Beispiel #1
 def set_browser(self):
     set the browser settings
     profile = webdriver.FirefoxProfile()
         if not self.tor:
                 "setting the browser..."
             profile.set_preference("general.useragent.override", self.agent)
             browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile, proxy=self.__set_proxy())
         elif self.xforward:
             profile = self.__set_x_forward(profile)
             browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile, proxy=self.__set_proxy())
                 "setting the Tor browser emulation..."
             profile = self.__tor_browser_emulation(profile)
             browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile)
     except (OSError, WebDriverException):
         if not self.tor:
             profile.set_preference("general.useragent.override", self.agent)
             browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile, proxy=self.__set_proxy(),
         elif self.xforward:
             profile = self.__set_x_forward(profile)
             browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile, proxy=self.__set_proxy())
             profile = self.__tor_browser_emulation(profile)
             browser = webdriver.Firefox(profile, executable_path=whichcraft.which("geckodriver"))
     return browser
Beispiel #2
def autoconf_run(working_dir):
    """Run autoconf binaries corresponding to the platform.

        working_dir (Path): Directory to be set as the current working directory
    if platform.system() == "Darwin":
        # Total hack to support new and old Homebrew configs, we can probably just call autoconf213
        if which("brew"):
            autoconf213_mac_bin = "/usr/local/Cellar/autoconf213/2.13/bin/autoconf213"
            autoconf213_mac_bin = which("autoconf213")
        if not Path(autoconf213_mac_bin).is_file():
            autoconf213_mac_bin = "autoconf213"[autoconf213_mac_bin], check=True, cwd=str(working_dir))
    elif platform.system() == "Linux":
        if which("autoconf2.13"):
  ["autoconf2.13"], check=True, cwd=str(working_dir))
        elif which("autoconf-2.13"):
  ["autoconf-2.13"], check=True, cwd=str(working_dir))
        elif which("autoconf213"):
  ["autoconf213"], check=True, cwd=str(working_dir))
    elif platform.system() == "Windows":
        # Windows needs to call sh to be able to find autoconf.["sh", "autoconf-2.13"],
Beispiel #3
def get_java_path():
    global jpath
    if whichcraft.which('java'):
        jpath = whichcraft.which('java')
        raise Exception('Java 环境配置异常 请检查电脑Java环境配置')
    return jpath
Beispiel #4
	def _graphical_sudo(self):
		from whichcraft import which
		if which('pkexec'):
			return ['pkexec']
		elif which('gksudo'):
			return ['gksudo', '--']
		return ['sudo', '--']
Beispiel #5
def forward_ports(remote_host, local_host, local_listen_ports,
  """Forwards ports such that multiplayer works between machines.

    remote_host: Where to ssh to.
    local_host: "" or "::1".
    local_listen_ports: Which ports to listen on locally to forward remotely.
    remote_listen_ports: Which ports to listen on remotely to forward locally.

    The ssh process.

    ValueError: if it can't find ssh.
  if ":" in local_host and not local_host.startswith("["):
    local_host = "[%s]" % local_host

  ssh = whichcraft.which("ssh") or whichcraft.which("plink")
  if not ssh:
    raise ValueError("Couldn't find an ssh client.")

  args = [ssh, remote_host]
  for local_port in local_listen_ports:
    args += ["-L", "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (local_host, local_port,
                                    local_host, local_port)]
  for remote_port in remote_listen_ports:
    args += ["-R", "%s:%s:%s:%s" % (local_host, remote_port,
                                    local_host, remote_port)]"SSH port forwarding: %s", " ".join(args))
  return subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
                          stdin=subprocess.PIPE, close_fds=( == "posix"))
def then_update_repository_with_packages(ctx, repository):

       Feature: Working with repositories

         Given I update http repository base with packages
            | Package | Tag | Value |
            | foo     |     |       |

         Given I update http repository "updates" with packages
            | Package | Tag     | Value |
            | foo     | Version |  2.1  |
            | foo v3  | Version |  3.1  |

    packages = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_REPO,
                                           PKG_TAGS, PKG_TAGS_REPEATING)

    rpmbuild = which("rpmbuild")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(rpmbuild, "rpmbuild is required")
    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    tmpdir = repodir
    srpm_tmpdir = '{}-source'.format(tmpdir.rstrip('/'))
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(PKG_TMPL)
    for name, settings in packages.items():
        name = name.split()[0]  # cut-off the pkg name _suffix_ to allow defining multiple package versions
        disttag = ""
        if '/' in name:  # using the module/pkgname notation, module would be placed to a disttag
            (module, name) = name.split('/', 1)
            disttag = ".{}".format(module)
        # before processing the template
        #   lower all characters
        #   replace '%' in Tag name with '_'
        #   replace '(' in Tag name with '_'
        #   delete all ')' in Tag
        settings = {k.lower().replace('%', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', ''): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        ctx.text = template.render(name=name, disttag=disttag, **settings)
        fname = "{!s}/{!s}.spec".format(tmpdir, name)
        step_a_file_filepath_with(ctx, fname)
        buildname = '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm'
        if 'arch' not in settings or settings['arch'] == 'noarch':
            cmd = "{!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' \
                   --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' -ba {!s}" \
                   .format(rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, fname)
            cmd = "setarch {!s} {!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' \
                   --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' --target {!s} -ba {!s}" \
                   .format(settings['arch'], rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, settings['arch'], fname)
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} --update {!s}".format(createrepo, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership
def find_path():
    if sys.platform in ['win32', 'win64']:
        # It doesn't work well passing the .bat file to Popen, so we get the actual .exe
        bat_path = wch.which('electron')
        return os.path.join(bat_path, r'..\node_modules\electron\dist\electron.exe')
    elif sys.platform in ['darwin', 'linux']:
        # This should work find...
        return wch.which('electron')
        return None
Beispiel #8
def find_path():
    if sys.platform in ["win32", "win64"]:
        # It doesn't work well passing the .bat file to Popen, so we get the actual .exe
        bat_path = wch.which("electron")
        return os.path.join(bat_path,
    elif sys.platform in ["darwin", "linux"]:
        # This should work find...
        return wch.which("electron")
        return None
Beispiel #9
 def _find_path(self):
     if sys.platform in ['win32', 'win64']:
         # It doesn't work well passing the .bat file to Popen, so we get the actual .exe
         bat_path = whichcraft.which('electron')
         if bat_path is None:
             return None
         return os.path.join(bat_path,
     elif sys.platform in ['darwin', 'linux']:
         return whichcraft.which('electron')
         return None
Beispiel #10
    def get_context_data(self, **kwargs):

