def thetaEchange(Tguess, thetaE0, press):
    thetaEchange(Tguess, thetaE0, press)

    Evaluates the equation and passes it back to brenth.

    - - - - - -
    Tguess : float
        Trial temperature value (K).
    ws0 : float
        Initial saturated mixing ratio (kg/kg).
    press : float
        Pressure (Pa).

    - - - -
    theDiff : float
        The difference between the values of 'thetaEguess' and
        'thetaE0'. This difference is then compared to the tolerance
        allowed by brenth.
    q = wsat(Tguess, press)
    #assume no liquid water
    thetaEguess = thermo.theta_e(Tguess, press, q, 0);
    #when this result is small enough we're done
    theDiff = thetaEguess - thetaE0;
    return theDiff
def thetaEchange(Tguess, thetaE0, press):
    thetaEchange(Tguess, thetaE0, press)

    Evaluates the equation and passes it back to brenth.

    - - - - - -
    Tguess : float
        Trial temperature value (K).
    ws0 : float
        Initial saturated mixing ratio (kg/kg).
    press : float
        Pressure (Pa).

    - - - -
    theDiff : float
        The difference between the values of 'thetaEguess' and
        'thetaE0'. This difference is then compared to the tolerance
        allowed by brenth.
    q = wsat(Tguess, press)
    #assume no liquid water
    thetaEguess = thermo.theta_e(Tguess, press, q, 0)

    #when this result is small enough we're done
    theDiff = thetaEguess - thetaE0
    return theDiff
Beispiel #3
def thetaes(T, p):
    thetaes(T, p)

    Calculates the pseudo equivalent potential temperature of an air

    - - - - - -
    T : float
        Temperature (K).
    p : float
        Pressure (Pa).

    - - - -
    thetaep : float
        Pseudo equivalent potential temperature (K).

    - - -
    It should be noted that the pseudo equivalent potential
    temperature (thetaep) of an air parcel is not a conserved

    - - - - - -
    Emanuel 4.7.9 p. 132

    - - - - -
    >>> thetaes(300., 8.e4)
    c = constants();
    # The parcel is saturated - prohibit supersaturation with Td > T.
    Tlcl = T;
    wv = wsat(T, p);
    thetaval = theta(T, p, wv);
    power = 0.2854 * (1 - 0.28 * wv);
    thetaep = thetaval * np.exp(wv * (1 + 0.81 * wv) * \
                                (3376. / Tlcl - 2.54))
    # peg this at 450 so rootfinder won't blow up
    if thetaep > 450.:
        thetaep = 450;

    return thetaep
Beispiel #4
def findWvWl(T, wT, p):
    findWvWl(T, wT, p)

    Computes the vapour and liquid water mixing ratios.

    - - - - - -
    T : float
        Temperature (K).
    wT : float
        Total water mixing ratio (kg/kg).
    p : float
        Pressure (Pa).

    - - - -
    wv : float
        Water vapour mixing ratio (kg/kg).
    wl : float
        Liquid water mixing ratio (kg/kg).

    - - - -
        If any of the inputs are in vector form.

    - - - - -
    >>> findWvWl(250., 0.01, 8.e4)
    (0.00074331469136857157, 0.0092566853086314283)
    >>> findWvWl(300., 0.01, 8.e4)
    (0.01, 0)
    >>> findWvWl([250.], 0.01, 8.e4)
    Traceback (most recent call last):
    AssertionError: A vector is not an acceptable input
    args = (T, wT, p)
    assert islist(*args) is False , \
           'A vector is not an acceptable input'
    wsVal = wsat(T, p)
    if wsVal > wT: #unsaturated
        wv = wT
        wl = 0
    else:  #saturated
        wv = wsVal
        wl = wT - wv
    return wv, wl
def thetaes(T, p):
    thetaes(T, p)

    Calculates the pseudo equivalent potential temperature of an air

    - - - - - -
    T : float
        Temperature (K).
    p : float
        Pressure (Pa).

    - - - -
    thetaep : float
        Pseudo equivalent potential temperature (K).

