Beispiel #1
def zProxySelectEvent_OnEvent(ctxt):
	# get thhe change mode, ignore removed events #
	changeMode = ctxt.GetAttribute('ChangeType')
	if changeMode == 1:
	# step through all the items in the selection #
	sel = dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	for item in sel:

		# skip anything other than an object selection #
		if item.Type != 'polymsh' and item.Type != 'surfmsh':

		# get the property #
		prop = item.Properties('zProxySelect')
		# skip over the object if the prop is not found #
		if not prop: continue
		prop = dispatch(prop)
		# get the item list #
		for target in prop.Target.Value.split(','):
			targetObject = prop.Model.FindChild(target)
			# skip if the object isn't found #
			if not targetObject:
				log('Unable to locate "%s"' % targetObject, c.siWarning)
			# select it #
			if not targetObject.Properties('zProxySelect'):
				targetObject.Selected = True
		# deselect the original object #
		if prop.Deselect.Value:
			item.Selected = False
Beispiel #2
def zApplyProxySelect_Execute(objects, inspect):
	# make sure we have some objects #
	if not objects.Count:
		log('zProxySelect: No objects given.', c.siWarning)
		return False

	# create an output collection #
	col = dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	# step through the objects collection #
	for item in objects:
		# add the property #
		prop = item.Properties('zProxySelect')
		if not prop:
			prop = item.AddProperty('zProxySelect', False)
			prop = dispatch(prop)
			log('"%s" all ready has a zProxySelect property.  Skipping.' % \
			item.FullName, c.siWarning)
		# add it to the collection #
	# inspect the collection #
	if inspect: xsi.InspectObj(col, None, 'zProxySelects', c.siFollow)
	# return the collection #
	return col
Beispiel #3
def zProxySelectMenu_Init(ctxt):
	!! Doesn't work when anchored to the select menu
	menu = ctxt.Source
	# Submenu #
	# sub = menu.AddItem('zProxySelect', c.siMenuItemSubmenu)
	# add commands to enable and disable the event #
	enable = menu.AddCommandItem("Enable", "zEnableProxySelect")
	enable = dispatch(enable)
	disable = menu.AddCommandItem("Disable", "zDisableProxySelect") 
	disable = dispatch(disable)
	# get the state of the event #
	proxyEnabled = bool(1-int(xsi.EventInfos('zProxySelectEvent').Mute))
	if proxyEnabled:
		enable.Enabled = False
		disable.Enabled = True
		enable.Enabled = True
		disable.Enabled = False
	menu.AddCommandItem('Apply', 'zApplyProxySelect')
Beispiel #4
def zProxySelect_Pick_OnClicked():
	prop = PPG.Inspected(0)

	# pick elements #
	picked = dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	while True:
		picker = xsi.PickElement(None, 'Pick Target Items', 'Pick Target Items')
		# catch right clicks #
		if not picker[0]: break
		# make sure there is no proxy selector on the object #
		if picker[2].Properties('zProxySelect'):
			log('Unable to add "%s" to item list.  ' % picker[2].FullName + \
				'All ready has zProxySelect item.\nWould cause a undesired ' + \
				'behavior', c.siWarning)
		# add picked items to the selection #
	# exit if we don't have any items #
	if not picked.Count:
		log('Canceled.', c.siWarning)
		return False
	# store the names #
	pickedString = ''
	for item in picked:
		pickedString += item.Name + ','
	pickedString = pickedString[:-1]
	prop.Target.Value = pickedString
Beispiel #5
def zLoadCharacterPoseGUI_PickPath_OnClicked():
	# get the ppg #
	prop = PPG.Inspected(0)
	prop = dispatch(prop)

	# get the initial directories #
	init_dir	= xsi.ActiveProject.Path
	init_file	= ''
	if prop.PosePath.Value:
		init_dir  = os.path.dirname(prop.PosePath.Value)
		init_file = os.path.basename(prop.PosePath.Value)

