Beispiel #1
# Print a newline and a separator prior to printing the first module section
print "\n"
print '=' * 65

# for each of the modules we have, create a line of versions, wrap the
#   description and whatis text,
for module, data in sorted(modules_dict.items()):
    versions = data['versions']
    versions = ', '.join(sorted(versions))
    desc_lines = []
    desc_line_len = 65
    desc = ''
    if 'whatis' in data:
        desc = data['whatis']['Description']
        desc = wrap_lines(desc, desc_line_len)
            description = '\n'.join(wrap_lines(modules_dict[module]['whatis']['Description'], desc_line_len))
            vers = ', '.join(modules_dict[module]['versions'])
            vers = wrap_lines(vers, desc_line_len - 12)
            vers = '\n'.join(vers)
            print "Module name: %s" % module
            print "Versions:", vers
            print '-' * 65
            print "Description\n\n", description
            print '\n'
            print '=' * 65
Beispiel #2
from wrap_lines import wrap_lines

# Set variables for testing

# Text from module description that will wrap to at least three lines
desc = 'Universal Mathematical Suite is a Python library that allows you to define, optimize, and evaluate mathematical expressions involving multi-dimensional arrays efficiently. It is built with GPU support.'

versions = ['1.1', '1.2', '1.3', '2.1', '2.2']
vers = ', '.join(versions)
# This is here to look ahead to when we have a module name
#    (short) and a package name like this as a separate
#    field.
module = "Universal Mathematical Suite"

# We wrap all the fields their column widths
m = wrap_lines(module, 20)
v = wrap_lines(vers, 12)
d = wrap_lines(desc, 48)

# Initialize the table
header = ['Module', 'Versions', 'Description']
table = PrettyTable(header)
table.align = 'l'

# There will always be a first row, so we just add it
table.add_row([m[0], v[0], d[0]])

# Set the counter for how many rows we've printed
count = 1

# We have something to add if there are still lines left in