def test_update_post(self, client):
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Hello").save()
        request = superuser_request("/edit", method="POST",
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True, instance=root)
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.update)

        root = Node.root()
        assert root.content().title == "Test"
    def test_create_attach_post(self, client):
        """ post the form for attaching content """
        request = superuser_request("/create", method="POST",
                                      title="Test", language="en")
        root = Node.root()
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True,
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.create, type=Type1.get_name(), attach=True)

        root = Node.root()
        # pytest.set_trace()
        assert root.content().title == "Test"
    def test_update_post_unicode(self, client):
        """ update content with unicode with new unicode title """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title=u"Testing «ταБЬℓσ»: 1<2 & 4+1>3, now 20% off!").save()
        request = superuser_request("/edit", method="POST",
                                      title="TTesting «ταБЬℓσ»: 1<2 & 4+1>3, now 20% off!",
        root = Node.root()
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True, instance=root)
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.update)

        root = Node.root()
        assert root.content().title == u"TTesting «ταБЬℓσ»: 1<2 & 4+1>3, now 20% off!"
    def test_paste_cut_action(self, client):
        """ paste after cut moves content, must be in different node to have
            any effect """
        root = Node.root()
        target = root.add("target")

        t1 = Type1(node=root.add("t1"), title="t1").save()
        t2 = Type1(node=root.add("t2"), title="t2").save()

        request = superuser_request("/contents_actions_cutcopypaste",
                                    method="POST", action="paste",
        request.session['clipboard_cut'] = [t2.node.tree_path, t1.node.tree_path]

        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=target,

        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.handle_contents_actions_cutcopypaste)
        assert len(target.children()) == 2
        assert set(x.content().title for x in target.children()) == \
               set(('t1', 't2'))
        assert len(root.children()) == 1
        assert root.child('target')
Beispiel #5
    def handle(self, readfrom, update_lm=True, base="", owner="", **options):
        contentxml = os.path.join(readfrom, "content.xml")
        mediadir = os.path.join(readfrom, "media")

        if not os.access(settings.MEDIA_ROOT, os.W_OK):
            print "%s may not be writable. Continue (y/n)?" % settings.MEDIA_ROOT
            if raw_input().lower().strip() != "y":
                print "Exiting"

        data = open(contentxml).read()
        tree = ElementTree.fromstring(data)
        basenode = Node.get(base)
        if basenode is None:
            basenode = Node.root()
            for part in base.strip("/").split("/"):
                sub = basenode.child(part)
                if sub is None:
                    sub = basenode.add(part)
                basenode = sub

        Importer(basenode, update_lm=update_lm).run(tree)

        ## check writability
        if os.path.exists(mediadir):
            copy_tree(mediadir, settings.MEDIA_ROOT)
    def test_form_choices(self):
        """ the form should get its choices from the workflow """
        form = Type1Type.form(parent=Node.root())
        wfclass = core.workflow[Type1Type]

        assert form.workflow_choices() == wfclass.states
        assert form.workflow_default() == wfclass.default
 def test_coerce_parent(self, client):
     """ coerce a dict holding an parent path """
     root = Node.root()
     a = root.add("a")
     res = MainHandler.coerce(dict(parent="a"))
     assert 'parent' in res
     assert res['parent'] == a
     assert 'instance' not in res
 def test_attached_root(self, client):
     """ A root node with content attached. Its name should not be
         its title but 'Home' """
     root = Node.root()
     Type1(node=root, title="The rootnode of this site").save()
     request = create_request("GET", "/")
     handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
     assert handler.breadcrumb() == [("Home", '')]
 def test_create_get_root(self, client):
     """ test create on root - get """
     root = Node.root()
     request = superuser_request("/", type=Type1.get_name())
     handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
     create = handler.create()
     assert create['path'] == "wheelcms_axle/create.html"
     assert 'form' in create['context']
 def test_create_attach_get(self, client):
     """ get the form for attaching content """
     root = Node.root()
     request = superuser_request("/", type=Type1.get_name())
     handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
     create = handler.create(type=Type1.get_name(), attach=True)
     assert create['path'] == "wheelcms_axle/create.html"
     assert 'form' in create['context']
    def test_create_translation_content_post(self, client):
        """ test case where root has content but current language
            is not translated """
        root = Node.root()
        node = root.add("content")
        Type1(node=node, title="Hello", language="en").save()
        request = superuser_request("/edit", method="POST",
        request.session['admin_language'] = 'nl'

        root = Node.root()
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True, instance=node)
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.update)

        assert node.content(language='nl')
        assert node.content(language='en')
        assert node.content(language='nl') != node.content(language='en')
Beispiel #12
    def test_not_visible(self, client):
        """ content that's published but not in navigation """
        root = Node.root()
        testable = root.add("sub")
        child = testable.add("child")
        content = Type1(node=child, state="published")

        assert get_visible_children(testable).count() == 0
    def test_parent_instance(self, client):
        """ handler initialized with a parent but no instance. Should
            mean edit mode, but for now assume custom breadcrumb context """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Root").save()
        request = create_request("GET", "/")
        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, kw=dict(parent=root))

        assert handler.breadcrumb() == []
 def test_coerce_instance_parent(self, client):
     """ coerce a dict holding both instance and parent """
     root = Node.root()
     a = root.add("a")
     b = a.add("b")
     res = MainHandler.coerce(dict(instance="b", parent="a"))
     assert 'instance' in res
     assert 'parent' in res
     assert res['instance'] == b
     assert res['parent'] == a
Beispiel #15
    def test_published(self, client):
        """ content that's in navigation but not published """
        root = Node.root()
        testable = root.add("sub")
        child = testable.add("child")
        content = Type1(node=child, navigation=True, state="published")

