Beispiel #1
def readd_usb(serialArg, M, m):
    lxd = lxdClient()
    containers = lxd.containers.all()

    #zero extend major and minor numbers
    major = M.zfill(3)
    minor = m.zfill(3)

    #create the database if needed and open it
    if os.path.exists(jsonFile):
        fpgas = json.load(open(jsonFile))
        fpgas = json.load(open(jsonFile))

    for container in containers:
        fpgaSerialKey = ""
            fpgaSerialKey = container.config["user.fpga-serial"]
        except KeyError:
            continue  #no FPGAs in this container

        for fpgaSerial in fpgaSerialKey.split(' '):
            if (serialArg == fpgaSerial):  #this container has this FPGA
                update_path(container, serialArg, fpgas, major, minor)
def book_add():

    #check if an author has been added

    #open books.json
    with open(filename) as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)
        temp = data['books']

    #define the data that will be appended
    book_title = input("\nPlease enter the title of the book: \n")
    book_published = enter_date(filename)
    book_author = choose_author()
    book_publisher = input("\nPlease enter the publisher of the book: \n")
    book_isbn13 = input("\nPlease enter the ISBN of the book: \n")
    book_genre = choose_genre()
    book_pages = int(
        input("\nPlease enter the amount of pages of the book: \n"))
    y = {
        "title": book_title,
        "published": book_published,
        "authors": book_author,
        "publisher": book_publisher,
        "isbn-13": book_isbn13,
        "genre": book_genre,
        "pages": book_pages

    #appending data to books.json
    write_json(data, filename)
    print("\nBook added.")
def parse_quests():
    page = open('./cache/quests/Raids.html', "r", encoding='utf-8').read()

    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

    raids = get_raids_from_page(soup)

    out = {}
    out['raids'] = raids

    write_json(out, 'quests')
Beispiel #4
def convert_imgs_to_b4s(dir_path):
    """ """
    b64_strs = {}
    for file_name in os.listdir(dir_path):
        with open(dir_path + '\\' + file_name, 'rb') as img_file:
            b64_strs[file_name] = str(
            b64_strs[file_name] = resolve_metatag(
                file_name) + b64_strs[file_name]
    n = len(os.listdir('./theme_dicts'))
    write_json(b64_strs, './theme_dicts/{}.json'.format(n + 1))
    return b64_strs
def parse_item_pages():
    sets = read_json('sets')

    cachePath = "./cache/items/"
    items = []
    for file in os.listdir(cachePath):
        if include_page(file):
            items.extend(get_items_from_page(cachePath + file, sets))

    items.sort(key=lambda x: x['name'])

    write_json(items, 'items')
Beispiel #6
def build_synonyms():
    data = []

    add(data, 'Armor Class', ['AC'])
    add(data, 'Armor-Piercing', ['Fortification Bypass'])
    add(data, 'False Life', ['Hit Points', 'Vitality', 'Lifeforce'])
    add(data, 'Speed', ['Striding'])
    add(data, 'Physical Sheltering', ['Physical Resistance Rating', 'PRR'])
    add(data, 'Magical Sheltering', ['Magical Resistance Rating', 'MRR'])
    add(data, 'Spell Focus Mastery', ['Spell DCs'])

    write_json(data, 'affix-synonyms')
Beispiel #7
def parse_item_pages():
    with open("../site/src/assets/sets.json", 'r', encoding='utf8') as file:
        sets = json.load(file)

    cachePath = "./cache/items/"
    items = []
    for file in os.listdir(cachePath):
        if include_page(file):
            items.extend(get_items_from_page(cachePath + file, sets))

    items.sort(key=lambda x: x['name'])

    write_json(items, 'items')
Beispiel #8
def parse_set_page():
    page = open('./cache/sets/Named_item_sets.html', "r",

