Beispiel #1
def is_day_off(date, weekday):

	cal = France()
	splitted = ((date.split(" "))[0]).split("-")
	y = int(splitted[0])
	m = int(splitted[1])
	d = int(splitted[2])

	if (cal.is_working_day(,m,d)) and (weekday != 6)):
		return 0
		return 1
Beispiel #2
def est_ouvr(_dt) :

	# Imports
	from app.models import TDateFermeture
	from workalendar.europe import France

	output = False

	# Initialisation d'un calendrier français
	cal = France()

	# Vérification de l'ouvrabilité
	if cal.is_working_day(_dt) == True and TDateFermeture.objects.filter(pk = _dt).count() == 0 : output = True

	return output
Beispiel #3
    def _get_feries(self) -> List[datetime]:
        """Renvoie la liste des jours fériés de l'année x et de l'année x +1

        :return: liste des jours fériés
        :rtype: List[datetime]
        days = []
        for year in (self.year, self.year + 1):
            days += [_[0] for _ in France().holidays(year)]
        self.feries = days
        return days
def get_nb_half_days_by_period_per_month(date_from, date_to):
    day_list = pd.date_range(date_from, date_to).tolist()
    cal = France()
    holidays = cal.holidays(date_from.year)
    holidays_date = [h[0] for h in holidays]
    md_dict = {}
    for i in range(1, 13):
        md_dict[i] = {
            "monday_am": 0,
            "monday_pm": 0,
            "tuesday_am": 0,
            "tuesday_pm": 0,
            "wednesday_am": 0,
            "wednesday_pm": 0,
            "thursday_am": 0,
            "thursday_pm": 0,
            "friday_am": 0,
            "friday_pm": 0,

    # for each day of the period
    for day in day_list:
        if not in holidays_date:
            if day.dayofweek == 0:
                md_dict[day.month]['monday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['monday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 1:
                md_dict[day.month]['tuesday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['tuesday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 2:
                md_dict[day.month]['wednesday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['wednesday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 3:
                md_dict[day.month]['thursday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['thursday_pm'] += 1
            if day.dayofweek == 4:
                md_dict[day.month]['friday_am'] += 1
                md_dict[day.month]['friday_pm'] += 1

    return md_dict
Beispiel #5
 def fill_not_working_days(self):
     """ Create columns WEEK_END and DAY_OFF from DATE """
     # days-off
     cal = France()
     self.df["DAY_OFF"] = np.vectorize(cal.is_holiday)(
     # week-end
     self.df["WEEK_END"] = np.in1d(self.df.index.dayofweek,
                                   [5, 6]).astype(int)
     # not working day
     self.df["NOT_WORKING_DAY"] = self.df["DAY_OFF"] | self.df["WEEK_END"]
     # daytime
     self.df["DAYTIME"] =
Beispiel #6
 def clean_electricity(self):
     import datetime
     #Get holiday dates in France using the library called workalendar
     from workalendar.europe import France
     cal = France()
     #Convert dates to DateTime format
     self.df['Date'] = pd.to_datetime(self.df['Date'], format='%d/%m/%Y')
     #Create the DayTypes mentioned in the article (except DayType 8)
     #/!\ We chose an arbitrary order to create the day types, since they are not separated sets
     #Add normal weekdays (DayType 1)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Date'].apply(lambda u: (, 1))
     #Add Mondays (DayType 0)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(
         lambda x: (x[0], 0) if x[0].weekday() == 0 else x)
     #Add Fridays (DayType 2)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(
         lambda x: (x[0], 2) if x[0].weekday() == 4 else x)
     #Add Saturdays (DayType 3)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(
         lambda x: (x[0], 3) if x[0].weekday() == 5 else x)
     #Add Sundays (DayType 4)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(
         lambda x: (x[0], 4) if x[0].weekday() == 6 else x)
     #Add Bank holidays (DayType 6)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(
         lambda x: (x[0], 6) if cal.is_holiday(x[0]) == True else x)
     #Add Before Bank holidays (DayType 5)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(
         lambda x: (x[0], 5) if cal.is_holiday(x[0] + datetime.timedelta(
             days=1)) == True else x)
     #Add After Bank holidays (DayType 7)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(
         lambda x: (x[0], 7) if cal.is_holiday(x[0] - datetime.timedelta(
             days=1)) == True else x)
     self.df['Day_type'] = self.df['Day_type'].apply(lambda x: x[1])
     self.df['Date'] = self.df['Date'].apply(lambda u:
Beispiel #7
    def __init__(self, _date): = _date

