Beispiel #1
def test_add_to_db(app: Flask):
    """Test if branches are added to database"""
    runner = app.test_cli_runner()

    tree_id = 1
    result = runner.invoke(
        args=['render', '-d', '8', '-z', '0-1', '-o', 'db:{}'.format(tree_id)])
    assert result.exception is None

    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()

    # check entry to tree table was added
    cur.execute('SELECT * FROM tree WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
    res = cur.fetchall()
    assert len(res) == 1

    # check correct number of entries have been added to zoom_info
    cur.execute('SELECT zoom_id FROM zoom_info WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
    res2 = cur.fetchall()
    assert res2 is not None and len(res2) == 2

    # check tiles information has been added to tiles table
    cur.execute('SELECT tile_id FROM tiles WHERE zoom_id IN (?, ?)',
                [res2[0]['zoom_id'], res2[1]['zoom_id']])
    res4 = cur.fetchall()
    assert res4 is not None and len(res4) > 0
Beispiel #2
def view_inventory():
    """ Display user's inventory. """

    if session.get('user_id') is None:
        return redirect(url_for('login.login_as_get'))

    db = get_db()
    user_id = session['user_id']

    cur = db.execute('SELECT * FROM branches_ownership INNER JOIN branches b ON branches_ownership.branch_id ='
                     ' WHERE owner_id = ? AND available_for_purchase = 0', [user_id])
    branches = cur.fetchall()

    # get user's name and token amount
    cur = db.execute('SELECT name, token FROM users WHERE id = ?', [user_id])
    user = cur.fetchone()

    # get notifications for the user
    cur = db.execute('SELECT, message FROM notifications '
                     'JOIN notification_objects ON notifications.entity_id = '
                     'WHERE receiver_id = ?', [user_id])
    notifications = cur.fetchall()

    return render_template("view_inventory.html", branches=branches, user=user, notifications=notifications)
def test_buy_branches(client, app):
    Test if post request to /buy/branch for change of ownership of a branch is reflected in the `branches_ownership`
    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()

    # sign up user 1
    user1_id = register_user('ted', 'ted', 'qwertyY123')

    branch_id = insert_branch(owner_id=user1_id, text='Branch 1', sell=True)
    branch_id2 = insert_branch(owner_id=user1_id, text='Branch 2', sell=True)

    # sign up and login user 2
    user = signup_login(client)

    # buy branch'/buy/branch',
                    'new-bt': 'new Branch',
                    'branch_id': branch_id,
                    'branch_price': 10

        'SELECT text,, users.token FROM branches_ownership INNER JOIN users ON '
        'branches_ownership.owner_id = WHERE owner_id=?;',
    row = cur.fetchone()

    assert row["text"] == "new Branch"
    assert row["token"] == 90
Beispiel #4
def login_as_post():
    """ Login user with a form. """


    # query database for username
    db = get_db()
    cur = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = (?)",
    user_data = cur.fetchone()

    # ensure username exists and password is correct
    if user_data is None or not check_password_hash(
            user_data["hash_password"], request.form.get("password")):
        flash("Invalid username and/or password.")
        return render_template("login.html")

    # remember which user has logged in
    session["user_id"] = user_data["id"]

    # insert login successful notification
        "INSERT INTO notifications (receiver_id, entity_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
        [user_data["id"], 1])

    # redirect user to marketplace with user's inventory shown
    return redirect(url_for("view_inventory.view_inventory"))
Beispiel #5
def delete_notification():
    """ Deletes notification in database"""
    db = get_db()
    db.execute('DELETE FROM notifications WHERE id = ?', [request.form["id"]])

    return ('', 204)
Beispiel #6
def buy_branches_search():
    """search for branches that have similar text elements"""
    if session.get('user_id') is None:
        return redirect(url_for('login.login_as_get'))

    db = get_db()
    user_id = session['user_id']

    query = request.args['search_field']
    cur = db.execute(
        "SELECT * FROM branches_ownership INNER JOIN branches b on branches_ownership.branch_id"
        "= WHERE text LIKE (?) ", ('%' + query + '%', ))
    filtered_branches = cur.fetchall()
    # get user's name and token amount
    cur = db.execute('SELECT name, token FROM users WHERE id = ?', [user_id])
    user = cur.fetchone()

    # get notifications for the user
    cur = db.execute(
        'SELECT, message FROM notifications '
        'JOIN notification_objects ON notifications.entity_id = '
        'WHERE receiver_id=?', [user_id])
    notifications = cur.fetchall()

    return render_template('buy_branch.html',
Beispiel #7
def signup_as_post():
    """ Register user with a form. """

