Beispiel #1
def show_results(page):
	Show results overview

	For each result, available analyses are also displayed.

	:return:  Rendered template
	page_size = 20
	offset = (page - 1) * page_size

	where = ["key_parent = ''"]
	replacements = []

	query_filter = request.args.get("filter", "")

	depth = request.args.get("depth", "own")
	if depth not in ("own", "favourites", "all"):
		depth = "own"

	if depth == "own":
		where.append("parameters::json->>'user' = %s")

	if depth == "favourites":
		where.append("key IN ( SELECT key FROM users_favourites WHERE name = %s )")

	if query_filter:
		where.append("query LIKE %s")
		replacements.append("%" + query_filter + "%")

	where = " AND ".join(where)

	num_datasets = db.fetchone("SELECT COUNT(*) AS num FROM datasets WHERE " + where, tuple(replacements))["num"]
	datasets = db.fetchall("SELECT key FROM datasets WHERE " + where + " ORDER BY timestamp DESC LIMIT %s OFFSET %s",
	if not datasets and page != 1:

	pagination = Pagination(page, page_size, num_datasets)
	filtered = []
	processors = backend.all_modules.processors

	for dataset in datasets:
		filtered.append(DataSet(key=dataset["key"], db=db))

	favourites = [row["key"] for row in
				  db.fetchall("SELECT key FROM users_favourites WHERE name = %s", (current_user.get_id(),))]

	return render_template("results.html", filter={"filter": query_filter}, depth=depth, datasets=filtered,
						   pagination=pagination, favourites=favourites)
Beispiel #2
def show_access_tokens():
	user = current_user.get_id()

	if user == "autologin":

	tokens = db.fetchall("SELECT * FROM access_tokens WHERE name = %s", (user,))

	return render_template("access-tokens.html", tokens=tokens)
Beispiel #3
def api_board_catalog(datasource, board):
	Emulate 4chan API /[board]/catalog.json endpoint

    :param str datasource:  Data source ID
	:param str board:  Board to get index for
	:return:  Board catalog, up to 150 threads divided over a list of
	          20-thread pages, each page having a `page` number and a
	          list of `threads`, each thread containing the first post.


	:return-error 404:  If the board does not exist for the given datasource.
    if datasource not in config.DATASOURCES:
        return error(404, error="Invalid data source")

    threads = db.fetchall(
        "SELECT * FROM threads_" + datasource +
        " WHERE board = %s ORDER BY is_sticky DESC, timestamp_modified DESC LIMIT 150",
        (board, ))

    if not threads:
        return error(404, error="No threads available for this datasource")

    response = []
    page = 1
    while len(threads) > 0:
        threads = threads[20:]
        page_threads = []

        for thread in threads:
            thread = get_thread(datasource, board, thread, db, limit=6)
            if not thread:
                    "Thread %s is in database and was requested via API but has no posts."
                    % thread)

            thread = thread["posts"]
            first_post = thread[0]
            if len(thread) > 1:
                first_post["last_replies"] = thread[1:6]


        response.append({"page": page, "threads": page_threads})

    return jsonify(response)
Beispiel #4
def check_search_queue():
	Get the amount of search query datasets yet to finish processing.

	:return: An JSON array with search jobtypes and their counts.

	:return-schema: {type=array,properties={jobtype={type=string}, count={type=integer}},items={type=string}}
	unfinished_datasets = db.fetchall("SELECT jobtype, COUNT(*)count FROM jobs WHERE jobtype LIKE '%-search' GROUP BY jobtype ORDER BY count DESC;")

	return jsonify(unfinished_datasets)
Beispiel #5
def api_board(datasource, board):
	Emulate 4chan API /[board]/threads.json endpoint

    :param str datasource:  Data source ID
	:param str board:  Board to get index for
	:return:  Thread index for board, as a list of pages, each page containing
	          a page number `page` and a list of `threads`, each thread having
	          the keys `no` and `last_modified`.


	:return-error 404:  If the board does not exist for the given datasource.
    if datasource not in config.DATASOURCES:
        return error(404, error="Invalid data source")

    threads = db.fetchall(
        "SELECT * FROM threads_" + datasource +
        " WHERE board = %s ORDER BY is_sticky DESC, timestamp_modified DESC LIMIT 200",
        (board, ))

    if not threads:
        return error(404, error="No threads available for this datasource")

    response = []
    page = 1
    while len(threads) > 0:
        chunk = threads[:20]
        threads = threads[20:]

            "threads": [{
                "no": thread["id"],
                "last_modified": thread["timestamp_modified"]
            } for thread in chunk]

        page += 1

    return jsonify(response)
Beispiel #6
def get_archive(datasource, board):
	Emulate 4chan API /[board]/archive.json endpoint

