H5file = h5py.File(
        filePath, 'r')  # 'r' means that hdf5 file is open in read-only mode

    #Select the reflectance dataset within the flightline
    reflectance = H5file['/Reflectance']

    #get plot name
    if file.endswith('.h5'):
        plot = file[:-3]

    #default NDVI bands redBand=53,NIRband=95, redEnd=57, NIRend=99
    ndviOut = processNDVI(reflectance)

    #write the NDVI out as a geotif
    filenameNDVI = ('data/NDVItiff/' + plot + 'NDVI.tif')
    writeGeotiff(filenameNDVI, ndviOut, plotBound[plot][0][0],

    #create dictionary of NDVI values for kicks

    #NOTE: this is problematic now because of low NDVI values in some plots (senescent grass)
    #- might need to look at the lidar as well for this
    NDVIdict[plot] = ndviOut
    brightestBool = ndviOut > .6

    #check to see how many bright pixels are in the tiff
    print plot, 'brightpixels: ', (np.count_nonzero(brightestBool))

    #delete testing1=reflectance
    #to save code, simply apply all non  bright pixels (boolean= false) to -999
    #not sure how to do the above gracefully
    #delete testing=reflectance[:,:,brightestBool] = -999
    #open the h5 file     
    H5file = h5py.File(filePath, 'r')   # 'r' means that hdf5 file is open in read-only mode
    #Select the reflectance dataset within the flightline 
    #get plot name
    if file.endswith('.h5'):
      plot = file[:-3]
    #default NDVI bands redBand=53,NIRband=95, redEnd=57, NIRend=99
    #write the NDVI out as a geotif
    filenameNDVI=('data/NDVItiff/' + plot + 'NDVI.tif' )
    #create dictionary of NDVI values for kicks
    #NOTE: this is problematic now because of low NDVI values in some plots (senescent grass)
    #- might need to look at the lidar as well for this
    #check to see how many bright pixels are in the tiff
    print plot, 'brightpixels: ', (np.count_nonzero(brightestBool))

    #delete testing1=reflectance    
    #to save code, simply apply all non  bright pixels (boolean= false) to -999  
    #not sure how to do the above gracefully  
    #delete testing=reflectance[:,:,brightestBool] = -999