Beispiel #1
    def deserialize(self, buf):
        super(BSSInfo, self).deserialize(buf)

        if (False):
            msg  = "BSS Info Data buffer:\n"
            msg += util.buffer_to_str(buf)

        # Clean up the values
        #   - Remove extra characters in the SSID
        #   - Convert the BSS ID to a colon delimited string for storage
        #   A BSSID is a 48-bit integer and can be treated like a MAC
        #     address in the wlan_exp framework (ie all the MAC address
        #     utility functions can be used on it.)
        import ctypes            
        self['ssid']  = ctypes.c_char_p(self['ssid']).value
        # If the SSID is not a string already (which happens in Python3)
        #   then decode the bytes class assuming a UTF-8 encoding
        if type(self['ssid']) is not str:
            self['ssid'] = self['ssid'].decode('utf-8')
        self['bssid'] = util.byte_str_to_mac_addr(self['bssid'])
        self['bssid'] = util.mac_addr_to_str(self['bssid'])
Beispiel #2
    def deserialize(self, buf):
        super(BSSInfo, self).deserialize(buf)

        if (False):
            msg  = "BSS Info Data buffer:\n"
            msg += util.buffer_to_str(buf)

        # Clean up the values
        #   - Remove extra characters in the SSID
        #   - Convert the BSS ID to a colon delimited string for storage
        #   A BSSID is a 48-bit integer and can be treated like a MAC
        #     address in the wlan_exp framework (ie all the MAC address
        #     utility functions can be used on it.)
        import ctypes            
        self['ssid']  = ctypes.c_char_p(self['ssid']).value
        # If the SSID is not a string already (which happens in Python3)
        #   then decode the bytes class assuming a UTF-8 encoding
        if type(self['ssid']) is not str:
            self['ssid'] = self['ssid'].decode('utf-8')
        self['bssid'] = util.byte_str_to_mac_addr(self['bssid'])
        self['bssid'] = util.mac_addr_to_str(self['bssid'])
Beispiel #3
    def __str__(self):
        """Pretty print WlanExpNodeAp object"""
        msg = ""

        if self.serial_number is not None:
            from wlan_exp.util import mac_addr_to_str
            msg += "AP Node:\n"
            msg += "    WLAN MAC addr :  {0}\n".format(mac_addr_to_str(self.wlan_mac_address))
            msg += "    Node ID       :  {0}\n".format(self.node_id)
            msg += "    Serial #      :  {0}\n".format(self.sn_str)
            msg += "    HW version    :  WARP v{0}\n".format(self.hw_ver)
                import wlan_exp.defaults as defaults
                cpu_low_type = defaults.WLAN_EXP_LOW_TYPES[(self.node_type & defaults.WLAN_EXP_LOW_MASK)]
                msg += "    CPU Low Type  :  {0}\n".format(cpu_low_type)
            msg += "Node not initialized."

        if self.transport is not None:
            msg += "wlan_exp "
            msg += str(self.transport)

        return msg
Beispiel #4
    def __str__(self):
        """Pretty print WlanExpNodeSta object"""
        msg = ""

        if self.serial_number is not None:
            from wlan_exp.util import mac_addr_to_str
            msg += "STA Node:\n"
            msg += "    WLAN MAC addr :  {0}\n".format(
            msg += "    Node ID       :  {0}\n".format(self.node_id)
            msg += "    Serial #      :  {0}\n".format(self.sn_str)
            msg += "    HW version    :  WARP v{0}\n".format(self.hw_ver)
                import wlan_exp.defaults as defaults
                cpu_low_type = defaults.WLAN_EXP_LOW_TYPES[(
                    self.node_type & defaults.WLAN_EXP_LOW_MASK)]
                msg += "    CPU Low Type  :  {0}\n".format(cpu_low_type)
            msg += "Node not initialized."

        if self.transport is not None:
            msg += "wlan_exp "
            msg += str(self.transport)

        return msg
Beispiel #5
def print_counts(node, counts, station_info=None):
    """Helper method to print the counts."""
        "-------------------- ----------------------------------- ----------------------------------- "
        "                                          Tx/Rx Counts from Node {0}".
        "                               Number of Packets                   Number of Bytes           "
        "ID                   Tx Data  Tx Mgmt  Rx Data  Rx Mgmt  Tx Data  Tx Mgmt  Rx Data  Rx Mgmt  "
        "-------------------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- "

    msg = ""
    for count in counts:
        count_id = util.mac_addr_to_str(count['mac_addr'])

        if not station_info is None:
            for station in station_info:
                if (count['mac_addr'] == station['mac_addr']):
                    count_id = station['host_name']
                        count_id = count_id.strip('\x00')
                    if ((count_id == '') or (count_id == b'')):
                        count_id = util.mac_addr_to_str(count['mac_addr'])

