Beispiel #1
def get_test_doclist(doctype, name=None):
    """get test doclist, collection of doclists"""
    import os, webnotes
    from webnotes import conf
    from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
    from webnotes.modules import scrub

    doctype = scrub(doctype)
    doctype_path = os.path.join(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(conf.__file__)), conf.test_data_path,

    if name:
        with open(os.path.join(doctype_path,
                               scrub(name) + '.txt'), 'r') as txtfile:
            doclist = peval_doclist(

        return doclist

        all_doclists = []
        for fname in filter(lambda n: n.endswith('.txt'),
            with open(os.path.join(doctype_path, scrub(fname)),
                      'r') as txtfile:

        return all_doclists
Beispiel #2
def import_file_by_path(path, force=False):
    if os.path.exists(path):
        from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist

        with open(path, 'r') as f:
            doclist = peval_doclist(

        if doclist:
            doc = doclist[0]

            if not force:
                # check if timestamps match
                if doc['modified'] == str(
                        webnotes.conn.get_value(doc['doctype'], doc['name'],
                    return False

            original_modified = doc["modified"]


            # since there is a new timestamp on the file, update timestamp in
            webnotes.conn.sql("update `tab%s` set modified=%s where name=%s" % \
             (doc['doctype'], '%s', '%s'),
             (original_modified, doc['name']))

            return True
        raise Exception, '%s missing' % path
Beispiel #3
def import_file_by_path(path, force=False):
	if os.path.exists(path):
		from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
		with open(path, 'r') as f:
			doclist = peval_doclist(
		if doclist:
			doc = doclist[0]
			if not force:
				# check if timestamps match
				if doc['modified']==str(webnotes.conn.get_value(doc['doctype'], doc['name'], 'modified')):
					return False
			original_modified = doc["modified"]

			# since there is a new timestamp on the file, update timestamp in
			webnotes.conn.sql("update `tab%s` set modified=%s where name=%s" % \
				(doc['doctype'], '%s', '%s'), 
				(original_modified, doc['name']))

			return True
		raise Exception, '%s missing' % path
Beispiel #4
def sync_doctype(module_name, docname, force=0):
	"""sync doctype from file if modified"""
	with open(get_file_path(module_name, docname), 'r') as f:
		from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
		doclist = peval_doclist(
		if merge_doctype(doclist, force):
			print module_name, '|', docname
		#raise Exception
		return doclist[0].get('name')
Beispiel #5
def sync(module_name, docname, force=0):
    """sync doctype from file if modified"""
    with open(get_file_path(module_name, docname), 'r') as f:
        from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
        doclist = peval_doclist(

        if merge_doctype(doclist, force):
            print module_name, '|', docname

        #raise Exception
        return doclist[0].get('name')
Beispiel #6
def get_test_doclist(doctype, name=None):
    """get test doclist, collection of doclists"""
    import os, webnotes
    from webnotes import conf
    from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
    from webnotes.modules import scrub

    doctype = scrub(doctype)
    doctype_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(conf.__file__)), conf.test_data_path, doctype)

    if name:
        with open(os.path.join(doctype_path, scrub(name) + ".txt"), "r") as txtfile:
            doclist = peval_doclist(

        return doclist

        all_doclists = []
        for fname in filter(lambda n: n.endswith(".txt"), os.listdir(doctype_path)):
            with open(os.path.join(doctype_path, scrub(fname)), "r") as txtfile:

        return all_doclists
Beispiel #7
def _run_test(path, filename, verbose):
	import os, imp
	from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
	test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
	if os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))=="doctype":
		txt_file = os.path.join(path, filename[5:].replace(".py", ".txt"))
		with open(txt_file, 'r') as f:
			doctype_doclist = peval_doclist(
		doctype = doctype_doclist[0]["name"]
		make_test_records(doctype, verbose)
	module = imp.load_source(filename[:-3], os.path.join(path, filename))
	unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1+(verbose and 1 or 0)).run(test_suite)
def _run_test(path, filename, verbose):
    import os, imp
    from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist

    test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
    if os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path)) == "doctype":
        txt_file = os.path.join(path, filename[5:].replace(".py", ".txt"))
        with open(txt_file, 'r') as f:
            doctype_doclist = peval_doclist(
        doctype = doctype_doclist[0]["name"]
        make_test_records(doctype, verbose)