    - - -
    It should be noted that the pseudo equivalent potential
    temperature (thetaep) of an air parcel is not a conserved

    - - - - - -
    Emanuel 4.7.9 p. 132

    - - - - -
    >>> thetaes(300., 8.e4)
    c = constants()
    # The parcel is saturated - prohibit supersaturation with Td > T.
    Tlcl = T
    wv = wsat(T, p)
    thetaval = theta(T, p, wv)
    power = 0.2854 * (1 - 0.28 * wv)
    thetaep = thetaval * np.exp(wv * (1 + 0.81 * wv) * \
                                (3376. / Tlcl - 2.54))\

    #if thetaep > 550:
    #    thetaep = 550

    return thetaep
        def equations(p):
            l_m, q_BLm, T_BLc = p
            q_BLm = f * wsat(T_BLc, p_s)
            #delz_trop = integrate.quad(thickness, p_t, p_BL)[0]
            #thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0)
            #T_LCL = findTmoist(thetae0, p_BL)
            dels_trop = c.cpd * (T_BLc - T_t) + g * (-delz_trop)
            omega_BL = (g * Q_dtrop) / dels_trop
            coef = (2 / (PI_s - PI_BL)) * (omega_BL / (2 * delp_BL))**2
            T_BLc_test = T_s + coef * (-0.5 * (2 * l_d**2 -
                                               (l_d**4 + l_m**4) / l_m**2) +
                                       (c_D / delz_BL) *
                                       ((-8 / 3) * l_d**3 +
                                        (l_d**4 + 2 * l_m**2 * l_d**2 -
                                         (1 / 3) * l_m**4) / l_m))

            return (l_m - ((omega_BL*l_d**2)/(omega_BL - (g*Q_mtrop)/(dels_trop + (1+ alpha/(1-alpha))*L_v*(f*q_sat -  q_FA))))**(0.5), \
                   q_BLm - q_sat + (2*zhat*(q_FAd - q_sat))/(l_d**2 - l_m**2)*(l_m + zhat - (zhat + l_d)*np.exp((l_m - l_d)/zhat)), \
                   T_BLc -  T_BLc_test)
Beispiel #7
def convecSkew(figNum):
      Usage:  convecSkew(figNum)
      Input:  figNum = integer
       Takes any integer, creates figure(figNum), and plots a
       skewT logp thermodiagram.
      Output: skew=30.
      c = constants();
      yplot = range(1000,190,-10)
      xplot = range(-300,-139)
      pvals = np.size(yplot)
      tvals = np.size(xplot)
      temp = np.zeros([pvals, tvals]);
      theTheta = np.zeros([pvals, tvals]);
      ws = np.zeros([pvals, tvals]);
      theThetae = np.zeros([pvals, tvals]);      
      skew = 30; #skewness factor (deg C)

      # lay down a reference grid that labels xplot,yplot points 
      # in the new (skewT-lnP) coordinate system .
      # Each value of the temp matrix holds the actual (data)
      # temperature label (in deg C)  of the xplot, yplot coordinate.
      # pairs. The transformation is given by W&H 3.56, p. 78.  Note
      # that there is a sign difference, because rather than
      # taking y= -log(P) like W&H, I take y= +log(P) and
      # then reverse the y axis         
      for i in yplot:
            for j in xplot:
                  # Note that we don't have to transform the y
                  # coordinate, as it is still pressure.
                  iInd = yplot.index(i)
                  jInd = xplot.index(j)
                  temp[iInd, jInd] = convertSkewToTemp(j, i, skew);
                  Tk = c.Tc + temp[iInd, jInd];
                  pressPa = i * 100.;
                  theTheta[iInd, jInd] = theta(Tk, pressPa);
                  ws[iInd, jInd] = wsat(Tk, pressPa);
                  theThetae[iInd, jInd] = thetaes(Tk, pressPa);
      # Contour the temperature matrix.

