Beispiel #1
def cp_recursive(source, dest):

    new_file_name = dest.split("/")[-1]#get just the new file's name
    #check if the source file is a directory
    if(not os.path.isdir(source)):
        #not a directory, just make sure the path exists, then copy the file into the virtual FS
        path_str = check_path_exists(dest)
        copy_file(source, path_str, new_file_name)
        #if it IS a dir we need to do a little more work.
        path_str = check_path_exists(dest)#add the path up to the directory
        lind_fs_calls.chdir_syscall(path_str)#chdir to the end of that new path

        mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(source).st_mode)

        #print "in cp " +  source + "/" + new_file_name + "..." + str(mode) + "..." + str(S_IRWXU)
            lind_fs_calls.chdir_syscall(new_file_name)#chdir to that new directory
        except lind_fs_calls.SyscallError:
            lind_fs_calls.mkdir_syscall(new_file_name, mode)#make a directory for the new directory
            lind_fs_calls.chdir_syscall(new_file_name)#chdir to that new directory

        #then we loop through each of the subfiles of the directory, and recursively call the cp function
        #keeping track of both the native file location as well as the virtual file location!
        for c in os.listdir(source):
            cp_recursive(source + "/" + c, dest + "/" + c)
Beispiel #2
def check_path_exists(path):
    path_list = path.split("/")[0:-1]#get each directory in the path, excluding the new file's name
    lind_fs_calls.chdir_syscall("/")#start at root
    path_str = "/"#this string will hold the whole path of the destination file (excluding the filename itself)

    #loop through each dir in the path
    for p in path_list:
        if(p == ""):
        path_str += (p + "/")#concat the dir to the full path string
        #try to chdir (if it fails, means the directory doesnt exist)
        #if (when) the exception is caught, create a new dir and chdir to it
        except lind_fs_calls.SyscallError as e:

            mode = stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(path_str + p).st_mode)

            #print "in check: " + path + p + "..." + str(mode) + "..." + str(S_IRWXU)

            lind_fs_calls.mkdir_syscall(p, mode)
    return path_str
Beispiel #3
    #start off with an empty list
    cp_cmd.args = []

    #try to parse the args
        cp_cmd.args = parser.parse_args(input_list)
    except SystemExit, e:
        #the args were parsed correctly, call the actual cp function
        cp_recursive(cp_cmd.args.source, cp_cmd.args.dest);

    #it is very likely that the current working directory will be changed, so go back to where the user was before the cp
    except lind_fs_calls.SyscallError, e:
        print "In cp_cmd. Could not cd. Error: %s" % e

#this function is just for debugging. Copies a file (NON directory) back to disk so we can diff
def cpout_cmd(source, dest):

        lindfd = lind_fs_calls.open_syscall(source, O_RDWR, 0)
    except lind_fs_calls.SyscallError, e:
        print "Couldnt open local file. Error: %s" %e
        return -1