        msg += "{0:<20} ".format(count_id)
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['data_num_tx_packets_success'])
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['mgmt_num_tx_packets_success'])
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['data_num_rx_packets'])
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['mgmt_num_rx_packets'])
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['data_num_tx_bytes_success'])
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['mgmt_num_tx_bytes_success'])
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['data_num_rx_bytes'])
        msg += "{0:8d} ".format(count['mgmt_num_rx_bytes'])
        msg += "\n"
Beispiel #6
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return device description"""
     msg = ""
     if self.wlan_mac_address is not None:
         from wlan_exp.util import mac_addr_to_str
         msg += "WLAN Device '{0}'".format(mac_addr_to_str(self.wlan_mac_address))
         if is not None:
             msg += " ({0})".format(
         msg += "Node not initialized."
     return msg
Beispiel #7
 def __repr__(self):
     """Return device description"""
     msg = ""
     if self.wlan_mac_address is not None:
         from wlan_exp.util import mac_addr_to_str
         msg += "WLAN Device '{0}'".format(mac_addr_to_str(self.wlan_mac_address))
         if is not None:
             msg += " ({0})".format(
         msg += "Node not initialized."
     return msg
Beispiel #8
    def __str__(self):
        """Pretty print WlanExpNodeSta object"""
        msg = ""

        if self.serial_number is not None:
            from wlan_exp.util import mac_addr_to_str
            msg += "WLAN EXP STA Node:\n"
            msg += "    WLAN MAC addr :  {0}\n".format(mac_addr_to_str(self.wlan_mac_address))
            msg += "    Node ID       :  {0}\n".format(self.node_id)
            msg += "    Serial #      :  {0}\n".format(self.sn_str)
            msg += "    HW version    :  WARP v{0}\n".format(self.hw_ver)
            msg += "Node not initialized."

        if self.transport is not None:
            msg += "WLAN EXP "
            msg += str(self.transport)

        return msg
Beispiel #9
    def __init__(self, bssid=None, ssid=None, channel=None, ibss_status=None, beacon_interval=None):
        super(BSSInfo, self).__init__(field_name='BSS_INFO')
        # Only initialize the BSSInfo() if one of the fields is provided.
        init_fields = False
        if ((bssid is not None) or (ssid is not None) or (channel is not None) or 
            (ibss_status is not None) or (beacon_interval is not None)):
            init_fields = True        
        # Default values used if initializing fields but value not provided:
        #     bssid           - No default value - Error
        #     ssid            - ""
        #     channel         - No default value - Error
        #     ibss_status     - False
        #     beacon_interval - 100
        # This is done so there is no issue during serialization when instantiating 
        # a BSSInfo() with initialized fields.
        if init_fields:
            # Set default values for fields not set by this method
            self['timestamp']                  = 0
            self['latest_beacon_rx_time']      = 0
            self['state']                      = self._consts.state.UNAUTHENTICATED
            self['latest_beacon_rx_power']     = 0
            self['flags']                      = 0

            # Set SSID
            if ssid is not None:
                # Check SSID
                if type(ssid) is not str:
                    raise ValueError("The SSID must be a string.")

                if len(ssid) > 32:
                    ssid = ssid[:32]
                    print("WARNING:  SSID must be 32 characters or less.  Truncating to {0}".format(ssid))

                    self['ssid']         = bytes(ssid, "UTF8")
                    self['ssid']         = ssid
                self['ssid'] = bytes()

            # Set Channel
            if channel is not None:
                # Check Channel
                #   - Make sure it is a valid channel
                if channel not in util.wlan_channels:
                    msg  = "The channel must be a valid channel number.  See wlan_channels."
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                self['channel']      = channel
                self['channel_type'] = self._consts.channel_type.BW20
                raise AttributeError("Channel must be provided when initializing BSSInfo() fields")

            # Set the beacon interval
            if beacon_interval is not None:
                # Check beacon interval
                if type(beacon_interval) is not int:
                    beacon_interval = int(beacon_interval)
                    print("WARNING:  Beacon interval must be an interger number of time units.  Rounding to {0}".format(beacon_interval))

                if not ((beacon_interval > 0) and (beacon_interval < (2**16 - 1))):
                    msg  = "The beacon interval must be in [1, 65534] (ie 16-bit positive integer)."
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                self['beacon_interval'] = beacon_interval
                self['beacon_interval'] = 100               

            # Set the BSSID
            if bssid is not None:
                if ibss_status is None:
                    ibss_status = False
                    # Check IBSS status value provided
                    if type(ibss_status) is not bool:
                        raise ValueError("The ibss_status must be a boolean.")

                # Set BSSID, capabilities
                #   - If this is an IBSS, then set local bit to '1' and mcast bit to '0'
                #   - Set the appropriate capabilities (The 802.11 reference design only supports short timeslots (ie short = 9us))
                if ibss_status:
                    self['bssid']        = util.create_locally_administered_bssid(bssid)
                    self['capabilities'] = (self._consts.capabilities.IBSS | self._consts.capabilities.SHORT_TIMESLOT)
                    self['bssid']        = bssid
                    self['capabilities'] = (self._consts.capabilities.ESS | self._consts.capabilities.SHORT_TIMESLOT)

                # Convert BSSID to colon delimited string for internal storage
                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    self['bssid']        = util.mac_addr_to_str(self['bssid'])
                raise AttributeError("BSSID must be provided when initializing BSSInfo() fields")
    ('length',       np.mean, 'avg_len'),
    ('length',       sum,     'tot_len'),
    ('time_to_done', np.mean, 'avg_time'))