      # First, make sure that all plotted lines are solid.
      mpl.rcParams['contour.negative_linestyle'] = 'solid'
      tempLabels = range(-40, 50, 10);
      output1 = plt.contour(xplot, yplot, temp, tempLabels, \
      # Customize the plot
      plt.setp(plt.gca(), yscale='log')
      locs = np.array(range(100, 1100, 100))
      labels = locs
      plt.yticks(locs, labels) # Conventionally labels semilog graph.
      plt.setp(plt.gca(), ybound=(200, 1000))
      plt.setp(plt.getp(plt.gca(), 'xticklabels'), fontweight='bold')
      plt.setp(plt.getp(plt.gca(),'yticklabels'), fontweight='bold')
      plt.setp(plt.gca().get_xgridlines(), visible=False)
      thetaLabels = range(200, 380, 10);
      output2 = plt.contour(xplot, yplot, theTheta, thetaLabels, \

      wsLabels = range(6, 24, 2);
      output3 = plt.contour(xplot, yplot, (ws * 1.e3), wsLabels, \

      thetaeLabels = range(250, 380, 10);
      output4 = plt.contour(xplot, yplot, theThetae, thetaeLabels, \
      # Transform the temperature,dewpoint from data coords to
      # plotting coords.
      plt.title('skew T - lnp chart');
      plt.ylabel('pressure (hPa)');
      plt.xlabel('temperature (deg C)');

      # Crop image to a more usable size
      TempTickLabels = range(5, 35, 5);
      TempTickCoords = TempTickLabels;
      skewTickCoords = convertTempToSkew(TempTickCoords, 1.e3, skew);
      plt.xticks(skewTickCoords, TempTickLabels)
      skewLimits = convertTempToSkew([5, 30], 1.e3, skew);
      plt.axis([skewLimits[0], skewLimits[1], 600, 1.e3]);
      # Create line labels

      fntsz = 9 # Handle for 'fontsize' of the line label.
      ovrlp = 1 # Handle for 'inline'. Any integer other than 0
                # creates a white space around the label.
      plt.clabel(output1, inline=ovrlp, fmt='%1d', fontsize=fntsz);
      plt.clabel(output2, inline=ovrlp, fmt='%1d', fontsize=fntsz);
      plt.clabel(output3, inline=ovrlp, fmt='%1d', fontsize=fntsz);
      plt.clabel(output4, inline=ovrlp, fmt='%1d', fontsize=fntsz);

      # Flip the y axis
      plt.setp(plt.gca(), ylim=plt.gca().get_ylim()[::-1])
      return skew
Beispiel #8
            dsdz = (s[1:, :, :] - s[:-1, :, :]) / (diffz3D)

            W_adb = (c.cp * QRAD_tave[:-1, :, :]) / (dsdz * 3600 * 24)

            W_diab = W_tave[:-1, :, :] - blockave3D(W_adb, db)
            field_tave = W_diab
        #calculate RH
        elif varname == 'TABS':
            varname = 'RH'
            QV = varis3D['QV'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
            QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
            TABS = varis3D['TABS'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
            TABS_tave = np.mean(TABS, axis=0)
            RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
            for pi, plev in enumerate(p):
                wsat_tave = 1000 * wsat(TABS_tave[pi, :, :],
                                        plev)  #convert to g/kg
                RH_tave[pi, :, :] = 100 * (QV_tave[pi, :, :] / wsat_tave
                                           )  #convert to percent
            field_tave = RH_tave
            field_tave = blockave3D(field_tave, db)

        elif varname == 'VERTMASSFLUX':
            w = varis3D['W'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
            T = varis3D['TABS'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
            nt = T.shape[0]
            p3D = np.zeros((ny, nx, nz))
            p3D[:, :, :] = p
            p3D = p3D[:, :, :, np.newaxis]
            p4D = np.tile(p3D, nt)
            p4D = p4D.T
     field_tave = np.mean(field_tave[t3/ntave3D-nave:t3/ntave3D,:,:,:],axis=0)
     delz3D = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz-1))
     delz3D[:,:,:] = np.diff(z)
     delz3D = delz3D.T
     field_tave = field_tave*delz3D
     znew = z[:-1]
 #calculate relative humidity 
 elif varname == 'TABS':
     varname = 'RH'
     QV = varis3D['QV'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     T = varis3D['TABS'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     T_tave = np.mean(T, axis=0)
     QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
     RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
     for i, plev in enumerate(p):
         wsat_tave = 1000*wsat(T_tave[i,:,:], plev) #convert to g/kg
         RH_tave[i,:,:] = 100*(QV_tave[i,:,:]/wsat_tave) #convert to percent
     field_tave = RH_tave
     #vari = varis3D['TABS']
     #varname = 'TABSprime'
     #TABS = varis3D['TABS'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     #T_tave = np.mean(TABS, axis=0)
     #T_bar = np.mean(np.mean(T_tave, axis=2), axis=1)
     #T_bar3D = np.zeros(T_tave.shape)
     #T_bar3D = T_bar3D.T
     #T_bar3D[:,:,:] = T_bar
     #T_bar3D = T_bar3D.T
     #Tprime = T_tave - T_bar3D
     #field_tave = Tprime
Beispiel #10
import site
import sys
import findTmoist
import findTmoist_new
from wsat import wsat
from constants import constants
import numpy as np
import thermo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

