Beispiel #1
    def __init__(self, strict=True):
        >>> PdfFileMerger()

        Initializes a PdfFileMerger, no parameters required
        self.inputs = []
        self.pages = []
        self.output = PdfFileWriter()
        self.bookmarks = []
        self.named_dests = []
        self.id_count = 0
        self.strict = strict
Beispiel #2
class PdfFileMerger(object):
    PdfFileMerger merges multiple PDFs into a single PDF. It can concatenate,
    slice, insert, or any combination of the above.

    See the functions "merge" (or "append") and "write" (or "overwrite") for
    usage information.

    def __init__(self, strict=True):
        >>> PdfFileMerger()

        Initializes a PdfFileMerger, no parameters required
        self.inputs = []
        self.pages = []
        self.output = PdfFileWriter()
        self.bookmarks = []
        self.named_dests = []
        self.id_count = 0
        self.strict = strict

    def merge(self, position, fileobj, bookmark=None,
              pages=None, import_bookmarks=True):
        >>> merge(position, file, bookmark=None,
                  pages=None, import_bookmarks=True)
        Merges the pages from the source document specified by "file"
        into the output file at the page number specified by "position".

        Optionally, you may specify a bookmark to be applied at the beginning
        of the included file by supplying the text of the bookmark in the
        "bookmark" parameter.

        You may prevent the source document's bookmarks from being imported by
        specifying "import_bookmarks" as False.

        You may also use the "pages" parameter to merge only the specified
        range of pages from the source document into the output document.

        # This parameter is passed to self.inputs.append and means
        # that the stream used was created in this method.
        my_file = False

        # If the fileobj parameter is a string, assume it is a path
        # and create a file object at that location. If it is a file,
        # copy the file's contents into a StringIO stream object; if
        # it is a PdfFileReader, copy that reader's stream into a
        # StringIO stream.
        # If fileobj is none of the above types, it is not modified
        if type(fileobj) in (str, unicode):
            fileobj = file(fileobj, 'rb')
            my_file = True
        elif type(fileobj) == file:
            filecontent =
            fileobj = StringIO(filecontent)
            my_file = True
        elif type(fileobj) == PdfFileReader:
            orig_tell =
            filecontent = StringIO(
            # reset the stream to its original location
            fileobj = filecontent
            my_file = True

        # Create a new PdfFileReader instance using the stream
        # (either file or StringIO) created above
        pdfr = PdfFileReader(fileobj, strict=self.strict)
        # Find the range of pages to merge
        if pages is None:
            pages = (0, pdfr.getNumPages())
        elif type(pages) in (int, float, str, unicode):
            raise TypeError('"pages" must be a tuple of (start, end)')
        srcpages = []
        if bookmark:
            bookmark = Bookmark(TextStringObject(bookmark),
        outline = []
        if import_bookmarks:
            outline = pdfr.getOutlines()
            outline = self._trim_outline(pdfr, outline, pages)

        if bookmark:
            self.bookmarks += [bookmark, outline]
            self.bookmarks += outline

        dests = pdfr.namedDestinations
        dests = self._trim_dests(pdfr, dests, pages)
        self.named_dests += dests

        # Gather all the pages that are going to be merged
        for i in range(*pages):
            pg = pdfr.getPage(i)

            id = self.id_count
            self.id_count += 1

            mp = _MergedPage(pg, pdfr, id)



        # Slice to insert the pages at the specified position
        self.pages[position:position] = srcpages

        # Keep track of our input files so we can close them later
        self.inputs.append((fileobj, pdfr, my_file))

    def append(self, fileobj, bookmark=None, pages=None,
        >>> append(file, bookmark=None, pages=None, import_bookmarks=True):
        Identical to the "merge" function, but assumes you want to
        concatenate all pages
        onto the end of the file instead of specifying a position.
        self.merge(len(self.pages), fileobj, bookmark, pages, import_bookmarks)

    def write(self, fileobj):
        >>> write(file)
        Writes all data that has been merged to "file" (which can be a filename
        or any kind of file-like object)
        my_file = False
        if type(fileobj) in (str, unicode):
            fileobj = file(fileobj, 'wb')
            my_file = True

        # Add pages to the PdfFileWriter
        # The commented out line below was replaced with the three lines
        # below it to allow PdfFileMerger to work with PyPdf 1.13
        for page in self.pages:
            page.out_pagedata = self.output.getReference(
            #idnum = self.output._objects.index(
            #   self.output._pages.getObject()["/Kids"][-1].getObject()) + 1
            #page.out_pagedata = IndirectObject(idnum, 0, self.output)