    # ensure password and confirmation match
    if request.form.get("password") != request.form.get("password-confirm"):
        flash("Your passwords must match.")
        return render_template("signup.html")

    # ensure password meets policy
    rules = [
        lambda s: any(x.isupper()
                      for x in s),  # must have at least one uppercase
        lambda s: any(x.islower()
                      for x in s),  # must have at least one lowercase
        lambda s: any(x.isdigit() for x in s),  # must have at least one digit
        lambda s: len(s) >= 7  # must be at least 7 characters

    if not all(rule(request.form.get("password")) for rule in rules):
            "Password must have at least 7 characters, including at least one uppercase, one lowercase, and one digit."
        return render_template("signup.html")

    # hash password to not store the actual password
    password = request.form.get("password")
    hash_password = generate_password_hash(password)
    db = get_db()

    # username must be unique
            "INSERT INTO users (name, username, hash_password) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
                request.form.get("username"), hash_password
    except sqlite3.IntegrityError:
        # pick another username
        flash("Your username has been used. Pick another username")
        return render_template("signup.html")

    # store their id in session to log them in automatically
    cur = db.execute("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username=(?)",
    user_data = cur.fetchone()

    # automatically log in user and redirect to user's marketplace
    session['user_id'] = user_data['id']

    # insert signup and login successful notification
        "INSERT INTO notifications (receiver_id, entity_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
        [user_data["id"], 2])

    return redirect(url_for("view_inventory.view_inventory"))
Beispiel #8
    def save_zoom_info(self, **kwargs):
        Add zoom level information to database.
        :param tree_id: id of the corresponding entry in `tree` table; if none is provided, then assumed to the same
            as the tree that was most recently loaded with :meth:`load_branches`
        :param zoom_level: level of zoom
        :param grid: size of the square grid
        :param tile_size: (width, height) of the tile
        :param img_size: (width, height) of the tile image, i.e dimensions of the image
        :param img_dir: path to the directory containing the images of the tile
        :param json_dir: path to the directory containing the JSON files that contain list of branches
            contained in a tile
        req_args = ['tree_id', 'zoom_level', 'grid', 'tile_size', 'img_size', 'img_dir', 'json_dir']
        if not kwargs.get('tree_id', None):
            kwargs['tree_id'] = self.output_tree('tree_id')

        for key in req_args:
            if kwargs.get(key, None) is None:
                raise ValueError('{} cannot be None'.format(key))

        tree_id = kwargs['tree_id']
        zoom_level = kwargs['zoom_level']
        grid = kwargs['grid']
        tile_width, tile_height = kwargs['tile_size']
        img_width, img_height = kwargs['img_size']
        img_dir = kwargs['img_dir']
        json_dir = kwargs['json_dir']

            db = get_db()
            cur = db.cursor()
            cur.execute('SELECT zoom_id FROM zoom_info WHERE zoom_level=? AND tree_id=?', [zoom_level, tree_id])
            res = cur.fetchone()
            if res is not None:
                # drop existing entry with same zoom_level and tree_id
                cur.execute('SELECT tile_id FROM tiles WHERE "zoom_id"=?', [res['zoom_id']])
                res2 = cur.fetchall()
                print('  Dropping existing zoom level info and {} associated tiles ...'.format(len(res2)))
                cur.execute('DELETE FROM tiles WHERE "zoom_id"=?', [res['zoom_id']])
                cur.execute('DELETE FROM zoom_info WHERE "zoom_id"=?', [res['zoom_id']])

                'INSERT INTO zoom_info (zoom_level, tree_id, grid, tile_width, tile_height, image_width, image_height,'
                ' imgs_path, jsons_path) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
                [zoom_level, tree_id, grid, tile_width, tile_height, img_width, img_height, img_dir, json_dir]
            cur.execute('SELECT last_insert_rowid();')
            zoom_id = cur.fetchone()[0]

            self.__map[(tree_id, zoom_level)] = zoom_id


        print('  Added zoom level {}, {} {:.2f}x{:.2f} tiles'.format(zoom_level, grid, tile_width, tile_height))
Beispiel #9
def _initial_render():
    tree_id = current_app.config['TREE_ID']

    db = get_db()
    res = db.execute('SELECT * FROM zoom_info WHERE tree_id=?',

    if (res is None or len(res) == 0) and not current_app.config['TESTING']:
        # if not testing, render all branches once
        from .services import render_service
Beispiel #10
def get_about():
    """display about page"""
    if session.get('user_id') is None:
        return redirect(url_for('login.login_as_get'))

    db = get_db()
    user_id = session['user_id']