# Calculate the aggregate statistics
tx_stats = mlab.rec_groupby(tx_recs, group_fields, stat_calc)

# Display the results
print('\nTx Statistics for {0}:\n'.format(LOGFILE))

print('{0:^18} | {1:^8} | {2:^10} | {3:^14} | {4:^11} | {5:^5}'.format(
    'Dest Addr',
    'Num MPDUs',
    'Avg Length',
    'Total Tx Bytes',
    'Avg Tx Time',
    'Avg Num Tx'))

for ii in range(len(tx_stats)):
    print('{0:<18} | {1:8d} | {2:10.1f} | {3:14} | {4:11.3f} | {5:5.1f}'.format(


Beispiel #11
# Unpack the log into numpy structured arrays
#   log_data_to_np_arrays returns a dictionary with one key-value pair per
#    entry type included in the log_index argument. The log_index keys are reused
#    as the output dictionary keys. Each output dictionary value is a numpy record array
#    Refer to for the definition of each record array datatype
log_np = log_util.log_data_to_np_arrays(log_data, log_index)

# Example 0: Print node info / Time info
log_node_info = log_np['NODE_INFO'][0]

print("Node Info:")
print("  Node Type    : {0}".format(
print("  MAC Address  : {0}".format(
print("  Serial Number: {0}".format(
print("  WLAN Exp Ver : {0}".format(

if (len(log_np['TIME_INFO']) > 0):
    log_time_info = log_np['TIME_INFO'][0]

    print("Experiment Started at: {0}".format(
        time.ctime(float(log_time_info['host_timestamp'] / 1E6))))

Beispiel #12
    log_np = log_util.log_data_to_np_arrays(log_data, log_index)

    exp_info = log_np['EXP_INFO']

    for info in exp_info:
        print("Timestamp = {0}".format(info['timestamp']))
        print("Info Type = {0}".format(info['info_type']))
        print("Length    = {0}".format(info['length']))

# Example 0: Print node info / Time info
    log_node_info = log_np['NODE_INFO'][0]

    print("Node Info:")
    print("  Node Type    : {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.node_type_to_str(log_node_info['node_type'])))
    print("  MAC Address  : {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(log_node_info['wlan_mac_addr'])))
    print("  Serial Number: {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.sn_to_str(log_node_info['hw_generation'], log_node_info['serial_num'])))
    print("  WLAN Exp Ver : {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.ver_code_to_str(log_node_info['wlan_exp_ver'])))

    if(len(log_np['TIME_INFO']) > 0):
        log_time_info = log_np['TIME_INFO'][0]

        print("Experiment Started at: {0}".format(time.ctime(float(log_time_info['abs_time'] / 1E6))))
# Example 3: Calculate total number of packets and bytes received from each distinct MAC address
# Here distinction between data, management and control packets could be carried out.

    # Skip this example if the log doesn't contain RX events
Beispiel #13
    def configure_bss(self,
        """Configure the BSS information of the node
        Each node is either a member of no BSS (colloquially "unassociated")
        or a member of one BSS.  A node requires a minimum valid set of BSS 
        information to be a member of a BSS. The minimum valid set of BSS 
        information for an STA is:

            #. BSSID: 48-bit MAC address
            #. Channel: Logical channel for Tx/Rx by BSS members
            #. SSID: Variable length string (ie the name of the network)

        If a node is not a member of a BSS (i.e. ``n.get_bss_info()`` returns
        ``None``), then the node requires all parameters of a minimum valid 
        set of BSS information be specified (i.e. BSSID, Channel, and SSID).  
        for more documentation on BSS information / configuration.

            bssid (int, str):  48-bit ID of the BSS either as a integer or 
                colon delimited string of the form ``'01:23:45:67:89:ab'``
            ssid (str):  SSID string (Must be 32 characters or less)
            channel (int): Channel number on which the BSS operates
            beacon_interval (int): Integer number of beacon Time Units in [10, 65534]
                (; a TU is 1024 microseconds);
                A value of None will disable beacons;  A value of False will not 
                update the current beacon interval.
            ht_capable (bool):  Is the PHY mode HTMF (True) or NONHT (False)?
        resp_args = self.send_cmd(

        # Process response arguments
        if (resp_args is not False):
            status = resp_args[0]
            msg = "ERROR:  Invalid response from node:\n"
            ret_val = True

            # Check status
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BSSID_INVALID):
                if type(self.bssid) in [int, long]:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                    self.bssid = util.mac_addr_to_str(self.bssid)
                msg += "    BSSID {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.bssid)
                ret_val = False

                msg += "    Insufficient arguments to create BSS.  Must provide:\n"
                if (bssid is False):
                    msg += "        BSSID\n"
                if (ssid is None):
                    msg += "        SSID\n"
                if (channel is None):
                    msg += "        CHANNEL\n"
                ret_val = False

            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_CHANNEL_INVALID):
                msg += "    Channel {0} was invalid.\n".format(
                ret_val = False

            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL_INVALID):
                msg += "    Beacon interval {0} was invalid.\n".format(
                ret_val = False