        context = super(SetupView, self).get_context_data(**kwargs)

        if which('python') != '':
            context['python'] = which('python')
            context['nopython'] = None

        if which('ansible') != '':
            context['ansible'] = which('ansible')
            context['noansible'] = None

        if which('pip') != '':
            context['pip'] = which('pip')
            context['nopip'] = None

        if which('sshpass') != '':
            context['sshpass'] = which('sshpass')
            context['nosshpass'] = None

        name = "var.yaml"
        curDir = "{0}/".format(settings.BASE_DIR.rstrip("/"))
        path = curDir + name
        if os.path.exists(path):
            with open(path ,'r') as f:
                file = yaml.load(f)
                context['file'] = file
        return context
Beispiel #11
def get_binary(name):
    binaries_dir = os.path.realpath(
        os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', 'bin'))

    exe = None
    installed_exe = which(name)

    if installed_exe and os.path.isfile(installed_exe):
        return installed_exe
        if name == 'ffprobe':
            dir_name = 'ffmpeg'
            dir_name = name

        if platform.system() == "Windows":  # Windows
            exe = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(binaries_dir, "Windows", "i386", dir_name,
                             "%s.exe" % name))
        elif platform.system() == "Darwin":  # MacOSX
            exe = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(binaries_dir, "MacOSX", "i386", dir_name, name))
        elif platform.system() == "Linux":  # Linux
            exe = os.path.abspath(
                os.path.join(binaries_dir, "Linux", platform.machine(),
                             dir_name, name))

    if exe and os.path.isfile(exe):
        return exe
        raise BinaryNotFound
def find_tools(to_search=("sqlmap", "nmap"),
    global stop_animation

    full_path = "{}/{}".format(directory.format(os.getcwd()), filename)
    cfgfile = open(full_path, "a+")
    parser = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
    path_schema = {}
    for item in to_search:
        path_obj = whichcraft.which(item)
        if path_obj is not None:
            path_schema[item] = path_obj
            path_schema[item] = None
    for key, value in path_schema.iteritems():
        if value is None:
            stop_animation = True
            provided_path = lib.core.common.prompt(
                "what is the full path to {} on your system".format(key))
            path_schema[key] = provided_path
    for program, path in path_schema.iteritems():
        parser.set(program, "path", path)
Beispiel #13
def is_vcs_installed(repo_type):
    Check if the version control system for a repo type is installed.

    :param repo_type:
    return bool(which(repo_type))
Beispiel #14
def is_vcs_installed(repo_type):
    Check if the version control system for a repo type is installed.

    :param repo_type:
    return bool(which(repo_type))
Beispiel #15
 def __enter__(self):
     # TODO: Use shutil directly when Python 2.7 is removed
     from whichcraft import which
               lambda cmd: dict(git=self.executable).get(cmd, which(cmd))))
     return super(Git, self).__enter__()
def step_a_file_with_type_added_into_repository(ctx, filepath, mdtype, repository):

    Given repository "base" with packages
        | Package | Tag     | Value |
        | TestA   | Version | 1     |
    And a file "metadata.ini" with type "newmd" added into repository "base"
        TestA = 1
    # verify that modifyrepo_c is present
    modifyrepo = which("modifyrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(modifyrepo, "modifyrepo_c is required")

    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)

    if not os.path.isfile(filepath):
        ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(ctx.text, "Multiline text is not provided")
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        filepath = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(filepath))
        with open(filepath, 'w') as fw:

    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{} --mdtype={} {} {}".format(modifyrepo, mdtype, filepath, os.path.join(repodir, "repodata"))
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership
Beispiel #17
def vlc_check():
    vlc_location = which('vlc')
    if vlc_location == None:
        raise(Exception("CRITICAL: VLC not found. Please install it and try again."))
        print("VLC found at {0} - OK!".format(vlc_location))
Beispiel #18
    def __init__(self, meka_classifier=None, weka_classifier=None, java_command=None, meka_classpath=None):
        super(Meka, self).__init__()

        self.java_command = java_command
        if self.java_command is None:
            # TODO: this will not be needed once we're python 3 ready - we will
            # use it only in python 2.7 cases
            from whichcraft import which
            self.java_command = which("java")

            if self.java_command is None:
                raise ValueError("Java not found")

        self.meka_classpath = meka_classpath
        if self.meka_classpath is None:
            self.meka_classpath = os.environ.get('MEKA_CLASSPATH')

            if self.meka_classpath is None:
                raise ValueError("No meka classpath defined")

        self.meka_classifier = meka_classifier
        self.verbosity = 5
        self.weka_classifier = weka_classifier
        self.output = None
        self.warnings = None
        self.require_dense = [False, False]
        self.copyable_attrs = ['meka_classifier',
                               'weka_classifier', 'java_command', 'meka_classpath']
Beispiel #19
 def executable(cls, program):
     # TODO: Use shutil directly when Python 2.7 is removed
     from whichcraft import which
     path = which(program)
     if path is None:
         raise OSError("Cannot find '{}' program".format(program))
     return os.path.realpath(path)
Beispiel #20
def tox_configure(config):
    for py in config.envlist:
        interpreter = py[py.index('py'): py.index('py') + 4]

        if not which('python%s.%s' % tuple(interpreter[2:])):
            # install interpreter
Beispiel #21
def is_tool(name):
    Check whether an executable exists on PATH.
    @param name Name of the executable
    @return True if executable exists, False otherwise
    from whichcraft import which
    return which(name) is not None
Beispiel #22
def check_for_command(command):
    Check for command.