    # get user's name and token amount
    cur = db.execute('SELECT name, token FROM users WHERE id = ?', [user_id])
    user = cur.fetchone()

    return render_template('about.html', user=user)
Beispiel #11
def home():
    """ Handles requests to the root page """

    user_id = session.get('user_id')

    db = get_db()
    row = db.execute('SELECT id FROM users WHERE id=?', [user_id]).fetchone()

    if row is not None:
        return redirect(url_for("view_inventory.view_inventory"))
        return render_template('index.html')
Beispiel #12
def query_tree():
    tree_ids = request.args.getlist('id')
    keys = set(request.args.getlist('keys'))
    queries = set(request.args.getlist('q'))
    length = len(tree_ids)

    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()

    if length > 0:
        query = 'SELECT * FROM tree WHERE tree_id in ({});'.format(
            _to_csv('?' * length))
        cur.execute(query, tree_ids)
        cur.execute('SELECT * FROM tree;')
    res = cur.fetchall()
    rv = []
    if res is not None and len(res) > 0:
        valid_keys = set(res[0].keys())
        if keys:
            keys = valid_keys.intersection(keys).union(
                {'tree_name', 'tree_id'})
            keys = valid_keys

        for row in res:
            dic = dict()
            for key in keys:
                dic[key] = row[key]

    # handle queries
    for tree_dic in rv:

        if 'max_zoom' in queries:
                'SELECT tree.tree_id, COUNT(zoom_id) FROM tree JOIN zoom_info zi on tree.tree_id = zi.tree_id '
                'WHERE tree.tree_id=?', [tree_dic['tree_id']])
            tree_dic['max_zoom'] = cur.fetchone()[1]

        if 'num_branches' in queries:
                'SELECT tree_id, COUNT( FROM branches WHERE tree_id=?',
            tree_dic['num_branches'] = cur.fetchone()[1]

    response = Response(response=json.dumps(rv),

    return response
Beispiel #13
def buy_branches_get():
    """get all the branches that belong to the given user"""

    if session.get('user_id') is None:
        return redirect(url_for('login.login_as_get'))

    db = get_db()
    user_id = session['user_id']

    # Filter view if category specified in query string
    if "filter" in request.args:
        if request.args["filter"] == "visibility":
            cur = db.execute(
                'SELECT * FROM branches_ownership INNER JOIN branches b on branches_ownership.branch_id'
                '= WHERE available_for_purchase=1 ORDER BY b.depth ASC')
            available_branches = cur.fetchall()
        if request.args["filter"] == "price-high":
            cur = db.execute(
                'SELECT * FROM branches_ownership INNER JOIN branches b on branches_ownership.branch_id'
                '= WHERE available_for_purchase=1 ORDER BY branches_ownership.price DESC'
            available_branches = cur.fetchall()
        if request.args["filter"] == "price-low":
            cur = db.execute(
                'SELECT * FROM branches_ownership INNER JOIN branches b on branches_ownership.branch_id'
                '= WHERE available_for_purchase=1 ORDER BY branches_ownership.price ASC'
            available_branches = cur.fetchall()

        cur = db.execute(
            'SELECT * FROM branches_ownership INNER JOIN branches b on branches_ownership.branch_id'
            '= WHERE available_for_purchase=1 ORDER BY DESC')
        available_branches = cur.fetchall()

    # get user's name and token amount
    cur = db.execute('SELECT name, token FROM users WHERE id = ?', [user_id])
    user = cur.fetchone()

    # get notifications for the user
    cur = db.execute(
        'SELECT, message FROM notifications '
        'JOIN notification_objects ON notifications.entity_id = '
        'WHERE receiver_id = ?', [user_id])
    notifications = cur.fetchall()

    return render_template('buy_branch.html',
Beispiel #14
def query_tile():
    zoom_level = request.args.get('zoom', default=0)
    row = request.args.get('row', default=0)
    col = request.args.get('col', default=0)
    res_type = request.args.get('type', default='img')
    tree_id = request.args.get('tree-id')
    zoom_id = request.args.get('zoom-id')

    if not tree_id and not zoom_id:
        return Response('zoom-id or tree-id and zoom must be provided',
    if res_type not in ['img', 'json']:
        return Response('\'{}\' type unknown'.format(res_type), status=500)

        row = int(row)
        col = int(col)