T_s = 302
p_s = 1000e2
p_t = 200e2
q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s)
thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0)

plevs = np.linspace(p_t, p_s, 1000)[::-1]

delp = np.diff(plevs)[0]

c = constants()

gamma_m = 6.5 / 1000.  #lapse rate in K m^-1
gamma_d = 9.8 / 1000.  #lapse rate in K m^-1

Tgm = np.zeros(plevs.shape)
Tgd = np.zeros(plevs.shape)

Tgm[0] = T_s
Tgd[0] = T_s
Beispiel #11
import site
import sys
import findTmoist
import findTmoist_new
from wsat import wsat
from constants import constants
import numpy as np
import thermo
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

T_s = 302
p_s = 1000e2
p_t = 200e2
q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s)
thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0)

plevs = np.linspace(p_t, p_s, 1000)[::-1]

delp = np.diff(plevs)[0]

c = constants()

gamma_m = 6.5/1000. #lapse rate in K m^-1
gamma_d = 9.8/1000. #lapse rate in K m^-1

Tgm = np.zeros(plevs.shape)
Tgd = np.zeros(plevs.shape)

Tgm[0] = T_s
        delz3D = np.zeros((nx, ny, nz - 1))
        delz3D[:, :, :] = np.diff(z)
        delz3D = delz3D.T
        field_tave = field_tave * delz3D
        znew = z[:-1]
    #calculate relative humidity
    elif varname == 'TABS':
        varname = 'RH'
        QV = varis3D['QV'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
        T = varis3D['TABS'][t3 - aveperiod3D:t3, :, :, :]
        T_tave = np.mean(T, axis=0)
        QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
        RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
        for i, plev in enumerate(p):
            wsat_tave = 1000 * wsat(T_tave[i, :, :], plev)  #convert to g/kg
            RH_tave[i, :, :] = 100 * (QV_tave[i, :, :] / wsat_tave
                                      )  #convert to percent
        field_tave = RH_tave

        #vari = varis3D['TABS']
        #varname = 'TABSprime'
        #TABS = varis3D['TABS'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
        #T_tave = np.mean(TABS, axis=0)
        #T_bar = np.mean(np.mean(T_tave, axis=2), axis=1)
        #T_bar3D = np.zeros(T_tave.shape)
        #T_bar3D = T_bar3D.T
        #T_bar3D[:,:,:] = T_bar
        #T_bar3D = T_bar3D.T
        #Tprime = T_tave - T_bar3D
RHs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
Ps = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
delhs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
p_LCLs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))

eps_BLs = np.linspace(0.1, 0.8, 10)
eps_as = np.linspace(0.1, 0.8, 10)

eps_BLss, eps_ass = np.meshgrid(eps_BLs, eps_as)

p_outs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
#p_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
#T_as = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)

q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s) #mixing ratio above sea surface (100% saturated)    
thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0) #theta_e in moist region 
                                            #use surface temperature to get moist adiabat

plevs = np.linspace(50e2, p_s, 1000)    
Tadb = findTmoist(thetae0, plevs)

