Beispiel #1
class ConfigManagementToolbar(View):
    refresh = Button(title='Refresh this page')
    configuration = Dropdown('Configuration')
    lifecycle = Dropdown('Lifecycle')
    policy = Dropdown('Policy')
    download = Dropdown(title='Download')
    view_selector = View.nested(ItemsToolBarViewSelector)
 class request(WaitTab):  # noqa
     TAB_NAME = 'Request'
     email = Input(name='requester__owner_email')
     first_name = Input(name='requester__owner_first_name')
     last_name = Input(name='requester__owner_last_name')
     notes = Input(name='requester__request_notes')
     manager_name = Input(name='requester__owner_manager')
     lookup = Button("Lookup")  # button for looking up user name with ldap
Beispiel #3
 class web_services(Tab):  # noqa
     TAB_NAME = "Web Services"
     change_stored_password = Text(
         ".//a[contains(@ng-hide, 'bChangeStoredPassword')]")
     username = Input(name="ws_userid")
     password = Input(name="ws_password")
     confirm_password = Input(name="ws_verify")
     validate_button = Button("Validate")
Beispiel #4
 class ipmi(Tab):  # noqa
     TAB_NAME = "IPMI"
     change_stored_password = Text(
         ".//a[contains(@ng-hide, 'bChangeStoredPassword')]")
     username = Input(name="ipmi_userid")
     password = Input(name="ipmi_password")
     confirm_password = Input(name="ipmi_verify")
     validate_button = Button("Validate")
class HostDiscoverView(ComputeInfrastructureHostsView):
    """Discover View from Compute/Infrastructure/Hosts page."""
    esx = Checkbox(name="discover_type_esx")
    ipmi = Checkbox(name="discover_type_ipmi")

    from_ip1 = Input(name="from_first")
    from_ip2 = Input(name="from_second")
    from_ip3 = Input(name="from_third")
    from_ip4 = Input(name="from_fourth")
    to_ip4 = Input(name="to_fourth")

    start_button = Button("Start")
    cancel_button = Button("Cancel")

    def is_displayed(self):
        return self.in_compute_infrastructure_hosts and self.title.text == "Hosts / Nodes Discovery"
Beispiel #6
class DatasourceAllToolbar(View):
    """The toolbar on the main page"""
    back = Button('Show {} Summary')
    policy = Dropdown('Policy')
    operations = Dropdown('Operations')
    download = Dropdown('Download')

    view_selector = View.nested(ItemsToolBarViewSelector)
Beispiel #7
 class remote_login(Tab):  # noqa
     TAB_NAME = "Remote Login"
     change_stored_password = Text(
         ".//a[contains(@ng-hide, 'bChangeStoredPassword')]")
     username = Input(name="remote_userid")
     password = Input(name="remote_password")
     confirm_password = Input(name="remote_verify")
     validate_button = Button("Validate")
Beispiel #8
class NodeEditTagsForm(NodeView):
    tag_category = BootstrapSelect('tag_cat')
    tag = BootstrapSelect('tag_add')
    # TODO: table for added tags with removal support
    # less than ideal button duplication between classes
    entities = View.nested(BaseNonInteractiveEntitiesView)
    save_button = Button('Save')
    reset_button = Button('Reset')
    cancel_button = Button('Cancel')

    def is_displayed(self):
        return (
            self.in_cloud_instance and
            match_page(summary='Tag Assignment') and
Beispiel #9
class TasksView(BaseLoggedInPage):
    # Toolbar
    delete = Dropdown('Delete Tasks')  # dropdown just has icon, use element title
    reload = Button(title=VersionPick({Version.lowest(): 'Reload the current display',
                                       '5.9': 'Refresh this page'}))

    class tabs(View):  # noqa
        # Extra Toolbar
        # Only on 'All' type tabs, but for access it doesn't make sense to access the tab for a
        # toolbar button
        cancel = Button(title='Cancel the selected task')