        cur = get_db().cursor()
        if zoom_id:
                'SELECT * FROM tiles WHERE zoom_id=? AND tile_row=? AND tile_col=?',
                [zoom_id, row, col])
                'SELECT * FROM tiles INNER JOIN zoom_info zi ON tiles.zoom_id = zi.zoom_id WHERE '
                'zoom_level=? AND tree_id=? AND tile_row=? AND tile_col=?',
                [zoom_level, tree_id, row, col])
        row = cur.fetchone()
        if row is None:
            return Response('tile not found', status=404)

        if res_type == 'img':
            with open(row['img_file'], mode='rb') as f:
                response = Response(,
            with open(row['json_file'], mode='r') as f:
                response = Response(,

        return response
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return Response('tile data not found', status=404)
    except ValueError as e:
        return Response(str(e), status=500)
Beispiel #15
def buy_branch():
    """purchase a branch and change the contents of a the branch"""
    db = get_db()
    buying_id = request.form["branch_id"]
    branch_price = request.form["branch_price"]
    branch_text = request.form['new-bt']
    user_id = session['user_id']

    cur = db.execute('SELECT token FROM users WHERE id = ?', [user_id])
    token = cur.fetchone()["token"]

    if token <= int(branch_price):
        # insert insufficient tokens notification
            "INSERT INTO notifications (receiver_id, entity_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
            [user_id, 6])
        return redirect(url_for("buy.buy_branches_get"))
        cur = db.execute(
            'SELECT owner_id FROM branches_ownership WHERE branch_id= ?',
        old_owner_id = cur.fetchone()["owner_id"]

            'UPDATE branches_ownership SET owner_id = ?, text = ?, available_for_purchase = 0 '
            'WHERE branch_id=?', [user_id, branch_text, buying_id])
        db.execute('UPDATE users SET token = token - ? WHERE id = ?',
                   [branch_price, user_id])
        db.execute('UPDATE users SET token = token + ? WHERE id = ?',
                   [branch_price, old_owner_id])

        # insert sell branch successful notification for previous owner
            "INSERT INTO notifications (receiver_id, entity_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
            [old_owner_id, 5])

        # insert buy branch successful notification
            "INSERT INTO notifications (receiver_id, entity_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
            [user_id, 3])

        # re-render all tiles at all zoom levels in another thread

        return redirect(url_for("buy.buy_branches_get"))
Beispiel #16
def testing_signup(client, app):
    Adding new account to the database through a post request and checking if info was added in the database correctly
    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()
    user = signup_login(client)

        'SELECT id, name, username, hash_password FROM users WHERE id=?',
    user_content = cur.fetchone()

    assert user_content['name'] == user['name']
    assert user_content['username'] == user['username']
    assert check_password_hash(user_content['hash_password'], user['password'])
Beispiel #17
def test_add_layer(app: Flask):
    """ Tests `add-layer` cli command. """
    runner = app.test_cli_runner()

    # dummy tree should have no branches
    tree_id = app.config['DUMMY_TEST_TREE_ID']

    result = runner.invoke(
        args=['add-layer', '-f', 'db:{}'.format(tree_id), '-n', '1'])
    assert result.exception is None

    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute('SELECT * FROM branches  WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
    res = cur.fetchall()

    # there should only be the root branch
    assert len(res) == 1
    row = res[0]
    assert row['depth'] == 0

    # test if entries are added to branches_ownership
    dummy_id = app.config['DUMMY_USER_ID']
    result = runner.invoke(args=[
        'add-layer', '-f', 'db:{}'.format(tree_id), '-n', 2, '--owner-id',
    assert result.exception is None

        'SELECT DISTINCT depth, tree_id FROM branches  WHERE tree_id=?',
    res = cur.fetchall()

    # there should be 3 layers now
    assert len(res) == 3

    # number of new branches added
    cur.execute('SELECT * FROM branches WHERE tree_id=? AND depth > 0',
    num_branches = len(cur.fetchall())

    # all of them should have corresponding entries in branches_ownership with owner_id of dummy_id
        'SELECT * FROM branches INNER JOIN branches_ownership bo on = bo.branch_id '
        'WHERE bo.owner_id=?', [dummy_id])
    assert num_branches == len(cur.fetchall())
Beispiel #18
    def __read_all_branches(self, tree_id: int):
            db = get_db()
            cur = db.cursor()

            cur.execute('SELECT tree_name FROM tree WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
            res = cur.fetchone()
            if res is None:
                raise Exception('entry with tree_id={} does not exist'.format(tree_id))
            tree_name = res[0]

            print('Reading branches from tree \'{}\', tree_id={} ...'.format(tree_name, tree_id))

