def checkProg(gpio, rank=None): try: if rank is None: id = str(gpio) + '-' + "deact" job = sched.get_job(id) #webiopi.debug("job: %s" % job) return job else: jobs = [] # Get main job id = str(gpio) + '-' + rank job = sched.get_job(id) if job: jobs.append(job) # Get sons job for job in sched.get_jobs(): result = re.match(id + "\-.+$", if result: # LOGIC if match str(gpio) + '-' + rank + '-' * webiopi.debug("job: %s" % job) #if job.args[2] == gpio and job.args[1] == rank: jobs.append(job) #webiopi.debug("jobs: %s" % jobs) if jobs: return jobs except: webiopi.exception("! error checking prog ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def progSun(prog, rank, act, deact, duration, is_rise, h, m): try: h = int(h) m = int(m) is_rise = int(is_rise) act = int(act) deact = int(deact) # UTC offset - should be computed ! utc_time = 1 now = webiopi.debug("now = %s" % now) #test_utctime = datetime.tzinfo.utcoffset(now) #webiopi.debug("UTC offset = %s" % test_utctime) # User offset delay = datetime.timedelta(hours=int(h), minutes=int(m)) webiopi.debug("user delay= %s" % delay) # compute sunrise/sunset time with ephem module o = ephem.Observer(), o.lon, = lat, lon, sun = ephem.Sun(o) next_event = o.next_rising if is_rise else o.next_setting sunTime = ephem.Date(next_event(sun, + utc_time*ephem.hour).datetime() #test_sunTime = ephem.Date(next_event(sun, + test_utctime webiopi.debug("sunTime= %s" % sunTime) #webiopi.debug("test_sunTime= %s" % test_sunTime) nextTime = sunTime + delay webiopi.debug("nextTime = %s" % nextTime) progId = str(act) + '-' + rank + '-' + 'sun' sched.add_job(actProg, "date", [prog, rank, str(act), str(deact), str(duration)], id=progId, name=progId, next_run_time=nextTime, jobstore='file') except: webiopi.exception("! error activating sun prog ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def getData(job): try: jobType = job.args[0] jobTrig = job.trigger.fields d = str(jobTrig[4]) if jobType == "now": p1 = 0 p2 = 0 elif jobType == "cron" or jobType == "wakeup": p1 = str(jobTrig[5]) p2 = str(jobTrig[6]) elif jobType == "sun": p1 = job.args[6] p2 = job.args[7] #p1 = str(jobTrig[6]) #p2 = str(jobTrig[7]) elif jobType == "freq": freqCron = str(jobTrig[5]) match ="\*\/(\d+)", freqCron) p1 = p2 = int(job.args[4])/60 elif jobType == "fan": p1 = job.args[5] p2 = job.args[6] elif jobType == "pool": p1 = 0 p2 = 0 return jobType, d, p1, p2 except: webiopi.exception("! error getting job data ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def actRemoteAll(app, idx): try: cfg = cfgAll["app"][app] # List active items acts = [] map = cfg["map"] #webiopi.debug("map = %s" % map) for i in range(len(map)): act, deact = getGPIO(app, i, idx) # Check if item is active actState = GPIO.digitalRead(act) if actState: #webiopi.debug("job = %s" % job) acts.append(i) #webiopi.debug("acts = %s" % acts) # Activate all if none active if not acts: for i in range(len(map)): actRemote(app, i, idx) # Deactivate active items if any else: for i in acts: #webiopi.debug("i = %s" % i) actRemote(app, i, idx) except: webiopi.exception("! error activating all remotes ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def measureDHT(DHTtype, gpio, index): try: script = os.path.join(eziopi_dir, "scripts/adafruit_dht") tries = 5 for i in range(tries): val = str(subprocess.check_output([script, DHTtype, str(gpio)])) match ='Temp.+\s([\d\.]+)\s.+Hum.+\s([\d\.]+)\s%', val) if match: temp, hr =, webiopi.debug("DHT22 measure %s: temp=%s hr=%s" % (str(i+1), temp, hr)) break else: # Erreur mesure gpioDHT22 if i == tries-1: temp = "U" hr = "U""! DHT22 error after %s tries ! - stop trying" % str(i+1)) else: time.sleep(2) except: temp = "U" hr = "U" webiopi.exception("! DHT22 error ! %s" % sys.exc_info()[1]) finally: values = [temp, hr] return values[index]
