def do_execute(self):
     The actual execution of the actor.
     :return: None if successful, otherwise error message
     :rtype: str
     iquery = InstanceQuery()
     iquery.db_url = str(self.resolve_option("db_url"))
     iquery.user = str(self.resolve_option("user"))
     iquery.password = str(self.resolve_option("password"))
     props = str(self.resolve_option("custom_props"))
     if (len(props) > 0) and os.path.isfile(props):
         iquery.custom_properties = props
     iquery.query = str(self.resolve_option("query"))
     data = iquery.retrieve_instances()
     return None
Beispiel #2
	def retrieveData(self, id, dataset):
		query = self.api.getDataQuery(id, dataset)
		iquery = InstanceQuery()
		iquery.db_url = "jdbc:mysql://" + self.config.HOST + ":" + str(self.config.PORT) + "/" + self.config.DB
		iquery.user = self.config.USER
		iquery.password = self.config.PASS
		iquery.query = query
		data = iquery.retrieve_instances()
		return data
 def do_execute(self):
     The actual execution of the actor.
     :return: None if successful, otherwise error message
     :rtype: str
     iquery = InstanceQuery()
     iquery.db_url = str(self.resolve_option("db_url"))
     iquery.user = str(self.resolve_option("user"))
     iquery.password = str(self.resolve_option("password"))
     props = str(self.resolve_option("custom_props"))
     if (len(props) > 0) and os.path.isfile(props):
         iquery.custom_properties = props
     iquery.query = str(self.resolve_option("query"))
     data = iquery.retrieve_instances()
     return None
def main():
    Just runs some example code.
    NB: You have to fill in the following parameters to make it work with MySQL:
    - HOSTNAME: the database server IP or hostname (or just 'localhost')
    - DBNAME: the name of the database to connect to
    - DBUSER: the user for connecting to the database
    - DBPW: the password for the database user
    - TABLE: the table to retrieve the data from
    And also supply the correct path to the MySQL jar in the "main" method below.

    # retrieve some data
    helper.print_title("Loading data from a database")
    iquery = InstanceQuery()
    iquery.db_url = "jdbc:mysql://HOSTNAME:3306/DBNAME"
    iquery.user = "******"
    iquery.password = "******"
    iquery.query = "select * from TABLE"
    data = iquery.retrieve_instances()
def main():
    Just runs some example code.
    NB: You have to fill in the following parameters to make it work with MySQL:
    - HOSTNAME: the database server IP or hostname (or just 'localhost')
    - DBNAME: the name of the database to connect to
    - DBUSER: the user for connecting to the database
    - DBPW: the password for the database user
    - TABLE: the table to retrieve the data from
    And also supply the correct path to the MySQL jar in the "main" method below.

    # retrieve some data
    helper.print_title("Loading data from a database")
    iquery = InstanceQuery()
    iquery.db_url = "jdbc:mysql://HOSTNAME:3306/DBNAME"
    iquery.user = "******"
    iquery.password = "******"
    iquery.query = "select * from TABLE"
    data = iquery.retrieve_instances()
Beispiel #6
from weka.classifiers import Classifier
from weka.core.converters import Loader
from weka.core.database import InstanceQuery
import weka.core.jvm as jvm
from weka.core.stemmers import Stemmer
from weka.core.stopwords import Stopwords
from weka.core.tokenizers import Tokenizer
from weka.filters import StringToWordVector, Filter

    iquery = InstanceQuery()
    iquery.db_url = "jdbc:mongo://localhost:27017/Grupo09"
    iquery.query = "select text from tweets;"
    data = iquery.retrieve_instances()

    #data.attribute_by_name('text').values =


    loader = Loader(classname="weka.core.converters.ArffLoader")
    iris_inc = loader.load_file("C:/Users/Esteb/Desktop/prueba.arff")

    #nom2str = Filter(classname=("weka.filters.unsupervised.attribute.StringToNominal"), options=["-R", "2-last"])
    #filtered1 = nom2str.filter(data)

    stemmer = Stemmer(classname="weka.core.stemmers.IteratedLovinsStemmer")
    stopwords = Stopwords(classname="weka.core.stopwords.Rainbow")