for i, eps_BL in enumerate(eps_BLs):
    print 'eps_BL', eps_BL
    for j, eps_a in enumerate(eps_as):
        print 'eps_a', eps_a
         LWupt[k] = epslw[k]*sig*T[k]**4 + (1-epslw[k])*LWupb[k]
         LWdownt[N-k] = LWdownb[N-k+1]
         LWdownb[N-k] = 0
         SWdownt[N-k] = S
         SWdownb[N-k] = 0
         LWupb[k] = LWupt[k-1]
         LWupt[k] = epslw[k]*sig*T[k]**4 + (1-epslw[k])*LWupb[k]
         LWdownt[N-k] = LWdownb[N-k+1]  
         LWdownb[N-k] = epslw[N-k]*sig*T[N-k]**4 + (1-epslw[N-k])*LWdownt[N-k]
         SWdownt[N-k] = SWdownb[N-k+1]
         SWdownb[N-k] = (1-epssw[N-k])*SWdownt[N-k]
 Tslab = T[0]
 Tatm = T[1]  
 qv[0] = wsat(T[0], p_s)
 #the boundary layer temp is the mean temp below delz_BL
 #T_BL = np.mean(T[1:BL_index])   
 SH = rho*cp*Ce*V*(Tslab - Tatm) 
 qvflux = rho*Ce*V*(qv[0] - qv[1])
 if qvflux < 0:
     qvflux = 0
 LE = Lv*qvflux
 qv[1] = qv[1] + delz[0]*qvflux
 Fnet = LWupb - LWupt + LWdownt - LWdownb + SWdownt - SWdownb 
 Fnet[0] = Fnet[0] - SH - LE
 Fnet[1] = Fnet[1] + SH + LE
 #distribute the sensible and latent heat evenly (and simultaneously) throughout the boundary layer. 
 #for i in range(1, BL_index):
 #    Fnet[i] = Fnet[i] + (SH + LE)*(delz[i]/delz_BL)
    RHs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    Ps = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    delhs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    delhseff = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    p_LCLs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    q_BLms = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    omega_ms = np.zeros(len(domsizes))

    for j, domsize in enumerate(domsizes):

        l_d = domsize * 1000
        print l_d / 1e3

        r = np.linspace(0, l_d, 1e6)

        q_sat = wsat(T_s,
                     p_s)  #mixing ratio above sea surface (100% saturated)
        thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0)  #theta_e in moist region
        #use surface temperature to get moist adiaba

        T_BLtop = findTmoist(thetae0, p_BL)  #temperature of boundary layer top
        T_t = findTmoist(thetae0,
                         p_t)  #temperature of tropopause (outflow region)
        #T_BL = (T_s + T_BLtop)/2. #temperature of boundary layer, consistent with well-mixed assumption (linear mixing)
        T_BL = T_s
        q_BLsat = wsat(T_BL, (p_s + p_BL) / 2.)
        q_BLtopsat = wsat(T_BLtop, p_BL)

        q_FA = wsat(T_t, p_t)  #free troposphere water vapor mixing ratio
        #q_FA = 0.01