    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

    sets = get_sets_from_page(soup)

    slaversSets = parse_slavers_sets()

    sets = {**sets, **slaversSets}

    write_json(sets, 'sets')
Beispiel #9
def parse_minor_artifacts():
    items = read_json('items')

    page = open('./cache/Minor_Artifact.html', "r", encoding='utf-8').read()

    soup = BeautifulSoup(page, 'html.parser')

    artifacts = get_artifacts_from_page(soup)

    for item in items:
        if item['name'] in artifacts:
            item['artifact'] = True

    write_json(items, 'items')
def build_crafting():
    nearlyFinished = json.load(
        open('nearly-finished.json', "r", encoding='utf-8'))

    slavers = parse_slavers_crafting()

    augments = parse_augments()

    combined = {}

    write_json(combined, 'crafting')
def build_synonyms():
    data = []

    add(data, 'Armor Class',
        ['AC', 'Natural Armor', 'Protection', 'Shield', 'Armor Bonus'])
    add(data, 'Armor-Piercing', ['Fortification Bypass'])
    add(data, 'False Life', ['Hit Points', 'Vitality', 'Lifeforce'])
    add(data, 'Speed', ['Striding'])
    add(data, 'Physical Sheltering', ['Physical Resistance Rating', 'PRR'])
    add(data, 'Magical Sheltering', ['Magical Resistance Rating', 'MRR'])
    add(data, 'Spell Focus Mastery', ['Spell DCs'])
    add(data, 'Void Lore', ['Negative Spell Crit Chance'])
    add(data, 'Nullification', ['Negative Spell Power'])

    write_json(data, 'affix-synonyms')
Beispiel #12
def build_crafting():
    nearlyFinished = json.load(

    slavers = parse_slavers_crafting()

    augments = parse_augments()

    combined = {}

    write_json(combined, 'crafting')
def genre_add():

    #open genres.json
    with open(filename) as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)
        temp = data['genres']

    #define the data that will be appended
    genre = enter_genre()
    y = {
            "genre": genre

    #check if the entered genre already exists. if yes, quits application

    # appending data to books.json
    write_json(data, filename)
    print("\nGenre added.")
def build_affix_groups():
    groups = []

    parrying = get_all_saves()
    parrying.append('Armor Class')

    add(groups, 'Resistance', get_all_saves())
    add(groups, 'Parrying', parrying)
    add(groups, 'Sheltering', ['Physical Sheltering', 'Magical Sheltering'])
    add(groups, 'Potency', [
        'Nullification', 'Radiance', 'Devotion', 'Corrosion', 'Combustion',
        'Magnetic', 'Glaciation', 'Reconstruction', 'Impulse', 'Resonance'
    add(groups, 'Combat Mastery',
        ['Vertigo', 'Stunning', 'Dazing', 'Sundering', 'Shatter'])
    add(groups, 'Alluring Skills Bonus',
        ['Bluff', 'Diplomacy', 'Haggle', 'Intimidate', 'Perform'])
    add(groups, 'Charisma Skills',
        ['Bluff', 'Diplomacy', 'Haggle', 'Intimidate', 'Perform'])
    add(groups, 'Intelligence Skills',
        ['Disable Device', 'Repair', 'Search', 'Spellcraft'])
    add(groups, 'Dexterity Skills',
        ['Balance', 'Hide', 'Move Silently', 'Open Locks', 'Tumble'])
    add(groups, 'Strength Skills', ['Jump'])
    add(groups, 'Wisdom Skills', ['Heal', 'Listen', 'Spot'])
    add(groups, 'Constitution Skills', ['Concentration'])
    add(groups, 'Well Rounded', [
        'Strength', 'Dexterity', 'Constitution', 'Intelligence', 'Wisdom',
    add(groups, 'Lifesealed', ['Deathblock', 'Negative Energy Absorption'])
    add(groups, 'Spell Focus Mastery', [
        'Evocation Focus', 'Necromancy Focus', 'Transmutation Focus',
        'Enchantment Focus', 'Conjuration Focus', 'Abjuration Focus',
        'Illusion Focus'

    write_json(groups, 'affix-groups')
def author_add():