	# get a file browser #
	fb = XSIUIToolkit.FileBrowser
	fb.DialogTitle 		= "Select the Pose (.zpose.xml)..."
	fb.InitialDirectory = init_dir
	fb.FileBaseName 	= init_file
	fb.Filter 			= "Zoogloo Pose Shape (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*||"
	# get the filename #
	if not fb.FilePathName:
		return False
	# set the value #
	prop.PosePath.Value = fb.FilePathName
Beispiel #6
	def SetCenterVectorFromNode(self, XSINode):
		'''Set the center vector from the global transform of an XSI node'''
		# dispatch the node #
		XSINode = dispatch(XSINode)
		log('Set Center Reference from Node: %s' % XSINode, c.siVerbose)
		v = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
		self.centerVector = v
Beispiel #7
def zSaveCharacterPoseGUI_PickSet_OnClicked():
	prop = PPG.Inspected(0)
	prop = dispatch(prop)
	picker = xsi.PickElement(c.siPropertyFilter, 'Pick Character Set')
	if not picker[0]:
		return False
	# set the value #
	prop.CharacterSet.Value = picker[2].FullName
Beispiel #8
def zPickWalk_Execute(direction, addToSelection):
	# cache the selection #
	sel = dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	# create collections to hold selects #
	col_sel 	= dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	# step through each item in the selection #
	for item in sel:
		# get the property #
		prop = item.Properties('zPickWalk')
		# skip over the object if the prop is not found #
		if not prop: continue
		# do the dispatch hack #
		prop = dispatch(prop)
		# get the target name #
		targetName = prop.Parameters(direction).Value
		# skip if there are no targets #
		if not targetName:
		# find the node #
		targetObject = prop.Model.FindChild(targetName)
		# skip if the object isn't found #
		if not targetObject:
			log('Unable to locate "%s"' % targetObject, c.siWarning)
		# select it #
		# targetObject.Selected = True
		# deselect the original object #
		# if not addToSelection:
		# 	# item.Selected = False
		# if we are adding to the selection keep the original item #
		if addToSelection: col_sel.Add(item)
	# use SelectObj command to trigger any transform setups, they are ignored 
	# when going through the object model
Beispiel #9
def doc2pdf (input, output):
  w=dispatch ("word.application")
    #open a file (input, readonly=1)
    #Convert files
    doc.exportasfixedformat (output, constants.wdexportformatpdf,                item=constants.wdexportdocumentwithmarkup, createbookmarks=constants.wdexportcreateheadingbookmarks)
    return true
    return false
    w.quit (constants.wddonotsavechanges)
Beispiel #10
def zPoserLoadGUI_UpdateModel_OnClicked():
	ppg = PPG.Inspected(0)
	ppg = dispatch(ppg)
	# get the model from the selection #
	if not xsi.selection.Count:
		log('Nothing selected.', c.siError)
		return False
	if xsi.selection(0).type == '#model':
		ppg.ModelName.Value = xsi.selection(0).Name
		ppg.ModelName.Value = xsi.selection(0).Model.Name
Beispiel #11
def zSaveCharacterPoseGUI_PickPath_OnClicked():
	# get the ppg #
	prop = PPG.Inspected(0)
	prop = dispatch(prop)

	# get the current path #
	path_current = xsi.ActiveProject.Path
	if prop.PosePath.Value:
		path_current = prop.PosePath.Value 
	# folder picker #
	folder = XSIUIToolkit.PickFolder(path_current, 'Pick Output folder...')
	if folder:
		prop.PosePath.Value = folder
Beispiel #12
def zPickWalkInstall_Execute():
	# create a collection to hold the properties #
	col = dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	# step through the selection #
	for item in xsi.selection:
		# get or create the property #
		prop = item.Properties('zPickWalk')
		if not prop:
			prop = item.AddProperty('zPickWalk')
		# add it to the collection #
	# inspect the properties #
	xsi.InspectObj(col, '', '', c.siLockAndForceNew)
Beispiel #13
		def walkProp(Prop):
			# get the nested properties #
			nested = Prop.NestedObjects
			# skip if there is nothing there #
			if not nested.Count: return
			# step through the nested items #
			for item in nested:
				# catch the properties #
				if item.type == 'customparamset':
					prop = dispatch(item)
					log('SubSet: %s' % prop.FullName, c.siVerbose)
					# walk through the prop #
					# add to the keyable parameters list #
Beispiel #14
def zPoserSaveGUI_Translation_OnChanged():
	ppg = PPG.Inspected(0)
	ppg = dispatch(ppg)
	if not ppg.Translation.Value:
		ppg.PosX.ReadOnly = True
		ppg.PosY.ReadOnly = True
		ppg.PosZ.ReadOnly = True
		ppg.PosX.ReadOnly = False
		ppg.PosY.ReadOnly = False
		ppg.PosZ.ReadOnly = False

	# draw the layout #
Beispiel #15
def zTailCurve_Define(ctxt):
	prop = ctxt.Source
	prop.AddParameter3("Segments", c.siUInt2, 6, 1, 20)
	# prop.AddParameter3("IkCons", c.siUInt2, 4, 3, 10)
	fcv = prop.AddFCurveParameter("Falloff").Value
	fcv = dispatch(fcv)
	fcv.Keys(0).RightTanY = 20
	fcv.Keys(0).RightTanX = 20
	fcv.Keys(1).LeftTanY = -20
	fcv.Keys(1).LeftTanX = -20
	# lock the key times and values #
	return True
Beispiel #16
def zBuildTailRig_Execute(curve, conSize, basename):
	# make sure it has the property #
	prop = curve.Properties('zTailCurve')
	if not prop:
		msg = 'Property "zTailCurve" not found on "%s"' % curve
		log(msg, c.siError)
		raise zTailError, msg
	prop = dispatch(prop)
	# make sure the scale is one #
	vScale = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
	vUnit = XSIMath.CreateVector3(1,1,1)
	if vScale.Length() != vUnit.Length():
		msg = 'Scale of curve "%s" must be 1.' % curve
		log(msg, c.siError)
		raise zTailError, msg

	# make sure we have 4 or more points on the curve #
	if curve.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.Count < 4:
		msg = 'Generating curves must have at least 4 points.'
		log(msg, c.siError)
		raise zTailError, msg

	# get the vars #
	segments = prop.Segments.Value
	# IkCons = prop.IkCons.Value
	fcv = prop.Falloff.Value
	# create a new output class #
	outClass = zTailClass()