    :param command: Command (str)
    :rtype: True/False
    return which(command) is not None
Beispiel #23
def find_path():
    if sys.platform in ['win32', 'win64']:
        return r'..\node_modules\electron\dist\electron.exe'
    elif sys.platform in ['darwin', 'linux']:
        # This should work find...
        return wch.which('electron')
        return None
Beispiel #24
 def path(self):
     """Find the path of the bgpq3 executable."""
     self.log.debug(msg="determining bgpq3 executable path")
         return self.opts["bgpq3_path"]
     except KeyError:
         self.log.debug(msg="no configured path, using system default")
         return which("bgpq3")
Beispiel #25
    def __init__(self, executable=None):
        if not executable:
            executable = which('komondor_main')
        self.executable = executable

        if not (self.executable and os.path.isfile(self.executable)):
            raise ValueError(
                "Komondor executable {} not found.".format(executable))
Beispiel #26
	def test_ocaml_version_has_list_targets(self):
		exe = GUP_EXES[0]
		if not os.path.isabs(exe):
			from whichcraft import which
			exe = which(exe)
		is_ocaml = os.path.join("ocaml", "bin") in exe
		if not is_ocaml:
			assert os.path.join("python", "bin") in exe or os.path.join("test","bin") in exe, ("unknown exe: %s" % exe)
		self.assertEqual(has_feature("list-targets"), is_ocaml)
Beispiel #27
def which(executable):
    Find `executable` in ``node_modules/.bin/`` of current Python environment.

    :return: Absolute ``path.Path`` instance or ``None``
    path = whichcraft.which(executable, path=NODE_MODULES_DIR / '.bin')
    if path is not None:
        return Path(path)
Beispiel #28
def print_machine_info():
    """Log information about the machine."""
    print("Platform details: %s" % " ".join(platform.uname()))

    print("hg info: %s" %
        ["hg", "-q", "version"], check=True,
    if which("gdb"):
        gdb_version =["gdb", "--version"],
                                         "utf-8", errors="replace")
        print("gdb info: %s" % gdb_version.split("\n")[0])
    if which("git"):
        print("git info: %s" %
            ["git", "version"], check=True,
    print("Python version: %s" % sys.version.split()[0])

    print("Number of cores visible to OS: %d" % multiprocessing.cpu_count())
    if sys.version_info.major == 2:
        rootdir_free_space = psutil.disk_usage("/").free / (1024**3)
        rootdir_free_space = shutil.disk_usage("/").free / (1024**3)  # pylint: disable=no-member
    print("Free space (GB): %.2f" % rootdir_free_space)

    hgrc_path = Path("~/.hg/hgrc").expanduser()
    if hgrc_path.is_file():
        print("The hgrc of this repository is:")
        with, "r", encoding="utf-8",
                     errors="replace") as f:
            hgrc_contents = f.readlines()
        for line in hgrc_contents:

        # resource library is only applicable to Linux or Mac platforms.
        import resource  # pylint: disable=import-error
        # pylint: disable=no-member
        print("Corefile size (soft limit, hard limit) is: %r" %
              (resource.getrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_CORE), ))
    except ImportError:
        print("Not checking corefile size as resource module is unavailable")
Beispiel #29
def get_binary(name):
    installed_exe = which(name)

    if installed_exe and os.path.isfile(installed_exe):
        logging.debug('BAZARR returning this binary: {}'.format(installed_exe))
        return installed_exe
        logging.debug('BAZARR binary not found in path, searching for it...')
        binaries_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'bin'))
        system = platform.system()
        machine = platform.machine()
        dir_name = name

        # deals with exceptions
        if platform.system() == "Windows":  # Windows
            machine = "i386"
            name = "%s.exe" % name
        elif platform.system() == "Darwin":  # MacOSX
            system = 'MacOSX'
        if name in ['ffprobe', 'ffprobe.exe']:
            dir_name = 'ffmpeg'

        exe_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(binaries_dir, system, machine, dir_name))
        exe = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(exe_dir, name))

        binaries_json = get_binaries_from_json()
        binary = next((item for item in binaries_json if item['system'] == system and item['machine'] == machine and
                       item['directory'] == dir_name and item['name'] == name), None)
        if not binary:
            logging.debug('BAZARR binary not found in binaries.json')
            raise BinaryNotFound
            logging.debug('BAZARR found this in binaries.json: {}'.format(binary))

        if os.path.isfile(exe) and md5(exe) == binary['checksum']:
            logging.debug('BAZARR returning this existing and up-to-date binary: {}'.format(exe))
            return exe
                logging.debug('BAZARR creating directory tree for {}'.format(exe_dir))
                os.makedirs(exe_dir, exist_ok=True)
                logging.debug('BAZARR downloading {0} from {1}'.format(name, binary['url']))
                r = requests.get(binary['url'])
                logging.debug('BAZARR saving {0} to {1}'.format(name, exe_dir))
                with open(exe, 'wb') as f:
                if system != 'Windows':
                    logging.debug('BAZARR adding execute permission on {}'.format(exe))
                    st = os.stat(exe)
                    os.chmod(exe, st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC)
            except Exception:
                logging.exception('BAZARR unable to download {0} to {1}'.format(name, exe_dir))
                raise BinaryNotFound
                logging.debug('BAZARR returning this new binary: {}'.format(exe))
                return exe
Beispiel #30
 def test_ocaml_version_has_list_targets(self):
     exe = GUP_EXES[0]
     if not os.path.isabs(exe):
         from whichcraft import which
         exe = which(exe)
     is_ocaml = os.path.join("ocaml", "bin") in exe
     if not is_ocaml:
         assert os.path.join("python", "bin") in exe or os.path.join(
             "test", "bin") in exe, ("unknown exe: %s" % exe)
     self.assertEqual(has_feature("list-targets"), is_ocaml)
Beispiel #31
def prereqs():
    programs = ["python", "samtools", "STAR"]
    ready = True