            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_HT_CAPABLE_INVALID):
                msg += "    HT capable {0} was invalid.\n".format(
                ret_val = False

            if not ret_val:
Beispiel #14
            tx_counts[addr] = (tx_pkts_to_addr, tx_bytes_to_addr)

        # Print the results
        if (tx == 'TX'):
            print("\nExample 2: Tx Counts (CPU High):")
                "\nExample 2: Tx Counts (CPU Low - includes retransmissions):")
        print("{0:18}\t{1:>7}\t{2:>10}\t{3}".format("Dest Addr", "# Pkts",
                                                    "# Bytes",
                                                    "MAC Addr Type"))

        for k in sorted(tx_counts.keys()):
            # Use the string version of the MAC address as the key for readability
                wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(k), tx_counts[k][0],
                tx_counts[k][1], wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_desc(k)))

# Example 3: Calculate total number of packets and bytes received from each distinct MAC address

# Skip this example if the log doesn't contain RX events
if ('RX_OFDM' in log_np.keys()):
    # For this experiment, only look at Good = 0  or Bad = 1 receptions
    FCS_GOOD = 0

    # Extract all receptions
    log_rx = log_np['RX_OFDM']

    # Extract only Rx entries with good checksum (FCS = good)
    rx_good_fcs = log_rx[log_rx['fcs_result'] == FCS_GOOD]
log_util.print_log_index_summary(log_index, "Filtered Log Index:")

# Unpack the log into numpy structured arrays
#   log_data_to_np_arrays returns a dictionary with one key-value pair per
#    entry type included in the log_index argument. The log_index keys are reused
#    as the output dictionary keys. Each output dictionary value is a numpy record array
#    Refer to for the definition of each record array datatype
log_np = log_util.log_data_to_np_arrays(log_data, log_index)

# Example 0: Print node info / Time info
log_node_info = log_np['NODE_INFO'][0]

print("Node Info:")
print("  Node Type    : {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.node_type_to_str(log_node_info['node_type'])))
print("  MAC Address  : {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(log_node_info['wlan_mac_addr'])))
print("  Serial Number: {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.sn_to_str(log_node_info['hw_generation'], log_node_info['serial_num'])))
print("  WLAN Exp Ver : {0}".format(wlan_exp_util.ver_code_to_str(log_node_info['wlan_exp_ver'])))

if(len(log_np['TIME_INFO']) > 0):
    log_time_info = log_np['TIME_INFO'][0]

    print("Experiment Started at: {0}".format(time.ctime(float(log_time_info['abs_time'] / 1E6))))

# Example 1: Count the number of receptions per PHY rate
#   NOTE:  Since there are only loops, this example can deal with RX_OFDM being an
#          empty list and does not need a try / except.
Beispiel #16
    def __init__(self, bssid=None, ssid=None, channel=None, ibss_status=None, beacon_interval=None):
        super(BSSInfo, self).__init__(field_name='BSS_INFO')
        # Only initialize the BSSInfo() if one of the fields is provided.
        init_fields = False
        if ((bssid is not None) or (ssid is not None) or (channel is not None) or 
            (ibss_status is not None) or (beacon_interval is not None)):
            init_fields = True        
        # Default values used if initializing fields but value not provided:
        #     bssid           - No default value - Error
        #     ssid            - ""
        #     channel         - No default value - Error
        #     ibss_status     - False
        #     beacon_interval - 100
        # This is done so there is no issue during serialization when instantiating 
        # a BSSInfo() with initialized fields.
        if init_fields:
            # Set default values for fields not set by this method
            self['timestamp']                  = 0
            self['latest_beacon_rx_time']      = 0
            self['state']                      = self._consts.state.UNAUTHENTICATED
            self['latest_beacon_rx_power']     = 0
            self['flags']                      = 0

            # Set SSID
            if ssid is not None:
                # Check SSID
                if type(ssid) is not str:
                    raise ValueError("The SSID must be a string.")

                if len(ssid) > 32:
                    ssid = ssid[:32]
                    print("WARNING:  SSID must be 32 characters or less.  Truncating to {0}".format(ssid))

                    self['ssid']         = bytes(ssid, "UTF8")
                    self['ssid']         = ssid
                self['ssid'] = bytes()

            # Set Channel
            if channel is not None:
                # Check Channel
                #   - Make sure it is a valid channel
                if channel not in util.wlan_channels:
                    msg  = "The channel must be a valid channel number.  See wlan_channels."
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                self['channel']      = channel
                self['channel_type'] = self._consts.channel_type.BW20
                raise AttributeError("Channel must be provided when initializing BSSInfo() fields")

            # Set the beacon interval
            if beacon_interval is not None:
                # Check beacon interval
                if type(beacon_interval) is not int:
                    beacon_interval = int(beacon_interval)
                    print("WARNING:  Beacon interval must be an interger number of time units.  Rounding to {0}".format(beacon_interval))

                if not ((beacon_interval > 0) and (beacon_interval < (2**16 - 1))):
                    msg  = "The beacon interval must be in [1, 65534] (ie 16-bit positive integer)."
                    raise ValueError(msg)

                self['beacon_interval'] = beacon_interval
                self['beacon_interval'] = 100               

            # Set the BSSID
            if bssid is not None:
                if ibss_status is None:
                    ibss_status = False
                    # Check IBSS status value provided
                    if type(ibss_status) is not bool:
                        raise ValueError("The ibss_status must be a boolean.")

