Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self):
        '''Init Main screenshot.'''
        # Init.
        self.action = ACTION_WINDOW         # current action status
        # the windows in this workspace coordinate info
        self.screenshot_window_info = get_screenshot_window_info()
        #print "window info:", self.screenshot_window_info
        self.monitor_x, self.monitor_y, self.width, self.height = get_current_monitor_info()
        #self.width = SCREEN_WIDTH           # this monitor width
        #self.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT         # this monitor height
        #self.monitor_x = SCREEN_X           # this monitor source point's x coordinate
        #self.monitor_y = SCREEN_Y           # this monitor source point's y coordinate
        # the screenshot area's x, y, width, height
        self.x = self.y = self.rect_width = self.rect_height = 0

        self.save_op_index = SAVE_OP_AUTO   # current operation when the save button clicked

        #self.buttonToggle = None
        self.drag_position = None
        self.last_drag_position = None
        self.dragStartX = self.dragStartY = self.dragStartOffsetX = self.dragStartOffsetY = 0
        self.textDragOffsetX = self.textDragOffsetY = 0
        self.drag_flag = False              # a flag if the selected area can be dragged
        self.show_toolbar_flag = False      # a flag if the toolbar has shown
        self.show_colorbar_flag = False     # a flag if the colorbar has shown
        self.show_text_window_flag = False  # a flag if the text_window has shown
        self.text_drag_flag = False         # a flag if the text_window can be dragged
        self.text_modify_flag = False       # a flag if the text has been modified
        self.draw_text_layout_flag = False  # a flag if the text layout will be drawn
        self.share_to_flag = False          # a flag if the screenshot will be shared
        self.window_flag = True             # a flag if has not selected area or window

        self.is_subprocess = config.OPTION_SUB
        self.saveFiletype = 'png'
        self.saveFilename = config.OPTION_FILE
        # make sure the toolbar in this monitor
        self.toolbarOffsetX = self.monitor_x + 10
        self.toolbarOffsetY = self.monitor_y + 10
        #self.toolbarOffsetX = 10
        #self.toolbarOffsetY = 10
        #self.toolbar_height = 50
        self.action_size = ACTION_SIZE_SMALL    # the draw action's line width
        self.action_color = "#FF0000"           # the draw action's color
        self.font_name = "Sans"                 # the fontname of text to draw
        self.font_size = 12                     # the fontsize of text to draw
        # Init action list.
        self.current_action = None          # current drawing action
        self.action_list = []               # a list of actions have created
        self.current_text_action = None     # current drawing text action
        self.text_action_list = []          # a list of text actions have created
        self.text_action_info = {}          # the created text actions' info

        # Get desktop background.
        # a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf of the desktop_background
        self.desktop_background = self.get_desktop_snapshot()
        # a string containing the pixel data of the pixbuf
        self.desktop_background_pixels= self.desktop_background.get_pixels()
        # the number of the pixbuf channels.
        self.desktop_background_n_channels = self.desktop_background.get_n_channels()
        # the number of bytes between rows.
        self.desktop_background_rowstride = self.desktop_background.get_rowstride()
        # Init window.
        self.window = RootWindow(self)
        # Init toolbar window.
        self.toolbar = Toolbar(self.window.window, self)
        # Init color window.
        self.colorbar = Colorbar(self.window.window, self)

        # right button press menu
        self.right_menu = RightMenu(self)
        # Show.
Beispiel #2
class DeepinScreenshot(object):
    ''' Main Screenshot. '''
    def __init__(self):
        '''Init Main screenshot.'''
        # Init.
        self.action = ACTION_WINDOW         # current action status
        # the windows in this workspace coordinate info
        self.screenshot_window_info = get_screenshot_window_info()
        #print "window info:", self.screenshot_window_info
        self.monitor_x, self.monitor_y, self.width, self.height = get_current_monitor_info()
        #self.width = SCREEN_WIDTH           # this monitor width
        #self.height = SCREEN_HEIGHT         # this monitor height
        #self.monitor_x = SCREEN_X           # this monitor source point's x coordinate
        #self.monitor_y = SCREEN_Y           # this monitor source point's y coordinate
        # the screenshot area's x, y, width, height
        self.x = self.y = self.rect_width = self.rect_height = 0

        self.save_op_index = SAVE_OP_AUTO   # current operation when the save button clicked