	# get the geometry object #
	geom = curve.ActivePrimitive.Geometry

	# get the curve object #
	crv = geom.Curves(0)

	# get the global position #
	vGlobal = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
	# create a node stack #
	main_node 	= xsi.ActiveSceneRoot.AddNull('%s_Bunch' % basename)
	dnt_node 	= main_node.AddNull('%s_DoNotTouch' % basename)
	skel_node 	= main_node.AddNull('%s_Sekelton' % basename)
	con_node 	= main_node.AddNull('%s_Controls' % basename)
	main_node.primary_icon.Value = 0
	main_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	main_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	dnt_node.primary_icon.Value = 0 
	dnt_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False 
	dnt_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False 
	skel_node.primary_icon.Value = 0
	skel_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	skel_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	con_node.primary_icon.Value = 0
	con_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	con_node.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	# build a curve to shrink on the spline ik curve #
	# draw 2 curves, one for the control curve and one to shrink on top #
	crvLength = crv.Length
	pointCount = geom.Points.Count
	segmentLength = 1.0/(geom.Points.Count-1)*crvLength
	vCrv = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
	# build a point list #
	pointList = [0,0,0,1]
	for p in xrange(pointCount-1):
		pointList += [0, segmentLength*(p+1), 0, 1]
	# since the points are drawn through the control curve, add a bunch of points
	#  to lessen the deviation from the original curve
	pointList2 = [0,0,0,1]
	count = 25
	for p in xrange(count):
		segmentLength2 = 1.0/(count)*crvLength
		pointList2 += [0, segmentLength2*(p+1), 0, 1]
	# draw the curves #
	controlCurve = dnt_node.AddNurbsCurve(pointList)
	controlCurve.Name = '%s_SourceCurve' % basename
	shrinkCurve = dnt_node.AddNurbsCurve(pointList2)
	shrinkCurve.Name = '%s_ShrunkCurve' % basename
	# turn off the selectability of the source curve #
	controlCurve.Properties('Visibility').selectability.Value = 0
	shrinkCurve.Properties('Visibility').viewvis.Value = 0
	# put them in the out class #
	outClass.controlCurve = controlCurve
	outClass.shrinkCurve = shrinkCurve
	# shrink wrap the curve #
	op = xsi.ApplyOp('CrvDeform', '%s;%s' % (shrinkCurve.FullName, controlCurve.FullName),
	 					c.siNode, c.siPersistentOperation)
	# realign the control curve #
	controlCurve.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.PositionArray = \
	# create control clusters on the control curve #
	controlGeom = controlCurve.ActivePrimitive.Geometry
	for p in xrange(controlGeom.Points.Count):
		# create the cluster #
		cls = controlGeom.AddCluster(c.siVertexCluster, '%s%s_Cls' % (basename, p), [p])
		# create the con #
		conStack = xsi.zCreateCon(con_node, '%sIk%s' % (basename, p), 'Mid', 0, 2*conSize, 1, 1, 0)
		# add a transform setup #
		ts = conStack(2).AddProperty('Transform Setup', False)
		ts = dispatch(ts)
		ts.tool.Value = 4
		ts.translate.Value = 2
		ts.xaxis.Value = True
		ts.yaxis.Value = True
		ts.zaxis.Value = True