                # Set BSSID, capabilities
                #   - If this is an IBSS, then set local bit to '1' and mcast bit to '0'
                #   - Set the appropriate capabilities (The 802.11 reference design only supports short timeslots (ie short = 9us))
                if ibss_status:
                    self['bssid']        = util.create_locally_administered_bssid(bssid)
                    self['capabilities'] = (self._consts.capabilities.IBSS | self._consts.capabilities.SHORT_TIMESLOT)
                    self['bssid']        = bssid
                    self['capabilities'] = (self._consts.capabilities.ESS | self._consts.capabilities.SHORT_TIMESLOT)

                # Convert BSSID to colon delimited string for internal storage
                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    self['bssid']        = util.mac_addr_to_str(self['bssid'])
                raise AttributeError("BSSID must be provided when initializing BSSInfo() fields")
Beispiel #17
#  Find the source address for which we have the most receptions

#Extract unique values for address 2 (transmitting address in received MAC headers)
uniq_addrs = np.unique(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'])

#Count the number of receptions per source address
num_rx = list()
for ii, ua in enumerate(uniq_addrs):
    num_rx.append(np.sum(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'] == ua))

#Find the source address responsible for the most receptions
most_rx = max(num_rx)
most_common_addr = uniq_addrs[num_rx.index(most_rx)]

print("Found {0} receptions from {1}".format(
    most_rx, wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(most_common_addr)))

#Create new numpy array of all receptions from most-common source
arr_rx_one_src = np.empty(most_rx, dtype=log_rx_ofdm.dtype)
arr_rx_one_src[:] = log_rx_ofdm[(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'] == most_common_addr)]

#Create some strings to use as attributes in the HDF5 file
# attributes are only for convenience - they aren't required for writing or reading HDF5 files
root_desc = 'Source Log file: {0}\n'.format(LOGFILE)
root_desc += 'HDF5 file written at {0}\n'.format(

ds_desc = 'All Rx OFDM entries from addr {0}\n'.format(

#Construct dictionaries to feed the HDF5 exporter
# The dict key names are used as HDF5 dataset names
    def configure_bss(self, bssid=False, ssid=None, channel=None, beacon_interval=False, dtim_period=None, ht_capable=None):
        """Configure the BSS information of the node

        Each node is either a member of no BSS (colloquially "unassociated")
        or a member of one BSS.  A node requires a minimum valid set of BSS 
        information to be a member of a BSS. The minimum valid set of BSS 
        information for an AP is:

            #. BSSID: 48-bit MAC address
            #. Channel: Logical channel for Tx/Rx by BSS members
            #. SSID: Variable length string (ie the name of the network)
            #. Beacon Interval:  Interval (in TUs) for beacons

        If a node is not a member of a BSS (i.e. ``n.get_network_info()`` returns
        ``None``), then the node requires all parameters of a minimum valid 
        set of BSS information be specified (i.e. Channel, SSID, and
        Beacon Interval).  For an AP, if BSSID is not specified, then it is 
        assumed to be the wlan_mac_address of the node.  
        for more documentation on BSS information / configuration.

            bssid (int, str):  48-bit ID of the BSS either None or
                the wlan_mac_address of the node.  If not specified, it is 
                by default the wlan_mac_address of the node.
            ssid (str):  SSID string (Must be 32 characters or less)
            channel (int): Channel number on which the BSS operates
            beacon_interval (int): Integer number of beacon Time Units in [10, 65534]
                (; a TU is 1024 microseconds);
                A value of None will disable beacons;  A value of False will not
                update the current beacon interval.
            dtim_period (int): Integer number of beacon intervals between DTIMs
            ht_capable (bool):  Is the PHY mode HTMF (True) or NONHT (False)?

        if bssid is not None:
            if bssid is not False:
                # User supplied a not-None BSSID argument
                error = False

                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    if (bssid != self.wlan_mac_address):
                        error = True
                elif type(bssid) is str:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                        if (util.str_to_mac_addr(bssid) != self.wlan_mac_address):
                            error = True
                        error = True

