Beispiel #1
 def test_unbound_middleware_no_app(self):
     unbound = wsgify.middleware(None, None)
     from webob.dec import _UnboundMiddleware
     self.assert_(unbound.__class__ is _UnboundMiddleware)
     self.assertEqual(, dict())
     self.assertEqual('%r' % (unbound,),
Beispiel #2
 def test_unbound_middleware(self):
     def test_app(req):
         return Response('Say wha!?')
     unbound = wsgify.middleware(None, test_app, some='thing')
     from webob.dec import _UnboundMiddleware
     self.assertTrue(unbound.__class__ is _UnboundMiddleware)
     self.assertEqual(, dict(some='thing'))
     def middle(req, app, **kw):
         return app(req)
     self.assertTrue(middle.__class__ is wsgify)
     self.assertTrue('test_app' in repr(unbound))
Beispiel #3
 def test_unbound_middleware(self):
     def test_app(req):
         return Response('Say wha!?')
     unbound = wsgify.middleware(None, test_app, some='thing')
     from webob.dec import _UnboundMiddleware
     self.assertTrue(unbound.__class__ is _UnboundMiddleware)
     self.assertEqual(, dict(some='thing'))
     def middle(req, app, **kw):
         return app(req)
     self.assertTrue(middle.__class__ is wsgify)
     self.assertTrue('test_app' in repr(unbound))
Beispiel #4
 def test_unbound_middleware(self):
     def test_app(req):
         return Response('Say wha!?')
     unbound = wsgify.middleware(None, test_app, some='thing')
     from webob.dec import _UnboundMiddleware
     self.assert_(unbound.__class__ is _UnboundMiddleware)
     self.assertEqual(, dict(some='thing'))
     self.assertEqual('%r' % (unbound,),
                      "wsgify.middleware(wsgify(tests.test_dec.test_app), "
     def middle(req, app, **kw):
         return app(req)
     self.assert_(middle.__class__ is wsgify)
     self.assertEqual('%r' % (middle,),
                      "(wsgify(tests.test_dec.test_app), some='thing')")
Beispiel #5
#: Usage::
#:     from your_app import wsgi_app
#:     wsgi_app = user_agent_middleware(wsgi_app)
#: For example, in Flask, the middleware can be applied like this::
#:     from flask import Flask
#:     app = Flask(__name__)
#:     app.wsgi_app = user_agent_middleware(app)
#: In Django, you can apply the middleware like this::
#:     from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application
#:     application = user_agent_middleware(get_wsgi_application())
#: For more information see
#: `Django docs <>`_.
#: .. warning::
#:     The middleware slows down requests by calling :meth:`time.sleep()`
#:     (in the time frame when requests with invalid user-agent are being delayed).
#:     This can increase worker busyness which can overload a service.
user_agent_middleware = wsgify.middleware(_validate_user_agent)