Beispiel #1
    def generate_rotperf_fast(self,
        Use openfast to generate Cp surface data. Will be slow, especially if using BeamDyn,
        but may be necessary if cc-blade is not sufficient.

        openfast_path: str
            path to openfast
        FAST_runDirectory: str
            directory to run openfast simulations in
        run_BeamDyn: bool
            Flag to run beamdyn - does not exist yet
        debug_level: float
            0 - no outputs, 1 - simple outputs, 2 - all outputs
        run_type: str
            'serial' - run in serial, 'multi' - run using python multiprocessing tools, 
            'mpi' - run using mpi tools

        # Load additional WEIS tools
        from weis.aeroelasticse import runFAST_pywrapper, CaseGen_General
        from weis.aeroelasticse.Util import FileTools
        # Load pCrunch tools
        from pCrunch import pdTools, Processing

        # setup values for surface
        v0 = self.v_rated + 2
        TSR_initial = np.arange(3, 15, 1)
        pitch_initial = np.arange(-1, 25, 1)
        rotspeed_initial = TSR_initial * v0 / self.rotor_radius * RadSec2rpm  # rpms

        # Specify Case Inputs
        case_inputs = {}

        # ------- Setup OpenFAST inputs --------
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'TMax')] = {'vals': [330], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'Compinflow')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompAero')] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompServo')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompHydro')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        if run_BeamDyn:
            case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompElast')] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
            case_inputs[('Fst', 'CompElast')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('Fst', 'OutFileFmt')] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}

        # AeroDyn15
        case_inputs[('AeroDyn15', 'WakeMod')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('AeroDyn15', 'AfAeroMod')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('AeroDyn15', 'TwrPotent')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}

        # ElastoDyn
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'FlapDOF1')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'FlapDOF2')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'EdgeDOF')] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TeetDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'DrTrDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'GenDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'YawDOF')] = {'vals': ['False'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwFADOF1')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwFADOF2')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwSSDOF1')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'TwSSDOF2')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmSgDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmSwDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmHvDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmRDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmPDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'PtfmYDOF')] = {
            'vals': ['False'],
            'group': 0

        # BeamDyn
        # NEEDED

        # InflowWind
        case_inputs[('InflowWind', 'WindType')] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('InflowWind', 'HWindSpeed')] = {'vals': [v0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('InflowWind', 'PLexp')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}

        # ServoDyn
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'PCMode')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'VSContrl')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'HSSBrMode')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'YCMode')] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}

        # ------- Setup sweep values inputs --------
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'BlPitch1')] = {
            'vals': list(pitch_initial),
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'BlPitch2')] = {
            'vals': list(pitch_initial),
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'BlPitch3')] = {
            'vals': list(pitch_initial),
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[('ElastoDyn', 'RotSpeed')] = {
            'vals': list(rotspeed_initial),
            'group': 2

        # FAST details
        fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper.runFAST_pywrapper_batch(
            FAST_ver='OpenFAST', dev_branch=True)
        fastBatch.FAST_exe = openfast_path  # Path to executable
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile =
        fastBatch.FAST_directory =
        if not FAST_runDirectory:
            FAST_runDirectory = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'RotPerf_OpenFAST')
        fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = FAST_runDirectory
        fastBatch.debug_level = debug_level

        # Generate cases
        case_name_base = self.TurbineName + '_rotperf'
        case_list, case_name_list = CaseGen_General.CaseGen_General(
        fastBatch.case_list = case_list
        fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list

        # Make sure proper outputs exist
        var_out = [
            # ElastoDyn (this is probably overkill on the outputs)
            # ServoDyn
            # AeroDyn15
            'RtTSR',  # NECESSARY
            # InflowWind
        channels = {}
        for var in var_out:
            channels[var] = True
        fastBatch.channels = channels

        # Run OpenFAST
        if run_type.lower() == 'multi':
        elif run_type.lower() == 'mpi':
        elif run_type.lower() == 'serial':

        # ========== Post Processing ==========
        # Save statistics
        fp = Processing.FAST_Processing()

        # Find all outfiles
        fname_case_matrix = os.path.join(FAST_runDirectory, 'case_matrix.yaml')
        case_matrix = FileTools.load_yaml(fname_case_matrix, package=1)
        cm = pd.DataFrame(case_matrix)
        # Parse case matrix and find outfiles names
        outfiles = []
        case_names = cm['Case_Name']
        outfiles = []
        for name in case_names:
            outfiles.append(os.path.join(FAST_runDirectory, name + '.outb'))

