if lu_water: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_waterfrac.map") if lu_paved: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/PathFrac.map") # try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print "no landuse map...creating uniform map" clone = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone), step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print "no soil map..., creating uniform map" clone = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone), step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") resamplemaps(step1dir, step2dir)
configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) else: print "river file specified....." try: outletpointX = float( configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float( configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) except: print( "Need to specify the river outletpoint (a point at the end of the river within the current map)" ) exit(1) outletpointmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, outletpointX, outletpointY, 0.5) tr.report(outletpointmap, step1dir + "/outletpoint.map") rivshpattr = config.get("files", "riverattr") tr.report(dem * 0.0, step1dir + "/nilmap.map") thestr = "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step1dir + "/nilmap.map " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" os.system(thestr) os.system("gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif") thestr = "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif " + step1dir + "/riverburn.map" os.system(thestr) riverburn = tr.readmap(step1dir + "/riverburn.map") # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") demregional = tr.windowaverage(dem, 100) ldddem = tr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, demregional - 1000, dem) tr.setglobaloption("unittrue")
rivshp = config.get("files","river") except: print "no river file specified" outletpointX = float(configget(config,"settings","outflowpointX","0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config,"settings","outflowpointY","0.0")) else: print "river file specified....." try: outletpointX = float(configget(config,"settings","outflowpointX","0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config,"settings","outflowpointY","0.0")) except: print("Need to specify the river outletpoint (a point at the end of the river within the current map)") exit(1) outletpointmap = tr.points_to_map(dem,outletpointX,outletpointY,0.5) tr.report(outletpointmap,step1dir + "/outletpoint.map") #rivshpattr = config.get("files","riverattr") tr.report(dem * 0.0,step1dir + "/nilmap.map") thestr = "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step1dir + "/nilmap.map " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" os.system(thestr) rivshpattr = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] os.system("gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif") thestr = "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif " + step1dir + "/riverburn.map" os.system(thestr) riverburn = tr.readmap(step1dir + "/riverburn.map") # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run #tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") #demregional=tr.windowaverage(dem,100) ldddem = tr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, dem -1000 , dem)
def main(): """ """ workdir = "." inifile = "wflow_prepare.ini" try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "W:hI:f") except getopt.error as msg: usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == "-W": workdir = a if o == "-I": inifile = a if o == "-h": usage() if o == "-f": recreate = True os.chdir(workdir) config = OpenConf(workdir + "/" + inifile) step1dir = configget(config, "directories", "step1dir", "step1") step2dir = configget(config, "directories", "step2dir", "step2") snapgaugestoriver = bool( int(configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", "1")) ) # make the directories to save results in if not os.path.isdir(step1dir + "/"): os.makedirs(step1dir) if not os.path.isdir(step2dir): os.makedirs(step2dir) ##first make the clone map try: Xul = float(config.get("settings", "Xul")) Yul = float(config.get("settings", "Yul")) Xlr = float(config.get("settings", "Xlr")) Ylr = float(config.get("settings", "Ylr")) except: print("Xul, Xul, Xlr and Ylr are required entries in the ini file") sys.exit(1) csize = float(configget(config, "settings", "cellsize", "1")) try: gauges_x = config.get("settings", "gauges_x") gauges_y = config.get("settings", "gauges_y") except: print("gauges_x and gauges_y are required entries in the ini file") sys.exit(1) strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder_step2", "4")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35") ) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float(configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) lddmethod = configget(config, "settings", "lddmethod", "dem") lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") tr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) nrrow = round(abs(Yul - Ylr) / csize) nrcol = round(abs(Xlr - Xul) / csize) mapstr = ( "mapattr -s -S -R " + str(nrrow) + " -C " + str(nrcol) + " -l " + str(csize) + " -x " + str(Xul) + " -y " + str(Yul) + " -P yb2t " + step2dir + "/cutout.map" ) os.system(mapstr) tr.setclone(step2dir + "/cutout.map") lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") if lu_water: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_waterfrac.map" ) if lu_paved: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/PathFrac.map" ) # try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") clone = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone), step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map" ) try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") clone = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone), step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map" ) resamplemaps(step1dir, step2dir) dem = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") demmin = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_demmin.map") demmax = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_demmax.map") # catchcut = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/catchment_cut.map") catchcut = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") # now apply the area of interest (catchcut) to the DEM # dem=tr.ifthen(catchcut >=1 , dem) # # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") riverburn = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.map") else: print("river file speficied.....") # rivshpattr = config.get("files","riverattr") tr.report(dem * 0.0, step2dir + "/nilmap.map") thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step2dir + "/nilmap.map " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif" ) os.system(thestr) rivshpattr = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] os.system( "gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif" ) thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.map" ) os.system(thestr) riverburn = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.map") # ldddem = tr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, dem -1000 , dem) # Only burn within the original catchment riverburn = tr.ifthen(tr.scalar(catchcut) >= 1, riverburn) # Now setup a very high wall around the catchment that is scale # based on the distance to the catchment so that it slopes away from the # catchment if lddmethod != "river": print("Burning in highres-river ...") disttocatch = tr.spread(tr.nominal(catchcut), 0.0, 1.0) demmax = tr.ifthenelse( tr.scalar(catchcut) >= 1.0, demmax, demmax + (tr.celllength() * 100.0) / disttocatch, ) tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") # demregional=tr.windowaverage(demmin,100) demburn = tr.cover(tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(riverburn), demmin - 100.0), demmax) else: print("using average dem..") demburn = dem ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step2dir + "/wflow_ldd.map", demburn, True, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlet) tr.report(sub, step2dir + "/wflow_catchment.map") tr.report(outlet, step2dir + "/wflow_outlet.map") # make river map strorder = tr.streamorder(ldd) tr.report(strorder, step2dir + "/wflow_streamorder.map") river = tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(strorder >= strRiver), strorder) tr.report(river, step2dir + "/wflow_river.map") # make subcatchments # os.system("col2map --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map gauges.col " + step2dir + "/wflow_gauges.map") exec("X=np.array(" + gauges_x + ")") exec("Y=np.array(" + gauges_y + ")") tr.setglobaloption("unittrue") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5) tr.report(outlmap, step2dir + "/wflow_gauges_.map") if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to river") tr.report(outlmap, step2dir + "/wflow_orggauges.map") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, river) outlmap = tr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap) tr.report(outlmap, step2dir + "/wflow_gauges.map") scatch = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlmap) tr.report(scatch, step2dir + "/wflow_subcatch.map")
lu_water= configget(config,"files","lu_water","") lu_paved= configget(config,"files","lu_paved","") if lu_water: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_waterfrac.map") if lu_paved: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/PathFrac.map") # try: lumap = config.get("files","landuse") except: print "no landuse map...creating uniform map" clone=tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone),step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") try: soilmap = config.get("files","soil") except: print "no soil map..., creating uniform map" clone=tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone),step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") else: os.system("resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") resamplemaps(step1dir,step2dir) dem = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map")
def main(): """ :ivar masterdem: digital elevation model :ivar dem: digital elevation model :ivar river: optional river map """ # Default values strRiver = 8 masterdem = "dem.map" step1dir = "step1" step2dir = "step2" workdir = "." inifile = "wflow_prepare.ini" recreate = False snapgaugestoriver = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "W:hI:f") except getopt.error as msg: usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == "-W": workdir = a if o == "-I": inifile = a if o == "-h": usage() if o == "-f": recreate = True tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") os.chdir(workdir) config = OpenConf(workdir + "/" + inifile) masterdem = configget(config, "files", "masterdem", "dem.map") tr.setclone(masterdem) strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder", "4")) try: gauges_x = config.get("settings", "gauges_x") gauges_y = config.get("settings", "gauges_y") except: print("gauges_x and gauges_y are required entries in the ini file") sys.exit(1) step1dir = configget(config, "directories", "step1dir", "step1") step2dir = configget(config, "directories", "step2dir", "step2") # upscalefactor = float(config.get("settings","upscalefactor")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35") ) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float(configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) initialscale = int(configget(config, "settings", "initialscale", "1")) csize = float(configget(config, "settings", "cellsize", "1")) snapgaugestoriver = bool( int(configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", "1")) ) lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") tr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") # X/Y coordinates of the gauges the system exec("X=np.array(" + gauges_x + ")") exec("Y=np.array(" + gauges_y + ")") tr.Verbose = 1 # make the directories to save results in if not os.path.isdir(step1dir + "/"): os.makedirs(step1dir) if not os.path.isdir(step2dir): os.makedirs(step2dir) if initialscale > 1: print("Initial scaling of DEM...") os.system( "resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + masterdem + " " + step1dir + "/dem_scaled.map" ) print("Reading dem...") dem = tr.readmap(step1dir + "/dem_scaled.map") ldddem = dem else: print ("Reading dem...") dem = tr.readmap(masterdem) ldddem = dem try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask...") else: print("clipping DEM with mask.....") mask = tr.readmap(catchmask) ldddem = tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(mask), ldddem) dem = tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(mask), dem) # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) else: print("river file specified.....") try: outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) except: print( "Need to specify the river outletpoint (a point at the end of the river within the current map)" ) exit(1) outletpointmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, outletpointX, outletpointY, 0.5) tr.report(outletpointmap, step1dir + "/outletpoint.map") # rivshpattr = config.get("files","riverattr") tr.report(dem * 0.0, step1dir + "/nilmap.map") thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step1dir + "/nilmap.map " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) os.system(thestr) rivshpattr = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(rivshp))[0] os.system( "gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif " + step1dir + "/riverburn.map" ) os.system(thestr) riverburn = tr.readmap(step1dir + "/riverburn.map") # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run # tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") # demregional=tr.windowaverage(dem,100) ldddem = tr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, dem - 1000, dem) tr.setglobaloption("unittrue") upscalefactor = int(csize / tr.celllength()) print("Creating ldd...") ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step1dir + "/ldd.map", ldddem, recreate, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) print("Determining streamorder...") stro = tr.streamorder(ldd) tr.report(stro, step1dir + "/streamorder.map") strdir = tr.ifthen(stro >= strRiver, stro) tr.report(strdir, step1dir + "/streamorderrive.map") tr.report(tr.boolean(tr.ifthen(stro >= strRiver, stro)), step1dir + "/rivers.map") tr.setglobaloption("unittrue") # outlet (and other gauges if given) # TODO: check is x/y set if not skip this print("Outlet...") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5) if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to nearest river cells...") tr.report(outlmap, step1dir + "/orggauges.map") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, strdir) # noutletmap = tr.points_to_map(dem,XX,YY,0.5) # tr.report(noutletmap,'noutlet.map') tr.report(outlmap, step1dir + "/gauges.map") # check if there is a pre-define catchment map try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask, finding outlet") # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlet) tr.report(sub, step1dir + "/catchment_overall.map") else: print("reading and converting catchment mask.....") os.system( "resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + catchmask + " " + step1dir + "/catchment_overall.map" ) sub = tr.readmap(step1dir + "/catchment_overall.map") print("Scatch...") sd = tr.subcatch(ldd, tr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap)) tr.report(sd, step1dir + "/scatch.map") tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") print("Upscalefactor: " + str(upscalefactor)) if upscalefactor > 1: gc.collect() print("upscale river length1 (checkerboard map)...") ck = tr.checkerboard(dem, upscalefactor) tr.report(ck, step1dir + "/ck.map") tr.report(dem, step1dir + "/demck.map") print("upscale river length2...") fact = tr.area_riverlength_factor(ldd, ck, upscalefactor) tr.report(fact, step1dir + "/riverlength_fact.map") # print("make dem statistics...") dem_ = tr.areaaverage(dem, ck) tr.report(dem_, step1dir + "/demavg.map") print("Create DEM statistics...") dem_ = tr.areaminimum(dem, ck) tr.report(dem_, step1dir + "/demmin.map") dem_ = tr.areamaximum(dem, ck) tr.report(dem_, step1dir + "/demmax.map") # calculate percentiles order = tr.areaorder(dem, ck) n = tr.areatotal(tr.spatial(tr.scalar(1.0)), ck) #: calculate 25 percentile perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 25.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem25.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 10.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem10.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 50.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem50.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 33.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem33.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 66.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem66.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 75.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem75.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 90.