	:param str datasource:  Data source ID
	:param board: Board to get list of archived thread IDs for
	:return:  Thread archive, a list of threads IDs of threads within this

	:return-schema: {type=array,items={type=integer}}

	:return-error 404: If the datasource does not exist.
	if datasource not in config.DATASOURCES:
		return error(404, error="Invalid data source")

	threads = db.fetchall(
		"SELECT id FROM threads_" + datasource + " WHERE board = %s AND timestamp_archived > 0 ORDER BY timestamp_archived ASC",
	return jsonify([thread["id"] for thread in threads])
Beispiel #7
def api_board_page(datasource, board, page):
	Emulate 4chan API /[board]/[page].json endpoint

    :param str datasource:  Data source ID
	:param str board:  Board to get index for
	:param int page:  Page to show
	:return:  A page containing a list of `threads`, each thread a list of


	:return-error 404:  If the board does not exist for the given datasource.
    if datasource not in config.DATASOURCES:
        return error(404, error="Invalid data source")

        page = int(page)
    except ValueError:
        return error(404, error="Invalid page number")

    limit = "LIMIT 15 OFFSET %i" % ((int(page) - 1) * 15)
    threads = db.fetchall(
        "SELECT * FROM threads_" + datasource +
        " WHERE board = %s ORDER BY is_sticky DESC, timestamp_modified DESC " +
        limit, (board, ))

    if not threads:
        return error(404, error="No threads available for this datasource")

    response = {
        [get_thread(datasource, board, thread, db) for thread in threads]

    return jsonify(response)
Beispiel #8
def get_boards(datasource):
	Get available boards in datasource

	:param datasource:  The datasource for which to acquire the list of available
	:return:  A list containing a list of `boards`, as string IDs.

	:return-schema: {type=object,properties={

	:return-error 404: If the datasource does not exist.
    if datasource not in config.DATASOURCES:
        return error(404, error="Invalid data source")

    boards = db.fetchall("SELECT DISTINCT board FROM threads_" + datasource)
    return jsonify({"boards": [{"board": board["board"]} for board in boards]})
Beispiel #9
def get_thread(datasource, board, thread, db, limit=0):
    limit = "" if not limit or limit <= 0 else " LIMIT %i" % int(limit)
    posts = db.fetchall(
        "SELECT * FROM posts_" + datasource +
        " WHERE thread_id = %s ORDER BY timestamp ASC" + limit,
        (thread["id"], ))
    if not posts:
        return False

    response = {"posts": []}

    first_post = True
    for post in posts:

        # add data that is present for every single post
        response_post = OrderedDict({
            0 if first_post else int(thread["id"]),

        # first post has some extra data as well that is never present for replies
        if first_post:
            if thread["is_sticky"]:
                response_post["sticky"] = 1
            if thread["is_closed"]:
                response_post["closed"] = 1

            response_post["imagelimit"] = 1 if thread["limit_image"] else 0
            response_post["bumplimit"] = 1 if thread["limit_bump"] else 0

            if thread["timestamp_archived"] > 0:
                response_post["archived"] = 1
                response_post["archived_on"] = thread["timestamp_archived"]

            response_post["unique_ips"] = thread["num_unique_ips"]
            response_post["replies"] = thread[
                "num_replies"] - 1  # OP doesn't count as reply
            response_post["images"] = thread["num_images"]

        # there are a few fields that are only present if an image was attached
        if post["image_file"]:
            response_post["tim"] = int(post["image_4chan"].split(".")[0])
            response_post["ext"] = "." + post["image_4chan"].split(".").pop()
            response_post["md5"] = post["image_md5"]
            response_post["filename"] = ".".join(
            response_post["fsize"] = post["image_filesize"]

            dimensions = json.loads(post["image_dimensions"])
            if "w" in dimensions and "h" in dimensions:
                response_post["w"] = dimensions["w"]
                response_post["h"] = dimensions["h"]
            if "tw" in dimensions and "th" in dimensions:
                response_post["tn_w"] = dimensions["tw"]
                response_post["tn_h"] = dimensions["th"]

        # for the rest, just add it if not empty
        if post["subject"]:
            response_post["sub"] = post["subject"]

        if post["body"]:
            response_post["com"] = post["body"]

        if post["author"]:
            response_post["name"] = post["author"]

        if post["author_trip"]:
            response_post["trip"] = post["author_trip"]

        if post["author_type"]:
            response_post["id"] = post["author_type"]

        if post["author_type_id"]:
            response_post["capcode"] = post["author_type_id"]

        if post["semantic_url"]:
            response_post["semantic_url"] = post["semantic_url"]

        first_post = False

    return response