        # Set some processing parameters
        fp.OpenFAST_outfile_list = outfiles
        fp.namebase = case_name_base
        fp.t0 = 270
        fp.parallel_analysis = True
        fp.results_dir = os.path.join(FAST_runDirectory, 'stats')
        fp.verbose = True
        # Save for debug!
        fp.save_LoadRanking = False
        fp.save_SummaryStats = False

        print('Processing openfast data on {} cores.'.format(

        # Load and save statistics and load rankings
        stats, load_rankings = fp.batch_processing()

        # Get means of last 30 seconds of 300 second simulation
        CP = stats[0]['RtAeroCp']['mean']
        CT = stats[0]['RtAeroCt']['mean']
        CQ = stats[0]['RtAeroCq']['mean']

        # Reshape Cp, Ct and Cq
        Cp = np.transpose(
            np.reshape(CP, (len(pitch_initial), len(TSR_initial))))
        Ct = np.transpose(
            np.reshape(CT, (len(pitch_initial), len(TSR_initial))))
        Cq = np.transpose(
            np.reshape(CQ, (len(pitch_initial), len(TSR_initial))))

        # Store necessary metrics for analysis
        self.pitch_initial_rad = pitch_initial * deg2rad
        self.TSR_initial = TSR_initial
        self.Cp_table = Cp
        self.Ct_table = Ct
        self.Cq_table = Cq
Beispiel #2
case_inputs[('ServoDyn', 'DLL_FileName')] = {'vals': dll_filename, 'group': 2}

# Naming, file management, etc
iec.case_name_base = case_name_base
iec.run_dir = run_dir

iec.wind_dir = wind_dir
iec.debug_level = debug_level
if multi:
    iec.parallel_windfile_gen = True
    iec.parallel_windfile_gen = False

# Run FAST cases
fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch(FAST_ver='OpenFAST', dev_branch=True)
fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = iec.run_dir

fastBatch.FAST_directory = FAST_directory
fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = FAST_InputFile
fastBatch.FAST_exe = FAST_exe
iec.Turbsim_exe = Turbsim_exe
iec.cores = cores

# Make sure output flags are on
var_out = [
    # ElastoDyn
Beispiel #3
def run_PC_sweep(omega, zeta=1.0):
    # Process inputs, single (omega, zeta) or multiple?

    # Turbine inputs
    iec = CaseGen_IEC()
    iec.Turbine_Class = 'I'  # Wind class I, II, III, IV
    iec.Turbulence_Class = 'B'  # Turbulence class 'A', 'B', or 'C'
    iec.D = 240.  # Rotor diameter to size the wind grid
    iec.z_hub = 150.  # Hub height to size the wind grid
    cut_in = 3.  # Cut in wind speed
    cut_out = 25.  # Cut out wind speed
    n_ws = 3  # Number of wind speed bins
    TMax = 800.  # Length of wind grids and OpenFAST simulations, suggested 720 s
    Vrated = 10.59  # Rated wind speed
    Ttrans = max([
        0., TMax - 60.
    ])  # Start of the transient for DLC with a transient, e.g. DLC 1.4
    TStart = max([0., TMax - 600.
                  ])  # Start of the recording of the channels of OpenFAST
    iec.cores = 1
    iec.overwrite = False