    for i in range(0, len(programs)):
        if which(programs[i]) is None:
            print(programs[i] + " not installed. Please install " +
            ready = False
    return ready
Beispiel #32
def find_application(to_find,
    find an application on the users system if it is not in their PATH or not path is given
    retval = set()
    if whichcraft.which(to_find) is None:
                "{} not in your PATH, what kind of hacker are you?! "
                "defaulting to root search, this can take awhile...".format(

        if verbose:
                    "starting {} processes to search for '{}' starting at '{}'..."
                        proc_num, to_find, default_search_path
                        if given_search_path is None else given_search_path),
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(proc_num)
        walker = os.walk(default_search_path)
        file_data_gen = itertools.chain.from_iterable(
            (os.path.join(root, f) for f in files)
            for root, sub, files in walker)
        results =, file_data_gen)
        for data in results:
            if data is not None:
        if len(retval) == 0:
            raise lib.errors.ApplicationNotFound(
                "unable to find '{}' on your system, install it first...".
            return list(retval)
        return whichcraft.which(to_find)
Beispiel #33
def build(squirrel_version, delta=True):'Build MicroDrop launcher executable')

    cwd = os.getcwd()
        os.chdir(cwd)'Download `nuget v3.5.0` (to work around NuGet/Home#7188 and '
    urlretrieve('', 'nuget.exe')'Create NuGet package.')
    # Strip version suffix (e.g., `rc1`, `a1`, etc.) since `nuget` does not
    # support them.
    sp.check_call(['./nuget.exe', 'pack', './Package.nuspec', '-Version',
                   squirrel_version])'Generate Squirrel release.')

    squirrel_com = whichcraft.which('')
    if squirrel_com is None:
        # was not found on system path.  Try to find version from
        # Conda package.
        squirrel_com = whichcraft.which('',
                                        path=r'%s\Library\usr\bin\squirrel;' %
        if squirrel_com is None:
            # Conda packaged was not found.
            print('`` was not found.', file=sys.stderr)

    command = [squirrel_com, '--no-msi', '-i', 'launcher/microdrop.ico', '-g',
               'microdrop-installation-splash.gif', '--releasify',
               'MicroDrop.%s.nupkg' % squirrel_version]
    if not delta:
        command.insert(1, '--no-delta')'calling: `%s`', sp.list2cmdline(command))
Beispiel #34
def check_xvfb(exc="Xvfb"):
    test for xvfb on the users system
    if whichcraft.which(exc) is None:
            "installing Xvfb, required by pyvirutaldisplay..."
        ))["sudo", "apt-get", "install", "xvfb"])
        return True
Beispiel #35
def find_chrome_linux():
    import shutil as shu
    chrome_names = [
        'chromium-browser', 'chromium', 'google-chrome', 'google-chrome-stable'

    for name in chrome_names:
        chrome = which(name)
        if chrome is not None:
            return chrome
    return None
Beispiel #36
def find_chrome_linux():
    import whichcraft as wch
    chrome_names = [
        'chromium-browser', 'chromium', 'google-chrome', 'google-chrome-stable'

    for name in chrome_names:
        chrome = wch.which(name)
        if chrome is not None:
            return chrome
    return None
Beispiel #37
 def run(self):
     if which('mongod'):
         cwd = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..')
         dbpath = os.path.join('/', 'data', 'db')
         if not os.path.exists(dbpath):
             dbpath = os.path.join(cwd, 'db')
         logpath = os.path.join(dbpath, 'mongodb-mpcontribs.log')
         call(['mongod', '--dbpath', dbpath, '--logpath', logpath, '--logappend'])
         print('mongod started.')
         print('install MongoDB to use local DB instance.')
Beispiel #38
def find_chrome_linux():
    import whichcraft as wch
    chrome_names = ['chromium-browser',

    for name in chrome_names:
        chrome = wch.which(name)
        if chrome is not None:
            return chrome
    return None
Beispiel #39
def default_evaluator():
    Find and instantiate best available evaluator.
    from .barvinok import BarvinokEvaluator
    from .latte import LatteEvaluator

    # first try environment variables
    if 'BARVIKRON_BARVINOK' in os.environ:
        return BarvinokEvaluator(os.environ['BARVIKRON_BARVINOK'])
    if 'BARVIKRON_LATTE' in os.environ:
        return LatteEvaluator(os.environ['BARVIKRON_LATTE'])

    # then try to find executables
    path = whichcraft.which('barvinok_count')
    if path:
        return BarvinokEvaluator(path)

    path = whichcraft.which('count')
    if path:
        return LatteEvaluator(path)

    raise NoEvaluatorFound()
def check_r():
    if len(sys.argv) == 3:
        r_path = sys.argv[2]
    elif sys.platform == 'win32':
        r_path = r'C:\R\R-2.15.1\bin\x64\Rcmd.exe'
    elif sys.platform in ('linux', 'darwin'):
        r_path = which('RScript')  # might return None
        raise Exception("platform %r not supported (yet)" % sys.platform)

    if r_path is None or not os.path.exists(r_path):
        print "could not find R interpreter at %r" % r_path
    return r_path
def step_gpg_key_signed_by(ctx, signed_key, signing_key):
    Signs one GPG with another GPG key producing a detached signature file.


