Beispiel #1
class StoreEngineWeedFs(StoreBase):
    """docstring for StoreEngineWeedFs"""
    def __init__(self, section):
        StoreBase.__init__(self, section)
        from weedfs import WeedClient
        self.client = WeedClient()

    def _get(self, id):
        print '_get {}'.format(id)
        item = id if isinstance(id, StoreItem) else self.get_meta(id)
        if not item.has_key(WEED_HOST) or not item.has_key(WEED_HOST):
            raise ValueError('the entry has no special value ' + WEED_HOST +
                             ' and ' + WEED_FID)
        volume_host, fid = item[WEED_HOST], item[WEED_FID]
        ctype, size, content = self.client.retrieve(volume_host, fid)
        print 'weed retrieved: %s %s' % (ctype, size)
        if content:
            from StringIO import StringIO
            return StringIO(content)
        raise ValueError('weed client.retrieve error: invalid response')

    def delete(self, id):
        raise NotImplemented()

    def _put(self, data, **spec):
        volume_host, fid = self.client.assign()
        ret =,
        if isinstance(ret, int) and ret > 0:
            print 'saved {}/{} size {} bytes'.format(volume_host, fid, ret)
            spec[WEED_HOST] = volume_host
            spec[WEED_FID] = fid
            self._save_meta(spec['_id'], spec)
            return spec['_id']
        print 'store error: %s' % ret

    def _store_exists(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs):
        if hasattr(kwargs, WEED_HOST) and hasattr(kwargs, WEED_FID):
            ctype, size = self.client.retrieve(kwargs[WEED_HOST],
            print 'exists %s %s' % (ctype, size)
            return True
        return False
Beispiel #2
class StoreEngineWeedFs(StoreBase):
	"""docstring for StoreEngineWeedFs"""
	def __init__(self, section):
		StoreBase.__init__(self, section)
		from weedfs import WeedClient
		self.client = WeedClient()

	def _get(self, id):
		print '_get {}'.format(id)
		item = id if isinstance(id, StoreItem) else self.get_meta(id)
		if not item.has_key(WEED_HOST) or not item.has_key(WEED_HOST):
			raise ValueError('the entry has no special value ' + WEED_HOST + ' and ' + WEED_FID)
		volume_host, fid = item[WEED_HOST], item[WEED_FID]
		ctype, size, content = self.client.retrieve(volume_host, fid)
		print 'weed retrieved: %s %s' % (ctype, size)
		if content:
			from StringIO import StringIO
			return StringIO(content)
		raise ValueError('weed client.retrieve error: invalid response')

	def delete(self, id):
		raise NotImplemented()

	def _put(self, data, **spec):
		volume_host, fid = self.client.assign()
		ret =, fid, content=data, name=spec['filename'], content_type=spec['mime'])
		if isinstance(ret, int) and ret > 0:
			print 'saved {}/{} size {} bytes'.format(volume_host, fid, ret)
			spec[WEED_HOST] = volume_host
			spec[WEED_FID] = fid
			self._save_meta(spec['_id'], spec)
			return spec['_id']
		print 'store error: %s' % ret

	def _store_exists(self, id=None, *args, **kwargs):
		if hasattr(kwargs, WEED_HOST) and hasattr(kwargs, WEED_FID):
			ctype, size = self.client.retrieve(kwargs[WEED_HOST],kwargs[WEED_FID], head=True)
			print 'exists %s %s' % (ctype, size)
			return True
		return False
Beispiel #3
 def __init__(self, section):
     StoreBase.__init__(self, section)
     from weedfs import WeedClient
     self.client = WeedClient()
Beispiel #4
	def __init__(self, section):
		StoreBase.__init__(self, section)
		from weedfs import WeedClient
		self.client = WeedClient()