        # if required, _calendar.is_working_day can deal with extra working days/holidays
        self.is_working_day = France().is_working_day(_date)
        self.weekday = _date.weekday()
        # normal working day if no holiday or if weekend day
        # tip: holiday during weekend are considered as normal weekend working day
        if self.weekday in [5, 6] or self.is_working_day:
            self.profile = copy.deepcopy(Week.SLOTS[self.weekday])
        # unusual working day if holiday
            self.profile = copy.deepcopy(Week.SLOTS[Week.KEY_SPECIAL_HOLIDAY])

        if not self.profile:
            raise UserWarning(
                "daily planning's profile has not been successfully resolved.")
def get_cal_from_country(bmk_country):
    Function returning a calendar based on the 'benchmark_country' of the csv file
    # Python package to manage holidays per country
    # >> See :
    from 'benchmark_country' column (to be parsed) in the Derivation Script
    Warning : Tuples may appear like [USA, Japon] or [USA, China] instead of China
    [Germany, China] instead of Russia
    [USA, China] instead of Moyen-Orient
    [USA, China] instead of Brasil
    Currently missing : China, Russia
    @TODO : ADD HONG-KONG !!! (for 'HSI_Index')
    NOTE :  5 avril 2018 : Ching Ming Festival (jour férié Hong-Kong !)
    :param bmk_country: benchmark country (type: string)
        - cal: calendar related to the country (type: workalendar type ?)
    cal = []
    if ',' in bmk_country:  # '[A, B]' => ['A', 'B']
        print "[WARNING] Tuple for the 'benchmark_country : {}, returning the first one..".format(
        bmk_country = bmk_country.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split(',')
        bmk_country = bmk_country[0]  # TO BE DEFINED !

    if bmk_country == 'USA':
        cal = UnitedStates()
    elif bmk_country == 'Germany':
        cal = Germany()
    elif bmk_country == 'Japan':
        cal = Japan()
    elif bmk_country == 'France':
        cal = France()
    elif bmk_country == 'UK':
        cal = UnitedKingdom()
    elif bmk_country == 'Grèce':
        cal = Greece()
    elif bmk_country == 'Italie':
        cal = Italy()
    elif bmk_country == 'Espagne':
        cal = Spain()
    elif bmk_country == 'Brasil':
        cal = Brazil()
    return cal
Beispiel #9

name_encoder = dict(zip(names, [list(x) for x in np.eye(len(names))[:, 1:]]))

weekdays = [
    'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday',

# features
features = (
    weekdays[:-1] + names[1:] + ['CALLS'])

# French calendar object
calendar = France()

# first and last dates possibly considered
first = datetime.strptime('2011-01-01 00:00:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
last = datetime.strptime('2013-12-31 23:30:00', '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

def parse_date(datestring):
    """ Parse date string and return relevant features. """

    # datetime object encoding data information
    date = datetime.strptime(datestring[:-4], '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # create date-related predictor

    weekday = [0] * 6
Beispiel #10
import daiquiri

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dateutil import parser
from workalendar.europe import France
from sklearn.cluster import KMeans
import xgboost as xgb

from jitenshea import config

logger = daiquiri.getLogger("stats")

# French Calendar
cal = France()

SEED = 2018

CLUSTER_ACT_PATH_CSV = 'jitenshea/data/cluster_activite.csv'


def preprocess_data_for_clustering(df):
    """Prepare data in order to apply a clustering algorithm

#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Use weekalendar to generate holidays."""

from collections import OrderedDict
from workalendar.europe import France

holidays = []
for year in range(1990, 2020):
    holidays += France().get_calendar_holidays(year)

header = """#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from datetime import datetime

holidays = ["""

footer = """

with open("../assets/", "w") as text_file:
    for holiday_date, holiday_name in OrderedDict(holidays).iteritems():
    datetime.strptime("{}", "%Y-%m-%d").date(), # {}""".format(
            holiday_date, holiday_name))

def is_holiday_fr(date_of_interest):
    cal = France()
    result = cal.is_holiday(date_of_interest) # this will return a boolean True/False value
    # cast to integer
    result = int(result)
    return result
Beispiel #13
import pandas as pd
from workalendar.europe import France

CAL = France()

map_jour_fr = {
    'JOHV': 'Jour Ouvré Hors Vacances Scolaires',
    'SAHV': 'Samedi Hors Vacances Scolaires',
    'JOVS': 'Jour Ouvré en période de Vacances Scolaires',
    'SAVS': 'Samedi en période de Vacances Scolaires',
    'DIJFP': 'Dimanche, Jour Férié et ponts'  # TODO:pont

def is_dimanchelike(day):
    """Dimanche, Jour Férié
    return not CAL.is_working_day(day)

def read_vacances(path):
    mapping = {
        'Académies': 'academie',
        'Date de début': 'begin',
        'Date de fin': 'end',
        'Description': 'description'

    df = (pd.read_csv(path).rename(columns=mapping))
    for d in ['begin', 'end']:
        df[d] = pd.to_datetime(df[d])
Beispiel #14
    def __init__(self, school_year):
        """Creates the class