def measureDS18B20(sid): try: tmp = DS18B20(slave=sid) temp = tmp.getCelsius() webiopi.debug("DS18B20_temp = %s" % temp) except: webiopi.exception("! DS18B20 error ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) temp = "U" finally: return temp
def getTime(): try: now = day = now.strftime("%a") date = now.strftime("%d"+"/"+"%m") time = now.strftime("%H : %M") # webiopi.debug("now = %s" % now) return json.JSONEncoder().encode([day, date, time]) except: webiopi.exception("! error getting system time ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def setProg(app, prog, rank, num, idx, d, p1=None, p2=None): try: act, deact = getGPIO(app, num, idx) cfg = cfgAll["app"][app] duration = cfg["duration"] itemcfg = cfg["map"][int(num)] name = itemcfg["name"] cmd = itemcfg["cmd"] idxid = cmd[int(idx)]["id"] if True: # Check if data is valid d, p1, p2 = cleanData(prog, d, p1, p2) # Send error if data is invalid if d is None or p1 is None or p2 is None: jobData = {"type": "error", "gpio": act, "day_of_week": d, "p1": p1, "p2": p2} return json.JSONEncoder().encode(jobData) # Check if a job is running jobs = checkProg(act, rank) # remove active job on gpio if any if jobs: for job in jobs: sched.remove_job( # create new job if none was running else: progId = str(act) + '-' + rank progName = app + '-' + name + '-' + idxid + '-' + rank if prog == "now": duration = (int(p1)*60 + int(p2))*60 actProg(prog, rank, act, deact, duration) elif prog == "cron": sched.add_job(actProg, "cron", day_of_week=d, hour=p1, minute=p2, args=[prog, rank, act, deact, duration], id=progId, name=progName, jobstore="file") elif prog == "wakeup": sched.add_job(actProg, "cron", day_of_week=d, hour=p1, minute=p2, args=[prog, rank, act, deact, 10], id=progId, name=progName, jobstore="file") elif prog == "sun": # compute sunrise/sunset before yearly min sunrise/sunset if idx: is_rise = "0" hourStart = 17 else: is_rise = "1" hourStart = 5 sched.add_job(progSun, "cron", day_of_week=d, hour=hourStart, minute=0, args=[prog, rank, act, deact, duration, is_rise, p1, p2], id=progId, name=progName, jobstore="file") elif prog == "freq": h = "*/" + str(p1) duration = int(p2)*60 sched.add_job(actProg, "cron", day_of_week=d, hour=h, args=[prog, rank, act, deact, duration], id=progId, name=progName, jobstore="file") elif prog == "fan": #minute = "*/" + str(int(duration/60)) sched.add_job(actFan, "cron", day_of_week=d, minute="*/5", args=[prog, rank, act, deact, duration, p1, p2], id=progId, name=progName, jobstore="file") elif prog == "pool": sched.add_job(progPool, "cron", day_of_week=d, hour=7, args=[prog, rank, act, deact, duration], id=progId, name=progName, misfire_grace_time=21600, jobstore="file") #actPool(prog, rank, act, deact, duration) return getProg(app, prog, rank, num, idx) except: webiopi.exception("! error setting prog ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def setup():"Script with macros - Setup") try: # Setup GPIOs sensorlist = sensors.keys() for sensorname in sensorlist: sensor = sensors[sensorname] if sensor["type"] == "DHT22" or sensor["type"] == "relay": GPIO.setFunction(sensor["id"], GPIO.OUT) GPIO.digitalWrite(sensor["id"], GPIO.LOW) except: webiopi.exception("! setup failed ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) pass