            cur.execute('SELECT * FROM branches LEFT JOIN main.branches_ownership ON '
                        ' = branches_ownership.branch_id WHERE tree_id=? ORDER BY "ind" ASC', [tree_id])
            results = cur.fetchall()

        if results is None or len(results) == 0:
            num_branches = 0
            branches = []
            layers = []
            num_branches = len(results)
            branches = [None for i in range(num_branches)]

            layers, layer = [], -1
            for i in range(num_branches):
                row = results[i]
                depth, length, width = row['depth'], row['length'], row['width']
                angle = row['angle']
                posx, posy = row['pos_x'], row['pos_y']
                text = row['text']

                branches[i] = Branch(i, Vec(posx, posy), depth=depth, length=length, width=width, angle=angle, text=text)
                if depth > layer:
                    layer = depth
                elif depth < layer:
                    raise Exception('branches not in order')

        print('  branches read: {}\n  layers: {}'.format(num_branches, str(layers).strip('[]')))

        self.__branches = branches
        self.__num_branches = num_branches
        self.__layers = layers
        self.__input_tree['tree_name'] = tree_name
        self.__input_tree['tree_id'] = tree_id
Beispiel #19
def register_user(name, username, password):
    Add an entry to `users` table with the given credentials.
    :param name: name
    :param username: username
    :param password: password
    :return: the `id` of the entry in `users` table
    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()

    hash_password = generate_password_hash(password)
        "INSERT INTO users (name, username, hash_password) VALUES (?, ?, ?)",
        [name, username, hash_password])
    cur.execute('SELECT last_insert_rowid();')
    user_id = cur.fetchone()[0]

    return user_id
def insert_branch(depth=0, ind=None, owner_id=None, text='', sell=False):
    Insert branch into `branches` table and an entry to `branches_ownership` table with the given owner-id, text, and
    availability of purchase.
    Note: requires application context

    :param ind: index of branch
    :param depth: depth of branch
    :param owner_id: id of entry in `users` table
    :param text: value of `text` column for entry in `branches_ownership` table
    :param sell: whether the branch is available for purchase
    :return: the id of the newly inserted entry in the `branches` table
    if not flask.has_app_context():
        raise Exception('app_context not pushed to application context stack')

    app = current_app
    # dummy tree has no branches
    test_tree_id = app.config['DUMMY_TEST_TREE_ID']

    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()

    if ind is None:
        # find index that's not already used
        ind = 0
        while (test_tree_id, ind) in __cache:
            ind += 1

        'INSERT INTO branches (ind, depth, length, width, angle, pos_x, pos_y, tree_id) VALUES'
        '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
        [ind, depth, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, test_tree_id])
    branch_id = cur.execute('select last_insert_rowid()').fetchone()[0]
    __cache.add((test_tree_id, ind))

    if owner_id:
        sell = 1 if sell else 0
            'INSERT INTO branches_ownership (branch_id, owner_id, text, available_for_purchase) VALUES'
            '(?, ?, ?, ?)', [branch_id, owner_id, text, sell])

    return branch_id
Beispiel #21
def sell_branches_post():
    """ Convert branch to available for purchase as requested by user. """
    if session.get('user_id') is None:
        return redirect(url_for('login.login_as_get'))

    user_id = session['user_id']

    db = get_db()
        'UPDATE branches_ownership SET price=?, available_for_purchase=1 WHERE branch_id=?',
        [request.form["selling_price"], request.form["branch_id"]])

    # insert sell branch waiting for buyer notification
        "INSERT INTO notifications (receiver_id, entity_id) VALUES (?, ?)",
        [user_id, 4])

    return redirect(url_for("view_inventory.view_inventory"))
Beispiel #22
def test_branch_grid_intersection(app: Flask):
    """Test if correct number of branches are recorded as being contained in a grid cell"""
    runner = app.test_cli_runner()

    tree_id = app.config['TEST_TREE_ID']
    result = runner.invoke(args=[
        'render', '-z', '0', '--name=test_tree', '-f', 'db:{}'.format(tree_id)
    assert result.exception is None

    db = get_db()
    cur = db.cursor()
    cur.execute('SELECT tree_name FROM tree WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
    tree_name = cur.fetchone()['tree_name']

    test_cases = [
        # [(gridx, gridy), # of branches in the grid cell]
        [(2, 2), 5],
        [(1, 2), 5],
        [(2, 3), 1],
        [(3, 0), 0]
    success = 0
    total = len(test_cases)

    cache_dir = app.config['CACHE_DIR']
    dir = os.path.join(cache_dir, '{}/json/zoom_0'.format(tree_name))
    files = os.listdir(dir)