        q_FAd = q_FA
     dsdz = (s[1:,:,:] - s[:-1,:,:])/(diffz3D)
     W_adb = (c.cp*QRAD_tave[:-1,:,:])/(dsdz*3600*24)
     W_diab = W_tave[:-1,:,:] - blockave3D(W_adb, db)
     field_tave = W_diab
 #calculate RH
 elif varname == 'TABS':
     varname = 'RH'
     QV = varis3D['QV'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     QV_tave = np.mean(QV, axis=0)
     TABS = varis3D['TABS'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     TABS_tave = np.mean(TABS, axis=0)
     RH_tave = np.zeros(QV_tave.shape)
     for pi, plev in enumerate(p):
         wsat_tave = 1000*wsat(TABS_tave[pi,:,:], plev) #convert to g/kg
         RH_tave[pi,:,:] = 100*(QV_tave[pi,:,:]/wsat_tave) #convert to percent
     field_tave = RH_tave
     field_tave = blockave3D(field_tave, db)
 elif varname == 'VERTMASSFLUX':
     w = varis3D['W'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     T = varis3D['TABS'][t3-aveperiod3D:t3,:,:,:]
     nt = T.shape[0]
     p3D = np.zeros((ny, nx, nz))
     p3D[:,:,:] = p
     p3D = p3D[:,:,:,np.newaxis]
     p4D = np.tile(p3D,nt)
     p4D = p4D.T
     rho = p4D/(T*c.Rd)
            LWdownb[N-k] = 0
            SWdownt[N-k] = S
            SWdownb[N-k] = 0
            LWupb[k] = LWupt[k-1]
            LWupt[k] = epslw[k]*sig*T[k]**4 + (1-epslw[k])*LWupb[k]
            LWdownt[N-k] = LWdownb[N-k+1]  
            LWdownb[N-k] = epslw[N-k]*sig*T[N-k]**4 + (1-epslw[N-k])*LWdownt[N-k]
            SWdownt[N-k] = SWdownb[N-k+1]
            SWdownb[N-k] = (1-epssw[N-k])*SWdownt[N-k]
    Tslab = T[0]
    Tatm = T[1]     
    #T_BL = np.mean(T[1:BL_index])   
    SH = rho*cp*Ce*V*(Tslab - Tatm) 
    LE = Lv*rho*Ce*V*(wsat(T[0], p_s) - qv[0])
    Q_ocean = 25 #horizontal heat transport by ocean (W m^-2)
    Fnet = LWupb - LWupt + LWdownt - LWdownb + SWdownt - SWdownb 
    Fnet[0] = Fnet[0] - SH - Q_ocean - LE
    Fnet[1] = Fnet[1] + SH + LE
    #distribute the sensible and latent heat evenly (and simultaneously) throughout the boundary layer. 
    #for i in range(1, BL_index):
    #    Fnet[i] = Fnet[i] + (SH)*(delz[i]/delz_BL)
    #    T[i] = T[i] + (deltat*Fnet[i])/(m*cp)
    #T[BL_index:] = T[BL_index:] + (deltat*Fnet[BL_index:])/(m*cp)
    T[1:] = T[1:] + (deltat*Fnet[1:])/(m*cp)
    T[0] = T[0] + (deltat*Fnet[0])/(h*cw*rhow)

    #T = T + (deltat*Fnet)/(m*cp)
Beispiel #18
            LWdownt[N - k] = LWdownb[N - k + 1]
            LWdownb[N - k] = 0
            SWdownt[N - k] = S
            SWdownb[N - k] = 0
            LWupb[k] = LWupt[k - 1]
            LWupt[k] = epslw[k] * sig * T[k]**4 + (1 - epslw[k]) * LWupb[k]
            LWdownt[N - k] = LWdownb[N - k + 1]
            LWdownb[N - k] = epslw[N - k] * sig * T[N - k]**4 + (
                1 - epslw[N - k]) * LWdownt[N - k]
            SWdownt[N - k] = SWdownb[N - k + 1]
            SWdownb[N - k] = (1 - epssw[N - k]) * SWdownt[N - k]

    Tslab = T[0]
    Tatm = T[1]
    qv[0] = wsat(T[0], p_s)
    #the boundary layer temp is the mean temp below delz_BL
    #T_BL = np.mean(T[1:BL_index])
    SH = rho * cp * Ce * V * (Tslab - Tatm)
    qvflux = rho * Ce * V * (qv[0] - qv[1])
    if qvflux < 0:
        qvflux = 0
    LE = Lv * qvflux
    qv[1] = qv[1] + delz[0] * qvflux

    Fnet = LWupb - LWupt + LWdownt - LWdownb + SWdownt - SWdownb
    Fnet[0] = Fnet[0] - SH - LE
    Fnet[1] = Fnet[1] + SH + LE
    #distribute the sensible and latent heat evenly (and simultaneously) throughout the boundary layer.
    #for i in range(1, BL_index):
    #    Fnet[i] = Fnet[i] + (SH + LE)*(delz[i]/delz_BL)
p_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
#T_as = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)

omega_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
w_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
w_ms = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
l_ms = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
T_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
netprecip = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
RH_ms = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
delhs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
massbalance = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
p_LCLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)

q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s) #mixing ratio above sea surface (100% saturated)    
thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0) #theta_e in moist region 
                                            #use surface temperature to get moist adiabat

plevs = np.linspace(50e2, p_s, 1000)    
#Tadb = findTmoist(thetae0, plevs)
omega_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
w_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)

T_out = findT(T_s, p_out)
T_strat = T_out
#T_strat = np.mean(findTmoist(thetae0, np.linspace(95,p_out,50)))
#rho_BL = p_s/(c.Rd*T_BL)
s_surf = c.cpd*T_s #dry static energy at surface

q_FA = wsat(T_out, p_out)
Beispiel #20
def thetaep(Td, T, p):
    thetaep(Td, T, p)

    Calculates the pseudo equivalent potential temperature of a

    - - - - - -
    Td : float
        Dewpoint temperature (K).
    T : float
        Temperature (K).
    p : float
        Pressure (Pa).