    #open authors.json
    with open(filename) as json_file:
        data = json.load(json_file)
        temp = data['authors']

    #define the data that will be appended
    author_surname = enter_author_name(surname)
    author_name = enter_author_name(name)
    author_birthday = enter_date(filename)
    author_gender = input("\nPlease enter the gender of the author: \n")
    y = {
        "surname": author_surname,
        "name": author_name,
        "birthday": author_birthday,
        "gender": author_gender,

    #appending data to authors.json
    write_json(data, filename)
    print("\nAuthor added.")
import re
from pprint import pprint
from write_json import write_json
from read_json import read_json

if __name__ == "__main__":
    img_name_pattern = '[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+\\|,(png|PNG|svg|SVG|jpeg|jpg|JPEG|JPG|gif|GIF)'
    path = "./before/test5.json"
    img_url_counts = read_json(path)
    new_url_obj = {}
    for img_url in img_url_counts.keys():
        res =, img_url)
        new_url_obj[] = img_url_counts[img_url]
    write_json(new_url_obj, path)
def parse_cannith():
    assumedBonusTypeMap = get_most_common_bonus_type()

    wb = openpyxl.load_workbook('cannith-crafting.xlsx') 
    for s in range(len(wb.sheetnames)):
        if wb.sheetnames[s] == 'Sheet1':
            break = s

    ws = 

    itemTypeInfoList = []

    for idx, cell in enumerate(ws[1], 0):
        if isinstance(cell.value, str):
            words = cell.value.split()

        if cell.value == 1:
            levelStart = idx
        elif cell.value == 34:
            levelEnd = idx
        elif cell.value in ['Min Level', 'Sort']:
        elif words[-1] in ['Prefix', 'Suffix', 'Extra']:
            itemType = ' '.join(words[0:-1])
            itemTypeInfoList.append({'col': idx, 'itemType': itemType, 'affixLoc': words[-1]})

    output = {}
    progression = {}
    itemTypes = {}
    output['progression'] = progression
    output['itemTypes'] = itemTypes
    output['bonusTypes'] = assumedBonusTypeMap

    rows = ws.iter_rows()
    for row in rows:
        affix = row[0].value
        affix = affix.replace('Ins.', 'Insightful')
        affix = affix.title()

        affixes = []

        if affix == 'Universal Spell Lore':
            for lore in ['Acid Lore', 'Cold Lore', 'Electricity Lore', 'Fire Lore', 'Force Lore', 'Light Lore', 'Negative Lore', 'Positive Lore', 'Repair Lore', 'Sonic Lore', 'Spell Lore']:

        if affix == 'Spell Resistance (Sr)':
            affix = 'Spell Resistance'

        if affix == 'Resistance (Save)':
            affix = 'Resistance'

        if affix.startswith('Spell Focus: '):
            affix = affix.replace('Spell Focus: ', '') + ' Focus'

        if len(affixes) == 0:

        progVals = []
        for val in range(levelStart, levelEnd + 1):

        for affix in affixes:
            progression[affix] = progVals

            for itemInfo in itemTypeInfoList:
                isMarked = row[itemInfo['col']].value
                if isMarked and len(isMarked) > 0:
                    if itemInfo['itemType'] not in itemTypes:
                        itemTypes[itemInfo['itemType']] = {}

                    if itemInfo['affixLoc'] not in itemTypes[itemInfo['itemType']]:
                        itemTypes[itemInfo['itemType']][itemInfo['affixLoc']] = []


    # Only keep bonus types for things that are actually used by Cannith crafting
    delKeys = []
    for k,v in assumedBonusTypeMap.items():
        if k not in progression:

    for k in delKeys:
        del assumedBonusTypeMap[k]

    write_json(output, 'cannith')