Beispiel #1
 def action_view_POST(self, req, page):
     submit_mtime = int(req.params.get('mtime') or '0') or None
     if page.mtime != submit_mtime:
         return exc.HTTPPreconditionFailed(
             "The page has been updated since you started editing it")
     page.set(title=req.params['title'], content=req.params['content'])
     resp = exc.HTTPSeeOther(location=req.path_url)
     resp.set_cookie('message', 'Page updated')
     return resp
Beispiel #2
 def action_view_POST(self, req, page):
     submit_mtime = int(req.params.get("mtime") or "0") or None
     if page.mtime != submit_mtime:
         return exc.HTTPPreconditionFailed(
             "The page has been updated since you started editing it")
     page.set(title=req.params["title"], content=req.params["content"])
     resp = exc.HTTPSeeOther(location=req.path_url)
     resp.set_cookie("message", "Page updated")
     return resp
Beispiel #3
def code2exception(code, detail):
    """Transforms a code + detail into a WebOb exception"""
    if code == 400:
        return exc.HTTPBadRequest(detail)
    if code == 401:
        return exc.HTTPUnauthorized(detail)
    if code == 402:
        return exc.HTTPPaymentRequired(detail)
    if code == 403:
        return exc.HTTPForbidden(detail)
    if code == 404:
        return exc.HTTPNotFound(detail)
    if code == 405:
        return exc.HTTPMethodNotAllowed(detail)
    if code == 406:
        return exc.HTTPNotAcceptable(detail)
    if code == 407:
        return exc.HTTPProxyAuthenticationRequired(detail)
    if code == 408:
        return exc.HTTPRequestTimeout(detail)
    if code == 409:
        return exc.HTTPConflict(detail)
    if code == 410:
        return exc.HTTPGone(detail)
    if code == 411:
        return exc.HTTPLengthRequired(detail)
    if code == 412:
        return exc.HTTPPreconditionFailed(detail)
    if code == 413:
        return exc.HTTPRequestEntityTooLarge(detail)
    if code == 414:
        return exc.HTTPRequestURITooLong(detail)
    if code == 415:
        return exc.HTTPUnsupportedMediaType(detail)
    if code == 416:
        return exc.HTTPRequestRangeNotSatisfiable(detail)
    if code == 417:
        return exc.HTTPExpectationFailed(detail)
    if code == 500:
        return exc.HTTPInternalServerError(detail)
    if code == 501:
        return exc.HTTPNotImplemented(detail)
    if code == 502:
        return exc.HTTPBadGateway(detail)
    if code == 503:
        return exc.HTTPServiceUnavailable(detail)
    if code == 504:
        return exc.HTTPGatewayTimeout(detail)
    if code == 505:
        return exc.HTTPVersionNotSupported(detail)

    raise NotImplementedError(code)
Beispiel #4
    def action_view_POST(self, req, page):
        submit_mtime = int(req.params.get('mtime') or '0') or None
        if page.mtime != submit_mtime:
            return exc.HTTPPreconditionFailed(
                "The page has been updated since you started editing it")
		# fields has to be modified below in page.set that user will submit while filling the query or edit page
        resp = exc.HTTPSeeOther(
        resp.set_cookie('message', 'Page updated')
        return resp
def post_data(request):
    """The client should keep track of the last time it sent updates to the
    server, and send updates when there are newer applications.

    **NOTE:** there is a case when an update might be lost because of an
    update from another device; this would be okay except that the client
    doesn't know it needs to re-send that update.  How do we confirm that ?

    The updates are sent with::

        POST /collections/{user}/{collection}?lastget=somedate

        {origin: {...}, ...}

    Each object must have a `last_modified` key.

    The response is only::

        {received: timestamp}

    if lastget (timestamp) was provided and the collection has been changed
    since that date, we send back a 412 Precondition Failed.

    user, collection, dbtoken = check_auth(request)
    server_time = round_time()
    storage = get_storage(request)

    if 'delete' in request.params:
        # we were asked to delete the collection
            info = request.json_body
        except ValueError:
            raise bad_request(INVALID_JSON)

        if 'client_id' not in info:
            raise bad_request(MISSING_VALUE)

        client_id = info['client_id']
        reason = info.get('reason', '')
        storage.delete(user, collection, client_id, reason, token=dbtoken)
        return {'received': server_time}

    elif 'lastget' in request.params:
        last_get = round_time(float(request.params['lastget']))
        last_modified = storage.get_last_modified(user,
        if last_modified > last_get:
            raise exc.HTTPPreconditionFailed()

        apps = request.json_body
    except ValueError:
        raise bad_request(INVALID_JSON)

    # in case this fails, the error will get logged
    # and the user will get a 503 (empty body)

    storage.add_applications(user, collection, apps, token=dbtoken)

    return {'received': server_time}