        #self.buttonToggle = None
        self.drag_position = None
        self.last_drag_position = None
        self.dragStartX = self.dragStartY = self.dragStartOffsetX = self.dragStartOffsetY = 0
        self.textDragOffsetX = self.textDragOffsetY = 0
        self.drag_flag = False              # a flag if the selected area can be dragged
        self.show_toolbar_flag = False      # a flag if the toolbar has shown
        self.show_colorbar_flag = False     # a flag if the colorbar has shown
        self.show_text_window_flag = False  # a flag if the text_window has shown
        self.text_drag_flag = False         # a flag if the text_window can be dragged
        self.text_modify_flag = False       # a flag if the text has been modified
        self.draw_text_layout_flag = False  # a flag if the text layout will be drawn
        self.share_to_flag = False          # a flag if the screenshot will be shared
        self.window_flag = True             # a flag if has not selected area or window

        self.is_subprocess = config.OPTION_SUB
        self.saveFiletype = 'png'
        self.saveFilename = config.OPTION_FILE
        # make sure the toolbar in this monitor
        self.toolbarOffsetX = self.monitor_x + 10
        self.toolbarOffsetY = self.monitor_y + 10
        #self.toolbarOffsetX = 10
        #self.toolbarOffsetY = 10
        #self.toolbar_height = 50
        self.action_size = ACTION_SIZE_SMALL    # the draw action's line width
        self.action_color = "#FF0000"           # the draw action's color
        self.font_name = "Sans"                 # the fontname of text to draw
        self.font_size = 12                     # the fontsize of text to draw
        # Init action list.
        self.current_action = None          # current drawing action
        self.action_list = []               # a list of actions have created
        self.current_text_action = None     # current drawing text action
        self.text_action_list = []          # a list of text actions have created
        self.text_action_info = {}          # the created text actions' info

        # Get desktop background.
        # a gtk.gdk.Pixbuf of the desktop_background
        self.desktop_background = self.get_desktop_snapshot()
        # a string containing the pixel data of the pixbuf
        self.desktop_background_pixels= self.desktop_background.get_pixels()
        # the number of the pixbuf channels.
        self.desktop_background_n_channels = self.desktop_background.get_n_channels()
        # the number of bytes between rows.
        self.desktop_background_rowstride = self.desktop_background.get_rowstride()
        # Init window.
        self.window = RootWindow(self)
        # Init toolbar window.
        self.toolbar = Toolbar(self.window.window, self)
        # Init color window.
        self.colorbar = Colorbar(self.window.window, self)

        # right button press menu
        self.right_menu = RightMenu(self)
        # Show.

    def set_action_type(self, action_type):
        Set action type
        @param action_type: one of ACTION Type Constants 
        self.action = action_type    
        self.current_action = None
    def save_snapshot(self, filename=None, filetype='png', clip_flag=False):
        Save snapshot.
        @param filename: the filename to save, a string type
        @param filetype: the filetype to save, a string type. Default is 'png'
        @param clip_flag: a flag if copy the snapshot to clipboard. Default is False
        failed_flag = False
        tipContent = ""
        parent_dir = get_parent_dir(__file__, 1)
        # Save snapshot.
        if self.rect_width == 0 or self.rect_height == 0:
            tipContent = _("The width or height of selected area cannot be 0")
            failed_flag = True
            self.window.finish_flag = True
            surface = self.make_pic_file(
            # Save to file
            if filename:
                tipContent = "%s '%s'" % (_("Picture has been saved to file"), filename)
                    SCROT_BUS.emit_finish(1, filename)
                    # copy to clipboard
                    if clip_flag:
                        pixbuf = gtk.gdk.pixbuf_new_from_file(filename)
                        clipboard = gtk.Clipboard(selection="CLIPBOARD")
                        #tipContent +=  _("Picture has been saved to clipboard")
                            #cmd = ('python2', '%s/%s' % (parent_dir, ''), _("Picture has been saved to clipboard"), '1')
                        #except OSError:    
                            #cmd = ('python', '%s/%s' % (parent_dir, ''), _("Picture has been saved to clipboard"), '1')
                        #notify("Deepin Screenshot", 0, summary=_("DSnapshot"), body=tipContent)
                except Exception, e:
                    tipContent = "%s:%s" % (_("Failed to save the picture"), str(e))
            # Save snapshot to clipboard