    - - - -
    thetaepOut : float
        Pseudo equivalent potential temperature (K).

    - - -
    Note that the pseudo equivalent potential temperature of an air
    parcel is not a conserved variable.

    - - - - - -
    Emanuel 4.7.9 p. 132

    - - - - -
    >>> thetaep(280., 300., 8.e4) # Parcel is unsaturated.
    >>> thetaep(300., 280., 8.e4) # Parcel is saturated.
    c = constants()
    if Td < T:
        #parcel is unsaturated
        [Tlcl, plcl] = LCLfind(Td, T, p)
        wv = wsat(Td, p)
        #parcel is saturated -- prohibit supersaturation with Td > T
        Tlcl = T
        wv = wsat(T, p)

    # $$$   disp('inside theate')
    # $$$   [Td,T,wv]
    thetaval = theta(T, p, wv)
    power = 0.2854 * (1 - 0.28 * wv)
    thetaep = thetaval * np.exp(wv * (1 + 0.81 * wv) \
                                   * (3376. / Tlcl - 2.54))
    # peg this at 450 so rootfinder won't blow up
    #thetaepOut = thetaep
    #if(thetaepOut > 450.):
    #    thetaepOut = 450;
    return thetaep
p_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
#T_as = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)

omega_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
w_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
w_ms = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
l_ms = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
T_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
netprecip = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
RH_ms = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
delhs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
massbalance = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
p_LCLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)

q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s) #mixing ratio above sea surface (100% saturated)    
thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0) #theta_e in moist region 
                                            #use surface temperature to get moist adiabat

plevs = np.linspace(50e2, p_s, 1000)    
#Tadb = findTmoist(thetae0, plevs)
omega_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)
w_BLs = np.zeros(eps_BLss.shape)

#T_out = findT(T_s, p_out)
T_out = findTmoist(thetae0, p_out)
T_strat = T_out
#T_strat = np.mean(findTmoist(thetae0, np.linspace(95,p_out,50)))
#rho_BL = p_s/(c.Rd*T_BL)
s_surf = c.cpd*T_s #dry static energy at surface
def findT(T_s, p):
    zeta = -h*np.log(p/p_s)
    if (zeta < zeta_T):
      T = T_s - gamma_PH*zeta
      T = T_s - gamma_PH*zeta_T
    return T

for i, T_s in enumerate(fs):
    q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s) #mixing ratio above sea surface (100% saturated)
    thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(p_s, T_s, q_sat, 0) #theta_e in moist region 
                                                        #use surface temperature to get moist adiabat
    T_t = findT(T_s, p_t) #temperature of tropopause (outflow region)
    T_BLtop = findT(T_s, p_BL) #temperature of boundary layer top 
    T_BL = (T_s + T_BLtop)/2. #temperature of boundary layer, consistent with well-mixed assumption (linear mixing)
    q_BLsat = wsat(T_BL, (p_s + p_BL)/2.)
    q_BLtopsat = wsat(T_BLtop, p_BL)
    #p_lcl, T_lcl = findLCL0(f*q_sat, p_s, T_BL)
    M_trop = (p_BL - p_t)/g #mass of troposphere in kg m^-2
    M_BL = (p_s - p_BL)/g #mass of boundary layer in kg m^-2
    #delz_BL = ((c.Rd*T_BL)/g)*np.log(p_s/p_BL) #boundary layer thickness (m)
    rho_BLtop = p_BL/(c.Rd*T_BLtop)
Beispiel #23
            SWdownt[N - k] = S
            SWdownb[N - k] = 0
            LWupb[k] = LWupt[k - 1]
            LWupt[k] = epslw[k] * sig * T[k]**4 + (1 - epslw[k]) * LWupb[k]
            LWdownt[N - k] = LWdownb[N - k + 1]
            LWdownb[N - k] = epslw[N - k] * sig * T[N - k]**4 + (
                1 - epslw[N - k]) * LWdownt[N - k]
            SWdownt[N - k] = SWdownb[N - k + 1]
            SWdownb[N - k] = (1 - epssw[N - k]) * SWdownt[N - k]