		# align the stack to the point #
		pa = controlGeom.Points.PositionArray
		trans = conStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Transform
		localPointVector = XSIMath.CreateVector3(pa[0][p], pa[1][p], pa[2][p])
		conStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Transform = trans
		# create the cluster centers #
		cls.CenterReference = conStack(3)
		# put the stacks in the out class #
	# draw a quide line through the controls #
	pointList = []
	for con in outClass.controls:
		v = XSIMath.CreateVector3()
		pointList += [v.X, v.Y, v.Z, 1]
	guideCurve = dnt_node.AddNurbsCurve(pointList, None, False, 1)
	guideCurve.Name = '%s_CurveHull' % basename
	guideCurve.Properties('Visibility').selectability.Value = False
	outClass.guideCurve = guideCurve
	# create clusters at each center #
	guideClusters = dnt_node.AddNull('%s_HullClusters' % basename)
	guideClusters.primary_icon.Value = 0
	guideClusters.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	guideClusters.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	for p in xrange(guideCurve.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Points.Count):
		# create the cluster #
		cls = guideCurve.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster(c.siVertexCluster, '%sHull%s_Cls' % (basename, p), [p])
		# create a cluster center #
		clsCenter = guideClusters.AddNull('%s_HullClsCenter%s' % (basename, p))
		clsCenter.primary_icon.Value = 0
		clsCenter.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		clsCenter.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
		# constrain it to the controller #
		clsCenter.Kinematics.AddConstraint('Pose', outClass.controls[p].Children(0).Children(0), False)
		# create the cluster centers #
		cls.CenterReference = clsCenter
	# add to the outClass #	
	outClass.guideClusterGroup = guideClusters
	# build the skeleton #
	chainRootIk 	= None
	chainRootFk 	= None
	chainRootSkel 	= None
	vPrev 			= None
	wPercPrev 		= None
	shrinkCrv 		= shrinkCurve.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.Curves(0)
	weighted_percs	= [0.0] * (segments+1)
	# null_stack		= []
	for i in xrange(segments+1):
		# start #
		uValue = float(i)/float(segments)
		perc = uValue*100
		# get the weighted percentage #
		wPerc = fcv.Eval(perc)
		# store the weighted percentage #
		weighted_percs[i] = wPerc
		# start #
		if i == 0:
			# get the current positon on the curve #
			v = shrinkCrv.EvaluatePositionFromPercentage(0)[0]
			# add the global transform  to the current position on curve #
			# store it as the previous position vector #
			vPrev = v
			log('Start: 0%% (w:%0.2f%%) Pos:<%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f>' % \
				(wPerc, v.X, v.Y, v.Z), c.siVerbose)
			# get the current positon on the curve #
			v = shrinkCrv.EvaluatePositionFromPercentage(wPerc)[0]
			# add the global transform  to the current position on curve #
			log('%d: %0.2f%% (w:%0.2f%%) Pos:<%0.2f, %0.2f, %0.2f>' % \
				(i,perc,wPerc,v.X, v.Y, v.Z), c.siVerbose)
			# add the chain root if it doesn't exist #
			if not chainRootSkel:
				# draw the ik chain root #
				chainRootIk = dnt_node.Add2DChain(
					vPrev, v, XSIMath.CreateVector3(-1,0,0), 
				chainRootIk = dispatch(chainRootIk)
				# constrain the root to the path #
				cns = chainRootIk.Kinematics.AddConstraint('Path', shrinkCurve, False)
				# rename #
				chainRootIk.Name = '%sIk_Root' % basename
				chainRootIk.Bones(0).Name = '%s1Ik_Bone' % basename
				chainRootIk.effector.Name = '%sIk_Eff' % basename
				# draw the fk chain root #
				chainRootFk = con_node.Add2DChain(
					vPrev, v, XSIMath.CreateVector3(-1,0,0), 
				chainRootFk = dispatch(chainRootFk)
				# rename #
				chainRootFk.Name = '%sFk_Root' % basename
				chainRootFk.Bones(0).Name = '%s1Fk_Con' % basename
				chainRootFk.effector.Name = '%sFk_Eff' % basename

				# draw the skeleton chain root #
				chainRootSkel = skel_node.Add2DChain(
					vPrev, v, XSIMath.CreateVector3(-1,0,0), 
				chainRootSkel = dispatch(chainRootSkel)
				# rename #
				chainRootSkel.Name = '%s_Root' % basename
				chainRootSkel.Bones(0).Name = '%s1_Bone' % basename
				chainRootSkel.effector.Name = '%s_Eff' % basename
				# create fk switch on chain root #
				propAnim = chainRootFk.AddProperty('CustomProperty', False, 'zAnim')
				propAnim = dispatch(propAnim)
				fkswitch = propAnim.AddParameter3('Fk_Ik', c.siFloat, 1, 0, 1)
				twist 	 = propAnim.AddParameter3('Twist', c.siFloat, 0, -90, 90)
				# add to the out class #
				outClass.zAnim = propAnim
				# turn on the secondary display for the ik bone #
				bone_ik = dispatch(chainRootIk.bones(0))
				bone_ik.shadow_icon.Value = 1
				bone_ik.shadow_colour_custom.Value = 1
				bone_fk = dispatch(chainRootFk.bones(0))
				bone_fk.shadow_icon.Value = 1
				bone_fk.shadow_colour_custom.Value = 1

				# add a proxy param to the fk bone for the ik/fk slider #
				prop = bone_fk.AddProperty('CustomProperty', False, 'zAnim')
				prop = dispatch(prop)
				prop.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Fk_Ik, None, 'Fk_Ik')
				propDi = bone_fk.AddProperty('CustomProperty', False, 'DisplayInfo_zAnim')
				propDi = dispatch(propDi)
				propDi.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Fk_Ik, None, 'Fk_Ik')

				# add a transform setup to the bone #
				ts = bone_fk.AddProperty('Transform Setup', False)
				ts = dispatch(ts)
				ts.tool.Value = 3
				ts.rotate.Value = 3
				ts.xaxis.Value = True
				ts.yaxis.Value = True
				ts.zaxis.Value = True

			# all other bones #
				# add the bone #
				boneIk 		= chainRootIk.AddBone(v)
				boneFk 		= chainRootFk.AddBone(v)
				boneSkel 	= chainRootSkel.AddBone(v)
				# rename #
				segment_number 	= boneSkel.root.Bones.Count
				boneIk.Name 	= '%s%sIk_Bone' % (basename, segment_number)
				boneFk.Name 	= '%s%sFk_Con' 	% (basename, segment_number)
				boneSkel.Name 	= '%s%s_Bone' 	% (basename, segment_number)
				# turn on the secondary display for the boneIk #
				boneIk.shadow_icon.Value = 1
				boneIk.shadow_colour_custom.Value = 1
				boneFk.shadow_icon.Value = 1
				boneFk.shadow_colour_custom.Value = 1
				# add a proxy param to the fk bone for the ik/fk slider #
				prop = boneFk.AddProperty('CustomProperty', False, 'zAnim')
				prop = dispatch(prop)
				prop.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Fk_Ik, None, 'Fk_Ik')
				propDi = boneFk.AddProperty('CustomProperty', False, 'DisplayInfo_zAnim')
				propDi = dispatch(propDi)
				propDi.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Fk_Ik, None, 'Fk_Ik')
				# add a transform setup to the fk bone #
				ts = boneFk.AddProperty('Transform Setup', False)
				ts = dispatch(ts)
				ts.tool.Value = 3
				ts.rotate.Value = 3
				ts.xaxis.Value = True
				ts.yaxis.Value = True
				ts.zaxis.Value = True
		# store the previously weighted percentage #
		wPercPrev = wPerc