    for file in files:
        for case in test_cases:
            i, j = case[0]
            if file.endswith('{}_{}.json'.format(i, j)):
                # load json files and check for correct number of branches
                with open(os.path.join(dir, file), mode='r') as f:
                    assert len(json.load(f)) == case[1]
                success += 1

    assert success == total
Beispiel #23
def signup_login(client):
    name = 'acbdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    username = '******'
    password = '******'

    rv ='/signup',
                         'name': name,
                         'username': username,
                         'password': password,
                         'password-confirm': password

    user_id = get_db().execute(
        'SELECT id FROM users WHERE username=? AND name=?',
        [username, name]).fetchone()[0]
    return {
        'username': username,
        'name': name,
        'password': password,
        'id': user_id
Beispiel #24
def query_zoom():
    Query for zoom information. Returns list of entries in `zoom_info` table that match any of the conditions
    specified in the query. The following conditions are known:
      1. `id` - refers to `zoom_id` of the entry
      2. `tree-id` - refers to `tree_id` column of the entry
      3. `q` - comma separated values of of the from `<zoom level>,<tree_id>|...`; refers to entries with
        matching zoom level and tree id
      4. keys - columns to include in the other than the zoom_id; by default all column values are returned
    ids = request.args.getlist('id')
    tree_ids = request.args.getlist('tree-id')
    queries = request.args.getlist('q')
    keys = set(request.args.getlist('keys'))
    parsed_queries = []

    # parse queries
    qlen = len(queries)
        for i in range(qlen):
            query = queries[i]
            slen = len(query)
            j = 0
            while j < slen:
                comma = query.find(',', j)
                pipe = query.find('|', j)
                print(query, comma, pipe)
                if comma < 0:
                    raise ValueError('\'{}\' malformed query'.format(query))
                zoom_level = int(query[j:comma])

                if pipe < 0:
                    tree_id = int(query[comma + 1:])
                    pipe = slen
                    tree_id = int(query[comma + 1:pipe])
                parsed_queries.append((zoom_level, tree_id))
                j = pipe + 1
    except ValueError as e:
        return Response('Malformed query', status=500)

    rv = []
    cur = get_db().cursor()

    # construct condition for WHERE clause
    clause, args = '', []
    if len(ids) > 0:
        clause += 'zoom_id IN ({})'.format(_to_csv('?' * len(ids)))

    if len(tree_ids) > 0:
        if clause:
            clause += ' OR '
        clause += 'tree_id IN ({})'.format(_to_csv('?' * len(tree_ids)))

    if len(parsed_queries) > 0:
        if clause:
            clause += ' OR '
        length = len(parsed_queries)
        for i in range(length):
            if i > 0:
                clause += ' OR '
            zoom_level, tree_id = parsed_queries[i]
            clause += '(zoom_level=? AND tree_id =?)'
            args.extend([zoom_level, tree_id])

    # construct rest of SQL statement
    if clause:
        statement = 'SELECT * FROM zoom_info WHERE ' + clause + ';'
        statement = 'SELECT * FROM zoom_info;'

    cur.execute(statement, args)
    res = cur.fetchall()

    rv = []
    if res is not None and len(res) > 0:
        valid_keys = set(res[0].keys())
        if keys:
            keys = valid_keys.intersection(keys).union({'zoom_id'})
            keys = valid_keys

        for row in res:
            dic = dict()
            for key in keys:
                dic[key] = row[key]

    response = Response(response=json.dumps(rv),

    return response
Beispiel #25
    def save_tile_info(self, **kwargs):
        Save tile information to `tiles` table of application database. Will raise exception if zoom information
        has not already been added to `zoom_info` table.
        :param tree_id: `tree_id` column value of the entry in `tree` table that this tile belongs to
        :param zoom_level: zoom level that the tile is being rendered at
        :param tile_path: path to the PNG image of the tile
        :param json_path: path to the JSON file containing list of branches visible in the tile
        :param grid_location: tuple `(i, j)` where `i` is the zero-indexed row of the tile, `j` is the column
        :param tile_index: index of the grid if all the squares of the grid were numbered starting from 0, should be
            equivalent to `i*(num of tiles per row) + j` where `(i, j)` refer to row and column number of the tile
        :param tile_position: tuple `(x, y)` of the position of the top-left corner of the tile in the full rendering
            of the tree
        req_args = ['tree_id', 'zoom_level', 'tile_index',  'grid_location', 'tile_position']
        if not kwargs.get('tree_id', None):
            kwargs['tree_id'] = self.output_tree('tree_id')