                if (error):
                    raise AttributeError("BSSID must be either None or the wlan_mac_address of the node.")
                # User did not provide a BSSID argument - use the AP's MAC address
                bssid = self.wlan_mac_address
        resp_args = self.send_cmd(cmds.NodeConfigBSS(bssid=bssid, ssid=ssid, channel=channel,
                                                     beacon_interval=beacon_interval, dtim_period=dtim_period, ht_capable=ht_capable))
        # Process response arguments
        if (resp_args is not False):
            status  = resp_args[0]
            msg     = "ERROR:\n"
            ret_val = True
            # Check status
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BSSID_INVALID):
                if type(self.bssid) in [int, long]:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                    self.bssid = util.mac_addr_to_str(self.bssid)
                msg    += "    BSSID {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.bssid)
                ret_val = False
                msg    += "    Insufficient arguments to create BSS.  Must provide:\n"
                if (bssid is False): 
                    msg    += "        BSSID\n"
                if (ssid is None):
                    msg    += "        SSID\n"
                if (channel is None):
                    msg    += "        CHANNEL\n"
                if (beacon_interval is False):
                    msg    += "        BEACON_INTERVAL\n"
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_CHANNEL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Channel {0} was invalid.\n".format(channel)
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Beacon interval {0} was invalid.\n".format(beacon_interval)
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_HT_CAPABLE_INVALID):
                msg    += "    HT capable {0} was invalid.\n".format(ht_capable)
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_DTIM_PERIOD_INVALID):
                msg    += "    DTIM period {0} was invalid.\n".format(dtim_period)
                ret_val = False
            if not ret_val:
Beispiel #19
    def __init__(self, bssid=False, ssid=None, channel=None, beacon_interval=False, ht_capable=None):                       
        super(BSSConfig, self).__init__(field_name='BSS_CONFIG')

        # Default values used if value not provided:
        #     bssid           - 00:00:00:00:00:00
        #     ssid            - ""
        #     channel         - 0
        #     beacon_interval - 0xFFFF
        #     ht_capable      - 0xFF

        # Initialize update mask
        self['update_mask'] = 0

        # Set the BSSID field
        if bssid is not False:
            if bssid is not None:
                self['bssid'] = bssid
                # Convert BSSID to colon delimited string for internal storage
                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    self['bssid']        = util.mac_addr_to_str(self['bssid'])
                self['bssid'] = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.BSSID
            # Remove current BSS on the node
            self['bssid'] = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
        # Set SSID field
        if ssid is not None:
            # Check SSID            
            if type(ssid) is not str:
                raise ValueError("The SSID type was {0}".format(type(ssid)))

            if len(ssid) > 32:
                ssid = ssid[:32]
                print("WARNING:  SSID must be 32 characters or less.  Truncating to {0}".format(ssid))

                self['ssid']         = bytes(ssid, "UTF8")
                self['ssid']         = ssid
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.SSID
            self['ssid'] = bytes()

        # Set Channel field
        if channel is not None:
            # Check Channel
            #   - Make sure it is a valid channel; only store channel
            if channel not in util.wlan_channels:
                msg  = "The channel must be a valid channel number.  See wlan_channels."
                raise ValueError(msg)

            self['channel']    = channel
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.CHANNEL
            self['channel'] = 0

        self['channel_type'] = self._consts.channel_type.BW20
        # Set the beacon interval field
        if beacon_interval is not False:
            if beacon_interval is not None:
                # Check beacon interval
                if type(beacon_interval) is not int:
                    beacon_interval = int(beacon_interval)
                    print("WARNING:  Beacon interval must be an interger number of time units.  Rounding to {0}".format(beacon_interval))
                if not ((beacon_interval > 9) and (beacon_interval < (2**16 - 1))):
                    msg  = "The beacon interval must be in [10, 65534] (ie 16-bit positive integer)."
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                self['beacon_interval'] = beacon_interval
                # Disable beacons
                self['beacon_interval'] = 0                
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.BEACON_INTERVAL
            self['beacon_interval'] = 0xFFFF

        # Set the HT capable field
        if ht_capable is not None:
            # Check HT capable
            if type(ht_capable) is not bool:
                msg  = "ht_capable must be a boolean."
                raise ValueError(msg)

            self['ht_capable'] = ht_capable
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.HT_CAPABLE
            self['ht_capable'] = 0xFF
        # Print the results
        if (tx == 'TX_HIGH'):
            print("\nExample 2: Tx Counts (CPU High):");
            print("\nExample 2: Tx Counts (CPU Low - includes retransmissions):");
            "Dest Addr",
            "# Pkts",
            "# Bytes",
            "MAC Addr Type"))

        for k in sorted(tx_counts.keys()):
            # Use the string version of the MAC address as the key for readability

# Example 3: Calculate total number of packets and bytes received from each distinct MAC address

# Skip this example if the log doesn't contain RX events
if('RX_OFDM' in log_np.keys()):

    # Extract all receptions
    log_rx = log_np['RX_OFDM']

    # Get RX_OFDM entry constants
    RX_CONSTS = log_util.get_entry_constants('RX_OFDM')
# Filter the OFDM Rx Entries
#  Find the source address for which we have the most receptions

#Extract unique values for address 2 (transmitting address in received MAC headers)
uniq_addrs = np.unique(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'])

#Count the number of receptions per source address
num_rx = list()
for ii,ua in enumerate(uniq_addrs):
    num_rx.append(np.sum(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'] == ua))

#Find the source address responsible for the most receptions
most_rx = max(num_rx)
most_common_addr = uniq_addrs[num_rx.index(most_rx)]

print("Found {0} receptions from {1}".format(most_rx, wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(most_common_addr)))

#Create new numpy array of all receptions from most-common source
arr_rx_one_src = np.empty(most_rx, dtype=log_rx_ofdm.dtype)
arr_rx_one_src[:] = log_rx_ofdm[(log_rx_ofdm['addr2'] == most_common_addr)]