    # Initial conditions to start the OpenFAST runs
    u_ref = np.arange(3., 26.)  # Wind speed
    pitch_ref = [
        0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.5058525323662666,
        5.253759185225932, 7.50413344606208, 9.310153958810268,
        10.8972969450052, 12.412247669440042, 13.883219268525659,
        15.252012626933068, 16.53735488246438, 17.76456777500061,
        18.953261878035104, 20.11055307762722, 21.238680277668898,
        22.30705111326602, 23.455462501156205
    ]  # Pitch values in deg
    omega_ref = [
        2.019140272160114, 2.8047214918577925, 3.594541645994511,
        4.359025795823625, 5.1123509774611025, 5.855691196288371,
        6.589281196735111, 7.312788026081227, 7.514186181824161,
        7.54665511646938, 7.573823812448151, 7.600476033113538,
        7.630243938880304, 7.638301051122195, 7.622050377183605,
        7.612285710588359, 7.60743945212863, 7.605865650155881,
        7.605792924227456, 7.6062185247519825, 7.607153933765292,
        7.613179734210654, 7.606737845170748
    ]  # Rotor speeds in rpm
    iec.init_cond = {}
    iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")] = {'U': u_ref}
    iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")]['val'] = omega_ref
    iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")] = {'U': u_ref}
    iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")]['val'] = pitch_ref
    iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch2")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",
    iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch3")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveHs")] = {
        'U': [3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 40, 50]
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveHs")]['val'] = [
        1.101917033, 1.101917033, 1.179052649, 1.315715154, 1.536867124,
        1.835816514, 2.187994638, 2.598127096, 3.061304068, 3.617035443,
        4.027470219, 4.51580671, 4.51580671, 6.98, 10.7
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveTp")] = {
        'U': [3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 25, 40, 50]
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveTp")]['val'] = [
        8.515382435, 8.515382435, 8.310063688, 8.006300889, 7.6514231,
        7.440581338, 7.460834063, 7.643300307, 8.046899942, 8.521314105,
        8.987021024, 9.451641026, 9.451641026, 11.7, 14.2
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmSurge")] = {'U': [3., 15., 25.]}
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmSurge")]['val'] = [4., 15., 10.]
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmPitch")] = {'U': [3., 15., 25.]}
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmPitch")]['val'] = [-1., 3., 1.3]
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmHeave")] = {'U': [3., 25.]}
    iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmHeave")]['val'] = [0.5, 0.5]

    # DLC inputs
    if False:
        wind_speeds = np.linspace(int(cut_in), int(cut_out), int(n_ws))
        iec.dlc_inputs = {}
        iec.dlc_inputs['DLC'] = [1.1, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 5.1, 6.1, 6.3]
        iec.dlc_inputs['U'] = [
            wind_speeds, wind_speeds, [Vrated - 2., Vrated, Vrated + 2.],
            wind_speeds, [Vrated - 2., Vrated, Vrated + 2., cut_out], [], []
        iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [[1], [1], [], [], [1], [1], [1]]
        # iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [range(1,7), range(1,7),[],[], range(1,7), range(1,7), range(1,7)]
        iec.dlc_inputs['Yaw'] = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
        wind_speeds = [18]
        iec.dlc_inputs = {}
        iec.dlc_inputs['DLC'] = [1.1]
        iec.dlc_inputs['U'] = [wind_speeds]
        iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [[1]]
        # iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [range(1,7), range(1,7),[],[], range(1,7), range(1,7), range(1,7)]
        iec.dlc_inputs['Yaw'] = [[]]

    iec.PC_MaxRat = 2.
    iec.TStart = Ttrans
    iec.TMax = TMax  # wind file length
    iec.transient_dir_change = 'both'  # '+','-','both': sign for transient events in EDC, EWS
    iec.transient_shear_orientation = 'both'  # 'v','h','both': vertical or horizontal shear for EWS
    iec.wind_dir = 'outputs/wind'
    # Management of parallelization
    # not using for now, copy from if needed later
    iec.parallel_windfile_gen = True
    iec.cores = 4

    iec.run_dir = 'outputs/iea15mw/PC_sweep_play'

    # Run case generator / wind file writing
    case_inputs = {}
    case_inputs[("Fst", "TMax")] = {'vals': [TMax], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("Fst", "TStart")] = {'vals': [TStart], 'group': 0}
    # case_inputs[("Fst","DT_Out")]            = {'vals':[0.01], 'group':0}  #0.005
    case_inputs[("Fst", "OutFileFmt")] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("Fst", "CompHydro")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("Fst", "CompSub")] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("InflowWind", "WindType")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwFADOF1")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwFADOF2")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwSSDOF1")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwSSDOF2")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "FlapDOF1")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "FlapDOF2")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "EdgeDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "DrTrDOF")] = {'vals': ["False"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "GenDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "YawDOF")] = {'vals': ["False"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmSgDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmSwDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmHvDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmRDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmPDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmYDOF")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "PCMode")] = {'vals': [5], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "VSContrl")] = {'vals': [5], 'group': 0}
    run_dir1 = os.path.dirname(
        os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))) + os.sep
    if platform.system() == 'Windows':
        path2dll = os.path.join(run_dir1, 'local/lib/libdiscon.dll')
    elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
        path2dll = os.path.join(run_dir1, 'local/lib/libdiscon.dylib')
        path2dll = os.path.join(run_dir1, 'local/lib/')

