert get_config(env=NAME, setting=False) == 'bar'

            # Set the value in the environment as well.
            m.config[NAME] = 'foo'
            # Ensure that settings take precedence.
            assert_equals(get_config(NAME), 'foo')
            # Two different names can be supplied.
            assert get_config(setting=NAME2, env=NAME) == 'bar'

            # Unset the env variable, now with only the setting.
            del os.environ[NAME]
            assert get_config(NAME) == 'foo'
            assert get_config(setting=NAME, env=False) == 'foo'
            assert_raises(EnvironmentError, get_config, env=NAME)
            if NAME in os.environ:
                del os.environ[NAME]