        :param school_year: Starting year for the school year
        :type school_year: int

        # Initialize school calendar
        school_calendar = {}

        # Get holidays from National Education Ministry
        with open("Calendrier_Scolaire_Zone_B.ics", "r") as cal:
            edu_calendar = icsCalendar(

        # Initialize days off ICS calendar
        days_off_school = icsCalendar()

        # Define begin/end of the school year we are in
        for event in
            if ("Rentrée scolaire des élèves" in
                    and event.begin.year == school_year):
                school_begin = event.begin
            if "Vacances d'été" in and event.begin.year == school_year + 1:
                school_end = event.begin

        # Add events between begin and end of school year
        # First add school holidays, starting the day after the beginning
        for event in
            if event.begin > school_begin and event.begin < school_end:
                # Remove 1s to end so that it does not overrides next day
                event._end_time = event._end_time.shift(seconds=-1)

        # Then take holidays from workalendar
        calendar = France()
        for year in [school_year, school_year + 1]:
            for day_off in calendar.holidays(year):
                begin = day_off[0]
                event = Event(day_off[1], begin)
                if event.begin > school_begin and event.begin < school_end:
                    # Remove 1s to end so that it does not overrides next day
                    event.end = event.end.shift(seconds=-1)

        # Create timeline object
        timeline = days_off_school.timeline

        def get_last_tue(date):
            while date.weekday() != 1:
                date = date.shift(days=-1)
            return date

        def set_end(date):
            return date.replace(hour=16, minute=30, second=0, microsecond=0)

        # Now create dict of all days of school year and status
        # ordered by week number
        current = school_begin
        while int(current.strftime("%w")) > 1:
            current = current.shift(days=-1)
        while current < school_end:
            day = current.strftime("%d")
            week_number = current.isocalendar()[1]
            if week_number not in school_calendar.keys():
                school_calendar[week_number] = []
                current_week = school_calendar[week_number]

            # Limite cantine
            limit = set_end(
                        weeks=-1) if current.weekday() >= 1 else current))
            past_cantine = > limit
            past_garderie = current <
            month = current.strftime("%B").capitalize()
            data = {
                "day": day,
                "month": month,
                "date": current.strftime("%Y%m%d")
            # If one of these is past, then save immediately
            data["bookable_cantine"] = not past_cantine
            data["bookable_garderie"] = not past_garderie
            if not data["bookable_cantine"] and not data["bookable_garderie"]:
                current = current.shift(days=+1)
            if current.isoweekday() in NON_WORKING_DAYS or current.isoweekday(
            ) in [
                data["bookable_cantine"] = False
                data["bookable_garderie"] = False
                data["bookable"] = False
            elif len([i for i in]) > 0:
                data["bookable_cantine"] = False
                data["bookable_garderie"] = False
                data["bookable"] = False
            elif current < school_begin:
                data["bookable_cantine"] = False
                data["bookable_garderie"] = False
                data["bookable"] = False
                data["bookable"] = True
            current = current.shift(days=+1)
        # Create set of periods
        i = 1
        periods = {
            i: {
                "begin": school_begin.format("YYYYMMDD"),
                "begin_pretty": school_begin.format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
        for event in sorted(
            if event.begin < school_begin:
            if event.begin > school_end:
            if "Vacances" in
                periods[i]["end"] = event.begin.format("YYYYMMDD")
                periods[i]["end_pretty"] = event.begin.format("DD/MM/YYYY")
                i += 1
                periods[i] = {
                    "begin": event.end.format("YYYYMMDD"),
                    "begin_pretty": event.end.format("DD/MM/YYYY"),
        self.periods = periods
        self.calendar = school_calendar
Beispiel #15
# from fbprophet import make_holidays as mhdays
import json

from capacity_planning.forecast.utilities.holidays import events_and_hols as evh
from capacity_planning.utilities import sys_utils as s_ut

FILE_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))

country_hols = dict()
from workalendar.usa import UnitedStates
country_hols['UnitedStates'] = UnitedStates()

from workalendar.europe import Russia
country_hols['Russia'] = Russia()
from workalendar.europe import France
country_hols['France'] = France()
from workalendar.europe import Belgium
country_hols['Belgium'] = Belgium()
from workalendar.europe import Spain
country_hols['Spain'] = Spain()
from workalendar.europe import Germany
country_hols['Germany'] = Germany()
from workalendar.europe import Austria
country_hols['Austria'] = Austria()
from workalendar.europe import Italy
country_hols['Italy'] = Italy()
from workalendar.europe import Portugal
country_hols['Portugal'] = Portugal()
from workalendar.europe import UnitedKingdom
country_hols['UnitedKingdom'] = UnitedKingdom()
from workalendar.europe import Ireland