        # Form Buttons
        apply = Button('Apply')
        reset = Button('Reset')
        default = Button('Default')

        # Filters
        zone = BootstrapSelect(id='chosen_zone')
        period = BootstrapSelect(id='time_period')
        user = BootstrapSelect(id='user_choice')
        # This checkbox search_root captures all the filter options
        # It will break for status if/when there is second checkbox selection field added
        # It's the lowest level div with an id that captures the status checkboxes
        status = CheckboxSelect(search_root='tasks_options_div')
        state = BootstrapSelect(id='state_choice')

        class mytasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): 'My VM and Container Analysis Tasks',
                                    '5.9': 'My Tasks'})
            table = Table('//div[@id="gtl_div"]//table')

        class myothertasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = VersionPick({'5.9': 'My Tasks',
                                    Version.lowest(): 'My Other UI Tasks'})
            table = Table('//div[@id="gtl_div"]//table')

        class alltasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = VersionPick({'5.9': 'All Tasks',
                                    Version.lowest(): "All VM and Container Analysis Tasks"})
            table = Table('//div[@id="gtl_div"]//table')

        class allothertasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "All Other Tasks"
            table = Table('//div[@id="gtl_div"]//table')

    def is_displayed(self):
        return (
            self.tabs.mytasks.is_displayed and
            self.tabs.myothertasks.is_displayed and
            self.tabs.alltasks.is_displayed and
Beispiel #10
    class form(BasicProvisionFormView):  # noqa
        """First page of provision form is image selection
        Second page of form is tabbed with nested views
        continue_button = Button(
            'Continue')  # Continue button on 1st page, image selection
        submit_button = Button('Submit')  # Submit for 2nd page, tabular form
        cancel_button = Button('Cancel')

        def _select_template(self, template_name, provider_name):
            # image was not found, therefore raise an exception
            except IndexError:
                raise ItemNotFound(
                    'Cannot find template "{}" for provider "{}"'.format(
                        template_name, provider_name))

        def before_fill(self, values):
            # Provision from image is a two part form,
            # this completes the image selection before the tabular parent form is filled
            template_name = values.get('template_name')
            provider_name = values.get('provider_name')
            if template_name is None or provider_name is None:
                    'template_name "{}", or provider_name "{}" not passed to '
                    'provisioning form', template_name, provider_name)
            # try to find the template anyway, even if values weren't passed
            self._select_template(template_name, provider_name)
            # workaround for provision table template select(template was not clicked)
            if self.continue_button.disabled:
                self._select_template(template_name, provider_name)

        def after_fill(self, was_change):
class ProviderEditView(ProviderAddView):
    prov_type = Text(locator='//label[@name="emstype"]')

    # only in edit view
    vnc_start_port = Input('host_default_vnc_port_start')
    vnc_end_port = Input('host_default_vnc_port_end')
    flash = FlashMessages('.//div[@id="flash_msg_div"]/div[@id="flash_text_div" or '
                          'contains(@class, "flash_text_div")]')

    save = Button('Save')
    reset = Button('Reset')
    cancel = Button('Cancel')

    def is_displayed(self):
        return self.logged_in_as_current_user and \
            self.navigation.currently_selected == ['Compute', 'Infrastructure', 'Providers'] and \
            self.title.text == 'Edit Infrastructure Provider'
class ConfigManagementToolbar(View):
    refresh = Button(title=VersionPick({Version.lowest(): 'Reload current display',
                                       '5.9': 'Refresh this page'}))
    configuration = Dropdown('Configuration')
    lifecycle = Dropdown('Lifecycle')
    policy = Dropdown('Policy')
    download = Dropdown(title='Download')
    view_selector = View.nested(ItemsToolBarViewSelector)
Beispiel #13
class ServerDetailsToolbar(View):
    """The toolbar on the details page"""
    monitoring = Dropdown('Monitoring')
    policy = Dropdown('Policy')
    power = Dropdown('Power')
    deployments = Dropdown('Deployments')
    drivers = Dropdown('JDBC Drivers')
    datasources = Dropdown('Datasources')
    download = Button(title='Download summary in PDF format')
Beispiel #14
class ProviderEditView(ProviderAddView):
     represents Provider Edit View
    prov_type = Text(locator='//label[@name="emstype"]')