    Tslab = T[0]
    Tatm = T[1]
    #T_BL = np.mean(T[1:BL_index])
    SH = rho * cp * Ce * V * (Tslab - Tatm)
    LE = Lv * rho * Ce * V * (wsat(T[0], p_s) - qv[0])
    Q_ocean = 25  #horizontal heat transport by ocean (W m^-2)
    Fnet = LWupb - LWupt + LWdownt - LWdownb + SWdownt - SWdownb
    Fnet[0] = Fnet[0] - SH - Q_ocean - LE
    Fnet[1] = Fnet[1] + SH + LE
    #distribute the sensible and latent heat evenly (and simultaneously) throughout the boundary layer.
    #for i in range(1, BL_index):
    #    Fnet[i] = Fnet[i] + (SH)*(delz[i]/delz_BL)
    #    T[i] = T[i] + (deltat*Fnet[i])/(m*cp)
    #T[BL_index:] = T[BL_index:] + (deltat*Fnet[BL_index:])/(m*cp)
    T[1:] = T[1:] + (deltat * Fnet[1:]) / (m * cp)
    T[0] = T[0] + (deltat * Fnet[0]) / (h * cw * rhow)

    #T = T + (deltat*Fnet)/(m*cp)

    #print 'radiative temp. profile', T
    Ps = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    delhs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    delhseff = np.zeros(len(domsizes))
    p_LCLs = np.zeros(len(domsizes))

    for j, domsize in enumerate(domsizes):
        l_d = domsize*1000
        print l_d/1e3
        r = np.linspace(0, l_d, 1e6)
        q_sat = wsat(T_s, p_s) #mixing ratio above sea surface (100% saturated)    
        thetae0 = thermo.theta_e(T_s, p_s, q_sat, 0) #theta_e in moist region 
                                                    #use surface temperature to get moist adiaba
        T_BLtop = findTmoist(thetae0, p_BL) #temperature of boundary layer top 
        T_t = findTmoist(thetae0, p_t) #temperature of tropopause (outflow region)
        #T_BL = (T_s + T_BLtop)/2. #temperature of boundary layer, consistent with well-mixed assumption (linear mixing)
        T_BL = T_s
        q_BLsat = wsat(T_BL, (p_s + p_BL)/2.)
        q_BLtopsat = wsat(T_BLtop, p_BL)
        q_FA = wsat(T_t, p_t) #free troposphere water vapor mixing ratio
        #q_FA = 0.01
        q_FAd = q_FA
Beispiel #25
def thetaep(Td, T, p):
    thetaep(Td, T, p)

    Calculates the pseudo equivalent potential temperature of a

    - - - - - -
    Td : float
        Dewpoint temperature (K).
    T : float
        Temperature (K).
    p : float
        Pressure (Pa).

    - - - -
    thetaepOut : float
        Pseudo equivalent potential temperature (K).

    - - -
    Note that the pseudo equivalent potential temperature of an air
    parcel is not a conserved variable.

    - - - - - -
    Emanuel 4.7.9 p. 132

    - - - - -
    >>> thetaep(280., 300., 8.e4) # Parcel is unsaturated.
    >>> thetaep(300., 280., 8.e4) # Parcel is saturated.
    c = constants();
    if Td < T:
        #parcel is unsaturated
        [Tlcl, plcl] = LCLfind(Td, T, p);
        wv = wsat(Td, p);
        #parcel is saturated -- prohibit supersaturation with Td > T
        Tlcl = T;
        wv = wsat(T, p);
    # $$$   disp('inside theate')
    # $$$   [Td,T,wv]
    thetaval = theta(T, p, wv);
    power = 0.2854 * (1 - 0.28 * wv);
    thetaep = thetaval * np.exp(wv * (1 + 0.81 * wv) \
                                   * (3376. / Tlcl - 2.54));
    # peg this at 450 so rootfinder won't blow up
    if(thetaepOut > 450.):
        thetaepOut = 450;
    return thetaepOut