        # Once all pages are added, create bookmarks to point at those pages
        # Write the output to the file

        if my_file:

    def close(self):
        >>> close()
        Shuts all file descriptors (input and output) and clears all memory
        self.pages = []
        for fo, pdfr, mine in self.inputs:
            if mine:
        self.inputs = []
        self.output = None

    def _trim_dests(self, pdf, dests, pages):
        Removes any named destinations that are not a part of the specified
        page set
        new_dests = []
        for k, o in dests.items():
            for j in range(*pages):
                if pdf.getPage(j).getObject() == o['/Page'].getObject():
                    o[NameObject('/Page')] = o['/Page'].getObject()
                    assert str(k) == str(o['/Title'])
        return new_dests

    def _trim_outline(self, pdf, outline, pages):
        Removes any outline/bookmark entries that are not a part of the
        specified page set
        new_outline = []
        prev_header_added = True
        for i, o in enumerate(outline):
            if type(o) == list:
                sub = self._trim_outline(pdf, o, pages)
                if sub:
                    if not prev_header_added:
                prev_header_added = False
                for j in range(*pages):
                    if pdf.getPage(j).getObject() == o['/Page'].getObject():
                        o[NameObject('/Page')] = o['/Page'].getObject()
                        prev_header_added = True
        return new_outline

    def _write_dests(self):
        dests = self.named_dests
        for v in dests:
            pageno = None
            if '/Page' in v:
                for i, p in enumerate(self.pages):
                    if == v['/Page']:
                        v[NameObject('/Page')] = p.out_pagedata
                        pageno = i
            if pageno is not None:

    def _write_bookmarks(self, bookmarks=None, parent=None):
        if bookmarks is None:
            bookmarks = self.bookmarks
        last_added = None
        for b in bookmarks:
            if type(b) == list:
                self._write_bookmarks(b, last_added)
            pageno = None
            if '/Page' in b:
                for i, p in enumerate(self.pages):
                    if == b['/Page']:
                        b[NameObject('/Page')] = p.out_pagedata
                        pageno = i
            if pageno is not None:
                last_added = self.output.addBookmarkDestination(b, parent)

    def _associate_dests_to_pages(self, pages):
        for nd in self.named_dests:
            pageno = None
            np = nd['/Page']
            if type(np) == NumberObject:
            for p in pages:
                if np.getObject() == p.pagedata.getObject():
                    pageno =
            if pageno is not None:
                nd[NameObject('/Page')] = NumberObject(pageno)
                raise ValueError("Unresolved named destination '%s'" %

    def _associate_bookmarks_to_pages(self, pages, bookmarks=None):
        if bookmarks is None:
            bookmarks = self.bookmarks

        for b in bookmarks:
            if type(b) == list:
                self._associate_bookmarks_to_pages(pages, b)
            pageno = None
            bp = b['/Page']
            if type(bp) == NumberObject:
            for p in pages:
                if bp.getObject() == p.pagedata.getObject():
                    pageno =
            if pageno is not None:
                b[NameObject('/Page')] = NumberObject(pageno)
                raise ValueError("Unresolved bookmark '%s'" % b['/Title'])

    def findBookmark(self, bookmark, root=None):
        if root is None:
            root = self.bookmarks
        for i, b in enumerate(root):
            if type(b) == list:
                res = self.findBookmark(bookmark, b)
                if res:
                    return [i] + res
            if b == bookmark or b['/Title'] == bookmark:
                return [i]
        return None

    def addBookmark(self, title, pagenum, parent=None):
        Add a bookmark to the pdf, using the specified title and pointing at
        the specified page number. A parent can be specified to make this a
        nested bookmark below the parent.
        if parent is None:
            iloc = [len(self.bookmarks)-1]
        elif type(parent) == list:
            iloc = parent
            iloc = self.findBookmark(parent)
        dest = Bookmark(TextStringObject(title), NumberObject(pagenum),
                        NameObject('/FitH'), NumberObject(826))
        if parent is None:
            bmparent = self.bookmarks
            for i in iloc[:-1]:
                bmparent = bmparent[i]
            npos = iloc[-1]+1
            if npos < len(bmparent) and type(bmparent[npos]) == list:
                bmparent.insert(npos, [dest])

    def addNamedDestination(self, title, pagenum):
        Add a destination to the pdf, using the specified title and pointing
        at the specified page number.
        dest = Destination(TextStringObject(title), NumberObject(pagenum),
                           NameObject('/FitH'), NumberObject(826))