Beispiel #1
    def toWm(self, radius=R_MA):
        '''Convert this C{LatLon} point to a I{WM} coordinate.

           @keyword radius: Optional earth radius (C{meter}).

           @return: The WM coordinate (L{Wm}).

           @see: Function L{toWm} in module L{webmercator} for details.
        from webmercator import toWm  # PYCHOK recursive import
        return toWm(self, radius=radius)
Beispiel #2
    def toWm(self):
        '''Convert this I{LatLon} point to a WM coordinate.

           See function L{toWm} in module L{webmercator} for details.

           @return: The WM coordinate (L{Wm}).
        if self._wm is None:
            from webmercator import toWm  # PYCHOK recursive import
            self._wm = toWm(self)
        return self._wm