    module = imp.load_source(filename[:-3], os.path.join(path, filename))
    unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1 + (verbose and 1 or 0)).run(test_suite)
Beispiel #9
def run_all_tests(verbose):
	import os, imp
	from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist

	for path, folders, files in os.walk("."):
		for filename in files:
			if filename.startswith("test_") and filename.endswith(".py"):
				test_suite = unittest.TestSuite()
				if os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(path))=="doctype":
					txt_file = os.path.join(path, filename[5:].replace(".py", ".txt"))
					with open(txt_file, 'r') as f:
						doctype_doclist = peval_doclist(
					doctype = doctype_doclist[0]["name"]
					make_test_records(doctype, verbose)
				module = imp.load_source('test', os.path.join(path, filename))
				unittest.TextTestRunner(verbosity=1+(verbose and 1 or 0)).run(test_suite)
def get_doctypes(m):
	doctypes = webnotes.conn.sql_list("""select name from 
		tabDocType where module=%s order by name""", m)
	prefix = "" + m + ".doctype."
	docs = {
		"_icon": "th",
		"_label": "DocTypes",
		"_toc": [prefix + d for d in doctypes]
	for d in doctypes:
		meta = webnotes.get_doctype(d)
		meta_p = webnotes.get_doctype(d, True)
		doc_path = get_doc_path(m, "DocType", d)
		mydocs = docs[d] = {
			"_label": d,
			"_icon": meta[0].icon,
			"_type": "doctype",
			"_gh_source": get_gh_url(doc_path),
			"_toc": [
				prefix + d + ".model",
				prefix + d + ".permissions",
				prefix + d + ".controller_server"

		update_readme(mydocs, m, "DocType", d)

		# parents and links
		links, parents = [], []
		for df in webnotes.conn.sql("""select * from tabDocField where options=%s""", 
			d, as_dict=True):
			if df.parent:
				if df.fieldtype=="Table":
				if df.fieldtype=="Link":
		if parents:
			mydocs["_intro"] += "\n\n#### Child Table Of:\n\n- " + "\n- ".join(list(set(parents))) + "\n\n"

		if links:
			mydocs["_intro"] += "\n\n#### Linked In:\n\n- " + "\n- ".join(list(set(links))) + "\n\n"
		if meta[0].issingle:
			mydocs["_intro"] += "\n\n#### Single DocType\n\nThere is no table for this DocType and the values of the Single instance are stored in `tabSingles`"

		# model
		modeldocs = mydocs["model"] = {
			"_label": d + " Model",
			"_icon": meta[0].icon,
			"_type": "model",
			"_intro": "Properties and fields for " + d,
			"_gh_source": get_gh_url(os.path.join(doc_path, scrub(d) + ".txt")),
			"_fields": [df.fields for df in meta.get({"doctype": "DocField"})],
			"_properties": meta[0].fields,
			"_modified": meta[0].modified
		# permissions
		from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
		with open(os.path.join(doc_path, 
			scrub(d) + ".txt"), "r") as txtfile:
			doclist = peval_doclist(
		permission_docs = mydocs["permissions"] = {
			"_label": d + " Permissions",
			"_type": "permissions",
			"_icon": meta[0].icon,
			"_gh_source": get_gh_url(os.path.join(doc_path, scrub(d) + ".txt")),
			"_intro": "Standard Permissions for " + d + ". These can be changed by the user.",
			"_permissions": [p for p in doclist if p.doctype=="DocPerm"],
			"_modified": doclist[0]["modified"]
		# server controller
		server_controller_path = os.path.join(doc_path, scrub(d) + ".py")
		controller_docs = mydocs["controller_server"] = {
			"_label": d + " Server Controller",
			"_type": "_class",
			"_gh_source": get_gh_url(server_controller_path)
		b = webnotes.bean([{"doctype": d}])
		if not getattr(b.controller, "__doc__"):
			b.controller.__doc__ = "Controller Class for handling server-side events for " + d
		inspect_object_and_update_docs(controller_docs, b.controller)

