def main(): page = wp.handlearg("page", args) if page: page = wp.Page(page) page.put(lcleaner.clean(page.get()), conf.summary) txt = wp.handlearg("txt", args) if txt: pywikibot.output(lcleaner.clean(txt))
def main(): config = wp.ReadCode(wp.Page(conf.title), "config") config.load() config = for page in dict(config): config[wp.Page(page)] = dict(config[page]) del config[page] updateList = [wp.handlearg("page", args)] partial = False if updateList[0]: partial = True else: updateList = config.keys() for ind, page in enumerate(updateList): if not isinstance(page, pywikibot.Page): updateList[ind] = wp.Page(page) updateList = list(site.preloadpages(updateList)) sources = [wp.Page(value['source']) for value in config.values()] if not partial: out = [] for psite, subgroup in itertools.groupby(sources, lambda x: out += list(psite.preloadpages(subgroup)) sources = out sources = {m: m for m in sources} for page in updateList: process(page, config[page], sources) # normalize page's name
def main(): if args: gen = [wp.Page(wp.handlearg("page", args))] else: gen = pywikibot.Category(site, u'กล่องนำทางที่ไม่ได้ใช้รายการแนวนอน').articles() namespass = libinfo.getdat(filename=u"passlist", key=u"name") namespass = filter(lambda x: x, [x.strip() for x in (namespass if namespass else "").split(u" ")]) for page in gen: print ">>>", page.title() if not page.title().startswith(u"แม่แบบ:"): continue if page.title().replace(u" ", u"_") in namespass: print "pass!" continue try: text = page.get() except: preload.error() continue addlistclass = True addhlist = True if u"listclass" in text: addlistclass = False if u"hlist" in text: addhlist = False print "listclass :", addlistclass, "hlist :", addhlist, if addlistclass and addhlist: text = text.replace(u"กล่องท้ายเรื่องใหม่", u"navbox") text = patintclass.sub(u"| title = \\1\n| listclass = hlist", text) odiff = text text = patwrap.sub(u"\\1", text) text = patdel.subr(u"\\1\n* ", text) text = patnl.sub(u"\\1 = \n* ", text) text = triml.sub(u"\n", text) text = patbr.sub(u"\\1", text) text = patopen.sub(u"\\1\n* [[", text) text = patclose.sub(u"]]\n\\1", text) text = text.replace(u" ", u"") text = patrmwrap.sub(u"", text) #text = patfix.sub(, text) print text print "------------" pywikibot.showDiff(odiff, text) print "------------" print ">>>", page.title() response = raw_input("Should proceed?: ") if response == 'y' or response == '': page.put(text, u"ปรับปรุงแม่แบบ Navbox") elif response == 'p': namespass.append(page.title().replace(u" ", u"_")) libinfo.putdat(filename=u"passlist", key=u"name", value=" ".join(namespass))
def main(): page = wp.handlearg("page", args) if page: page = wp.Page(page) dic = page.getVersionHistory(reverseOrder=True, total=1) gen = [{"user": dic[0][2], "title": page.title()}] check = wp.handlearg("check", args) if check: check = wp.Page(check) else: gen = lrepeat.repeat(site, site.recentchanges, lambda x: x["revid"], 60, showRedirects=False, changetype=["new"], showBot=False, namespaces=[0]) for rev in gen: try: process(wp.Page(rev["title"]), check, wp.User(rev["user"])) except: wp.error()
def main(): pool = lthread.ThreadPool(30) gen = [] page = wp.handlearg("page", args) if page is not None: gen = [wp.Page(page)] else: gen = site.allpages(prefix=conf.title, content=True, namespace=2) for page in gen: for req in lre.pats["entry"].finditer(page.get()): pool.add_task(process,, page.title()) pool.wait_completion()
def process(lst): exist = site.pagesexist([x.toggleTalkPage().title() for x in lst]) for i, page in enumerate(lst): if not exist[i][0]: if "/" in page.title(): if page.parentPage().toogleTalkPage().exists(): continue elif wp.handlearg("manual", args): continue if page.botMayEdit() and (site.getcurrenttime() - page.editTime()).days >= 30: pywikibot.output("deleting " + page.title()) page.delete(reason=u"โรบอต: หน้าขึ้นกับหน้าว่าง", prompt=False) else: pywikibot.output("can't delete " + page.title())
def main(): pool = lthread.ThreadPool(30) gen = [] page = wp.handlearg("page", args) if page is not None: gen = [wp.Page(page)] else: gen = site.allpages(prefix=conf.title, content=True, namespace=2) for page in gen: for req in lre.pats["entry"].finditer(page.get()): pool.add_task(process,, page.title()) pool.wait_completion() #print allo global allo allo = '<source lang="python">\n' + allo + u'</source>{{คู่มือการใช้งาน}}' wp.Page(u'User:Nullzerobot/ปรับปรุงหน้าอัตโนมัติ/ปกติ').put(allo, u"ปรับปรุงหน้า")
def main(): user = {} seen = set() start = site.getcurrenttime() delta = wp.handlearg("delta", args) if delta: start -= config = wp.ReadCode(wp.Page(u"ผู้ใช้:Nullzerobot/ปูมการละเมิด"), "config") while True: oldConfig = dict( config.load() if oldConfig != pywikibot.output(">>> reload new config!") for i in data =[i] for ab in site.abuselog(reverse=True, abuseid=i, start=start, as_group='sysop'): if (ab["id"]) in seen: continue seen.add(ab["id"]) pywikibot.output("filter: %s\t\tuser: %s\t\ttime: %s" % (i, ab["user"].ljust(16), ab["timestamp"])) userobj = wp.User(ab["user"]) if userobj.editCount() >= 5000: continue if not in user: user[] = {} if i not in user[]: user[][i] = deque() deq = user[][i] deq.append(pywikibot.Timestamp.fromISOformat(ab["timestamp"])) now = site.getcurrenttime() while deq and ((now - deq[0]).seconds >= data["checkDuration"]): deq.popleft() pywikibot.output(list(deq)) if len(deq) >= data["threshold"]: process(userobj, data, ab) deq.clear() if delta: break ltime.sleep(60) start = max(start, site.getcurrenttime() -
def main(): """Main function""" if wp.handlearg("pending", args): pywikibot.output("move pending entry") title = conf.pageMinor operation = "minor" else: title = conf.pageMajor operation = "major" header, table, disable = lservice.service(page=wp.Page(title), confpage=wp.Page(conf.datwiki), operation=operation, verify=verify, summary=summaryWithTime, #debug=True, ) report = [] pending = [] for i, line in enumerate(table): putline = "|-\n| " + " || ".join(line) if (operation == "minor") or (not disable[i]): templateStat = conf.notDoneTemplate try: domove(lre.pats["name"].find(line[1], 1), lre.pats["name"].find(line[2], 1)) except: wp.error() else: templateStat = conf.doneTemplate putline += " || %s %s" % (templateStat, wp.getTime()) report.append(putline) else: pending.append(putline) appendTable(conf.pageReport, report) appendTable(conf.pageMinor, pending)