    case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "DLL_FileName")] = {
        'vals': [path2dll],
        'group': 0
    case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrAero")] = {'vals': ["True"], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrPotent")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrShadow")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("HydroDyn", "WaveMod")] = {'vals': [2], 'group': 0}
    case_inputs[("HydroDyn", "WvDiffQTF")] = {'vals': ["False"], 'group': 0}
    channels = {}
    for var in [
            "TipDxc1", "TipDyc1", "TipDzc1", "TipDxb1", "TipDyb1", "TipDxc2",
            "TipDyc2", "TipDzc2", "TipDxb2", "TipDyb2", "TipDxc3", "TipDyc3",
            "TipDzc3", "TipDxb3", "TipDyb3", "RootMxc1", "RootMyc1",
            "RootMzc1", "RootMxb1", "RootMyb1", "RootMxc2", "RootMyc2",
            "RootMzc2", "RootMxb2", "RootMyb2", "RootMxc3", "RootMyc3",
            "RootMzc3", "RootMxb3", "RootMyb3", "TwrBsMxt", "TwrBsMyt",
            "TwrBsMzt", "GenPwr", "GenTq", "RotThrust", "RtAeroCp", "RtAeroCt",
            "RotSpeed", "BldPitch1", "TTDspSS", "TTDspFA", "NacYaw",
            "Wind1VelX", "Wind1VelY", "Wind1VelZ", "LSSTipMxa", "LSSTipMya",
            "LSSTipMza", "LSSTipMxs", "LSSTipMys", "LSSTipMzs", "LSShftFys",
            "LSShftFzs", "TipRDxr", "TipRDyr", "TipRDzr"
        channels[var] = True

    # mass sweep
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","PtfmMass")] = {'vals': (1.7838E+07*np.array([.7,.8,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3])).tolist(), 'group':3}
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","PtfmRIner")] = {'vals':(1.2507E+10*np.array([.7,.8,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3])).tolist(), 'group':3}
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","PtfmPIner")] = {'vals':(1.2507E+10*np.array([.7,.8,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3])).tolist(), 'group':3}
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","PtfmYIner")] = {'vals':(2.3667E+10*np.array([.7,.8,.9,1,1.1,1.2,1.3])).tolist(), 'group':3}

    # controller params

    # load default params
    rt_dir = os.path.join(
    rt_dir = '/Users/dzalkind/Tools/ROSCO_toolbox'
    weis_dir = os.path.join(rt_dir, 'Tune_Cases')
    control_param_yaml = os.path.join(rt_dir, 'Tune_Cases', 'IEA15MW.yaml')
    inps = yaml.safe_load(open(control_param_yaml))
    path_params = inps['path_params']
    turbine_params = inps['turbine_params']
    controller_params = inps['controller_params']

    # make default controller, turbine objects for ROSCO_toolbox
    turbine = ROSCO_turbine.Turbine(turbine_params)
                           os.path.join(rt_dir, path_params['FAST_directory']),

    controller = ROSCO_controller.Controller(controller_params)

    # tune default controller

    # check if inputs are lists
    if not isinstance(omega, list):
        omega = [omega]
    if not isinstance(zeta, list):
        zeta = [zeta]

    # Loop through and make PI gains
    pc_kp = []
    pc_ki = []
    omega_zeta = []  # flattened (omega,zeta) pairs
    for o in omega:
        for z in zeta:
            controller.omega_pc = o
            controller.zeta_pc = z
            omega_zeta.append((o, z))

    # add control gains to case_list
    case_inputs[('DISCON_in', 'PC_GS_KP')] = {'vals': pc_kp, 'group': 3}
    case_inputs[('DISCON_in', 'PC_GS_KI')] = {'vals': pc_ki, 'group': 3}

    iec.case_name_base = 'pc_play'