    # only in edit view
    vnc_start_port = Input('host_default_vnc_port_start')
    vnc_end_port = Input('host_default_vnc_port_end')
    flash = FlashMessages('.//div[@id="flash_msg_div"]/div[@id="flash_text_div" or '
                          'contains(@class, "flash_text_div")]')

    save = Button('Save')
    reset = Button('Reset')
    cancel = Button('Cancel')

    def is_displayed(self):
        return self.logged_in_as_current_user
Beispiel #15
class ProviderDetailsToolBar(View):
    represents provider toolbar and its controls
    monitoring = Dropdown(text='Monitoring')
    configuration = Dropdown(text='Configuration')
    reload = Button(title='Reload Current Display')
    policy = Dropdown(text='Policy')
    authentication = Dropdown(text='Authentication')

    view_selector = View.nested(DetailsToolBarViewSelector)
class HostDriftHistory(ComputeInfrastructureHostsView):
    breadcrumb = BreadCrumb(locator='.//ol[@class="breadcrumb"]')
    history_table = Table(locator='.//div[@id="main_div"]/table')
    analyze_button = Button(
        title="Select up to 10 timestamps for Drift Analysis")

    def is_displayed(self):
        return (self.in_compute_infrastructure_hosts
                and self.title.text == "Drift History"
                and self.history_table.is_displayed)
class DriftHistory(BaseLoggedInPage):
    title = Text('#explorer_title_text')
    breadcrumb = BreadCrumb(locator='.//ol[@class="breadcrumb"]')
    history_table = Table(locator='.//div[@id="main_div"]/table')
    analyze_button = Button(
        title="Select up to 10 timestamps for Drift Analysis")

    def is_displayed(self):
        return ("Drift History" in self.title.text
                and self.history_table.is_displayed)
class ConfigManagementEditForm(View):
    """Form to add a provider"""
    name = TextInput('name')
    provider_type = BootstrapSelect('provider_type')
    zone = TextInput('zone')
    url = TextInput('url')
    ssl = Checkbox('verify_ssl')

    username = TextInput('log_userid')
    password = TextInput('log_password')

    validate = Button('Validate')
Beispiel #19
class ProviderAddView(BaseLoggedInPage):
     represents Provider Add View
    title = Text('//div[@id="main-content"]//h1')
    name = Input('name')
    prov_type = BootstrapSelect(id='emstype')
    zone = Input('zone')
    add = Button('Add')
    cancel = Button('Cancel')

    class endpoints(View):  # NOQA
        # this is switchable view that gets replaced with concrete view.
        # it gets changed according to currently chosen provider type
        # look at cfme.common.provider.BaseProvider.create() method

    def is_displayed(self):
        return self.logged_in_as_current_user
Beispiel #20
class VMToolbar(View):
    Toolbar view for vms/instances collection destinations
    reload = Button(title='Reload current display')
    configuration = Dropdown('Configuration')
    policy = Dropdown('Policy')
    lifecycle = Dropdown('Lifecycle')
    power = Dropdown('Power Operations')  # title
    download = Dropdown('Download')

    view_selector = View.nested(ItemsToolBarViewSelector)
class ProvidersEditTagsView(BaseLoggedInPage):
     Provider's Edit Tags view
    tag_category = BootstrapSelect('tag_cat')
    tag = BootstrapSelect('tag_add')
    chosen_tags = Table(locator='//div[@id="assignments_div"]/table')

    class entities(BaseNonInteractiveEntitiesView):  # noqa
        def entity_class(self):
            return ProviderEntity().pick(self.browser.product_version)

    save = Button('Save')
    reset = Button('Reset')
    cancel = Button('Cancel')

    def is_displayed(self):
        return False
Beispiel #22
    class tabs(View):  # noqa
        # Extra Toolbar
        # Only on 'All' type tabs, but for access it doesn't make sense to access the tab for a
        # toolbar button
        cancel = Button(title='Cancel the selected task')

