def do_analysis(analyzed_file):
    result_file_name = "result/" + str(analyzed_file)

    p = re.compile(r'\s(.*)')

    t = Tokenizer()
    with open(analyzed_file,mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as read_file:
        texts =
    with open(result_file_name, mode='a', encoding='utf-8') as result_file:
        for token in t.tokenize(str(texts)):
            check_word = p.sub('',str(token))
            if not word_match.word_check(check_word):
                result_file.write(str(token) + "\n")
    return result_file_name
def do_upload():
    p = re.compile(r'\s(.*)')
    category   = request.forms.get('category')
    upload     = request.files.get('upload')
    name, ext = os.path.splitext(upload.filename)
    if ext not in ('.csv','.json','.txt'):
        return 'File extension not allowed.'
    save_path = get_save_path_for_category(category),True) # appends upload.filename automatically

    analyzed_file = str(save_path) + str(upload.filename)

    result_file_path = do_analysis(analyzed_file)

    with open(result_file_path,mode='r', encoding='utf-8') as read_file:
        texts = read_file.readlines()

    counter = Counter(texts)
    word_count = []
#    total_count = []
    for word,cnt in counter.most_common():

        check_word = p.sub('',word)
        if word_match.word_check(check_word):

        word_count.append(str(p.sub('',word)) + " : " + str(cnt))
#        total_count.append(cnt)

#   total_count = sum([cnt])
    return template("result",url=url, result_file=result_file_path,result_text=texts,word_count = word_count)