def ordercmd(): if not is_admin():return E("没有权限") id = flask.request.json['id'] cmd = flask.request.json['cmd'] o = Order.objects.with_id(id) if cmd=='print': import route_print route_print.printOrder( return A("已经加入打印队列") if cmd=='noticeuser': weimsg = route_weixin.renderOrder(o) r,err = weixin.send_weixin(o.openid, weimsg) if r: return A("微信通知发送成功") elif err==45015: o.detail.append(" "+"微信通知发送不成功") return A("由于用户没有关注我们的微信号或者长时间没有操作,微信通知发送不成功.") else: log.error("服务器错误,请联系管理员"+o.to_json()+str(r)) return E("微信通知发送不成功,错误编号:"+str(err)) if cmd=='noticeshop': ok,msg = sendToShop(id) if ok: return A(msg) else :return E(msg) if cmd=='smsnoticeshop': tel = ok,msg = weixin.send_sms(tel,"你的店铺有新的订单,请登录微信查看。") if ok :return A(msg) else: return E(msg) if cmd=="cancel": o.state="fail" return A("取消订单成功") return E("no such cmd")
def ordercmd(): if not is_admin(): return E("没有权限") id = flask.request.json['id'] cmd = flask.request.json['cmd'] o = Order.objects.with_id(id) if cmd == 'print': import route_print route_print.printOrder( return A("已经加入打印队列") if cmd == 'noticeuser': weimsg = route_weixin.renderOrder(o) r, err = weixin.send_weixin(o.openid, weimsg) if r: return A("微信通知发送成功") elif err == 45015: o.detail.append( + " " + "微信通知发送不成功") return A("由于用户没有关注我们的微信号或者长时间没有操作,微信通知发送不成功.") else: log.error("服务器错误,请联系管理员" + o.to_json() + str(r)) return E("微信通知发送不成功,错误编号:" + str(err)) if cmd == 'noticeshop': ok, msg = sendToShop(id) if ok: return A(msg) else: return E(msg) if cmd == 'smsnoticeshop': tel = ok, msg = weixin.send_sms(tel, "你的店铺有新的订单,请登录微信查看。") if ok: return A(msg) else: return E(msg) if cmd == "cancel": o.state = "fail" return A("取消订单成功") return E("no such cmd")
def sendToShop(id): o = Order.objects.with_id(id) if not o: log("send to shop not find id") return False,"" shop = Shop.objects.with_id(o.shopId) openid = tel = ok,msg = weixin.send_weixin(openid,renderToShopOrder(o)) if ok==False: if msg==45015: ok,msg = weixin.send_sms(tel,"你的店铺有新的订单,请登录微信查看。") if ok : return True,"微信发送失败,用短信通知成功" else :return False,"微信发送失败,短信发送失败,错误编号"+str(msg) else : return False,"微信发送失败"+str(msg) return True,"微信发送成功"
def sendToShop(id): o = Order.objects.with_id(id) if not o: log("send to shop not find id") return False, "" shop = Shop.objects.with_id(o.shopId) openid = tel = ok, msg = weixin.send_weixin(openid, renderToShopOrder(o)) if ok == False: if msg == 45015: ok, msg = weixin.send_sms(tel, "你的店铺有新的订单,请登录微信查看。") if ok: return True, "微信发送失败,用短信通知成功" else: return False, "微信发送失败,短信发送失败,错误编号" + str(msg) else: return False, "微信发送失败" + str(msg) return True, "微信发送成功"