def getProg(app, prog, rank, num, idx): try: act, deact = getGPIO(app, num, idx) jobs = checkProg(act, rank) webiopi.debug("jobs: %s " % jobs) # Send job data if any if jobs: jobType, d, p1, p2 = getData(jobs[0]) jobData = {"type": jobType, "gpio": act, "day_of_week": d, "p1": p1, "p2": p2} else: jobData = {"type": None, "gpio": act} return json.JSONEncoder().encode(jobData) except: webiopi.exception("! error getting prog ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def lastRRD(rrd, dsName, delay): try: delay = int(delay) if delay == 0: info = last = info['ds[' + dsName + '].last_ds'] else: fetch = rrdtool.fetch(rrd, 'AVERAGE', '--start', 'end-' + str(delay) + 'sec')[2] last = [] for pair in fetch: if pair[0]: last.append(pair[0]) return last except: webiopi.exception("! error getting last values from RRD ! %s - %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def cleanData(prog, d, p1, p2): try: d = str(d) if p1: p1 = int(p1) if p2: p2 = int(p2) # Check days data result = re.match("[0-6]+$", d) if not result: d = None else: # Clean days data data = "" for day in d: if data == "": data += day else: data += ',' + day d = data # Check parameters data if prog == "now" or prog == "cron" or prog == "wakeup" or prog == "sun": #result = re.match("[0-2]?[0-9]$", p1) #if not result: if not 0 <= p1 <= 23: p1 = None #result = re.match("[0-5]?[0-9]$", p2) #if not result: if not 0 <= p2 <= 59: p2 = None elif prog == "freq": #result = re.match("\d+$", p2) if not 1 <= p1 <= 24: p1 = None if not (1 <= p2 <= 1440 and p2/60 < p1): p2 = None elif prog == "fan": if not 0 <= p1 <= 100: p1 = None if not (0 <= p2 <= 100 and p1 < p2): p2 = None elif prog == "pool": p1 = 0 p2 = 0 return d, p1, p2 except: webiopi.exception("! error cleaning data ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def getGPIO(app, num, idx): try: num = int(num) idx = int(idx) #webiopi.debug("num = %s, idx = %s" % (num, idx)) cfg = cfgAll["app"][app] cmd = cfg["map"][num]["cmd"] act = cmd[idx]["gpio"] deact = None # Look for paired command nidx = not idx if nidx < len(cmd): deact = cmd[nidx]["gpio"] #webiopi.debug("act = %s, deact = %s" % (act, deact)) return act, deact except: webiopi.exception("! error getting GPIO config ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def setProgAll(app, prog, rank, idx, d, p1=None, p2=None): # check if no job running in javascript try: idx = int(idx) cfg = cfgAll["app"][app] ret = [] # Check if data is valid day, p1v, p2v = cleanData(prog, d, p1, p2) webiopi.debug("day, p1v, p2v = %s %s %s" % (day, p1v, p2v)) # Return error if data is invalid if day is None or p1v is None or p2v is None: jobData = {"type": "error", "gpio": idx, "day_of_week": day, "p1": p1v, "p2": p2v} ret.append(json.JSONEncoder().encode(jobData)) #webiopi.debug("ret = %s" % ret) else: # List running jobs jobsRun = [] map = cfg["map"] #webiopi.debug("map = %s" % map) for i in range(len(map)): cmd = cfg["map"][i]["cmd"] act = cmd[idx]["gpio"] # Check if a job is running jobs = checkProg(act, rank) if jobs: for job in jobs: webiopi.debug("job = %s" % job) jobsRun.append([job, i]) webiopi.debug("jobsRun = %s" % jobsRun) # Activate all if no jobs are running if not jobsRun: for i in range(len(map)): ret.append(setProg(app, prog, rank, i, idx, d, p1, p2)) # Deactivate running jobs if any else: for jobinfo in jobsRun: job, i = jobinfo[0], jobinfo[1] webiopi.debug("job = %s, i = %s" % (job, i)) name = job.args[0] webiopi.debug("app, name, rank, i, idx, d, p1, p2 = %s %s %s %s %s %s %s %s" % (app, name, rank, i, idx, d, p1, p2)) ret.append(setProg(app, name, rank, i, idx, d, p1, p2)) return