	# constraint the ik chain to the path
	for i in xrange(chainRootIk.Bones.Count):
		# add the path constraint #
		cns = chainRootIk.Bones(i).Kinematics.AddConstraint('Path', shrinkCurve, False)
		cns = dispatch(cns)
		cns.perc.Value = weighted_percs[i]
	# constrain the effector #
	cns = chainRootIk.effector.Kinematics.AddConstraint('Path', shrinkCurve, False)
	cns = dispatch(cns)
	cns.perc.Value = 100

	# create a twist heirarchy #
	twisters 	= dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	parent 		= dnt_node
	for i in xrange(chainRootIk.Bones.Count):
		# create the twist node #
		twist = parent.AddNull('%s%s_Twist' % (basename, i))
		# pose constrain it to the corresponding bone #
		cns = twist.Kinematics.AddConstraint('Pose', chainRootIk.Bones(i), False)
		cns = dispatch(cns)
		# add the twist #
			'%s * %s / %s' % (outClass.zAnim.Twist.FullName, i+1, segments)
		# make the current twist the new parent #
		parent = twist
		# add it to the collection #
		# turn off the null icon #
		twist.primary_icon.Value = 0
		twist.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		twist.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	# constrain the skeleton chain to the twisters and fk #
	cns_root_ik = chainRootSkel.Kinematics.AddConstraint('Pose', chainRootIk, False)
	cns_root_fk = chainRootSkel.Kinematics.AddConstraint('Pose', chainRootFk, False)
	cns_root_ik = dispatch(cns_root_ik)
	cns_root_fk = dispatch(cns_root_fk)
	cns_root_fk.cnspos.Value = False
	cns_root_ik.cnspos.Value = False
		'1 - ' + propAnim.Fk_Ik.FullName
	for i in xrange(chainRootSkel.Bones.Count):
		cns_bone_ik = chainRootSkel.Bones(i).Kinematics.AddConstraint('Pose', twisters(i), False)
		cns_bone_fk = chainRootSkel.Bones(i).Kinematics.AddConstraint('Pose', chainRootFk.Bones(i), False)
		cns_bone_ik = dispatch(cns_bone_ik)
		cns_bone_fk = dispatch(cns_bone_fk)
		cns_bone_fk.cnspos.Value = False
		cns_bone_ik.cnspos.Value = False
		# hook it up to the ik/fk slider 
		# since xsi constraints aren't blended like maya, we only need to 
		# hook up the expression to the second constraint, since at 100%
		# it'll take control
			'1 - ' + outClass.zAnim.Fk_Ik.FullName
	# align the chain root #
	# neutral pose the bones #
	col = dispatch('XSI.Collection')
	# for item in null_stack:
	# 	col.AddItems(item)
	xsi.SetNeutralPose(col, c.siSRT, False)
	# put the effector under the last bone #
	# turn off chain roots and effectors #
	chainRootIk.primary_icon.Value = 0
	chainRootIk.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	chainRootIk.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	chainRootFk.primary_icon.Value = 0
	chainRootFk.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	chainRootFk.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	chainRootSkel.primary_icon.Value = 0
	chainRootSkel.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	chainRootSkel.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

	chainRootIk.effector.primary_icon.Value = 0
	chainRootIk.effector.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	chainRootIk.effector.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	chainRootFk.effector.primary_icon.Value = 0
	chainRootFk.effector.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	chainRootFk.effector.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	chainRootSkel.effector.primary_icon.Value = 0
	chainRootSkel.effector.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
	chainRootSkel.effector.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
	# turn fk bones into boxes #
	for bone in chainRootFk.Bones:
		bone = dispatch(bone)
		bone.primary_icon.Value = 6
	# turn skel bone into wedges #
	for bone in chainRootSkel.Bones:
		bone = dispatch(bone)
		bone.primary_icon.Value = 4
	# add the fkswitch to the cons #
	for con in outClass.controls:
		# add a proxy param to the bone to the ik/fk slider #
		prop = con.Children(0).AddProperty('CustomProperty', False, 'zAnim')
		prop = dispatch(prop)
		prop.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Fk_Ik, None, 'Fk_Ik')
		prop.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Twist, None, 'Twist')
		propDi = con.Children(0).AddProperty('CustomProperty', False, 'DisplayInfo_zAnim')
		propDi = dispatch(propDi)
		propDi.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Fk_Ik, None, 'Fk_Ik')
		propDi.AddProxyParameter(outClass.zAnim.Twist, None, 'Twist')
	# put the root in the out class #
	outClass.chainRootIk = chainRootIk
	outClass.chainRootSkel = chainRootSkel
	# add the pickwalker to the controls #
	lastCon = None
	lastProp = None
	for con in outClass.controls:
		con = con.Children(0)
		# add the property #
		prop = con.AddProperty('zPickWalk')
		prop = dispatch(prop)
		# add the previous (up) con #
		if lastCon: prop.Up.Value = lastCon.Name
		# add the next (down) con #
		if lastProp: lastProp.Down.Value = con.Name
		# set the last con #
		lastCon = con
		# set the last prop #
		lastProp = prop
	# add the pickwalker to the bone controls #
	lastBone = None
	lastProp = None
	for bone in chainRootIk.bones:
		# add the property #
		prop = bone.AddProperty('zPickWalk')
		prop = dispatch(prop)
		# add the previous (up) con #
		if lastBone: prop.Up.Value = lastBone.Name
		# add the next (down) con #
		if lastProp: lastProp.Down.Value = bone.Name
		# set the last con #
		lastBone = bone
		# set the last prop #
		lastProp = prop
	# align the fk chain to the ik chain #
	chainRootFk.Kinematics.Global.Transform = chainRootIk.Kinematics.Global.Transform
	for b in xrange(chainRootFk.Bones.Count):
		bone_fk = dispatch(chainRootFk.Bones(b))
		bone_ik = dispatch(chainRootIk.Bones(b))
		bone_fk.Kinematics.Global.RotX.Value = bone_ik.Kinematics.Global.RotX.Value
		bone_fk.Kinematics.Global.RotY.Value = bone_ik.Kinematics.Global.RotY.Value
		bone_fk.Kinematics.Global.RotZ.Value = bone_ik.Kinematics.Global.RotZ.Value
	# export the python object #
	import win32com.server
	return win32com.server.util.wrap(outClass)
Beispiel #17
def zLoadProxySelectMap_Execute(filename, model):
	# if we don't have a model use the scene root #
	if not model:
		model = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot
	# make sure we have a model #
	if model.Type != '#model':
		log('Model argument is not of type "model".', c.siError)
		return False

	# make sure the file exists #
	if not os.path.exists(filename):
		log('File doesn\'t exist: %s' % filename, c.siError)
		return False

	# initialize a progress bar #
	pb = XSIUIToolkit.ProgressBar
	pb.Caption = 'Parsing: ' + os.path.basename(filename)
	pb.Step = 1
	if xsi.Interactive: pb.Visible = True

	# read in the xml file #
	tStart = time.time()
	xml = dom.parse(filename)
	doc = xml.documentElement
	tParse = time.time() - tStart
	log('Time to parse file: %02d:%02d.%02d' % (int(tParse/60), tParse%60, tParse%1*100))		
	# count all the elements #
	proxyCount = len(doc.getElementsByTagName('proxy'))

	# update progress bar #
	pb.Maximum = proxyCount
	import locale
	locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '')
	pb.StatusText = 'Processing: %s proxies' % locale.format('%d', proxyCount, True)
	# step through the geometry #
	tApply = time.time()
	x_proxies = xml.getElementsByTagName('proxy')
	for x_proxy in x_proxies:
		# check for cancel #
		if pb.CancelPressed: return False
		# increment the pb #
		# create the proxy selecter #
		source = model.FindChild(x_proxy.getAttribute('source'))
		target = model.FindChild(x_proxy.getAttribute('target'))
		# log('Application.zCreateProxySelect("%s", "%s")' % (source, target))
		# make sure the items exist #
		if not source:
			log('No source object specified.', c.siError)
			return False
		if not target:
			log('No target object specified.', c.siError)
			return False
		# xsi.zCreateProxySelect(source, target)
		# apply the proxy prop #
		prop = source.AddProperty('zProxySelect')
		prop = dispatch(prop)
		prop.Target.Value = target.Name
	# get the time to apply the weights #
	tElapse = time.time() - tApply
	log('Time to apply proxies: %02d:%02d.%02d' % (int(tElapse/60), tElapse%60, tElapse%1*100))

	# get the total time #
	tTotal = time.time() - tStart
	log('Total Elapsed time: %02d:%02d.%02d' % (int(tTotal/60), tTotal%60, tTotal%1*100))
# def zCreateProxySelect_Init(ctxt):
# 	oCmd = ctxt.Source
# 	oCmd.Description = ""
# 	# oCmd.SetFlag(constants.siNoLogging,false)
# 	oArgs = oCmd.Arguments
# 	oArgs.AddObjectArgument('source_obj')
# 	oArgs.AddObjectArgument('target_obj')
# 	return true
# def zCreateProxySelect_Execute(source_obj, target_obj):
# 	# apply the proxy prop #
# 	prop = source_obj.AddProperty('zProxySelect')
# 	prop = dispatch(prop)
# 	prop.Target.Value = target_obj
# 	# apply the proxy selection #
# 	# xsi.zApplyProxySelect(source_obj, False)
Beispiel #18
def zPoserSave_Execute():
	# get the property #
	prop = xsi.ActiveSceneRoot.Properties('zPoserSaveGUI')
	if not prop:
		log('Uable to locate property "zPoserSaveGUI" on Scene_Root.', c.siError)
		return False