    # generate cases
    case_list, case_name_list, dlc_list = iec.execute(case_inputs=case_inputs)

    #for var in var_out+[var_x]:

    # Run FAST cases
    fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch(FAST_ver='OpenFAST', dev_branch=True)

    # Monopile
    # fastBatch.FAST_InputFile    = 'IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile.fst'   # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
    # run_dir2                    = os.path.dirname( os.path.dirname( os.path.realpath(__file__) ) ) + os.sep
    # fastBatch.FAST_directory    = os.path.join(run_dir2, 'OpenFAST_models/IEA-15-240-RWT/IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile')   # Path to fst directory files
    fastBatch.channels = channels
    # fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = iec.run_dir
    fastBatch.case_list = case_list
    fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list
    fastBatch.debug_level = 2

    # if MPI:
    #     fastBatch.run_mpi(comm_map_down)
    # else:
    #     fastBatch.run_serial()

    # U-Maine semi-sub
    fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = 'IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi.fst'  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
    run_dir2 = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + os.sep
    fastBatch.FAST_directory = os.path.join(
        run_dir2, 'OpenFAST_models', 'IEA-15-240-RWT',
        'IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi')  # Path to fst directory files
    fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = iec.run_dir
    if True:
Beispiel #4
    def test_run(self):
        # Turbine inputs
        iec = CaseGen_IEC()
        iec.Turbine_Class = "I"  # Wind class I, II, III, IV
        iec.Turbulence_Class = "B"  # Turbulence class 'A', 'B', or 'C'
        iec.D = 240.0  # Rotor diameter to size the wind grid
        iec.z_hub = 150.0  # Hub height to size the wind grid
        cut_in = 3.0  # Cut in wind speed
        cut_out = 25.0  # Cut out wind speed
        n_ws = 2  # Number of wind speed bins
        TMax = 0.05  # Length of wind grids and OpenFAST simulations, suggested 720 s
        Vrated = 10.59  # Rated wind speed
        Ttrans = max([
            0.0, TMax - 60.0
        ])  # Start of the transient for DLC with a transient, e.g. DLC 1.4
        TStart = max([0.0, TMax - 600.0
                      ])  # Start of the recording of the channels of OpenFAST

        # Initial conditions to start the OpenFAST runs
        u_ref = np.arange(8.0, 10.0)  # Wind speed
        pitch_ref = [0.0, 0.5]  # Pitch values in deg
        omega_ref = [5.5, 6.0]  # Rotor speeds in rpm
        iec.init_cond = {}
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")] = {"U": u_ref}
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")]["val"] = omega_ref
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")] = {"U": u_ref}
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")]["val"] = pitch_ref
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch2")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",
        iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch3")] = iec.init_cond[("ElastoDyn",
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveHs")] = {"U": [3, 4]}
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveHs")]["val"] = [
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveTp")] = {"U": [3, 4]}
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "WaveTp")]["val"] = [
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmSurge")] = {"U": [3.0, 15.0, 25.0]}
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmSurge")]["val"] = [4.0, 15.0, 10.0]
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmPitch")] = {"U": [3.0, 15.0, 25.0]}
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmPitch")]["val"] = [-1.0, 3.0, 1.3]
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmHeave")] = {"U": [3.0, 25.0]}
        iec.init_cond[("HydroDyn", "PtfmHeave")]["val"] = [0.5, 0.5]

        # DLC inputs
        wind_speeds = np.linspace(int(cut_in), int(cut_out), int(n_ws))
        iec.dlc_inputs = {}
        iec.dlc_inputs["DLC"] = [1.1]  # , 1.3, 1.4, 1.5, 5.1, 6.1, 6.3]
        iec.dlc_inputs["U"] = [
            # wind_speeds,
            # [Vrated - 2.0, Vrated, Vrated + 2.0],
            # wind_speeds,
            # [Vrated - 2.0, Vrated, Vrated + 2.0, cut_out],
            # [],
            # [],
        iec.dlc_inputs["Seeds"] = [[1], [1], [], [], [1], [1], [1]]
        # iec.dlc_inputs['Seeds'] = [range(1,7), range(1,7),[],[], range(1,7), range(1,7), range(1,7)]
        iec.dlc_inputs["Yaw"] = [[], [], [], [], [], [], []]
        iec.PC_MaxRat = 2.0

        iec.TStart = Ttrans
        iec.TMax = TMax  # wind file length
        iec.transient_dir_change = (
            "both"  # '+','-','both': sign for transient events in EDC, EWS
        iec.transient_shear_orientation = (
            "both"  # 'v','h','both': vertical or horizontal shear for EWS