        # Form Buttons
        apply = Button('Apply')
        reset = Button('Reset')
        default = Button('Default')

        # Filters
        zone = BootstrapSelect(id='chosen_zone')
        period = BootstrapSelect(id='time_period')
        user = BootstrapSelect(id='user_choice')
        # This checkbox search_root captures all the filter options
        # It will break for status if/when there is second checkbox selection field added
        # It's the lowest level div with an id that captures the status checkboxes
        status = CheckboxSelect(search_root='tasks_options_div')
        state = BootstrapSelect(id='state_choice')

        class mytasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "My VM and Container Analysis Tasks"
            table = Table(table_loc)

        class myothertasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "My Other UI Tasks"
            table = Table(table_loc)

        class alltasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "All VM and Container Analysis Tasks"
            table = Table(table_loc)

        class allothertasks(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "All Other Tasks"
            table = Table(table_loc)
Beispiel #23
class ProviderAddView(BaseLoggedInPage):
    title = Text('//div[@id="main-content"]//h1')
    name = Input('name')
    prov_type = BootstrapSelect(id='emstype')
    api_version = BootstrapSelect(id='api_version')  # only for OpenStack
    zone = Input('zone')

    add = Button('Add')
    cancel = Button('Cancel')

    class endpoints(View):  # NOQA
        # this is switchable view that gets replaced with concrete view.
        # it gets changed according to currently chosen provider type
        # look at cfme.common.provider.BaseProvider.create() method

    def is_displayed(self):
        return self.logged_in_as_current_user and \
            self.navigation.currently_selected == ['Compute', 'Infrastructure', 'Providers'] and \
            self.title.text == 'Add New Infrastructure Provider'
class ProvidersManagePoliciesView(BaseLoggedInPage):
     Provider's Manage Policies view
    policies = VersionPick({
        Version.lowest(): DynaTree('protect_treebox'),
        '5.7': BootstrapTreeview('protectbox')

    class entities(BaseNonInteractiveEntitiesView):  # noqa
        def entity_class(self):
            return ProviderEntity().pick(self.browser.product_version)

    save = Button('Save')
    reset = Button('Reset')
    cancel = Button('Cancel')

    def is_displayed(self):
        return False
Beispiel #25
class HostFormView(ComputeInfrastructureHostsView):
    # Info/Settings
    title = Text(".//div[@id='main-content']//h1")
    name = Input(name="name")
    hostname = Input(name="hostname")
    custom_ident = Input(name="custom_1")
    ipmi_address = Input(name="ipmi_address")
    mac_address = Input(name="mac_address")

    class endpoints(View):  # noqa
        class default(Tab):  # noqa
            change_stored_password = Text(
                ".//a[contains(@ng-hide, 'bChangeStoredPassword')]")
            username = Input(name="default_userid")
            password = Input(name="default_password")
            confirm_password = Input(name="default_verify")
            validate_button = Button("Validate")

        class remote_login(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "Remote Login"
            change_stored_password = Text(
                ".//a[contains(@ng-hide, 'bChangeStoredPassword')]")
            username = Input(name="remote_userid")
            password = Input(name="remote_password")
            confirm_password = Input(name="remote_verify")
            validate_button = Button("Validate")

        class web_services(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "Web Services"
            change_stored_password = Text(
                ".//a[contains(@ng-hide, 'bChangeStoredPassword')]")
            username = Input(name="ws_userid")
            password = Input(name="ws_password")
            confirm_password = Input(name="ws_verify")
            validate_button = Button("Validate")