        for key in req_args:
            if kwargs.get(key, None) is None:
                raise ValueError('{} cannot be None'.format(key))

        zoom_level = kwargs['zoom_level']
        tree_id = kwargs['tree_id']
        img_path = kwargs.get('img_path', '')
        json_path = kwargs.get('json_path', '')
        index = kwargs['tile_index']
        row, col = kwargs['grid_location']
        x, y = kwargs['tile_position']

            db = get_db()
            cur = db.cursor()

            zoom_id = self.__map.get((tree_id, zoom_level), None)
            if zoom_id is None:
                cur.execute('SELECT zoom_id FROM zoom_info WHERE zoom_level=? AND tree_id=?', [zoom_level, tree_id])
                result = cur.fetchone()
                if len(result) == 0:
                    raise Exception('tree-id {}, zoom level {} information not added to zoom_info table'
                                    .format(tree_id, zoom_level))
                    zoom_id = result[0]

            cur.execute('SELECT tile_id FROM tiles WHERE zoom_id=? AND tile_index=?;', [zoom_id, index])
            res = cur.fetchone()

            cur.execute('SELECT * FROM zoom_info WHERE zoom_id=?;', [zoom_id])
            res2 = cur.fetchone()
            if res2 is None:
                print('NONE FOR ZOOM_ID', res2)
            if res is None:
                    'INSERT INTO tiles (tile_index, zoom_id, img_file, json_file, tile_col, tile_row, tile_pos_x, '
                    'tile_pos_y) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)',
                    [index, zoom_id, img_path, json_path, col, row, x, y]
                    'UPDATE tiles SET img_file=?, json_file=?, tile_col=?, tile_row=?, tile_pos_x=?,'
                    ' tile_pos_y=? WHERE tile_id=?;',
                    [img_path, json_path, col, row, x, y, res['tile_id']]

Beispiel #26
    def update_branches(self, tree_id, **kwargs):
        Update branch entries with tree-id `tree-id` with information in contained is the list of :class:`Branch`
        objects in `branches`. If entries have same index (i.e `ind` column value same as :meth:`Branch.index`), then
        the entry will be updated. If such an entry does not exist, it will be inserted.

        Additionally, a map of branch-id, dictionary pairs can be passed to :param:`ownership_info` which will be used
        to update the `branches_ownership` table. Existing entries with same branch-id will be updated, and new ones will
        be inserted into the table.

        :param tree_id: id of entry in the `tree` table
        :param branches: list of :class:`Branch` objects to insert into or update in the `branches` table
        :param num_branches: number of :class:`Branch` objects containing in the `branches` list; if not provided,
            defaults to `len(branches)`
        :param ownership_info: map of branch-id and dictionary pairs where the dictionary maps all the columns in
            `branches_ownership` table to values for that column. Note that the dictionary that each branch-id maps to
            must provide values for the following columns, unless defaults are given:
                ======================== ======= ===============
                Column Name              Type      Default
                ======================== ======= ===============
                `owner_id`               `int`
                `text`                   `str`   ``
                `price`                  `int`   `0`
                `available_for_purchase` `bool`  `False`
                `available_for_bid`      `bool`  `True`

        :param kwargs: additional options
        # use self.branches if branches kwarg not provided
        branches, num_branches = kwargs.get('branches', None), kwargs.get('num_branches', None)
        if branches is None:
            branches = self.branches
            num_branches = self.num_branches
        elif not num_branches:
            num_branches = len(branches)

        ownership_info = kwargs.get('ownership_info', dict())
            db = get_db()
            cur = db.cursor()

            cur.execute('SELECT tree_id FROM tree WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
            res = cur.fetchone()
            if res is None:
                raise Exception('entry with tree-id \'{}\' does not exist'.format(tree_id))

            print('\nUpdating branches with tree-id \'{}\' ...'.format(tree_id))
            updated, inserted = 0, 0
            for i in range(num_branches):
                branch = branches[i]
                index = branch.index
                cur.execute('SELECT * FROM branches WHERE tree_id=? AND "ind"=?', [tree_id, index])
                branches_row = cur.fetchone()
                if branches_row is None:
                    cur.execute('INSERT INTO branches (tree_id, ind, depth, length, width, angle, pos_x, pos_y) '
                                'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);',
                                [tree_id, index, branch.depth, branch.length, branch.width, branch.angle, branch.pos.x,
                    inserted += 1
                    cur.execute('UPDATE branches SET "depth"=?, "length"=?, "width"=?, "angle"=?, "pos_x"=?, "pos_y"=? '
                                ' WHERE tree_id=? AND "ind"=?',
                                [branch.depth, branch.length, branch.width,
                                 branch.angle, branch.pos.x, branch.pos.y, tree_id, index]
                    updated += 1