	# make sure we have a pose name #
	if not prop.PoseName.Value:
		log('Missing a pose name.', c.siError)
		return False

	# make sure the path exists
	if not os.path.exists(prop.PosePath.Value):
		log('Unable to find path: %s' % prop.PosePath.Value, c.siError)
		return False
	# replace all slashes in poseName to os specific slashes #	
	poseName = prop.PoseName.Value
	poseName = poseName.replace('\\', os.sep)
	poseName = poseName.replace('/', os.sep)
	# build the path to the pose if it doesn't exist #
	posePath = prop.PosePath.Value + os.sep + poseName + '.xml'
	poseDir = os.path.dirname(posePath)
	if not os.path.exists(poseDir):
		log('Making directory: %s' % poseDir)

	# create an xml doc #
	impl = dom.getDOMImplementation()
	docType = impl.createDocumentType('zPoser', '-//Zoogloo LLC//zPoser//EN' , '')
	doc = impl.createDocument(None, "zPoser", None)
	top = doc.documentElement
	top.setAttribute('name', os.path.basename(poseName))
	top.setAttribute('image', prop.Image.Value)
	top.setAttribute('date', time.asctime())
	# process character set
	if prop.CharacterSet.Value and prop.SetName.Value:
		# get the character set #
		col = dispatch('XSI.Collection')
		cset = col(0)

		# step through the set #
		all_params = []
		def walkProp(Prop):
			# get the nested properties #
			nested = Prop.NestedObjects
			# skip if there is nothing there #
			if not nested.Count: return
			# step through the nested items #
			for item in nested:
				# catch the properties #
				if item.type == 'customparamset':
					prop = dispatch(item)
					log('SubSet: %s' % prop.FullName, c.siVerbose)
					# walk through the prop #
					# add to the keyable parameters list #

		# walk the character set #
		log('Params in CharSet: %d' % len(all_params), c.siVerbose)
		# create a dictionary of objects #
		obj_dict = {}
		# step through the parameters #
		for param in all_params:
			# log('%s : %s' % (param.MasterParameter, param.Value))
			# master_param =  param.MasterParameter
			obj = param.Parent3DObject
			# see if the object exists in the ob dictionary #
			if not obj.Name in obj_dict.keys():
				# create an object item in the xml file #
				xml_obj = doc.createElement('object')
				xml_obj.setAttribute('name', obj.Name)

				# add the xml to the object dictionary #
				obj_dict[obj.Name] = xml_obj
			# get the owner name #
			splits = param.FullName.split('.')[2:-1]
			owner = '.'.join(splits)
			# add the param #
			xml_obj = obj_dict.get(obj.Name)
			xml_chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
			xml_chnl.setAttribute('name', param.ScriptName)
			xml_chnl.setAttribute('owner', owner)
			xml_chnl.setAttribute('value', str(param.Value))
	# store the other parameters #			
	if prop.Scale.Value or prop.Rotation.Value or prop.Translation.Value:
		# step through the objects #
		for item in xsi.selection:
			# create an object item in the xml file #
			obj = doc.createElement('object')
			obj.setAttribute('name', item.Name)

			# get the coordinate space #
			# owner = None
			# if prop.Space.Value == 'Local':
			# 	owner = 'kine.local'
			# elif prop.Space.Value == 'Global':
			# 	owner = ''

			# get the owner name #
			splits = param.FullName.split('.')[2:-1]
			owner = '.'.join(splits)
			# step through the channels #
			if prop.Scale.Value:
				if prop.SclX.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'sclx')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.sclx.Value))
				if prop.SclY.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'scly')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.scly.Value))
				if prop.SclZ.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'sclz')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.sclz.Value))
			if prop.Rotation.Value:
				if prop.RotX.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'rotx')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.rotx.Value))
				if prop.RotY.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'roty')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.roty.Value))
				if prop.RotZ.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'rotz')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.rotz.Value))
			if prop.Translation.Value:
				if prop.PosX.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'posx')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.posx.Value))
				if prop.PosY.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'posy')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.posy.Value))
				if prop.PosZ.Value:
					chnl = doc.createElement('channel')
					chnl.setAttribute('owner', prop.Space.Value)
					chnl.setAttribute('name', 'posz')
					chnl.setAttribute('value', str(space.posz.Value))
	# write it to disk #
	fh = open(posePath, 'w')
	fh.write('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>\n')
	docType.writexml(fh, indent='', addindent='\t', newl='\n')
	top.writexml(fh, indent='', addindent='\t', newl='\n')
Beispiel #19
	def SetCenterVector(self, XSIVector3):
		'''Set the center vector from an XSI Vector3'''
		# dispatch the vector #
		XSIVector3 = dispatch(XSIVector3)
		self.centerVector = XSIVector3
Beispiel #20
	def Rig(self):

		# draw the OFFSET null #
		# 	TODO: add class variable for the OFFSET name
		offsetRest = self.character.model.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('offset', 'Home', 'Middle'))
		offsetRest.primary_icon.Value = 0
		offsetRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		offsetRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		offsetGrip = offsetRest.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('offset', 'Control', 'Middle'))
		offsetRest.primary_icon.Value = 0
		offsetRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		offsetRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
		self.offsetNode = offsetGrip
		offsetHook = offsetGrip.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('offset', 'Hook', 'Middle'))
		offsetHook.primary_icon.Value = 0
		offsetHook.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		offsetHook.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# add it to the controls group #
		# add to character set #
		stackSet = self.character.charSet.AddSubset('Stack')

