def funds_by_investment_type(workbook):
	#Creates a table that shows a pivot of funds by investment type over vintage year
	# in decades

	title = 'Table 2: Breakdown of Funds by Investment Type'

	#Basic Cleaning of Fund Data
	df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'fund_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df = df[['VINTAGE_YEAR', 'FUND_TYPE']]
	df = df.dropna()
	df = df[df.VINTAGE_YEAR >= 1980]
	df = df[df.VINTAGE_YEAR <= 2014]

	df = pd.crosstab(df.FUND_TYPE, [df.VINTAGE_YEAR], rownames = ['FUND_TYPE'],
					 colnames = ['VINTAGE_YEAR'])

	df = transform_to_decades(df)
	df['Total'] = df.sum(axis = 1)
	df = convert_columns_to_perc(df)
	df = convert_index_to_col(df, 'Fund Type')

	#Converts Fund Type to more readable format
	df['Fund Type'].replace(global_vars.fund_type_replace, inplace = True)

	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook)
def gp_loc_perc(workbook):
	#Creates a table that shows a pivot of GP by location over time (decades)

	title = 'Table 1: General Partners by Location of Company Headquarters'

	#Basic cleaning of GP data
	df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'gp_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df = df.dropna()
	df = df[df.YEAR_FOUNDED >= 1980]
	df = df[df.REGION_ID != 'ANTARCTICA']

	#Separates UNITED STATES from North America

	df = pd.crosstab(df.REGION_ID, [df.YEAR_FOUNDED], rownames = ['REGION_ID'],
					 colnames = ['YEAR_FOUNDED'])

	df = transform_to_decades(df)
	df['Total'] = df.sum(axis = 1)
	df = convert_columns_to_perc(df)
	df = convert_index_to_col(df, 'REGIONS')

	df['REGIONS'].replace(global_vars.region_replace, inplace = True)

	width = {'index' = 17, 'other' = 17}
	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width = width)
def companies_by_region(workbook):
	#Creates a table that shows a pivot of portfolio company by region over year founded

	title = 'Table 4: Companies by Region, Split by Year Founded'

	#Basic Cleaning of Company Data
	df = df.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'company_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df = df[df.YEAR_FOUNDED >= 1980]
	df = df[df.REGION_ID != 'ANTARCTICA']

	#Separates United States from North America

	df = pd.crosstab(df.REGION_ID, [df.YEAR_FOUNDED], rownames = ['REGION_ID'],
		             colnames = ['YEAR_FOUNDED'])

	df = transform_to_decades(df)
	df = convert_columns_to_perc(df)
	df = convert_index_to_col(df, 'Regions')

	#Converts Regions to more readable format
	df['Regions'].replace(global_vars.region_replace, inplace = True)

	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook)
def fund_type(workbook):
	#Createa  table that shows the distribution of fund_type

	title = 'Distribution of Fund Type'

	df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'fund_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df['Count'] = 1

	df = df.groupby(["FUND_TYPE"])
	df = df.agg({'Count':'sum'})

	df = convert_index_to_col(df, "Fund Types")
	width = {'index': 20, 'other': 15}

	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width = width, cell_style = comma_style)
def exit_type_id(workbook):
	#Creates a table that shows the distribution of exit_type_id

	title = 'Distribution of Exit Type ID'

	#Cleans the data
	df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'exit_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df['Count'] = 1
	df = df.groupby(['EXIT_TYPE_ID'])
	df = df.agg({'Count':'sum'})

	df = convert_index_to_col.create(df, "Exit Types")
	width = {'index': 25, 'other': 15}

	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width = width, cell_style = comma_style)
def fund_type(workbook):
    #Createa  table that shows the distribution of fund_type

    title = 'Distribution of Fund Type'

    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'fund_view.csv'), header=0)
    df['Count'] = 1

    df = df.groupby(["FUND_TYPE"])
    df = df.agg({'Count': 'sum'})

    df = convert_index_to_col(df, "Fund Types")
    width = {'index': 20, 'other': 15}

    basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width=width, cell_style=comma_style)
def exit_type_id(workbook):
    #Creates a table that shows the distribution of exit_type_id

    title = 'Distribution of Exit Type ID'

    #Cleans the data
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'exit_view.csv'), header=0)
    df['Count'] = 1
    df = df.groupby(['EXIT_TYPE_ID'])
    df = df.agg({'Count': 'sum'})

    df = convert_index_to_col.create(df, "Exit Types")
    width = {'index': 25, 'other': 15}

    basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width=width, cell_style=comma_style)
def investment_type(workbook):
	#Creates a table that shows the distribution of investment category

	title = 'Distribution of Investment Type'

	#Cleans the data
	df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'investment_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df['Count'] = 1

	df = df.groupby(['INVESTMENT_TYPE'])
	df = df.agg({'Count':'sum'})

	df = convert_index_to_col(df, "Investment Types")
	width = {'index': 30, 'other': 15}

	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width = width, cell_style = comma_style)
def investment_type(workbook):
    #Creates a table that shows the distribution of investment category

    title = 'Distribution of Investment Type'

    #Cleans the data
    df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'investment_view.csv'), header=0)
    df['Count'] = 1

    df = df.groupby(['INVESTMENT_TYPE'])
    df = df.agg({'Count': 'sum'})

    df = convert_index_to_col(df, "Investment Types")
    width = {'index': 30, 'other': 15}

    basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width=width, cell_style=comma_style)
def gps_by_type(workbook):
	#Creates a table that show ta pivot of GP by gp type over year founded

	title = 'Table 5: PRivate Capital Firms by Type'

	#Basic cleaning of GP data
	df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'gp_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df = df[['YEAR_FOUNDED', 'GP_TYPE']]
	df = df[df.YEAR_FOUNDED >= 1980]

	df = pd.crosstab(df.GP_TYPE, [df.YEAR_FOUNDED], rownames = ['GP_TYPE'],
					 colnames = ['YEAR_FOUNDED'])

	df = transform_to_decades(df)
	df['Total'] = df.sum(axis = 1)
	df = convert_columns_to_perc(df)
	df = convert_index_to_col(df, 'GP Type')
	df['GP Type'].replace(global_vars.fund_type_replace, inplace = True)

	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook)
def companies_by_nvca(workbook):
	#Creates a table that shows a pivot of portfolio company by NVCA over year founded

	title = 'Table 3: Companies by Industry, Split by Year Founded'

	#Basic cleaning of Company data
	df = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(OPEN_PATH, 'company_view.csv'), header = 0)
	df = df[['YEAR_FOUNDED', 'NVCA']]
	df = df.dropna()
	df = df[df.YEAR_FOUNDED >= 1980]
	df = df[df.NVCA != 'OTHER']

	df = pd.crosstab(df.NVCA, [df.YEAR_FOUNDED], rownames = ['NVCA'],
					 colnames = ['YEAR_FOUNDED'])

	df = transform_to_decades(df)
	df['Total'] = df.sum(axis = 1)
	df = convert_columns_to_perc(df)
	df = convert_index_to_col(df, 'NVCA')

	width = {'index': 20, 'other': 15}
	basic_write_out(df, title, workbook, width = width)