            print('  branches table: updated {}, inserted {}'.format(updated, inserted))

            print('\nUpdating branches_ownership entries  ...')
            updated, inserted = 0, 0

            for branch_index, info in ownership_info.items():

                cur.execute('SELECT * FROM branches WHERE branches.tree_id=? AND branches.ind=?;',
                            [tree_id, branch_index])
                branches_row = cur.fetchone()

                branch_id = branches_row['id']
                cur.execute('SELECT * FROM branches_ownership WHERE branch_id=?;', [branch_id])
                ownership_row = cur.fetchone()

                owner_id = info['owner_id']
                text = info.get('text', '')
                price = info.get('price', 0)
                available_for_purchase = 1 if info.get('available_for_purchase', None) else 0
                available_for_bid = 1 if info.get('available_for_bid', None) else 0

                if ownership_row is None:
                    cur.execute('INSERT INTO branches_ownership (branch_id, owner_id, text, price, '
                                'available_for_purchase, available_for_bid) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);',
                                [branch_id, owner_id, text, price, available_for_purchase, available_for_bid])
                    inserted += 1
                    cur.execute('UPDATE branches_ownership SET owner_id=?, text=?, price=?, available_for_purchase=?,'
                                'available_for_bid=? WHERE branch_id=?',
                                [owner_id, text, price, available_for_purchase, available_for_bid, branch_id]
                    updated += 1
            print('  branches_ownership table: updated {}, inserted {}'.format(updated, inserted))
Beispiel #27
    def save_branches(self, **kwargs):
        tree_id = kwargs.get('tree_id', None)
        full_width = kwargs.get('width', 0)
        full_height = kwargs.get('height', 0)
        tree_name = kwargs.get('tree_name', None)
        # for formatting
        newline = True

        # use self.branches if branches kwarg not provided
        branches, num_branches = kwargs.get('branches', None), kwargs.get('num_branches', None)
        if branches is None:
            branches = self.branches
            num_branches = self.num_branches
        elif not num_branches:
            # branches kwarg provided but no num_branches provided
            raise Exception('num_branches not provided')

            db = get_db()
            cur = db.cursor()

            if tree_id is not None:
                cur.execute('SELECT tree_id, tree_name FROM tree WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
                res = cur.fetchone()
                if res is not None:
                    # get tree_name from existing entry, if there is one and no tree_name is provided
                    orig_tree_name = res['tree_name']
                    if not tree_name:
                        tree_name = orig_tree_name

                    # get associated tiles
                    cur.execute('SELECT zoom_id FROM zoom_info WHERE tree_id=?', [tree_id])
                    res_zooms = cur.fetchall()
                    cur.execute('SELECT tiles.zoom_id, tree_id FROM zoom_info INNER JOIN tiles ON '
                                'tiles.zoom_id=zoom_info.zoom_id WHERE zoom_info.tree_id=?', [tree_id])
                    res_tiles = cur.fetchall()

                    print('\nDropping existing entry \'{}\', tree_id={}'.format(orig_tree_name, tree_id))
                    print('  {} zoom level(s), {} total tiles'.format(len(res_zooms), len(res_tiles)))
                    newline = False

                    # entries in zoom_info, tiles .. should be deleted automatically
                    # if PRAGMA foreign_keys=ON
                    cur.execute(r'DELETE FROM branches WHERE "tree_id"=?', [tree_id])
                    cur.execute(r'DELETE FROM tree WHERE "tree_id"=?', [tree_id])
                elif not tree_name:
                    tree_name = _get_default_tree_name()

                cur.execute('INSERT INTO tree (tree_id, tree_name, full_width, full_height) '
                            'VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)', [tree_id, tree_name, full_width, full_height])
                if not tree_name:
                    tree_name = _get_default_tree_name()
                cur.execute('INSERT INTO tree (tree_name, full_width, full_height) VALUES (?, ?, ?)',
                            [tree_name, full_width, full_height])

            cur.execute('SELECT last_insert_rowid()')
            rowid = cur.fetchone()[0]

            if newline:
            print('Created new entry \'{}\' tree_id={}'.format(tree_name, rowid))

            self.__output_tree['tree_name'] = tree_name
            self.__output_tree['tree_id'] = tree_id
            self.__add_all_branches(cur, rowid, branches=branches, num_branches=num_branches)