        class ipmi(Tab):  # noqa
            TAB_NAME = "IPMI"
            change_stored_password = Text(
                ".//a[contains(@ng-hide, 'bChangeStoredPassword')]")
            username = Input(name="ipmi_userid")
            password = Input(name="ipmi_password")
            confirm_password = Input(name="ipmi_verify")
            validate_button = Button("Validate")

    cancel_button = Button("Cancel")
    class form(BasicProvisionFormView):  # noqa
        """First page of provision form is image selection
        Second page of form is tabbed with nested views
        continue_button = Button(
            'Continue')  # Continue button on 1st page, image selection
        submit_button = Button('Submit')  # Submit for 2nd page, tabular form
        cancel_button = Button('Cancel')

        def _select_template(self, template_name, provider_name):
                row = self.parent.image_table.row(name=template_name,
            except IndexError:
                raise TemplateNotFound(
                    'Cannot find template "{}" for provider "{}"'.format(
                        template_name, provider_name))

        def before_fill(self, values):
            # Provision from image is a two part form,
            # this completes the image selection before the tabular parent form is filled
            template_name = values.get('template_name')
            provider_name = values.get('provider_name')
            if template_name is None or provider_name is None:
                    'template_name "{}", or provider_name "{}" not passed to '
                    'provisioning form', template_name, provider_name)
            # try to find the template anyway, even if values weren't passed
            self._select_template(template_name, provider_name)
            # workaround for provision table template select(template was not clicked)
            if self.continue_button.disabled:
                self._select_template(template_name, provider_name)
            # TODO timing, wait_displayed is timing out and can't get it to stop in is_displayed
Beispiel #27
class VMToolbar(View):
    Toolbar view for vms/instances collection destinations
    "Refresh this page"
    reload = Button(title=VersionPick({Version.lowest(): 'Reload current display',
                                       '5.9': 'Refresh this page'}))
    configuration = Dropdown('Configuration')
    policy = Dropdown('Policy')
    lifecycle = Dropdown('Lifecycle')
    power = Dropdown('Power Operations')  # title
    download = Dropdown('Download')

    view_selector = View.nested(ItemsToolBarViewSelector)
Beispiel #28
    class form(View):  # noqa
        retirement_mode = BootstrapSelect(id='formMode')
        retirement_date = ConditionalSwitchableView(reference='retirement_mode')

        @retirement_date.register('Specific Date and Time', default=True)
        class RetirementDateSelectionView(View):
            datetime_select = TextInput(id='retirement_date_datepicker')

        @retirement_date.register('Time Delay from Now')
        class RetirementOffsetSelectionView(View):
            # TODO unique widget for these touchspin elements, with singular fill method
            # will allow for consistent fill of view.form
            months = TextInput(name='months')
            weeks = TextInput(name='weeks')
            days = TextInput(name='days')
            hours = TextInput(name='hours')
            retirement_offset_datetime = Text(

        retirement_warning = BootstrapSelect(id='retirementWarning')
        entities = View.nested(BaseNonInteractiveEntitiesView)
        save = Button('Save')
        cancel = Button('Cancel')
Beispiel #29
class NodeDetailsView(NodeView):
    download = Button(name='download_view')

    def is_displayed(self):
        return (self.in_cloud_instance and match_page(
            summary='{} (Summary)'.format(self.context['object'].name)))

    class properties(Accordion):  # noqa
        tree = ManageIQTree()

    class relationships(Accordion):  # noqa
        tree = ManageIQTree()
class ConfigManagementAddForm(View):
    """Form to add a provider"""
    name = TextInput('name')
    provider_type = BootstrapSelect('provider_type')
    zone = TextInput('zone')
    url = TextInput('url')
    ssl = Checkbox('verify_ssl')

    username = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): TextInput('log_userid'),
                            '5.9': TextInput('default_userid')})
    password = VersionPick({Version.lowest(): TextInput('log_password'),
                          '5.9': TextInput('default_password')})
    confirm_password = TextInput('log_verify')

    validate = Button('Validate')