        # Naming, file management, etc
        iec.wind_dir = "outputs/wind"
        iec.case_name_base = "iea15mw"
        iec.cores = 1

        iec.debug_level = 2
        iec.parallel_windfile_gen = False
        iec.mpi_run = False
        iec.run_dir = "outputs/iea15mw"

        # Run case generator / wind file writing
        case_inputs = {}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "TMax")] = {"vals": [TMax], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "TStart")] = {"vals": [TStart], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "DT")] = {"vals": [0.005], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "DT_Out")] = {"vals": [0.01], "group": 0}  # 0.005
        case_inputs[("Fst", "OutFileFmt")] = {"vals": [2], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "CompHydro")] = {"vals": [1], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "CompSub")] = {"vals": [0], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("InflowWind", "WindType")] = {"vals": [1], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwFADOF1")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwFADOF2")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwSSDOF1")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "TwSSDOF2")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "FlapDOF1")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "FlapDOF2")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "EdgeDOF")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "DrTrDOF")] = {"vals": ["False"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "GenDOF")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "YawDOF")] = {"vals": ["False"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmSgDOF")] = {
            "vals": ["False"],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmSwDOF")] = {
            "vals": ["False"],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmHvDOF")] = {
            "vals": ["False"],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmRDOF")] = {
            "vals": ["False"],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmPDOF")] = {
            "vals": ["False"],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "PtfmYDOF")] = {
            "vals": ["False"],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "PCMode")] = {"vals": [5], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "VSContrl")] = {"vals": [5], "group": 0}
        run_dir1 = (os.path.dirname(
                    + os.sep)
        if platform.system() == "Windows":
            path2dll = os.path.join(run_dir1, "local/lib/libdiscon.dll")
        elif platform.system() == "Darwin":
            path2dll = os.path.join(run_dir1, "local/lib/libdiscon.dylib")
            path2dll = os.path.join(run_dir1, "local/lib/")

        case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "DLL_FileName")] = {
            "vals": [path2dll],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrAero")] = {"vals": ["True"], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrPotent")] = {"vals": [1], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("AeroDyn15", "TwrShadow")] = {
            "vals": ["True"],
            "group": 0
        case_inputs[("Fst", "CompHydro")] = {"vals": [1], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("HydroDyn", "WaveMod")] = {"vals": [2], "group": 0}
        case_inputs[("HydroDyn", "WvDiffQTF")] = {
            "vals": ["False"],
            "group": 0
        channels = {}
        for var in [
                # "Wind1VelX",
                # "Wind1VelY",
                # "Wind1VelZ",
            channels[var] = True

        case_list, case_name_list, dlc_list = iec.execute(

        # for var in var_out+[var_x]:

        # Run FAST cases
        fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch(FAST_ver="OpenFAST",

        # Monopile
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = (
            "IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile.fst"  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        run_dir2 = (os.path.dirname(
                    os.path.realpath(__file__))))) + os.sep + "examples" +
                    os.sep + "01_aeroelasticse" + os.sep)
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = os.path.join(
            run_dir2, "OpenFAST_models", "IEA-15-240-RWT",
            "IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile")  # Path to fst directory files
        fastBatch.channels = channels
        fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = iec.run_dir
        fastBatch.case_list = case_list
        fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list
        fastBatch.debug_level = 2
        fastBatch.keep_time = True

        _, _, _, out = fastBatch.run_serial()

        train = False
        keys_to_skip = []
        #keys_to_skip = [
        #    "Wind1VelX",
        #    "Wind1VelY",
        #    "Wind1VelZ",
        #    "Wave1Elev",


        # U-Maine semi-sub
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = (
            "IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi.fst"  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = os.path.join(
            run_dir2, "OpenFAST_models", "IEA-15-240-RWT",
            "IEA-15-240-RWT-UMaineSemi")  # Path to fst directory files

        _, _, _, out = fastBatch.run_serial()