		# client controller
		if meta_p[0].fields.get("__js"):
			client_controller_path = os.path.join(doc_path, scrub(d) + ".js")
				mydocs["_toc"].append(prefix + d + ".controller_client")
				client_controller = mydocs["controller_client"] = {
					"_label": d + " Client Controller",
					"_icon": meta[0].icon,
					"_type": "controller_client",
					"_gh_source": get_gh_url(client_controller_path),
					"_modified": get_timestamp(client_controller_path),
					"_intro": "Client side triggers and functions for " + d,
					"_code": meta_p[0].fields["__js"],
					"_fields": [d.fieldname for d in meta_p if d.doctype=="DocField"]

	return docs
Beispiel #11
def get_doctypes(m):
    doctypes = webnotes.conn.sql_list(
        """select name from 
		tabDocType where module=%s order by name""", m)
    prefix = "" + m + ".doctype."
    docs = {
        "_icon": "th",
        "_label": "DocTypes",
        "_toc": [prefix + d for d in doctypes]

    for d in doctypes:
        meta = webnotes.get_doctype(d)
        meta_p = webnotes.get_doctype(d, True)
        doc_path = get_doc_path(m, "DocType", d)

        mydocs = docs[d] = {
            "_toc": [
                prefix + d + ".model", prefix + d + ".permissions",
                prefix + d + ".controller_server"

        update_readme(mydocs, m, "DocType", d)

        # parents and links
        links, parents = [], []
        for df in webnotes.conn.sql(
                """select * from tabDocField where options=%s""", d,
            if df.parent:
                if df.fieldtype == "Table":
                if df.fieldtype == "Link":

        if parents:
            mydocs["_intro"] += "\n\n#### Child Table Of:\n\n- " + "\n- ".join(
                list(set(parents))) + "\n\n"

        if links:
            mydocs["_intro"] += "\n\n#### Linked In:\n\n- " + "\n- ".join(
                list(set(links))) + "\n\n"

        if meta[0].issingle:
                "_intro"] += "\n\n#### Single DocType\n\nThere is no table for this DocType and the values of the Single instance are stored in `tabSingles`"

        # model
        modeldocs = mydocs["model"] = {
            "_label": d + " Model",
            "_icon": meta[0].icon,
            "_type": "model",
            "_intro": "Properties and fields for " + d,
            "_gh_source": get_gh_url(os.path.join(doc_path,
                                                  scrub(d) + ".txt")),
            "_fields": [df.fields for df in meta.get({"doctype": "DocField"})],
            "_properties": meta[0].fields,
            "_modified": meta[0].modified

        # permissions
        from webnotes.modules.utils import peval_doclist
        with open(os.path.join(doc_path, scrub(d) + ".txt"), "r") as txtfile:
            doclist = peval_doclist(

        permission_docs = mydocs["permissions"] = {
            "_label": d + " Permissions",
            "_type": "permissions",
            "_icon": meta[0].icon,
            "_gh_source": get_gh_url(os.path.join(doc_path,
                                                  scrub(d) + ".txt")),
            "_intro": "Standard Permissions for " + d +
            ". These can be changed by the user.",
            "_permissions": [p for p in doclist if p.doctype == "DocPerm"],
            "_modified": doclist[0]["modified"]

        # server controller
        server_controller_path = os.path.join(doc_path, scrub(d) + ".py")
        controller_docs = mydocs["controller_server"] = {
            "_label": d + " Server Controller",
            "_type": "_class",
            "_gh_source": get_gh_url(server_controller_path)

        b = webnotes.bean([{"doctype": d}])
        if not getattr(b.controller, "__doc__"):
            b.controller.__doc__ = "Controller Class for handling server-side events for " + d
        inspect_object_and_update_docs(controller_docs, b.controller)

        # client controller
        if meta_p[0].fields.get("__js"):
            client_controller_path = os.path.join(doc_path, scrub(d) + ".js")
            if (os.path.exists(client_controller_path)):
                mydocs["_toc"].append(prefix + d + ".controller_client")
                client_controller = mydocs["controller_client"] = {
                    d + " Client Controller",
                    "Client side triggers and functions for " + d,
                    [d.fieldname for d in meta_p if d.doctype == "DocField"]

    return docs