#Create some strings to use as attributes in the HDF5 file
# attributes are only for convenience - they aren't required for writing or reading HDF5 files
root_desc = 'Source Log file: {0}\n'.format(LOGFILE)
root_desc += 'HDF5 file written at {0}\n'.format(

ds_desc = 'All Rx OFDM entries from addr {0}\n'.format(wlan_exp_util.mac_addr_to_str(most_common_addr))

#Construct dictionaries to feed the HDF5 exporter
# The dict key names are used as HDF5 dataset names
log_dict = {'RX_OFDM': arr_rx_one_src}
Beispiel #22
    def configure_bss(self, bssid=False, ssid=None, channel=None, beacon_interval=False, ht_capable=None):
        """Configure the BSS information of the node
        Each node is either a member of no BSS (colloquially "unassociated")
        or a member of one BSS.  A node requires a minimum valid set of BSS 
        information to be a member of a BSS. The minimum valid set of BSS 
        information for an IBSS node is:
            #. BSSID: 48-bit MAC address
            #. Channel: Logical channel for Tx/Rx by BSS members
            #. SSID: Variable length string (ie the name of the network)
            #. Beacon Interval:  Interval (in TUs) for beacons

        If a node is not a member of a BSS (i.e. ``n.get_bss_info()`` returns
        ``None``), then the node requires all parameters of a minimum valid 
        set of BSS information be specified (i.e. BSSID, Channel, SSID, and
        Beacon Interval).  
        For an IBSS node, the BSSID must be locally administered.  To create a 
        locally administered BSSID, a utility method is provided in
            ``bssid = util.create_locally_administered_bssid(node.wlan_mac_address)``
        for more documentation on BSS information / configuration.
            bssid (int, str):  48-bit ID of the BSS either as a integer or 
                colon delimited string of the form ``'01:23:45:67:89:ab'``. The 
                ``bssid`` must be a valid locally administered BSSID. Use 
                wlan_exp.util.create_locally_administered_bssid() to generate a valid
                locally administered BSSID based on the node's MAC address.
            ssid (str):  SSID string (Must be 32 characters or less)
            channel (int): Channel number on which the BSS operates
            beacon_interval (int): Integer number of beacon Time Units in [10, 65534]
                (; a TU is 1024 microseconds);
                A value of None will disable beacons;  A value of False will not 
                update the current beacon interval.
            ht_capable (bool):  Is the PHY mode HTMF (True) or NONHT (False)?        
        import wlan_exp.util as util
        if bssid is not False:
            if bssid is not None:
                if not util.is_locally_administered_bssid(bssid):
                    msg  = "IBSS BSSIDs must be 'locally administered'.  Use \n"
                    msg += "    util.create_locally_administered_bssid() to \n"
                    msg += "    create a 'locally adminstered' BSSID."
                    raise AttributeError(msg)
        resp_args = self.send_cmd(cmds.NodeConfigBSS(bssid=bssid, ssid=ssid, channel=channel,
                                                     beacon_interval=beacon_interval, ht_capable=ht_capable))
        # Process response arguments
        if (resp_args is not False):
            status  = resp_args[0]
            msg     = "ERROR:  Invalid response from node:\n"
            ret_val = True
            # Check status
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BSSID_INVALID):
                if type(self.bssid) in [int, long]:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                    self.bssid = util.mac_addr_to_str(self.bssid)
                msg    += "    BSSID {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.bssid)
                ret_val = False
                msg    += "    Insufficient arguments to create BSS.  Must provide:\n"
                if (bssid is False): 
                    msg    += "        BSSID\n"
                if (ssid is None):
                    msg    += "        SSID\n"
                if (channel is None):
                    msg    += "        CHANNEL\n"
                if (beacon_interval is False):
                    msg    += "        BEACON_INTERVAL\n"
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_CHANNEL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Channel {0} was invalid.\n".format(
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Beacon interval {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.beacon_interval)
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_HT_CAPABLE_INVALID):
                msg    += "    HT capable {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.ht_capable)
                ret_val = False
            if not ret_val:
Beispiel #23
    def __init__(self, bssid=False, ssid=None, channel=None, beacon_interval=False, ht_capable=None):                       
        super(BSSConfig, self).__init__(field_name='BSS_CONFIG')

        # Default values used if value not provided:
        #     bssid           - 00:00:00:00:00:00
        #     ssid            - ""
        #     channel         - 0
        #     beacon_interval - 0xFFFF
        #     ht_capable      - 0xFF

        # Initialize update mask
        self['update_mask'] = 0

        # Set the BSSID field
        if bssid is not False:
            if bssid is not None:
                self['bssid'] = bssid
                # Convert BSSID to colon delimited string for internal storage
                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    self['bssid']        = util.mac_addr_to_str(self['bssid'])
                self['bssid'] = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.BSSID
            # Remove current BSS on the node
            self['bssid'] = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
        # Set SSID field
        if ssid is not None:
            # Check SSID            
            if type(ssid) is not str:
                raise ValueError("The SSID type was {0}".format(type(ssid)))

            if len(ssid) > 32:
                ssid = ssid[:32]
                print("WARNING:  SSID must be 32 characters or less.  Truncating to {0}".format(ssid))

                self['ssid']         = bytes(ssid, "UTF8")
                self['ssid']         = ssid
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.SSID
            self['ssid'] = bytes()