Beispiel #5
    def test_run(self):
        # Paths calling the standard modules of WEIS
        fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch(FAST_ver='OpenFAST',
        run_dir1 = (os.path.dirname(
                    + os.sep)
        fastBatch.FAST_exe = os.path.join(run_dir1, 'local', 'bin',
                                          'openfast')  # Path to executable
        run_dir2 = (os.path.dirname(
                    os.path.realpath(__file__))))) + os.sep + "examples" +
                    os.sep + "01_aeroelasticse" + os.sep)
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = os.path.join(
            run_dir2, 'OpenFAST_models', 'IEA-15-240-RWT',
            'IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile')  # Path to fst directory files
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = 'IEA-15-240-RWT-Monopile.fst'  # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = 'steady_state/iea15mw'
        fastBatch.debug_level = 2

        # User settings
        n_cores = 1  # Number of available cores
        TMax = 1.  # Length of wind grids and OpenFAST simulations, suggested 720 s
        cut_in = 3.  # Cut in wind speed
        cut_out = 25.  # Cut out wind speed
        n_ws = 2  # Number of wind speed bins
        wind_speeds = np.linspace(cut_in, cut_out,
                                  int(n_ws))  # Wind speeds to run OpenFAST at
        Ttrans = max([
            0., TMax - 60.
        ])  # Start of the transient for DLC with a transient, e.g. DLC 1.4
        TStart = max([0., TMax - 300.
                      ])  # Start of the recording of the channels of OpenFAST

        # Initial conditions for ElastoDyn
        # Initial conditions to start the OpenFAST runs
        u_ref = np.arange(8.0, 10.0)  # Wind speed
        pitch_ref = [0.0, 0.5]  # Pitch values in deg
        omega_ref = [5.5, 6.0]  # Rotor speeds in rpm
        pitch_init = np.interp(wind_speeds, u_ref, pitch_ref)
        omega_init = np.interp(wind_speeds, u_ref, omega_ref)

        # Settings passed to OpenFAST
        case_inputs = {}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "TMax")] = {'vals': [TMax], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "DT")] = {'vals': [0.01], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "CompInflow")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "CompServo")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "OutFileFmt")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("Fst", "DT_Out")] = {'vals': [0.02], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "GenDOF")] = {'vals': ['True'], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "PCMode")] = {'vals': [5], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "VSContrl")] = {'vals': [5], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("InflowWind", "WindType")] = {'vals': [1], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("InflowWind", "HWindSpeed")] = {
            'vals': wind_speeds,
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[("Fst", "OutFileFmt")] = {'vals': [0], 'group': 0}
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "RotSpeed")] = {
            'vals': omega_init,
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch1")] = {
            'vals': pitch_init,
            'group': 1
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch2")] = case_inputs[("ElastoDyn",
        case_inputs[("ElastoDyn", "BlPitch3")] = case_inputs[("ElastoDyn",

        # Find the controller
        if platform.system() == 'Windows':
            sfx = 'dll'
        elif platform.system() == 'Darwin':
            sfx = 'dylib'
            sfx = 'so'
        path2dll = os.path.join(run_dir1, 'local', 'lib', 'libdiscon.' + sfx)

        case_inputs[("ServoDyn", "DLL_FileName")] = {
            'vals': [path2dll],
            'group': 0

        # Generate the matrix of cases
        case_list, case_name_list = CaseGen_General(

        fastBatch.case_list = case_list
        fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list

        # Run OpenFAST, either serially or sequentially
        out = fastBatch.run_serial()

        this_file_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))
def example_runTSFAST_Batch():
    fastBatch = runFAST_pywrapper_batch(FAST_ver='OpenFAST')

    mac = False
    if mac:
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = '5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb-fast.fst'   # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        fastBatch.FAST_exe = '/Users/pgraf/opt/openfast/openfast/install/bin/openfast'   # Path to executable
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = '/Users/pgraf/work/wese/templates/openfast/5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb-ModifiedForPyturbsim'
        fastBatch.FAST_InputFile = '5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb-fast.fst'   # FAST input file (ext=.fst)
        fastBatch.FAST_exe = '/home/pgraf/opt/openfast/openfast/install/bin/openfast'   # Path to executable
        fastBatch.FAST_directory = '/home/pgraf/projects/wese/newaero/templates/openfast/5MW_Land_DLL_WTurb-ModifiedForPyturbsim'

    fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory = 'temp/OpenFAST'
    fastBatch.debug_level = 2