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: GPG key signing

         Scenario: Sign one GPG with another
           Given GPG key "James Bond"
             And GPG key "M"
             And GPG key "James Bond" signed by "M"
    signed_key_path = GPGKEY_FILEPATH_TMPL.format(signed_key, "pubkey")
    gpgbin = which("gpg2")
    cmd = "{!s} --detach-sig --armor --default-key '{!s}' '{!s}'".format(gpgbin, signing_key, signed_key_path)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
def step_gpg_key_imported_in_rpm_database(ctx, name_real):
    Imports the public key for the previously generated GPG key into the rpm database.


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Package signatures

         Scenario: Setup repository with signed packages
           Given GPG key "James Bond"
             And GPG key "James Bond" imported in rpm database
             And repository "TestRepo" with packages signed by "James Bond"
               | Package | Tag | Value |
               | TestA   |     |       |

    pubkey = GPGKEY_FILEPATH_TMPL.format(name_real, 'pubkey')
    rpm = which("rpm")
    cmd = "{!s} --import '{!s}'".format(rpm, pubkey)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
def given_repository_metadata_signed_by(ctx, repository, gpgkey):
    Signs repodata.xml for a given repository using the given GPG key and
    updates the repo file with gpgkey URL.
    Should be used after the repo is created or updated.

    .. note::

        The default dnf settings is *repo_gpgcheck = False*.


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Repodata signatures

         Scenario: Setup repository with signed metadata
           Given GPG key "JamesBond"
             And GPG key "JamesBond" imported in rpm database
             And repository "TestRepo" with packages signed by "JamesBond"
               | Package | Tag | Value |
               | TestA   |     |       |
             And repository "TestRepo" metadata signed by "JamesBond"
             And a repo file of repository "TestRepo" modified with
               | Key           | Value |
               | repo_gpgcheck | True  |
    # sign the repomd.xml file
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    gpg = which("gpg2")
    cmd = "{!s} --detach-sig --armor --default-key '{!s}' {!s}/repodata/repomd.xml".format(gpg, gpgkey, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    # update the repo file with path to the gpg key
    pubkey = GPGKEY_FILEPATH_TMPL.format(gpgkey, "pubkey")
    keyurl = "file://{!s}".format(pubkey)
    repofile = REPO_TMPL.format(repository)
    conf = file_utils.read_ini_file(repofile)
    conf.set(repository, "gpgkey", keyurl)
    file_utils.create_file_with_contents(repofile, conf)
Beispiel #44
def given_repository_with_packages(ctx, repository):
    Builds dummy noarch packages, creates repo and *.repo* file.

    .. note::

       Requires *rpmbuild* and *createrepo_c*.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ========= ===== =======
     Package   Tag   Value
    ========= ===== =======

    *Tag* is tag in RPM. Supported ones are:

    ============= ===============
         Tag       Default value 
    ============= ===============
    Summary       Empty          
    Version       1              
    Release       1              
    License       Public Domain  
    BuildRequires []             
    Requires      []             
    Obsoletes     []             
    Provides      []             
    Conflicts     []             
    ============= ===============

    All packages are built during step execution.

    .. note::

        *BuildRequires* are ignored for build-time (*rpmbuild* is executed
        with ``--nodeps`` option).


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Working with repositories

         Background: Repository base with dummy package
               Given repository base with packages
                  | Package | Tag | Value |
                  | foo     |     |       |

         Scenario: Installing dummy package from background
              When I enable repository base
              Then I successfully run "dnf -y install foo"
    packages = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_REPO,
                                           PKG_TAGS, PKG_TAGS_REPEATING)

    rpmbuild = which("rpmbuild")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(rpmbuild, "rpmbuild is required")
    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(PKG_TMPL)
    for name, settings in packages.items():
        settings = {k.lower(): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        ctx.text = template.render(name=name, **settings)
        fname = "{!s}/{!s}.spec".format(tmpdir, name)
        step_a_file_filepath_with(ctx, fname)
        cmd = "{!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' -bb {!s}".format(
            rpmbuild, tmpdir, fname)
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    cmd = "{!s} {!s}".format(createrepo, tmpdir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    repofile = REPO_TMPL.format(repository)
    ctx.table = Table(HEADINGS_INI)
    ctx.table.add_row([repository, "name",     repository])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",         "enabled",  "False"])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",         "gpgcheck", "False"])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",         "baseurl",  "file://{!s}".format(tmpdir)])
    step_an_ini_file_filepath_with(ctx, repofile)
Beispiel #45
def given_repository_with_packages(ctx, rtype, repository, gpgkey=None):
    Builds dummy packages, creates repo and *.repo* file.
    Supported repo types are http, https, ftp or local (default).
    Supported architectures are x86_64, i686 and noarch (default).

    .. note::

       *https* repositories are configured to use certificates at
       following locations:

    .. note::

       Requires *rpmbuild* and *createrepo_c*.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ========= ===== =======
     Package   Tag   Value
    ========= ===== =======

    *Tag* is tag in RPM. Supported ones are:

    ============= ===============
         Tag       Default value 
    ============= ===============
    Summary       Empty          
    Version       1              
    Release       1              
    Arch          x86_64         
    License       Public Domain  
    BuildRequires []             
    Requires      []             
    Obsoletes     []             
    Provides      []             
    Conflicts     []             
    ============= ===============

    All packages are built during step execution.

    .. note::

        *BuildRequires* are ignored for build-time (*rpmbuild* is executed
        with ``--nodeps`` option).


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Working with repositories

         Background: Repository base with dummy package
               Given http repository base with packages
                  | Package | Tag | Value |
                  | foo     |     |       |

         Scenario: Installing dummy package from background
              When I enable repository base
              Then I successfully run "dnf -y install foo"
    packages = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_REPO,
                                           PKG_TAGS, PKG_TAGS_REPEATING)

    rpmbuild = which("rpmbuild")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(rpmbuild, "rpmbuild is required")
    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    if rtype == 'http' or rtype == 'https':
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/var/www/html')
        repopath = os.path.join('localhost', os.path.basename(tmpdir))
    elif rtype == 'ftp':
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/var/ftp/pub')
        repopath = os.path.join('localhost/pub', os.path.basename(tmpdir))
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        repopath = tmpdir
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(PKG_TMPL)
    for name, settings in packages.items():
        settings = {k.lower(): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        ctx.text = template.render(name=name, **settings)
        fname = "{!s}/{!s}.spec".format(tmpdir, name)
        step_a_file_filepath_with(ctx, fname)
        buildname = '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm'
        if 'arch' not in settings or settings['arch'] == 'noarch':
            cmd = "{!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' -bb {!s}".format(
                rpmbuild, tmpdir, buildname, fname)
            cmd = "setarch {!s} {!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' --target {!s} -bb {!s}".format(
                settings['arch'], rpmbuild, tmpdir, buildname, settings['arch'], fname)
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    if gpgkey:
        # sign all rpms built
        rpmsign = which("rpmsign")
        rpms = glob.glob("{!s}/*.rpm".format(tmpdir))
        cmd = "{!s} --addsign --key-id '{!s}' {!s}".format(rpmsign, gpgkey, ' '.join(rpms))
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    cmd = "{!s} {!s}".format(createrepo, tmpdir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    # set proper directory content ownership
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, tmpdir)

    repofile = REPO_TMPL.format(repository)
    ctx.table = Table(HEADINGS_INI)
    ctx.table.add_row([repository, "name",     repository])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",         "enabled",  "False"])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",         "baseurl",  "{!s}://{!s}".format(rtype, repopath)])
    if gpgkey:
        ctx.table.add_row(["", "gpgcheck", "True"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["", "gpgcheck", "False"])
    if rtype == 'https':
        ctx.table.add_row(["", "sslcacert",     "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/ca/cert.pem"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["", "sslclientkey",  "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/client/key.pem"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["", "sslclientcert", "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/client/cert.pem"])
    step_an_ini_file_filepath_with(ctx, repofile)
Beispiel #46
def check_stow():
    if which('stow') is None:
        raise click.ClickException("GNU Stow is not installed")
def given_repository_with_packages(ctx, enabled, rtype, repository, gpgkey=None):
    Builds dummy packages, creates repo and *.repo* file.
    Supported repo types are http, https, ftp or local (default).
    Supported architectures are x86_64, i686 and noarch (default).

    .. note::

       Along with the repository also *-source repository with
       src.rpm packages is built. The repository is disabled.

    .. note::

       *https* repositories are configured to use certificates at
       following locations:

    .. note::

       Requires *rpmbuild* and *createrepo_c*.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ========= ===== =======
     Package   Tag   Value
    ========= ===== =======

    *Tag* is tag in RPM. Supported ones are:

    ================== ===============
         Tag            Default value 
    ================== ===============
    Summary            Empty          
    Version            1              
    Release            1              
    Arch               x86_64         
    License            Public Domain  
    BuildRequires      []             
    Requires           []             
    Recommends         []             
    Suggests           []             
    Supplements        []             
    Enhances           []             
    Requires(pretrans) []             
    Requires(pre)      []             
    Requires(post)     []             
    Requires(preun)    []             
    Obsoletes          []             
    Provides           []             
    Conflicts          []             
    %pretrans          Empty          
    %pre               Empty          
    %post              Empty          
    %preun             Empty          
    %postun            Empty          
    %posttrans         Empty          
    ================== ===============

    All packages are built during step execution.

    .. note::

        *BuildRequires* are ignored for build-time (*rpmbuild* is executed
        with ``--nodeps`` option).

        If there is a space character in the package name only the preceding
        part is used.

    .. note::

        Scriptlets such as *%pre* can be listed multiple time so that the
        entering of a multi-line script is more comfortable.


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Working with repositories

         Background: Repository base with dummy package
               Given http repository base with packages
                  | Package | Tag | Value |
                  | foo     |     |       |

         Scenario: Installing dummy package from background
              When I enable repository base
              Then I successfully run "dnf -y install foo"

         Scenario: Creating repository with multiple package versions
             Given http repository "updates" with packages
                | Package | Tag     | Value |
                | foo     | Version |  2.0  |
                | foo v3  | Version |  3.0  |

         Scenario: Creating a package with %pre scriptlet failing
             Given http repository "more_updates" with packages
                | Package | Tag     | Value   |
                | foo     | Version |  4.0    |
                |         | %pre    |  exit 1 |
    packages = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_REPO,
                                           PKG_TAGS, PKG_TAGS_REPEATING)

    rpmbuild = which("rpmbuild")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(rpmbuild, "rpmbuild is required")
    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    if rtype == 'http' or rtype == 'https':
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/var/www/html')
        repopath = os.path.join('localhost', os.path.basename(tmpdir))
    elif rtype == 'ftp':
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir='/var/ftp/pub')
        repopath = os.path.join('localhost/pub', os.path.basename(tmpdir))
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
        repopath = tmpdir
    srpm_tmpdir = '{}-source'.format(tmpdir.rstrip('/'))
    srpm_repopath = '{}-source'.format(repopath.rstrip('/'))
    os.mkdir(srpm_tmpdir)  # create a directory for src.rpm pkgs
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(PKG_TMPL)
    for name, settings in packages.items():
        name = name.split()[0]  # cut-off the pkg name _suffix_ to allow defining multiple package versions
        disttag = ""
        if '/' in name:  # using the module/pkgname notation, module would be placed to a disttag
            (module, name) = name.split('/', 1)
            disttag = ".{}".format(module)
        # before processing the template
        #   lower all characters
        #   replace '%' in Tag name with '_'
        #   replace '(' in Tag name with '_'
        #   delete all ')' in Tag
        settings = {k.lower().replace('%', '_').replace('(', '_').replace(')', ''): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        ctx.text = template.render(name=name, disttag=disttag, **settings)
        fname = "{!s}/{!s}.spec".format(tmpdir, name)
        step_a_file_filepath_with(ctx, fname)
        buildname = '%{NAME}-%{VERSION}-%{RELEASE}.%{ARCH}.rpm'
        if 'arch' not in settings or settings['arch'] == 'noarch':
            cmd = "{!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' -ba {!s}".format(
                rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, fname)
            cmd = "setarch {!s} {!s} --define '_rpmdir {!s}' --define '_srcrpmdir {!s}' --define '_build_name_fmt {!s}' --target {!s} -ba {!s}".format(
                settings['arch'], rpmbuild, tmpdir, srpm_tmpdir, buildname, settings['arch'], fname)
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    if gpgkey:
        # sign all rpms built
        rpmsign = which("rpmsign")
        rpms = glob.glob("{!s}/*.rpm".format(tmpdir))
        srpms = glob.glob("{!s}/*.rpm".format(srpm_tmpdir))
        cmd = "{!s} --addsign --key-id '{!s}' {!s} {!s}".format(rpmsign, gpgkey, ' '.join(rpms), ' '.join(srpms))
        step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    cmd = "{!s} {!s}".format(createrepo, tmpdir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    cmd = "{!s} {!s}".format(createrepo, srpm_tmpdir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)

    # set proper directory content ownership
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, tmpdir)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, srpm_tmpdir)

    repofile = REPO_TMPL.format(repository)
    ctx.table = Table(HEADINGS_INI)
    ctx.table.add_row([repository, "name",          repository])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",         "enabled",       six.text_type(enabled)])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",         "baseurl",       "{!s}://{!s}".format(rtype, repopath)])
    if gpgkey:
        ctx.table.add_row(["",     "gpgcheck",      "True"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["",     "gpgcheck",      "False"])
    if rtype == 'https':
        ctx.table.add_row(["",     "sslcacert",     "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/ca/cert.pem"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["",     "sslclientkey",  "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/client/key.pem"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["",     "sslclientcert", "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/client/cert.pem"])
    step_an_ini_file_filepath_with(ctx, repofile)
    # create -source repository too
    srpm_repository = '{}-source'.format(repository)
    repofile = REPO_TMPL.format(srpm_repository)
    ctx.table = Table(HEADINGS_INI)
    ctx.table.add_row([srpm_repository, "name",          srpm_repository])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",              "enabled",       "False"])
    ctx.table.add_row(["",              "baseurl",       "{!s}://{!s}".format(rtype, srpm_repopath)])
    if gpgkey:
        ctx.table.add_row(["",          "gpgcheck",      "True"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["",          "gpgcheck",      "False"])
    if rtype == 'https':
        ctx.table.add_row(["",          "sslcacert",     "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/ca/cert.pem"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["",          "sslclientkey",  "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/client/key.pem"])
        ctx.table.add_row(["",          "sslclientcert", "/etc/pki/tls/certs/testcerts/client/cert.pem"])
    step_an_ini_file_filepath_with(ctx, repofile)
Beispiel #48
def step_updateinfo_defined_in_repository(ctx, repository):
    For a given repository creates updateinfo.xml file with described
    updates and recreates the repo

    .. note::

       Requires *modifyrepo_c* and the repo to be already created.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ==== ===== =======
     Id   Tag   Value
    ==== ===== =======

    *Tag* is describing attributes of the respective update.
    Supported tags are:

    ============ =========================
         Tag      Default value
    ============ =========================
    Title        Default title of Id
    Type         security
    Description  Default description of Id
    Summary      Default summary of Id
    Severity     Low
    Solution     Default solution of Id
    Rights       nobody
    Issued       2017-01-01 00:00:01
    Updated      2017-01-01 00:00:01
    Reference    none
    Package      none
    ============ =========================


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Defining updateinfo in a repository

         Scenario: Repository base with updateinfo defined
              Given repository "base" with packages
                 | Package | Tag     | Value |
                 | foo     | Version | 2     |
                 | bar     | Version | 2     |
              And updateinfo defined in repository "base"
                 | Id            | Tag         | Value                     |
                 | RHSA-2017-001 | Title       | foo bar security update   |
                 |               | Type        | security                  |
                 |               | Description | Fixes buffer overflow     |
                 |               | Summary     | Critical bug is fixed     |
                 |               | Severity    | Critical                  |
                 |               | Solution    | Update to the new version |
                 |               | Rights      | Copyright 2017 Baz Inc    |
                 |               | Reference   | CVE-2017-0001             |
                 |               | Reference   | BZ123456                  |
                 |               | Package     | foo-2                     |
                 |               | Package     | bar-2                     |

    .. note::

       Specifying Version or Release in Package tag is not necessary, however
       when multiple RPMs matches the string the last one from the sorted
       list is used.
    HEADINGS_GROUP = ['Id', 'Tag', 'Value']
    UPDATEINFO_TAGS_REPEATING = ['Package', 'Reference']
    UPDATEINFO_TAGS = ['Title', 'Type', 'Description', 'Solution', 'Summary', 'Severity', 'Rights', 'Issued', 'Updated'] + \
    updateinfo_table = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_GROUP, UPDATEINFO_TAGS, UPDATEINFO_TAGS_REPEATING)

    # verify that modifyrepo_c is present
    modifyrepo = which("modifyrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(modifyrepo, "modifyrepo_c is required")

    # prepare updateinfo.xml content
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    updateinfo_xml = repo_utils.get_updateinfo_xml(repository, updateinfo_table)

    # save it to the updateinfo.xml file and recreate the repodata
    tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
    with open(os.path.join(tmpdir, "updateinfo.xml"), 'w') as fw:
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} {!s} {!s}".format(modifyrepo, os.path.join(tmpdir, 'updateinfo.xml'), os.path.join(repodir, 'repodata'))
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership
Beispiel #49
import settings
from whichcraft import which
import subprocess
import os

command = []
if which('node') is not None:
elif which('nodejs') is not None:
    raise Exception('NodeJS is not installed. Please install it.')

command.append(os.path.join(settings.BASE_DIR, 'node_server', 'server.js'))
print(' '.join(command))

p = subprocess.Popen(command)
def test_existing_command():
    cmd = which('date')
    assert cmd
    assert os.path.exists(cmd)
    assert os.access(cmd, os.F_OK | os.X_OK)
    assert not os.path.isdir(cmd)
def test_non_existing_command():
    assert which('stringthatisntashellcommand') is None
Beispiel #52
def expand_exe(exe):
	if not os.path.isabs(exe):
		from whichcraft import which
		exe = which(exe)
	return exe
def step_gpg_key(ctx, name_real):
    Generates for the root user GPG key with a given identity,
    a.k.a. the Name-Real attribute.

    GPG key attributes can be optionally specified using the table with
    following headers:

    ======= =========
      Tag     Value  
    ======= =========

    Supported GPG key attrubutes are:

    ============= ===============
        Tag       Default value  
    ============= ===============
    Key-Type      RSA            
    Key-Length    2048           
    Subkey-Type   <not present>  
    Subkey-Length <not present>  
    Name-Comment  No Comment     
    Name-Email    dnf@noreply    
    Expire-Date   0              

    .. note::
       GPG key configuration is saved in a file /root/${Name-Real}.keyconf
       respective public key is exported to a file /root/${Name-Real}.pubkey


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Package signatures

         Scenario: Setup repository with signed packages
           Given GPG key "James Bond"
             And GPG key "James Bond" imported in rpm database
             And repository "TestRepo" with packages signed by "James Bond"
               | Package | Tag | Value |
               | TestA   |     |       |

    if ctx.table:  # additional GPG key configuration listed in the table
        GPGKEY_HEADINGS = ['Tag', 'Value']
        GPGKEY_TAGS = ['Key-Type', 'Key-Length', 'Subkey-Type', 'Subkey-Length', 'Name-Comment', 'Name-Email', 'Expire-Date']
        gpgkey_conf_table = table_utils.parse_kv_table(ctx, GPGKEY_HEADINGS, GPGKEY_TAGS)
    else:  # no table present
        gpgkey_conf_table = {}
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(GPGKEY_CONF_TMPL)
    settings = {k.lower().replace('-', '_'): v for k, v in gpgkey_conf_table.items()}
    gpgkey_conf = template.render(name_real=name_real, **settings)
    # write gpgkey configuration to a file
    fpath = GPGKEY_FILEPATH_TMPL.format(name_real, "keyconf")
    with open(fpath, 'w') as fw:
    # generate the GPG key
    gpgbin = which("gpg2")
    cmd = "{!s} --batch --gen-key '{!s}'".format(gpgbin, fpath)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    # export the public key
    cmd = "{!s} --export --armor '{!s}'".format(gpgbin, name_real)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    fpath = GPGKEY_FILEPATH_TMPL.format(name_real, "pubkey")
    with open(fpath, 'w') as fw:
Beispiel #54
def given_package_groups_defined_in_repository(ctx, repository):
    For a given repository creates comps.xml file with described
    package groups and recreates the repo

    .. note::

       Requires *createrepo_c* and the repo to be already created.

    Requires table with following headers:

    ========= ===== =======
     Group     Tag   Value
    ========= ===== =======

    *Tag* is describing characteristics of the respective
    package group.Supported tags are:

    ============== ===============
         Tag        Default value 
    ============== ===============
    is_default          false     
    is_uservisible      true      
    description         ""        
    mandatory           []        
    default             []        
    optional            []        
    conditional         []        
    ============== ===============


    .. code-block:: gherkin

       Feature: Installing a package group

         Scenario: Repository base with package group minimal
              Given repository "base" with packages
                 | Package | Tag | Value |
                 | foo     |     |       |
                 | bar     |     |       |
                 | baz     |     |       |
                 | qux     |     |       |
              And package groups defined in repository "base"
                 | Group    | Tag         | Value   |
                 | minimal  | mandatory   | foo     |
                 |          | default     | bar     |
                 |          | conditional | baz qux |

         Scenario: Installing package group from background
              When I enable repository "base"
              Then I successfully run "dnf -y group install minimal"

    .. note::

       Conditional packages are described in a form PKG REQUIREDPKG

    HEADINGS_GROUP = ['Group', 'Tag', 'Value']
    GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING = ['mandatory', 'default', 'optional', 'conditional']
    GROUP_TAGS = ['is_default', 'is_uservisible', 'description'] + GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING
    pkg_groups = table_utils.parse_skv_table(ctx, HEADINGS_GROUP, GROUP_TAGS, GROUP_TAGS_REPEATING)

    createrepo = which("createrepo_c")
    ctx.assertion.assertIsNotNone(createrepo, "createrepo_c is required")

    # prepare the comps.xml
    comps_xml = COMPS_PREFIX
    template = JINJA_ENV.from_string(COMPS_TMPL)
    for name, settings in pkg_groups.items():
        settings = {k.lower(): v for k, v in settings.items()}
        comps_xml += template.render(name=name, **settings)
    comps_xml += COMPS_SUFFIX

    # save comps.xml and recreate the repo
    repodir = repo_utils.get_repo_dir(repository)
    with open(os.path.join(repodir, "comps.xml"), "w") as f_comps:
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir, 'root')   # change file ownership to root so we can change it
    cmd = "{!s} -g comps.xml --update {!s}".format(createrepo, repodir)
    step_i_successfully_run_command(ctx, cmd)
    file_utils.set_dir_content_ownership(ctx, repodir)   # restore file ownership