        assert get_visible_children(testable).count() == 1
        assert get_visible_children(testable).get() == content.node
 def test_update_root(self, client):
     """ test /edit """
     root = Node.root()
     request = superuser_request("/edit", method="POST", type=Type1.get_name())
     instance = MainHandlerTestable.coerce(dict(instance=""))
     handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=instance)
     update = handler.update()
     assert update['path'] == "wheelcms_axle/update.html"
     assert 'form' in update['context']
    def test_create_translation_root_get(self, client):
        """ test case where root has content but current language
            is not translated """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Hello", language="en").save()
        request = superuser_request("/edit", method="GET",
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=False, instance=root)

        assert 'slug' not in handler.context['form'].fields
    def test_attached_form(self, client):
        """ The form when attaching should not contain a slug field since it
            will be attached to an existing node """
        root = Node.root()
        request = superuser_request("/")
        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
        create = handler.create(type=Type1.get_name(), attach=True)

        form = create['context']['form']
        assert 'slug' not in form.fields
    def test_create_post(self, client):
        request = superuser_request("/create", method="POST",
        root = Node.root()
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True,
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.create, type=Type1.get_name())

        node = Node.get("/test")
        assert node.content().title == "Test"
 def setup_handler(self, user=None, method="GET", with_instance=False,
     """ setup the mainhandler """
     ins = None
     if with_instance:
         cont = Type1(node=Node.root(), state=state).save()
         ins =  cont.node
     request = create_request(method, "/")
     if self.provide_user():
         request.user = self.provide_user()
     handler = MainHandler(request=request, instance=ins)
     return handler
    def test_change_slug_available(self, client):
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root.add("inuse"), title="InUse").save()
        other = Type1(node=root.add("other"), title="Other").save()
        request = superuser_request("/other/update", method="POST",
                                    title="Other", slug="inuse2",

        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, post=True, instance=other.node)
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.update)

        form = handler.context['form']
        assert form.is_valid()
    def test_subsub_unattached(self, client):
        """ a child with content under the root, lowest child unattached """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Root").save()
        child = root.add("child")
        Type1(node=child, title="Child").save()
        child2 = child.add("child2")
        request = create_request("GET", "/")

        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=child2)
        assert handler.breadcrumb() == [("Home", root.get_absolute_url()),
                                        ("Child", child.get_absolute_url()),
                                        ("Unattached node /child/child2", "")]
    def test_create_post_unicode(self, client):
        """ issue #693 - unicode enoding issue """
        request = superuser_request("/create", method="POST",
                           title=u"Testing «ταБЬℓσ»: 1<2 & 4+1>3, now 20% off!",
        root = Node.root()
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True,
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.create, type=Type1.get_name())

        node = Node.get("/test")
        assert node.content().title == u"Testing «ταБЬℓσ»: 1<2 & 4+1>3, now 20% off!"
    def test_create_get(self, client):
        """ create should override and add Create operation crumb """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Root").save()
        child = root.add("child")
        Type1(node=child, title="Child").save()
        request = superuser_request("/child/create")

        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=child)
        context = handler.create(type=Type1.get_name())['context']
        assert 'breadcrumb' in context
        assert context['breadcrumb'] == [('Home', root.get_absolute_url()),
                                         ('Child', child.get_absolute_url()),
                                         ('Create "%s"' % Type1Type.title, '')]
    def test_create_translation(self, client):
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, language="en").save()
        request = superuser_request("/edit", method="POST", type=Type1.get_name())
        request.session = {'admin_language':'nl'}

        instance = MainHandlerTestable.coerce(dict(instance=""))
        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=instance)
        update = handler.update()
        assert update['path'] == "wheelcms_axle/update.html"
        assert 'form' in update['context']
        f = update['context']['form']

        assert f.initial['language'] == 'nl'
    def test_create_image(self, client):
        request = superuser_request("/create", method="POST",
        root = Node.root()
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True,
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.create, type=TestImage.get_name())

        node = Node.get("/test")
        assert node.content() ==
    def test_sub(self, client):
        """ a child with content under the root """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Root").save()
        child = root.add("child")
        Type1(node=child, title="Child").save()
        request = create_request("GET", "/")

        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=child)
        assert handler.breadcrumb() == [("Home", root.get_absolute_url()),
                                        ("Child", "")]

        ## root should ignore child
        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=root)
        assert handler.breadcrumb() == [("Home", '')]
    def test_subsub_operation(self, client):
        """ a child with content under the root """
        root = Node.root()
        Type1(node=root, title="Root").save()
        child = root.add("child")
        Type1(node=child, title="Child").save()
        child2 = child.add("child2")
        Type1(node=child2, title="Child2").save()
        request = create_request("GET", "/")

        handler = MainHandlerTestable(request=request, instance=child2)
        assert handler.breadcrumb(operation="Edit") == [
            ("Home", root.get_absolute_url()),
            ("Child", child.get_absolute_url()),
            ("Child2", child2.get_absolute_url()), ("Edit", "")]
    def setup_handler(self, user=None, method="GET", with_instance=False,
        """ setup the mainhandler """
        root = Node.root()
        if with_instance:
            cont = Type1Type.create(node=root, state=state).save()
        request = create_request(method, "/", data={'type':Type1.get_name()})
        if self.provide_user():
            request.user = self.provide_user()
        handler = MainHandler()
        handler.instance = root

        return handler
    def test_update_image(self, client):
        root = Node.root()
        node = root.add("test")
        TestImage(node=node, title="image", storage=filedata).save()
        request = superuser_request("/test/edit", method="POST",
        handler = MainHandler(request=request, post=True, instance=node)
        pytest.raises(Redirect, handler.update)

        node = Node.get("/test")
        assert node.content() ==