    ## Define case list explicitly
    # case_list = [{}, {}]
    # case_list[0]['Fst', 'TMax'] = 4.
    # case_list[1]['Fst', 'TMax'] = 5.
    # case_name_list = ['test01', 'test02']

    tmaxs = [60.0]
    vhubs = [12.0]
    rhos = [0.0]
    seeds = [1,2]

    case_inputs = {}
    case_inputs[("WrFMTFF")] = {'vals':[False], 'group':0}
    case_inputs[("WrBLFF")] = {'vals':[True], 'group':0}
    case_inputs[("WrADFF")] = {'vals':[True], 'group':0}
    case_inputs[("WrADTWR")] = {'vals':[False], 'group':0}   #WrADTWR
    case_inputs[("TMax")] = {'vals':[t + 30 for t in tmaxs], 'group':0}
    #case_inputs[("TMax")] = {'vals':[t for t in tmaxs], 'group':0}
    case_inputs[("Vhub")] = {'vals':vhubs, 'group':1}
    case_inputs[("Rho")] = {'vals':rhos, 'group':1}
    case_inputs[("RandSeed1")] = {'vals':seeds, 'group':2}
    case_inputs[("RandSeed")] = {'vals':seeds, 'group':2}
    ts_case_list, ts_case_name_list = CaseGen_General(case_inputs, dir_matrix='', namebase='pyTurbsim_testing')

    if mac:
        ts_filedict = {
        ts_filedict = {

    tsBatch = runTS_pywrapper_batch(ts_filedict, ts_case_list, ts_case_name_list)
    ### At this point turbsim is done running and the .bts file names have been added to each case in tsBatch.case_list

    ## Generate case list using General Case Generator
    ## Specify several variables that change independently or collectly
    case_inputs = {}
    case_inputs[("Fst","TMax")] = {'vals':tmaxs, 'group':0}
#    case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TwrPotent")] = {'vals':[0], 'group':0}
#    case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TwrShadow")] = {'vals':['False'], 'group':0}
#    case_inputs[("AeroDyn15","TwrAero")] = {'vals':['True'], 'group':0}
    case_inputs[("InflowWind","WindType")] = {'vals':[3], 'group':0}   # 1 = steady, 3 = turbsim binary
    case_inputs[("Fst","OutFileFmt")] = {'vals':[1], 'group':0}
    case_inputs[("InflowWind","HWindSpeed")] = {'vals':vhubs, 'group':1}
    case_inputs[("InflowWind","Rho")] = {'vals':rhos, 'group':1}
    case_inputs[("InflowWind","RandSeed1")] = {'vals':seeds, 'group':2}

    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","RotSpeed")] = {'vals':[9.156, 10.296, 11.431, 11.89, 12.1], 'group':1}
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch1")] = {'vals':[0., 0., 0., 0., 3.823], 'group':1}
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch2")] = case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch1")]
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch3")] = case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","BlPitch1")]
    # case_inputs[("ElastoDyn","GenDOF")] = {'vals':['True','False'], 'group':2}
    case_list, case_name_list = CaseGen_General(case_inputs, dir_matrix=fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory, namebase='testing')
    # manually adding the wind file names from turb sim run.  This seems a little sketchy
    ### Note to Evan: I feel I should be able to use ONE call to CaseGen_General, instead of one for turbsim, and one for FAStTunr1
    ## thoughts?  solution?
    for i in range(len(case_list)):
        case_list[i][("InflowWind","Filename")] = tsBatch.case_list[i]['tswind_file']
        case_list[i][("InflowWind","FilenameRoot")] = tsBatch.case_list[i]['tswind_file'].replace(".wnd", "")
#        case_list[i][("InflowWind","InflowFile")] = tsBatch.case_name_list[i]
        # print(case_list[i])

    fastBatch.case_list = case_list
    fastBatch.case_name_list = case_name_list

    ## at this point FAST has run, and the output file names have been added to the case list.
    for i in range(len(fastBatch.case_list)):
    save_case_matrix_direct(fastBatch.case_list, dir_matrix=os.path.join(os.getcwd(),fastBatch.FAST_runDirectory))