Beispiel #1
        def decorator(cls):
            # parent is the parent class of the relation
            cls_name = cls.__name__.lower()
            handlers = getattr(self.__class__, "handlers", None)
            if _rule_re.match(route):
                # new style Werkzeug route
                r = Rule(route, endpoint=cls_name)
                m = Map()
                c = m.bind(
                    cfg.server_settings["host"] + ":" +
                    cfg.server_settings["host"], "/")
                #print("r1: " +  str(r._regex.pattern))
                pattern = r._regex.pattern.replace('^\|', "")
                #print("r1: " +  str(pattern))
                fin_route = pattern
                # convert the HTTP Methods in dispatch to lowercase
                dispatch_lower = dict(
                    (k.lower(), v) for k, v in dispatch.items())
                route_tuple = (fin_route, cls, dispatch_lower)
                handlers.append((route_tuple, pos))
                #  old style regex route

                # BETA: this regex is added to every route to make
                # 1.the slash at the end optional
                # possible to add a .format paramter.
                # Example: route = /test -> also test.json will work
                # Example: route = /test/([0-9]+) -> also /test/12.xml will work
                if cfg.beta_settings["dot_format"]:
                    fin_route = route + r"(?:/?\.\w+)?/?"
                    fin_route = route
                # convert the HTTP Methods in dispatch to lowercase
                dispatch_lower = dict(
                    (k.lower(), v) for k, v in dispatch.items())
                route_tuple = (fin_route, cls, dispatch_lower)
                #route_tuple = (fin_route,cls, dispatch)
                handlers.append((route_tuple, pos))
            #print("handlers: " + str(self.handlers))
            #print("ROUTING: added route for: " + cls.__name__ +  ": " + route + " -> " + fin_route +  " dispatch")
                "STD ROUTE (+) : handler: {}, route: {}, fin_route: {}, dispatch(lower): {} "
                .format(str(cls.__name__), route, fin_route,
            return cls
Beispiel #2
        def decorator(cls):
            # first, check all methods for the method decorator mark
            #for name, method in cls.__dict__.iteritems():
            #    if hasattr(method, "has_route"):
            #        # do something with the method and class
            #        print("Method route: {}, {}".format(name, str(cls)))
            # parent is the parent class of the relation
            cls_name = cls.__name__.lower()
            #print("in @app.route")
            for name, method in cls.__dict__.items():
                if hasattr(method, "routed"):
                    #print("  routed Method  ")    
                    #print("  * name: {}, method: {}". format(name,method))
                    #print("  ** routes: {}".format(str(method.route)))
                    # Create the route parameters from the route marked by @route
                    # route, dispatch, pos
                    route=method.route.get("route", None)
                    # construct the dispatch dict from the http_vers list
                    # ["get"] => 
                    #       { "get" : method_name }
                    dispatch = {key: name for key in method.route.get("dispatch", [])}
                    pos = method.route.get("pos", -1)
                    # now just do the same as for the class decorator
                    handlers=getattr(self.__class__, "handlers", None)
                    if _rule_re.match(route):
                        # new style Werkzeug route
                        r=Rule(route, endpoint=cls_name)
                        m = Map()
                        c=m.bind(cfg.server_settings["host"]+":"+cfg.server_settings["host"], "/")
                        #print("r1: " +  str(r._regex.pattern))
                        pattern = r._regex.pattern.replace('^\|', "")
                        #print("r1: " +  str(pattern))
                        fin_route = pattern
                        # convert the HTTP Methods in dispatch to lowercase
                        dispatch_lower=dict((k.lower(), v) for k,v in dispatch.items())
                        route_tuple = (fin_route,cls, dispatch_lower)
                        #  old style regex route

                        # BETA: this regex is added to every route to make 
                        # 1.the slash at the end optional
                        # possible to add a .format paramter.
                        # Example: route = /test -> also test.json will work
                        # Example: route = /test/([0-9]+) -> also /test/12.xml will work 
                        if cfg.beta_settings["dot_format"]:
                            fin_route = route  + r"(?:/?\.\w+)?/?"
                            fin_route = route
                        # convert the HTTP Methods in dispatch to lowercase
                        dispatch_lower=dict((k.lower(), v) for k,v in dispatch.items())
                        route_tuple = (fin_route,cls, dispatch_lower)
                        #route_tuple = (fin_route,cls, dispatch)
                    #print("handlers: " + str(self.handlers))
                    #print("ROUTING: added route for: " + cls.__name__ +  ": " + route + " -> " + fin_route +  " dispatch")
                    #print("ROUTING: METHOD ROUTE (+) : handler: {}, route: {}, fin_route: {}, dispatch(lower): {} ".format( 
                    #    str(cls.__name__), route, fin_route, str(dispatch_lower)))
                    print("ROUTING: METHOD ROUTE (+) : route: {:30} handler: {:20} dispatch: {:15} ".format( 
                        route, str(cls.__name__), str(list(dispatch_lower.keys()))))
            return cls
Beispiel #3
 def is_werkzeug_route(self, route):
     does it look like a werkzeug route or direct reg exp. of
     return _rule_re.match(route)
Beispiel #4
 def is_werkzeug_route(self, route):
     does it look like a werkzeug route or direct reg exp. of
     return _rule_re.match(route)