json.JSONEncoder().encode(ret) except: webiopi.exception("! error setting all progs ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def destroy():"Script with macros - Destroy") try: # Reset GPIOs for app in cfgAll["app"]: map = cfgAll["app"][app]["map"] #webiopi.debug("map=%s" % map) for item in map: if "cmd" in item: #webiopi.debug("cmd=%s" % cmd) for i in item["cmd"]: gpio = i["gpio"] GPIO.setFunction(gpio, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.digitalWrite(gpio, GPIO.LOW) # Shutdown APScheduler global sched sched.shutdown() except: webiopi.exception("! destroy failed ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) pass
def setup():"Script with macros - Setup") try: # Setup GPIOs for app in cfgAll["app"]: map = cfgAll["app"][app]["map"] #webiopi.debug("map=%s" % map) for item in map: if "cmd" in item: #webiopi.debug("cmd=%s" % cmd) for i in item["cmd"]: gpio = i["gpio"] GPIO.setFunction(gpio, GPIO.OUT) GPIO.digitalWrite(gpio, GPIO.LOW) # Setup APScheduler global sched sched.start() except: webiopi.exception("! setup failed ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1])) pass
def actRemote(app, num, idx): try: act, deact = getGPIO(app, num, idx) cfg = cfgAll["app"][app] duration = cfg["duration"] actState = GPIO.digitalRead(act) deactState = None if deact: deact = int(deact) deactState = GPIO.digitalRead(deact) if actState: # Cancel deactivate timer job = checkProg(act) if job: #webiopi.debug("job id: %s" % sched.remove_job( # Deactivate GPIO.digitalWrite(act, 0) else: if deactState: # Cancel deactivate timer job = checkProg(deact) if job: sched.remove_job( # Deactivate GPIO.digitalWrite(deact, 0) # Activate GPIO.digitalWrite(act, 1) # Deactivate program if duration > 0 if duration > 0: # Schedule deactivate job progId = str(act) + "-" + "deact" exec_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time() + duration)) sched.add_job(deactRemote, "date", [str(act)], id=progId, next_run_time=exec_date, name=progId ) except: webiopi.exception("! error activating remote ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def actProg(prog, rank, act, deact, duration): try: progRun = str(act) + '-' + rank + '-' + prog"running prog: %s" % progRun) duration = int(duration) # check GPIOs state act = int(act) actState = GPIO.digitalRead(act) deactState = None if deact: deact = int(deact) deactState = GPIO.digitalRead(deact) # Activate if none is already active if not actState and not deactState: GPIO.digitalWrite(act, 1) # Schedule deactivate job progId = str(act) + '-' + 'deact' exec_date = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time() + duration)) sched.add_job(deactRemote, "date", [str(act)], id=progId, next_run_time=exec_date, name=progId) # do not activate if another job is running else:"end prog %s ! another job is running ! do nothing" % progRun) except: webiopi.exception("! error activating program ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def getConf(item): try: return json.JSONEncoder().encode(cfgAll[item]) except: webiopi.exception("! error getting conf ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def deactRemote(act): try: act = int(act) GPIO.digitalWrite(act, 0) except: webiopi.exception("! error deactivating remote ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))
def getAppConf(app): try: return json.JSONEncoder().encode(cfgAll["app"][app]) except: webiopi.exception("! error getting app conf ! %s %s" % (sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]))