		# draw the ALL null #
		# 	TODO: add class variable for the ALL name
		allRest = offsetHook.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('all', 'Home', 'Middle'))
		allRest.primary_icon.Value = 0
		allRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		allRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		allGrip = allRest.AddGeometry('Text', 'NurbsCurve', 
							xsi.zMapName('all', 'Control', 'Middle'))
		allGrip.text = "_RTF_{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fprq5\\fcharset0 Arial;}}\r\n\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\qc\\lang1033\\b\\f0\\fs20 %s\\b0\\par\r\n}\r\n" % \
		 				( + '1')
		self.allNode = allGrip

		# move it below the character #
		allGrip.Kinematics.Global.Parameters('posy').Value = -40 * self.character.scaler
		xsi.ResetTransform(allGrip, "siCtr", "siTrn", "siXYZ")
		xsi.SetValue('%s.TextToCurveList.fitsize' % allGrip.FullName, 25*self.character.scaler)

		# add a defalut transform setup #
		manip = allGrip.AddProperty('Transform Setup', False)
		manip = dispatch(manip)
		manip.tool.Value = 4

		# add a hook to the all control #
		allHook = allGrip.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('all', 'Hook', 'Middle'))
		allHook.primary_icon.Value = 0
		allHook.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		allHook.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# add to character set #

		# change the color of the all node #
		# 	TODO: add class variable for the all wire color
		disp = allGrip.AddProperty('Display Property', False)
		disp = dispatch(disp)
		disp.wirecolorr.Value = 1
		disp.wirecolorg.Value = 0.5
		disp.wirecolorb.Value = 0

		# add a SCALE controller #
		# 	TODO: add class variable for the scale name
		scaleRest = allHook.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('scale', 'Home', 'Middle'))
		scaleRest.primary_icon.Value = 0
		scaleRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		scaleRest.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		scaleGrip = scaleRest.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('scale', 'Control', 'Middle'))
		scaleGrip.primary_icon.Value = 0
		scaleGrip.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		scaleGrip.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
		self.scaleNode = scaleGrip

		scaleHook = scaleGrip.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('scale', 'Hook', 'Middle'))
		scaleHook.primary_icon.Value = 0
		scaleHook.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		scaleHook.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False
		# add a default transform to the scale control #
		manip = scaleGrip.AddProperty('Transform Setup', False)
		manip = dispatch(manip)
		manip.tool.Value = 2
		# add to the controls group #

		# add to character set #
		# stackSet.AddParams('%(item), %(item), %(item)' % {'item': scaleGrip})

		# create a FLIGHT con #
		# 	TODO: pass the con class #
		flightStack = xsi.zCreateCon(scaleHook, 'flight', 'Middle', 5, 30*self.character.scaler, 0.2, 0.7, 0.6)
		# adjust the position of the stack 
		trans = flightStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Transform
		flightStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Transform = trans
		flightStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Parameters('rotx').Value = 0
		flightStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Parameters('roty').Value = -90
		flightStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Parameters('rotz').Value = 0
		flightStack(2).Kinematics.Local.Parameters('posx').Value = 8*self.character.scaler
		xsi.ResetTransform(flightStack(2), c.siCtr, c.siTrn, c.siXYZ)
		self.flightNode = flightStack(2)
		# add to the controls group #

		# add to character set #

		# add the CENTER node #
		self.centerNode = flightStack(3).AddNull(xsi.zMapName('center', 'Null', 'None'))
		self.centerNode.Kinematics.Global.Transform = flightStack(1).Kinematics.Global.Transform
		self.centerNode.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.centerNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.centerNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# draw a CONTROLS node #
		self.controlsNode = self.centerNode.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('Controls', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.controlsNode.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.controlsNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.controlsNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# add LOWER and UPPER body groups #
		self.lowerBodyNode = self.controlsNode.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('LowerBody', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.lowerBodyNode.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.lowerBodyNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.lowerBodyNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		self.upperBodyNode = self.controlsNode.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('UpperBody', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.upperBodyNode.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.upperBodyNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.upperBodyNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# draw a SKELETON node #
		self.skeletonNode = self.centerNode.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('Skeleton', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.skeletonNode.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.skeletonNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.skeletonNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# create a do not touch node #
		self.doNotTouch 	= self.character.model.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('DoNotTouchThis', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.doNotTouch.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.doNotTouch.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.doNotTouch.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# create a do not touch node #
		self.deformersNode 	= self.doNotTouch.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('Deformers', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.deformersNode.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.deformersNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.deformersNode.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		# constrain the scale of the do not touch to the scale node #
		self.doNotTouch.Kinematics.AddConstraint('Scaling', self.scaleNode, False)
		# create nodes for the geometry #
		self.geometryRender = self.doNotTouch.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('GeometryRender', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.geometryRender.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.geometryRender.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.geometryRender.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False

		self.geometryAnim = self.doNotTouch.AddNull(xsi.zMapName('GeometryAnim', 'Branch', 'None'))
		self.geometryAnim.primary_icon.Value = 0
		self.geometryAnim.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('viewvis').Value = False
		self.geometryAnim.Properties('Visibility').Parameters('rendvis').Value = False