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem90.map") else: print("No fancy scaling done. Going strait to step2....") tr.report(dem, step1dir + "/demavg.map") Xul = float(config.get("settings", "Xul")) Yul = float(config.get("settings", "Yul")) Xlr = float(config.get("settings", "Xlr")) Ylr = float(config.get("settings", "Ylr")) gdalstr = ( "gdal_translate -projwin " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " + str(Xlr) + " " + str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " ) # gdalstr = "gdal_translate -a_ullr " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " +str(Xlr) + " " +str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " print(gdalstr) tr.report(tr.cover(1.0), step1dir + "/wflow_riverlength_fact.map") # Now us gdat tp convert the maps os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/wflow_riverlength_fact.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverlength_fact.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/demavg.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/demavg.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_demmin.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/demavg.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_demmax.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/gauges.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_gauges.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/rivers.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_river.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/streamorder.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_streamorder.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/gauges.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_outlet.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/scatch.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_catchment.map" ) os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/ldd.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_ldd.map") os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/scatch.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_subcatch.map" ) if lu_water: os.system(gdalstr + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/WaterFrac.map") if lu_paved: os.system(gdalstr + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/PathFrac.map") try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") # clone=tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") tr.setclone(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(1), step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map" ) try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") tr.setclone(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(1), step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map" )
def main(): """ :ivar masterdem: digital elevation model :ivar dem: digital elevation model :ivar river: optional river map """ # Default values strRiver = 8 masterdem = "dem.map" step1dir = "step1" step2dir = "step2" workdir = "." inifile = "wflow_prepare.ini" recreate = False snapgaugestoriver = False try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "W:hI:f") except getopt.error as msg: usage(msg) for o, a in opts: if o == "-W": workdir = a if o == "-I": inifile = a if o == "-h": usage() if o == "-f": recreate = True tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") os.chdir(workdir) config = OpenConf(workdir + "/" + inifile) masterdem = configget(config, "files", "masterdem", "dem.map") tr.setclone(masterdem) strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder", "4")) try: gauges_x = config.get("settings", "gauges_x") gauges_y = config.get("settings", "gauges_y") except: print("gauges_x and gauges_y are required entries in the ini file") sys.exit(1) step1dir = configget(config, "directories", "step1dir", "step1") step2dir = configget(config, "directories", "step2dir", "step2") # upscalefactor = float(config.get("settings","upscalefactor")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35") ) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float(configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) initialscale = int(configget(config, "settings", "initialscale", "1")) csize = float(configget(config, "settings", "cellsize", "1")) snapgaugestoriver = bool( int(configget(config, "settings", "snapgaugestoriver", "1")) ) lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") tr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") # X/Y coordinates of the gauges the system exec("X=tr.array(" + gauges_x + ")") exec("Y=tr.array(" + gauges_y + ")") tr.Verbose = 1 # make the directories to save results in mkoutputdirs(step1dir, step2dir) ldddem = readdem(initialscale, masterdem, step1dir) dem = ldddem try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask...") else: print("clipping DEM with mask.....") mask = tr.readmap(catchmask) ldddem = tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(mask), ldddem) dem = tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(mask), dem) # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) else: print("river file specified.....") try: outletpointX = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointX", "0.0")) outletpointY = float(configget(config, "settings", "outflowpointY", "0.0")) except: print( "Need to specify the river outletpoint (a point at the end of the river within the current map)" ) exit(1) outletpointmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, outletpointX, outletpointY, 0.5) tr.report(outletpointmap, step1dir + "/outletpoint.map") rivshpattr = config.get("files", "riverattr") tr.report(dem * 0.0, step1dir + "/nilmap.map") thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step1dir + "/nilmap.map " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) os.system(thestr) os.system( "gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif" ) thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step1dir + "/riverburn.tif " + step1dir + "/riverburn.map" ) os.system(thestr) riverburn = tr.readmap(step1dir + "/riverburn.map") # Determine regional slope assuming that is the way the river should run tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") demregional = tr.windowaverage(dem, 100) ldddem = tr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, demregional - 1000, dem) tr.setglobaloption("unittrue") upscalefactor = int(csize / tr.celllength()) print("Creating ldd...") ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step1dir + "/ldd.map", ldddem, recreate, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) print("Determining streamorder...") stro = tr.streamorder(ldd) tr.report(stro, step1dir + "/streamorder.map") strdir = tr.ifthen(stro >= strRiver, stro) tr.report(strdir, step1dir + "/streamorderrive.map") tr.report(tr.boolean(tr.ifthen(stro >= strRiver, stro)), step1dir + "/rivers.map") tr.setglobaloption("unittrue") # outlet (and other gauges if given) # TODO: check is x/y set if not skip this print("Outlet...") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5) if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to nearest river cells...") tr.report(outlmap, step1dir + "/orggauges.map") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, strdir) # noutletmap = tr.points_to_map(dem,XX,YY,0.5) # tr.report(noutletmap,'noutlet.map') tr.report(outlmap, step1dir + "/gauges.map") # check if there is a pre-define catchment map try: catchmask = config.get("files", "catchment_mask") except: print("No catchment mask, finding outlet") # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlet) tr.report(sub, step1dir + "/catchment_overall.map") else: print("reading and converting catchment mask.....") os.system( "resample -r " + str(initialscale) + " " + catchmask + " " + step1dir + "/catchment_overall.map" ) sub = tr.readmap(step1dir + "/catchment_overall.map") print("Scatch...") sd = tr.subcatch(ldd, tr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap)) tr.report(sd, step1dir + "/scatch.map") tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") print("Upscalefactor: " + str(upscalefactor)) if upscalefactor > 1: gc.collect() print("upscale river length1 (checkerboard map)...") ck = tr.checkerboard(dem, upscalefactor) tr.report(ck, step1dir + "/ck.map") tr.report(dem, step1dir + "/demck.map") print("upscale river length2...") fact = tr.area_riverlength_factor(ldd, ck, upscalefactor) tr.report(fact, step1dir + "/riverlength_fact.map") # print("make dem statistics...") dem_ = tr.areaaverage(dem, ck) tr.report(dem_, step1dir + "/demavg.map") print("Create DEM statistics...") dem_ = tr.areaminimum(dem, ck) tr.report(dem_, step1dir + "/demmin.map") dem_ = tr.areamaximum(dem, ck) tr.report(dem_, step1dir + "/demmax.map") # calculate percentiles order = tr.areaorder(dem, ck) n = tr.areatotal(tr.spatial(tr.scalar(1.0)), ck) #: calculate 25 percentile perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 25.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem25.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 10.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem10.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 50.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem50.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 33.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem33.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 66.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem66.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 75.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem75.map") perc = tr.area_percentile(dem, ck, n, order, 90.0) tr.report(perc, step1dir + "/dem90.map") else: print("No fancy scaling done. Going strait to step2....") tr.report(dem, step1dir + "/demavg.map") Xul = float(config.get("settings", "Xul")) Yul = float(config.get("settings", "Yul")) Xlr = float(config.get("settings", "Xlr")) Ylr = float(config.get("settings", "Ylr")) gdalstr = ( "gdal_translate -projwin " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " + str(Xlr) + " " + str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " ) # gdalstr = "gdal_translate -a_ullr " + str(Xul) + " " + str(Yul) + " " +str(Xlr) + " " +str(Ylr) + " -of PCRaster " print(gdalstr) tr.report(tr.cover(1.0), step1dir + "/wflow_riverlength_fact.map") # Now us gdat tp convert the maps os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/wflow_riverlength_fact.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverlength_fact.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/demavg.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/demavg.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_demmin.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/demavg.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_demmax.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/gauges.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_gauges.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/rivers.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_river.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/streamorder.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_streamorder.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/gauges.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_outlet.map" ) os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/scatch.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_catchment.map" ) os.system(gdalstr + step1dir + "/ldd.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_ldd.map") os.system( gdalstr + step1dir + "/scatch.map" + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_subcatch.map" ) if lu_water: os.system(gdalstr + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/WaterFrac.map") if lu_paved: os.system(gdalstr + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/PathFrac.map") try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") # clone=tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") tr.setclone(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(1), step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map" ) try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") tr.setclone(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(1), step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map" ) ################################## # Step 2 starts here ################################## tr.setclone(step2dir + "/cutout.map") strRiver = int(configget(config, "settings", "riverorder_step2", "4")) corevolume = float(configget(config, "settings", "corevolume", "1E35")) catchmentprecipitation = float( configget(config, "settings", "catchmentprecipitation", "1E35") ) corearea = float(configget(config, "settings", "corearea", "1E35")) outflowdepth = float(configget(config, "settings", "lddoutflowdepth", "1E35")) lddmethod = configget(config, "settings", "lddmethod", "dem") lddglobaloption = configget(config, "settings", "lddglobaloption", "lddout") tr.setglobaloption(lddglobaloption) nrrow = round(abs(Yul - Ylr) / csize) nrcol = round(abs(Xlr - Xul) / csize) mapstr = ( "mapattr -s -S -R " + str(nrrow) + " -C " + str(nrcol) + " -l " + str(csize) + " -x " + str(Xul) + " -y " + str(Yul) + " -P yb2t " + step2dir + "/cutout.map" ) os.system(mapstr) tr.setclone(step2dir + "/cutout.map") lu_water = configget(config, "files", "lu_water", "") lu_paved = configget(config, "files", "lu_paved", "") if lu_water: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_water + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_waterfrac.map" ) if lu_paved: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lu_paved + " " + step2dir + "/PathFrac.map" ) # try: lumap = config.get("files", "landuse") except: print("no landuse map...creating uniform map") clone = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone), step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + lumap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_landuse.map" ) try: soilmap = config.get("files", "soil") except: print("no soil map..., creating uniform map") clone = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/cutout.map") tr.report(tr.nominal(clone), step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map") else: os.system( "resample --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map " + soilmap + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_soil.map" ) resamplemaps(step1dir, step2dir) dem = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_dem.map") demmin = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_demmin.map") demmax = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_demmax.map") catchcut = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/catchment_cut.map") # now apply the area of interest (catchcut) to the DEM # dem=tr.ifthen(catchcut >=1 , dem) # # See if there is a shape file of the river to burn in try: rivshp = config.get("files", "river") except: print("no river file specified") riverburn = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.map") else: print("river file speficied.....") rivshpattr = config.get("files", "riverattr") tr.report(dem * 0.0, step2dir + "/nilmap.map") thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of GTiff " + step2dir + "/nilmap.map " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif" ) os.system(thestr) os.system( "gdal_rasterize -burn 1 -l " + rivshpattr + " " + rivshp + " " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif" ) thestr = ( "gdal_translate -of PCRaster " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.tif " + step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.map" ) os.system(thestr) riverburn = tr.readmap(step2dir + "/wflow_riverburnin.map") # ldddem = tr.ifthenelse(riverburn >= 1.0, dem -1000 , dem) # Only burn within the original catchment riverburn = tr.ifthen(tr.scalar(catchcut) >= 1, riverburn) # Now setup a very high wall around the catchment that is scale # based on the distance to the catchment so that it slopes away from the # catchment if lddmethod != "river": print("Burning in highres-river ...") disttocatch = tr.spread(tr.nominal(catchcut), 0.0, 1.0) demmax = tr.ifthenelse( tr.scalar(catchcut) >= 1.0, demmax, demmax + (tr.celllength() * 100.0) / disttocatch, ) tr.setglobaloption("unitcell") demregional = tr.windowaverage(demmin, 100) demburn = tr.cover( tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(riverburn), demregional - 100.0), demmax ) else: print("using average dem..") demburn = dem ldd = tr.lddcreate_save( step2dir + "/ldd.map", demburn, True, outflowdepth=outflowdepth, corevolume=corevolume, catchmentprecipitation=catchmentprecipitation, corearea=corearea, ) # Find catchment (overall) outlet = tr.find_outlet(ldd) sub = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlet) tr.report(sub, step2dir + "/wflow_catchment.map") tr.report(outlet, step2dir + "/wflow_outlet.map") # make river map strorder = tr.streamorder(ldd) tr.report(strorder, step2dir + "/wflow_streamorder.map") river = tr.ifthen(tr.boolean(strorder >= strRiver), strorder) tr.report(river, step2dir + "/wflow_river.map") # make subcatchments # os.system("col2map --clone " + step2dir + "/cutout.map gauges.col " + step2dir + "/wflow_gauges.map") exec("X=tr.array(" + gauges_x + ")") exec("Y=tr.array(" + gauges_y + ")") tr.setglobaloption("unittrue") outlmap = tr.points_to_map(dem, X, Y, 0.5) tr.report(outlmap, step2dir + "/wflow_gauges_.map") if snapgaugestoriver: print("Snapping gauges to river") tr.report(outlmap, step2dir + "/wflow_orggauges.map") outlmap = tr.snaptomap(outlmap, river) outlmap = tr.ifthen(outlmap > 0, outlmap) tr.report(outlmap, step2dir + "/wflow_gauges.map") scatch = tr.subcatch(ldd, outlmap) tr.report(scatch, step2dir + "/wflow_subcatch.map")