        # Set Channel field
        if channel is not None:
            # Check Channel
            #   - Make sure it is a valid channel; only store channel
            if channel not in util.wlan_channels:
                msg  = "The channel must be a valid channel number.  See wlan_channels."
                raise ValueError(msg)

            self['channel']    = channel
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.CHANNEL
            self['channel'] = 0

        self['channel_type'] = self._consts.channel_type.BW20
        # Set the beacon interval field
        if beacon_interval is not False:
            if beacon_interval is not None:
                # Check beacon interval
                if type(beacon_interval) is not int:
                    beacon_interval = int(beacon_interval)
                    print("WARNING:  Beacon interval must be an interger number of time units.  Rounding to {0}".format(beacon_interval))
                if not ((beacon_interval > 9) and (beacon_interval < (2**16 - 1))):
                    msg  = "The beacon interval must be in [10, 65534] (ie 16-bit positive integer)."
                    raise ValueError(msg)
                self['beacon_interval'] = beacon_interval
                # Disable beacons
                self['beacon_interval'] = 0                
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.BEACON_INTERVAL
            self['beacon_interval'] = 0xFFFF

        # Set the HT capable field
        if ht_capable is not None:
            # Check HT capable
            if type(ht_capable) is not bool:
                msg  = "ht_capable must be a boolean."
                raise ValueError(msg)

            self['ht_capable'] = ht_capable
            # Set update mask
            self['update_mask'] |= self._consts.update_mask.HT_CAPABLE
            self['ht_capable'] = 0xFF
Beispiel #24
    def configure_bss(self, bssid=False, ssid=None, channel=None, beacon_interval=False, ht_capable=None):
        """Configure the BSS information of the node

        Each node is either a member of no BSS (colloquially "unassociated")
        or a member of one BSS.  A node requires a minimum valid set of BSS 
        information to be a member of a BSS. The minimum valid set of BSS 
        information for an AP is:

            #. BSSID: 48-bit MAC address
            #. Channel: Logical channel for Tx/Rx by BSS members
            #. SSID: Variable length string (ie the name of the network)
            #. Beacon Interval:  Interval (in TUs) for beacons

        If a node is not a member of a BSS (i.e. ``n.get_bss_info()`` returns
        ``None``), then the node requires all parameters of a minimum valid 
        set of BSS information be specified (i.e. Channel, SSID, and
        Beacon Interval).  For an AP, if BSSID is not specified, then it is 
        assumed to be the wlan_mac_address of the node.  
        for more documentation on BSS information / configuration.

            bssid (int, str):  48-bit ID of the BSS either None or
                the wlan_mac_address of the node.  If not specified, it is 
                by default the wlan_mac_address of the node.
            ssid (str):  SSID string (Must be 32 characters or less)
            channel (int): Channel number on which the BSS operates
            beacon_interval (int): Integer number of beacon Time Units in [10, 65534]
                (; a TU is 1024 microseconds);
                A value of None will disable beacons;  A value of False will not
                update the current beacon interval.
            ht_capable (bool):  Is the PHY mode HTMF (True) or NONHT (False)?

        if bssid is not None:
            if bssid is not False:
                # User supplied a not-None BSSID argument
                error = False

                if type(bssid) in [int, long]:
                    if (bssid != self.wlan_mac_address):
                        error = True
                elif type(bssid) is str:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                        if (util.str_to_mac_addr(bssid) != self.wlan_mac_address):
                            error = True
                        error = True

                if (error):
                    raise AttributeError("BSSID must be either None or the wlan_mac_address of the node.")
                # User did not provide a BSSID argument - use the AP's MAC address
                bssid = self.wlan_mac_address

        resp_args = self.send_cmd(cmds.NodeConfigBSS(bssid=bssid, ssid=ssid, channel=channel,
                                                     beacon_interval=beacon_interval, ht_capable=ht_capable))
        # Process response arguments
        if (resp_args is not False):
            status  = resp_args[0]
            msg     = "ERROR:  Invalid response from node:\n"
            ret_val = True
            # Check status
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BSSID_INVALID):
                if type(self.bssid) in [int, long]:
                    import wlan_exp.util as util
                    self.bssid = util.mac_addr_to_str(self.bssid)
                msg    += "    BSSID {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.bssid)
                ret_val = False
                msg    += "    Insufficient arguments to create BSS.  Must provide:\n"
                if (bssid is False): 
                    msg    += "        BSSID\n"
                if (ssid is None):
                    msg    += "        SSID\n"
                if (channel is None):
                    msg    += "        CHANNEL\n"
                if (beacon_interval is False):
                    msg    += "        BEACON_INTERVAL\n"
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_CHANNEL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Channel {0} was invalid.\n".format(
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_BEACON_INTERVAL_INVALID):
                msg    += "    Beacon interval {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.beacon_interval)
                ret_val = False
            if (status & cmds.ERROR_CONFIG_BSS_HT_CAPABLE_INVALID):
                msg    += "    HT capable {0} was invalid.\n".format(self.ht_capable)
                ret_val = False
            if not ret_val: