Beispiel #1
    def dump_now(cls):
        """ Flush hits to Whale and increment """
        # Get the incoming hits from Hail
        set_number_name = 'hail_number'
        r.setnx(set_number_name, 0)
        set_number = r.incr(set_number_name) - 1
        set_name = 'hail_%s' % set_number
        try: keys_from_hail = r.smembers(set_name)
        except: return
        if not len(keys_from_hail):

        def get_keys_from_json(k):
                class_name, pk, dimensions, metrics, at = json.loads(r[k])
                #at = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(t))
                return (pk, dimensions, metrics, at)
            except Exception as e: 
                print e
                return False 

        keys_to_update = map(get_keys_from_json, keys_from_hail)
        for packed in keys_to_update:
            if packed:
                pk, dimensions, metrics, at = packed
                Whale.count_now(pk, dimensions, metrics, at=at)

        # Delete the hits
        map(r.delete, keys_from_hail)
Beispiel #2
def reset():
    whale = Whale()
    except Exception as e:
        return str(e)
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #3
    def dump_now(cls):
        """ Flush hits to Whale and increment """
        # Get the incoming hits from Hail

        r = cls.hail_driver()
        set_number_name = 'hail_number'
        r.setnx(set_number_name, 0)
        set_number = r.incr(set_number_name) - 1
        set_name = 'hail_%s' % set_number
            keys_from_hail = r.smembers(set_name)
        if not len(keys_from_hail):

        def get_keys_from_json(k):
                class_name, pk, dimensions, metrics, at = json.loads(r[k])
                #at = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(t))
                return (pk, dimensions, metrics, at)
            except Exception as e:
                print e
                return False

        keys_to_update = map(get_keys_from_json, keys_from_hail)
        for packed in keys_to_update:
            if packed:
                pk, dimensions, metrics, at = packed
                Whale.count_now(pk, dimensions, metrics, at=at)

        # Delete the hits
        map(r.delete, keys_from_hail)
Beispiel #4
    def dump_now(cls):
        """ Flush hits to Whale and increment """
        # Get the incoming hits from Hail
        from whale import Whale
        whale = Whale()
        _s_n_n = 'hail_number'
        r.setnx(_s_n_n, 0)
        set_number = r.incr(_s_n_n) - 1
        set_name = 'hail_%s'%set_number
        try: keys_from_hail = r.smembers(set_name)
        except: return
        if len(keys_from_hail) is 0:
        def get_keys_from_json(k):
                class_name, categories, dimensions, metrics, t = json.loads(r[k])
                at = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(t))
                return (categories, dimensions, metrics, at)
            except Exception as e: 
                print e
                return False 

        keys_to_update = map(get_keys_from_json, keys_from_hail)
        for packed in keys_to_update:
            if not packed: continue
            categories, dimensions, metrics, at = packed
            whale.count_now(categories, dimensions, metrics, at=at)

        # Delete the hits
        map(r.delete, keys_to_update)
Beispiel #5
def reset():
    whale = Whale()
    except Exception as e:
        return str(e)
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #6
def totals():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['periods'] = g('periods', None)
    if type(params['metrics']) == dict:
        params['metrics'] = params['metrics'].keys()
    return whale.totals(**params)
Beispiel #7
def totals():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['periods'] = g('periods', None)
    if type(params['metrics']) == dict:
        params['metrics'] = params['metrics'].keys()
    return whale.totals(**params)
Beispiel #8
def plotpoints():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['depth'] = g('depth', 0)
    params['period'] = g('period', None)
    params['flot_time'] = True
    return whale.plotpoints(**params)

Beispiel #9
def plotpoints():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['depth'] = g('depth', 0)
    params['period'] = g('period', None)
    params['sort'] = g('sort', None)
    params['limit'] = g('limit', 10)
    params['tzoffset'] = g('tzoffset', 0.0)
    params['flot_time'] = True
    return whale.plotpoints(**params)
Beispiel #10
def plotpoints():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['depth'] = g('depth', 0)
    params['period'] = g('period', None)
    params['sort'] = g('sort', None)
    params['limit'] = g('limit', 10)
    params['tzoffset'] = g('tzoffset', 0.0)
    params['flot_time'] = True
    return whale.plotpoints(**params)
Beispiel #11
def tracker():
    from periods import Period
    import random
    params = default_params()
    key = hashlib.sha256('hailwhale_weak_key').digest()
    if 'pk' not in req.GET and 'pixel' in req.GET:
        from Crypto.Cipher import AES
        from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
        from urllib import quote_plus

        mode = AES.MODE_CBC
        encryptor =, mode)
        text = g('pixel')
        INTERRUPT = u'\u0001'
        PAD = u'\u0000'

        # Since you need to pad your data before encryption,
        # create a padding function as well
        # Similarly, create a function to strip off the padding after decryption
        def AddPadding(data, interrupt, pad, block_size):
            new_data = ''.join([data, interrupt])
            new_data_len = len(new_data)
            remaining_len = block_size - new_data_len
            to_pad_len = remaining_len % block_size
            pad_string = pad * to_pad_len
            return ''.join([new_data, pad_string])

        def StripPadding(data, interrupt, pad):
            return data.rstrip(pad).rstrip(interrupt)

        def hw_encoded(t):
            return quote_plus(
                b64encode(encryptor.encrypt(AddPadding(t, INTERRUPT, PAD,

        def hw_decoded(t):
            return StripPadding(encryptor.decrypt(b64decode(t)), INTERRUPT,

        params['pk'] = hw_decoded(text)
    pk = params['pk']
    whale = Whale()
    hail = Hail()
    val = whale.count_now(, **params)
    #val = whale.count_now(**params)
    uid = g('uid')
    if not uid or uid == '_new':
        default = random.randrange(10**6, 10**9)
        uid = str(req.get_cookie('uid', str(default), key))
    hail.spy_log(uid, params)
    response.set_cookie('uid', uid, key)
    return str(uid)
Beispiel #12
def count_now():
    whale = Whale()
    vals = default_params()
    at = vals.get("at")#g('at', False)
    tzoffset = None
    if not at:
        at =
        from dateutil.parser import parse
        at = parse(at)
    val = whale.count_now(at= at, pk=vals.get("pk"), metrics=vals.get("metrics"), dimensions=vals.get("dimensions"))
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #13
def plotpointsGraph():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['depth'] = g('depth', 0)
    params['period'] = g('period', None)
    params['sort'] = g('sort', None)
    params['limit'] = g('limit', 10)
    params['tzoffset'] = g('tzoffset', 0.0)
    params['flot_time'] = True
    #print whale.plotpointsGraph(**params)
    ret = whale.plotpointsGraph(**params)
    return json.dumps(ret)
Beispiel #14
def plotpointsGraph():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['depth'] = g('depth', 0)
    params['period'] = g('period', None)
    params['sort'] = g('sort', None)
    params['limit'] = g('limit', 10)
    params['tzoffset'] = g('tzoffset', 0.0)
    params['flot_time'] = True
    #print whale.plotpointsGraph(**params)
    ret = whale.plotpointsGraph(**params)
    return json.dumps(ret)
Beispiel #15
def count_now():
    whale = Whale()
    at = g('at', False)
    tzoffset = None
    if not at:
        at =
        from dateutil.parser import parse
        at = parse(g('at'))
        at = at.replace(tzinfo=None)
    val = whale.count_now(at=at, **default_params())
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #16
def update_count_to():
    whale = Whale()
    at = g('at', False)
    tzoffset = None
    if not at:
        at =
        from dateutil.parser import parse
        at = parse(g('at'))
        at = at.replace(tzinfo=None)
    params = dict(at=at, period=g('period', None), **default_params())

    val = whale.update_count_to(**params)
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #17
def count_now():
    whale = Whale()
    vals = default_params()
    at = vals.get("at")  #g('at', False)
    tzoffset = None
    if not at:
        at =
        from dateutil.parser import parse
        at = parse(at)
    val = whale.count_now(at=at,
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #18
	def __init__(self, whale=None, enemies=None):
		self.background = 210, 210, 210 
		heart_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(''), 'Images', 'heart.gif')
		self.heart = pygame.image.load(heart_path).convert()
		halfheart_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(''), 'Images', 'halfheart.gif')
		self.halfheart = pygame.image.load(halfheart_path).convert()
		self.healthbar = pygame.sprite.Group()
		if whale == None:
			self.whale = Whale()
			self.whale = whale
		if enemies == None:
			enemies = [Octopus()]
		self.whale_is_dead = False
		self.player_projectiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
		self.enemy_projectiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
		self.sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(self.whale, self.enemy_sprites, 
						   self.player_projectiles, self.enemy_projectiles, self.healthbar)
		self.next_state = "LevelOne"
Beispiel #19
def update_count_to():
    whale = Whale()
    at = g('at', False)
    tzoffset = None
    if not at:
        at =
        from dateutil.parser import parse
        at = parse(g('at'))
        at = at.replace(tzinfo=None)
    params = dict(at=at,
            period=g('period', None),

    val = whale.update_count_to(**params)
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #20
def tracker():
    from periods import Period
    import random
    params = default_params()
    key = hashlib.sha256('hailwhale_weak_key').digest()
    if 'pk' not in req.GET and 'pixel' in req.GET:
        from Crypto.Cipher import AES
        from base64 import b64encode, b64decode
        from urllib import quote_plus

        mode = AES.MODE_CBC
        encryptor =, mode)
        text = g('pixel')
        INTERRUPT = u'\u0001'
        PAD = u'\u0000'

        # Since you need to pad your data before encryption,
        # create a padding function as well
        # Similarly, create a function to strip off the padding after decryption
        def AddPadding(data, interrupt, pad, block_size):
            new_data = ''.join([data, interrupt])
            new_data_len = len(new_data)
            remaining_len = block_size - new_data_len
            to_pad_len = remaining_len % block_size
            pad_string = pad * to_pad_len
            return ''.join([new_data, pad_string])
        def StripPadding(data, interrupt, pad):
            return data.rstrip(pad).rstrip(interrupt)
        def hw_encoded(t):
            return quote_plus(b64encode(encryptor.encrypt(AddPadding(t, INTERRUPT, PAD, 32))))
        def hw_decoded(t):
            return StripPadding(encryptor.decrypt(b64decode(t)), INTERRUPT, PAD)
        params['pk'] = hw_decoded(text)
    pk = params['pk']
    whale = Whale()
    hail = Hail()
    val = whale.count_now(, **params)
    #val = whale.count_now(**params)
    uid = g('uid')
    if not uid or uid == '_new':
        default = random.randrange(10**6,10**9)
        uid = str(req.get_cookie('uid', str(default), key))
    hail.spy_log(uid, params)
    response.set_cookie('uid', uid, key)
    return str(uid)
Beispiel #21
def graph():
    whale = Whale()
    points = whale.plotpoints(**default_params())
    params = {'script_tag': util.JS_TAG,
              'flotpoints': json.dumps(points),
              'random_name': 'graph_psuedorandom',
    return """
<div id="%(random_name)s" style="width:97%%;height:97%%;">&nbsp;</div>
<script type="text/javascript">
  dimensions = %(flotpoints)s;
  first_dimension = get_keys(dimensions)[0];
  first_metric = get_keys(dimensions[first_dimension])[0];
  //data = dimensions['[\"empty\"]']['hits'];
  data = dimensions[first_dimension][first_metric];
  $.plot($("#%(random_name)s"), [
    {data: data, lines: {show: true}},
  ], { xaxis: { mode: "time" } });

    def fill_tank(self, screen):
        """Add fish and plants to the tank"""

        width, height = screen.get_size()

        for _ in range(1, 3):
            self.__fish.append(Fish("Clownfish", 20, randint(1, 5), randint(1, 5), randint(
                100, width-100), randint(height-300, height-100)))

        for _ in range(1, 3):
                "Humpback", 40, 3, 3, randint(100, width-100), randint(height-300, height-100)))

        for _ in range(1, 3):
            self.__plants.append(Coral("Coral", 20,
                                       5, randint(0, width), height))

        for _ in range(1, 3):
                Algae("Seaweed", 20, 5, randint(0, width), height))
Beispiel #23
class Room(GameState):	
	def __init__(self, whale=None, enemies=None):
		self.background = 210, 210, 210 
		heart_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(''), 'Images', 'heart.gif')
		self.heart = pygame.image.load(heart_path).convert()
		halfheart_path = os.path.join(os.path.realpath(''), 'Images', 'halfheart.gif')
		self.halfheart = pygame.image.load(halfheart_path).convert()
		self.healthbar = pygame.sprite.Group()
		if whale == None:
			self.whale = Whale()
			self.whale = whale
		if enemies == None:
			enemies = [Octopus()]
		self.whale_is_dead = False
		self.player_projectiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
		self.enemy_projectiles = pygame.sprite.Group()
		self.sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(self.whale, self.enemy_sprites, 
						   self.player_projectiles, self.enemy_projectiles, self.healthbar)
		self.next_state = "LevelOne"
	def set_enemies(self, enemies):
		self.enemy_sprites = pygame.sprite.Group(enemies)
	def calc_dmg(self):
		player_projectiles = self.player_projectiles
		enemies = self.enemy_sprites
		for enemy in enemies:
			for projectile in player_projectiles:
				if projectile.hitbox.colliderect(enemy.hitbox): -= projectile.damage
					if <= 0:
		enemy_hitboxes = [enemy.hitbox for enemy in self.enemy_sprites]
		whale_collide = self.whale.hitbox.collidelist(enemy_hitboxes)
		if whale_collide != -1:
			if not self.whale.invincible:
				self.whale.invincible = 50 -= 1
			if <= 0:
				self.whale_is_dead = True

	def update_healthbar(self):
		pos = [0, 0]
		for i in range(int(
			self.screen.blit(self.heart.copy(), pos)
			pos[0] += 50
		if == 1:
			self.screen.blit(self.halfheart, pos)

	def handle_event(self, event):

			if event.type == KEYDOWN:
				if event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_w:
					self.whale.state = 'moveup'
				if event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s:
					self.whale.state = 'movedown'
				if event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a:
					self.whale.state = 'moveleft'
				if event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d:
					self.whale.state = 'moveright'

			elif event.type == KEYUP:
				if (event.key == K_UP or event.key == K_w) and self.whale.state == 'moveup':
					self.whale.state = 'still'
				if (event.key == K_DOWN or event.key == K_s) and self.whale.state == 'movedown':
					self.whale.state = 'still'
				if (event.key == K_LEFT or event.key == K_a) and self.whale.state == 'moveleft':
					self.whale.state = 'still'
				if (event.key == K_RIGHT or event.key == K_d) and self.whale.state == 'moveright':
					self.whale.state = 'still'

			elif event.type == MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
				bullet_sprite = self.whale.shoot()
	def is_cleared(self):
		if self.enemy_sprites.sprites() == []:
			self.cleared = True

	def update(self):
		#Debugging code for rects
		"""pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (125, 65, 190), self.whale.hitbox, 1)
		for projectile in self.player_projectiles:
			pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (125, 65, 190), projectile.hitbox, 1)	
		for sprite in self.enemy_sprites.sprites():
			pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, (125, 65, 190), sprite.hitbox, 1)	
		if self.whale_is_dead: 
			playerlose_event = pygame.event.Event(STATECHANGE, event_id="lose", new_state="Lose")
		elif self.cleared: 
			playerwon_event = pygame.event.Event(STATECHANGE, event_id="won", new_state=self.next_state)
Beispiel #24
 def setUp(self):
     from hail import Hail
     from whale import Whale
     self.hail = Hail()
     self.whale = Whale()
Beispiel #25
class TestHailWhale(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        from hail import Hail
        from whale import Whale
        self.hail = Hail()
        self.whale = Whale()

    def testGetSubdimensions(self):
        t = 'subs_%s' % str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now(t, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
        subs = self.whale.get_subdimensions(t)
        assert('a' in subs)
        assert('b' in subs)

    def testGetAllSubdimensions(self):
        t = 'all_subs_%s' % str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now(t, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
        subs = self.whale.all_subdimensions(t)
        assert('a' in subs)
        assert(['a', '1'] in subs)
        assert('b' in subs)
        assert(['b', '2'] in subs)

    def testPlotpoints(self):
        t = str(time.time())

        for i in range(5):
            self.whale.count_now('test_plotpoints', t, {'hits': 1, 'values': 5})
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_plotpoints', t, ['hits', 'values'], points_type=list)

        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['hits'][-1][1], 5)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['values'][-1][1], 25)

    def testPlotpointsDepth(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: 'a'})
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: 'b'})
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: 'b'})
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: {'c': 'child'}})
        # Test 1 level deep
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_depth', t, points_type=list, depth=1)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'a'])]['hits'][-1][1], 1)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['hits'][-1][1], 2)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'c'])]['hits'][-1][1], 1)
        self.assertEqual(False, maybe_dumps([t, 'c', 'child']) in plotpoints)
        # Test 2 levels deep
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_depth', t, points_type=list, depth=2)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'c', 'child']) in plotpoints)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'c', 'child'])]['hits'][-1][1], 1)

        # Test ranking and limiting
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_depth', t, points_type=list,
                depth=1, limit=2)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['hits'][-1][1], 2)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'a']) not in plotpoints)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'c']) not in plotpoints)

    def testRatioPlotpoints(self):
        t = str(time.time())

        for i in range(5):
            self.whale.count_now('test_ratio', t, {'hit': 1, 'value': 5})

        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_ratio', t, ['hit', 'value', 'value/hit'], points_type=list)

        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['hit'][-1][1], 5)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['value'][-1][1], 25)

        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['value/hit'][-1][1], 5)

    def testRankSubdimensionsScalar(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'a', 'asub1'], {'value': 1})
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'a', 'asub2'], {'value': 30})
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'b'], {'value': 80})
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'c'], {'value': 10})
        ranked = self.whale.rank_subdimensions_scalar('test_rank', t, 'value')
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'a'])]['important'], False)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub1'])]['important'], False)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub2'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'c'])]['important'], False)

    def testRankSubdimensionsRatio(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        pk = 'test_ratio_rank'
        # OVERALL STATS: 529,994 value, 50,000 visitors, 10.6 value per visitor
        # Not important, too close to overall
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'a', 'asub1'],
            {'value': 54989, 'visitors': 4999})  # 11 value per visitor
        # Important, high relative ratio
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'a', 'asub2'],
            {'value': 375000, 'visitors': 25000})  # 15 value per visitor
        # Important, low relative ratio
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'b'],
            {'value': 100000, 'visitors': 20000})  # 5 value per visitor
        # Not important, not enough visitors
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'c'],
            {'value': 5, 'visitors': 1})  # 5 value per visitor

        one_level = self.whale.rank_subdimensions_ratio('test_rank_ratio', 'value', 'visitors',
            t, recursive=False)

        all_levels = self.whale.rank_subdimensions_ratio(pk, 'value', 'visitors', t)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub1']) not in one_level)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub1'])]['important'], False)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub2'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'c'])]['important'], False)

    def testBasicDecision(self):
        pk = 'test_basic_decision'
        decision = str(time.time())
        # Make a decision, any decision, from no information whatsoever
        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, 'random', [1,2,3])
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
        any_one = self.whale.decide_from_reasons(good, bad, test)
        self.assertEqual(True, any_one in [1, 2, 3])

        # OK, now how about something somewhat informed?
        # This will be easy. Slogan A makes us huge profit. Products B and C suck.
        # D looks promissing but isn't yet significant
        opts = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'a'], None, dict(dollars=5000, visitors=1000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'b'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'c'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'd'], None, dict(dollars=50, visitors=10))

        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors')
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)

        self.assertEqual(True, 'a' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'b' in  bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'c' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'd' in test.keys())
        which_one = self.whale.decide(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors',
            bad_idea_threshold=0, test_idea_threshold=0)
        self.assertEqual(which_one, 'a')

    def testInformedDecision(self):
        pk = 'test_informed_decision'
        decision = str(time.time())

        # A is the clear winner, except when country=UK, in which case B wins
        opts = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'a'], None, dict(dollars=50000, visitors=10000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'b'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'b'], {'country': 'uk'}, dict(dollars=10000, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'c'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=7500))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'd'], None, dict(dollars=5, visitors=1))

        # Here's a visitor with no info -- 'A' should win by far.
        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors')
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
        self.assertEqual(True, 'a' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'b' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'c' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'd' in test.keys())

        # How about when we know the country is "UK"?
        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors',
            known_data={'country': 'uk'})
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
        self.assertEqual(True, 'a' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'b' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'c' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'd' in test.keys())
        chosen = {'a': 0, 'b': 0}
        for k in range(100):
            choose = self.whale.decide(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors',
                known_data={'country': 'uk'}, bad_idea_threshold=0, test_idea_threshold=0)
            chosen[choose] += 1
        self.assertEqual(True, chosen['b'] > 70,
            """A decision made 100 times between weights .15 vs .85 should have around 85 votes for 'b',
                we got %s, which is unlikely enough to fail a test, but not definitely
                indicative of a problem. If this test passes again on the next run, ignore the failure.""" % chosen)

    def testTrickyDecision(self):
        pk = 'test_tricky_decision'
        decision = str(time.time())
        opts = ['en', 'sp', 'pt']

        def count(geo, lang, dollars, visitors):
            self.whale.count_decided_now(pk, decision, lang, geo,
            {'dollars': dollars, 'visitors': visitors})

        def justify(geo):
            #print 'Picking reasons for ', geo
            good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts,
                'dollars/visitors', geo)
            #print good.keys(), bad.keys(), test.keys()
            #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
            return self.whale.decide(pk, decision, opts, 'dollars/visitors', geo,
                bad_idea_threshold=0, test_idea_threshold=0)
        k = 1000
        m = k * k
        # Sure, these results seem predictable to a human
        # But what will our philosopher whale friend make of it?
        count('us', 'en', 1.5 * m, 300 * k)  # $5/visitor, alright!
        count('us', 'sp', 1 * k, 10 * k)  # $.10/visitor, well that is not surprising
        count('us', 'pt', 300, 5 * k)  # $.06/visitor, :(

        count('mx', 'en', 100 * k, 100 * k)  # $1/visitor, this almost works
        count('mx', 'sp', 200 * k, 100 * k)  # $2/visitor aww yah!
        count('mx', 'pt', 200, 10 * k)  # $.02/visitor lol

        count('br', 'en', 300 * k, 100 * k)  # $3/visitor is good
        count('br', 'sp', 150 * k, 50 * k)   # $3/visitor as well
        count('br', 'pt', 500 * k, 50 * k)   # $10 JACKPOT

        self.assertEqual('en', justify('us'))
        self.assertEqual(True, justify('mx') in ['sp', 'en'])
        self.assertEqual('pt', justify('br'))

    def testWhaleCacheWrapper(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        count = lambda: self.whale.count_now('test_cached', t)
        cached_sum = lambda clear=False: sum(self.whale.cached_plotpoints('test_cached',
                t, period='fivemin', unmemoize=clear)[t]['hits'].values())

        # Set hits to 1
        self.assertEqual(cached_sum(), 1)

        # Should stay 1 for a while
        for i in range(3):
            self.assertEqual(cached_sum(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(cached_sum(clear=True), 4)
Beispiel #26
def plotpoints():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params['depth'] = g('depth', 0)
    params['period'] = g('period', '1x60')
    return json.dumps(whale.plotpoints(**params))
Beispiel #27
def count_now():
    from datetime import datetime
    whale = Whale()
    val = whale.count_now(at=datetime.utcnow(), **default_params())
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #28
 def setUp(self):
     from hail import Hail
     from whale import Whale
     self.hail = Hail()
     self.whale = Whale()
Beispiel #29
 def get_cache(self):
     from whale import Whale
     self.cache = Whale.whale_driver()
     return self.cache
Beispiel #30
def graph():
    from periods import Period
    params = {
        'pk': g('pk', '_', False),
        'dimension': g('dimension', '_', False),
        'metric': g('metric', 'hits', False),
        'depth': g('depth', 0),
        'tzoffset': g('tzoffset', 0.0),
        'period': g('period', str(Period.get(None))),
        'area': g('area', ''),
    pk = params['pk']
    dimension = params['dimension']
    metric = params['metric']
    period = Period.get(params['period'])
    debug = g('debug', False)
    parent_div = g('parent_div', 'hailwhale_graphs')
    table = g('table', False)
    height = g('height', '300px')
    params['title'] = g('title', '')
    if not params['title']:
        pkname = g('pk', '')
        dimname = util.try_loads(g('dimension', 'Overall'))
        dimname = isinstance(dimname, list) and dimname[-1] or dimname
        params['title'] = '%s [%s]' % (util.maybe_dumps(pkname),
    if isinstance(table, basestring):
        table = table.lower() == 'true'
    hwurl = req.GET.get('hwurl', req.url.split('graph.js')[0])
    params['autoupdate'] = g('live', True)
    params['interval'] = g('interval', 6000)
    graph_id = hashlib.md5(str(params)).hexdigest()
    include_string = \
"document.write(\"<scr\" + \"ipt type='text/javascript' src='%sjs/jquery.min.js'></script>\");"%hwurl
    if table:
            columns = int(g('table', 6, int))
            columns = 6
        pps = Whale.plotpoints(pk,
        dates = [p for p in Period.get(period).datetimes_strs()
                 ][(-1 * columns - 1):]

        table_str = '''
            $('#{id} .table').html('<table style="width: 100%"> <tr> <th></th> <th></th> {columns} </tr>
                           columns=' '.join([
                               '<th>%s</th>' % date.replace('00:00:00 ', '')
                               for date in dates

        dimensions = pps.keys()
        if '_' in dimensions:
            dimensions = ['_'] + dimensions
        for dimension_counter, dimension in enumerate(dimensions):
            checked = 'off'
            if dimension_counter < 10:
                checked = 'on'
            if dimension == '_':
                if params['depth']:
                dimension_name = '<b>Overall</b>'
                dimension_name = dimension.capitalize()
            table_str += '''
                <tr> <td><input id="" style="display: none" type="checkbox" value="{checked}" name="checkbox-{pk}-{dimension}"></td> <td>{dimension_name}</td> {columns} </tr>
                           columns=' '.join([
                               "<td>%s</td>" %
                               for date in dates

        table_str += '''</table>');'''
        table_str = ''
    include_string = \
"document.write(\"<scr\" + \"ipt type='text/javascript' src='%sjs/hailwhale.min.js'></script>\");"%hwurl

    return_string = '''
document.write('<div id="{id}"><div class="graph" style="height: {height}"></div><div class="table"></div></div>');\n
function jqinit() {{\n
    if(typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined' || typeof(jQuery.hailwhale) == 'undefined') {{\n
        if(!appended) {{\n
            appended = true;\n
        setTimeout(jqinit, 250);\n
    }} else {{\n
        $(function() {{\n
                $.hailwhale('{hwurl}').add_graph('{id} .graph', {options});\n

    return return_string
Beispiel #31
def totals():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    if type(params["metrics"]) == dict:
        params["metrics"] = params["metrics"].keys()
    return whale.totals(**params)
Beispiel #32
class TestHailWHale(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        from hail import Hail
        from whale import Whale

        self.hail = Hail()
        self.whale = Whale()

    def testGetSubdimensions(self):
        self.whale.count_now("test", {"a": 1, "b": 2})
        subs = self.whale.get_subdimensions("test")
        assert ["a"] in subs
        assert ["b"] in subs

    def testGetAllSubdimensions(self):
        self.whale.count_now("test", {"a": 1, "b": 2})
        subs = self.whale.all_subdimensions("test")
        assert ["a"] in subs
        assert ["a", "1"] in subs
        assert ["b"] in subs
        assert ["b", "2"] in subs

    def testCrunch(self):
        # Unique key for every test
        t = str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now("test_crunch", [t, "a"], {"value": 5})
        self.whale.count_now("test_crunch", [t, "b"], {"value": 1})
        self.whale.count_now("test_crunch", [t, "c"], {"value": 15})

        data = self.whale.crunch("test_crunch", [t], "value")
Beispiel #33
def graph():
    from periods import Period
    params = {'pk': g('pk', '_', False),
            'dimension': g('dimension', '_', False),
            'metric': g('metric', 'hits', False),
            'depth': g('depth', 0),
            'tzoffset': g('tzoffset', 0.0),
            'period': g('period', str(Period.get(None))),
            'area': g('area', ''),
    pk = params['pk']
    dimension = params['dimension']
    metric = params['metric']
    period = Period.get(params['period'])
    debug = g('debug', False)
    parent_div = g('parent_div', 'hailwhale_graphs')
    table = g('table', False)
    height = g('height', '300px')
    params['title'] = g('title', '')
    if not params['title']:
        pkname = g('pk', '')
        dimname = util.try_loads(g('dimension', 'Overall'))
        dimname = isinstance(dimname, list) and dimname[-1] or dimname
        params['title'] = '%s [%s]' % (util.maybe_dumps(pkname), util.maybe_dumps(dimname))
    if isinstance(table, basestring):
        table = table.lower() == 'true'
    hwurl = req.GET.get('hwurl', req.url.split('graph.js')[0])
    params['autoupdate'] = g('live', True)
    params['interval'] = g('interval', 6000)
    graph_id = hashlib.md5(str(params)).hexdigest()
    include_string = \
"document.write(\"<scr\" + \"ipt type='text/javascript' src='%sjs/jquery.min.js'></script>\");"%hwurl
    if table:
            columns = int(g('table', 6, int))
            columns = 6
        pps = Whale.plotpoints(pk, dimension, metric, period=period,
        dates = [p for p in
                Period.get(period).datetimes_strs()][(-1*columns - 1):]

        table_str = '''
            $('#{id} .table').html('<table style="width: 100%"> <tr> <th></th> <th></th> {columns} </tr>
        '''.strip().format(id=graph_id,columns=' '.join([
            '<th>%s</th>'%date.replace('00:00:00 ', '') for date in dates]))

        dimensions = pps.keys()
        if '_' in dimensions:
            dimensions = ['_'] + dimensions
        for dimension_counter, dimension in enumerate(dimensions):
            checked = 'off'
            if dimension_counter < 10:
                checked = 'on'
            if dimension == '_':
                if params['depth']:
                dimension_name = '<b>Overall</b>'
                dimension_name = dimension.capitalize()
            table_str += '''
                <tr> <td><input id="" style="display: none" type="checkbox" value="{checked}" name="checkbox-{pk}-{dimension}"></td> <td>{dimension_name}</td> {columns} </tr>
                '''.format(pk=pk, dimension=dimension, checked=checked,
                        columns=' '.join([
                "<td>%s</td>"%int(pps[dimension][metric][date]) for date in dates])).strip()

        table_str += '''</table>');'''
        table_str = ''
    include_string = \
"document.write(\"<scr\" + \"ipt type='text/javascript' src='%sjs/hailwhale.min.js'></script>\");"%hwurl

    return_string = '''
document.write('<div id="{id}"><div class="graph" style="height: {height}"></div><div class="table"></div></div>');\n
function jqinit() {{\n
    if(typeof(jQuery) == 'undefined' || typeof(jQuery.hailwhale) == 'undefined') {{\n
        if(!appended) {{\n
            appended = true;\n
        setTimeout(jqinit, 250);\n
    }} else {{\n
        $(function() {{\n
                $.hailwhale('{hwurl}').add_graph('{id} .graph', {options});\n

    '''.format(parent_div=parent_div, include_string=include_string,
            hwurl=hwurl, table_str=table_str, height=height,
    return return_string
Beispiel #34
def count_now():
    whale = Whale()
    val = whale.count_now(, **default_params())
    return 'OK'
Beispiel #35
def plotpoints():
    whale = Whale()
    params = default_params()
    params["depth"] = g("depth", 0)
    params["period"] = g("period", None)
    return json.dumps(whale.plotpoints(**params))
Beispiel #36
class TestHailWhale(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        from hail import Hail
        from whale import Whale
        self.hail = Hail()
        self.whale = Whale()
    def testGetSubdimensions(self):
        t = 'subs_%s' % str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now(t, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
        subs = self.whale.get_subdimensions(t)
        assert('a' in subs)
        assert('b' in subs)
    def testGetAllSubdimensions(self):
        t = 'all_subs_%s' % str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now(t, {'a': 1, 'b': 2})
        subs = self.whale.all_subdimensions(t)
        assert('a' in subs)
        assert(['a', '1'] in subs)
        assert('b' in subs)
        assert(['b', '2'] in subs)
    def testPlotpoints(self):
        t = str(time.time())

        for i in range(5):
            self.whale.count_now('test_plotpoints', t, {'hits': 1, 'values': 5})
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_plotpoints', t, ['hits', 'values'], points_type=list)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['hits'][-1][1], 5)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['values'][-1][1], 25)
    def testPlotpointsDepth(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: 'a'})
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: 'b'})
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: 'b'})
        self.whale.count_now('test_depth', {t: {'c': 'child'}})
        # Test 1 level deep
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_depth', t, points_type=list, depth=1)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'a'])]['hits'][-1][1], 1)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['hits'][-1][1], 2)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'c'])]['hits'][-1][1], 1)
        self.assertEqual(False, maybe_dumps([t, 'c', 'child']) in plotpoints)
        # Test 2 levels deep
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_depth', t, points_type=list, depth=2)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'c', 'child']) in plotpoints)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'c', 'child'])]['hits'][-1][1], 1)

        # Test ranking and limiting i.e assign rank on the basis of value and then extract top limit candidate
        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_depth', t, points_type=list,depth=1, limit=2)
        #self.assertEqual(plotpoints[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['hits'][-1][1], 2)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'a']) not in plotpoints)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'c']) not in plotpoints)
    def testRatioPlotpoints(self):
        t = str(time.time())

        for i in range(5):
            self.whale.count_now('test_ratio', t, {'hit': 1, 'value': 5})

        plotpoints = self.whale.plotpoints('test_ratio', t, ['hit', 'value', 'value/hit'], points_type=list)

        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['hit'][-1][1], 5)
        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['value'][-1][1], 25)

        self.assertEqual(plotpoints[t]['value/hit'][-1][1], 5)
    def testRankSubdimensionsScalar(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'a', 'asub1'], {'value': 1})
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'a', 'asub2'], {'value': 30})
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'b'], {'value': 80})
        self.whale.count_now('test_rank', [t, 'c'], {'value': 10})
        ranked = self.whale.rank_subdimensions_scalar('test_rank', t, 'value')

        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'a'])]['important'], False)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub1'])]['important'], False)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub2'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(ranked[maybe_dumps([t, 'c'])]['important'], False)
    def testRankSubdimensionsRatio(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        pk = 'test_ratio_rank'
        # OVERALL STATS: 529,994 value, 50,000 visitors, 10.6 value per visitor
        # Not important, too close to overall
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'a', 'asub1'],
            {'value': 54989, 'visitors': 4999})  # 11 value per visitor
        # Important, high relative ratio
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'a', 'asub2'],
            {'value': 375000, 'visitors': 25000})  # 15 value per visitor
        # Important, low relative ratio
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'b'],
            {'value': 100000, 'visitors': 20000})  # 5 value per visitor
        # Not important, not enough visitors
        self.whale.count_now(pk, [t, 'c'],
            {'value': 5, 'visitors': 1})  # 5 value per visitor

        one_level = self.whale.rank_subdimensions_ratio('test_rank_ratio', 'value', 'visitors',
            t, recursive=False)

        all_levels = self.whale.rank_subdimensions_ratio(pk, 'value', 'visitors', t)
        self.assertEqual(True, maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub1']) not in one_level)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub1'])]['important'], False)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'a', 'asub2'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'b'])]['important'], True)
        self.assertEqual(all_levels[maybe_dumps([t, 'c'])]['important'], False)

    def testBasicDecision(self):
        pk = 'test_basic_decision'
        decision = str(time.time())
        # Make a decision, any decision, from no information whatsoever
        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, 'random', [1,2,3])
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
        any_one = self.whale.decide_from_reasons(good, bad, test)
        self.assertEqual(True, any_one in [1, 2, 3])

        # OK, now how about something somewhat informed?
        # This will be easy. Slogan A makes us huge profit. Products B and C suck.
        # D looks promissing but isn't yet significant
        opts = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'a'], None, dict(dollars=5000, visitors=1000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'b'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'c'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'd'], None, dict(dollars=50, visitors=10))

        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors')
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)

        self.assertEqual(True, 'a' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'b' in  bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'c' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'd' in test.keys())
        which_one = self.whale.decide(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors',
            bad_idea_threshold=0, test_idea_threshold=0)
        self.assertEqual(which_one, 'a')
    def testInformedDecision(self):
        pk = 'test_informed_decision'
        decision = str(time.time())

        # A is the clear winner, except when country=UK, in which case B wins
        opts = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'a'], None, dict(dollars=50000, visitors=10000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'b'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'b'], {'country': 'uk'}, dict(dollars=10000, visitors=2000))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'c'], None, dict(dollars=0, visitors=7500))
        self.whale.count_now([pk, decision, 'd'], None, dict(dollars=5, visitors=1))

        # Here's a visitor with no info -- 'A' should win by far.
        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors')
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
        self.assertEqual(True, 'a' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'b' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'c' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'd' in test.keys())

        # How about when we know the country is "UK"?
        good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors',
            known_data={'country': 'uk'})
        #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
        self.assertEqual(True, 'a' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'b' in good.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'c' in bad.keys())
        self.assertEqual(True, 'd' in test.keys())
        chosen = {'a': 0, 'b': 0}
        for k in range(100):
            choose = self.whale.decide(pk, decision, opts, formula='dollars/visitors',
                known_data={'country': 'uk'}, bad_idea_threshold=0, test_idea_threshold=0)
            chosen[choose] += 1
        self.assertEqual(True, chosen['b'] > 70,
            """A decision made 100 times between weights .15 vs .85 should have around 85 votes for 'b',
                we got %s, which is unlikely enough to fail a test, but not definitely
                indicative of a problem. If this test passes again on the next run, ignore the failure.""" % chosen)
    def testTrickyDecision(self):
        pk = 'test_tricky_decision'
        decision = str(time.time())
        opts = ['en', 'sp', 'pt']

        def count(geo, lang, dollars, visitors):
            self.whale.count_decided_now(pk, decision, lang, geo,
            {'dollars': dollars, 'visitors': visitors})

        def justify(geo):
            #print 'Picking reasons for ', geo
            good, bad, test = self.whale.weighted_reasons(pk, decision, opts,
                'dollars/visitors', geo)
            #print good.keys(), bad.keys(), test.keys()
            #_print_reasons(good, bad, test)
            return self.whale.decide(pk, decision, opts, 'dollars/visitors', geo,
                bad_idea_threshold=0, test_idea_threshold=0)
        k = 1000
        m = k * k
        # Sure, these results seem predictable to a human
        # But what will our philosopher whale friend make of it?
        count('us', 'en', 1.5 * m, 300 * k)  # $5/visitor, alright!
        count('us', 'sp', 1 * k, 10 * k)  # $.10/visitor, well that is not surprising
        count('us', 'pt', 300, 5 * k)  # $.06/visitor, :(

        count('mx', 'en', 100 * k, 100 * k)  # $1/visitor, this almost works
        count('mx', 'sp', 200 * k, 100 * k)  # $2/visitor aww yah!
        count('mx', 'pt', 200, 10 * k)  # $.02/visitor lol

        count('br', 'en', 300 * k, 100 * k)  # $3/visitor is good
        count('br', 'sp', 150 * k, 50 * k)   # $3/visitor as well
        count('br', 'pt', 500 * k, 50 * k)   # $10 JACKPOT

        self.assertEqual('en', justify('us'))
        self.assertEqual(True, justify('mx') in ['sp', 'en'])
        self.assertEqual('pt', justify('br'))

    def testWhaleCacheWrapper(self):
        t = str(time.time())
        count = lambda: self.whale.count_now('test_cached', t)
        cached_sum = lambda clear=False: sum(self.whale.cached_plotpoints('test_cached',
                t, period='fivemin', unmemoize=clear)[t]['hits'].values())

        # Set hits to 1
        self.assertEqual(cached_sum(), 1)

        # Should stay 1 for a while
        for i in range(3):
            self.assertEqual(cached_sum(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(cached_sum(clear=True), 4)